Structure and expression analysis of the gdcsPA and gdcsPB genes encoding two P-isoproteins of the glycine cleavage system from Flaveria pringlei.
Bauwe, Hermann, et al. “Structure and Expression Analysis of the GdcsPA and GdcsPB Genes Encoding Two P-Isoproteins of the Glycine Cleavage System from Flaveria Pringlei.” European Journal of Biochemistry, vol. 234, no. 1, Nov. 1995, pp. 116–24. EBSCOhost,
Bauwe, H., Chu, C., Kopriva, S., & Nan, Q. (1995). Structure and expression analysis of the gdcsPA and gdcsPB genes encoding two P-isoproteins of the glycine cleavage system from Flaveria pringlei. European Journal of Biochemistry, 234(1), 116–124.
Bauwe, Hermann, Chen-cai Chu, Stanislav Kopriva, and Qu Nan. 1995. “Structure and Expression Analysis of the GdcsPA and GdcsPB Genes Encoding Two P-Isoproteins of the Glycine Cleavage System from Flaveria Pringlei.” European Journal of Biochemistry 234 (1): 116–24. doi:10.1111/j.1432-1033.1995.116_c.x.