The Ghent Psychotherapy Study (GPS) on the differential efficacy of supportive-expressive and cognitive behavioral interventions in dependent and self-critical depressive patients: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
Meganck, Reitske, et al. “The Ghent Psychotherapy Study (GPS) on the Differential Efficacy of Supportive-Expressive and Cognitive Behavioral Interventions in Dependent and Self-Critical Depressive Patients: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial.” Trials, vol. 18, Mar. 2017, pp. 1–11. EBSCOhost,
Meganck, R., Desmet, M., Bockting, C., Inslegers, R., Truijens, F., De Smet, M., De Geest, R., Van Nieuwenhove, K., Hennissen, V., Hermans, G., Loeys, T., Norman, U. A., Baeken, C., & Vanheule, S. (2017). The Ghent Psychotherapy Study (GPS) on the differential efficacy of supportive-expressive and cognitive behavioral interventions in dependent and self-critical depressive patients: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 18, 1–11.
Meganck, Reitske, Mattias Desmet, Claudi Bockting, Ruth Inslegers, Femke Truijens, Melissa De Smet, Rosa De Geest, et al. 2017. “The Ghent Psychotherapy Study (GPS) on the Differential Efficacy of Supportive-Expressive and Cognitive Behavioral Interventions in Dependent and Self-Critical Depressive Patients: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial.” Trials 18 (March): 1–11. doi:10.1186/s13063-017-1867-x.