Autoionization in I and I[sub 2] observed by multiphoton ionization and photoelectron spectroscopy: Two atomic iodine Rydberg series built on the ...5s[sup 2]5p[sup 4] [sup 3]P[sub 1] ion core and revised value for the I[sup +]([sup 3]P[sub 1]) limit.
Gu, Y. Y., et al. “Autoionization in I and I[Sub 2] Observed by Multiphoton Ionization and Photoelectron Spectroscopy: Two Atomic Iodine Rydberg Series Built on the ...5s[Sup 2]5p[Sup 4] [Sup 3]P[Sub 1] Ion Core and Revised Value for the I[Sup +]([Sup 3]P[Sub 1]) Limit.” Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 119, no. 23, Dec. 2003, pp. 12342–50. EBSCOhost,
Gu, Y.-Y., Chojnacki, A. M., zietkiewicz, C. J., Senin, A. A., & Eden, J. G. (2003). Autoionization in I and I[sub 2] observed by multiphoton ionization and photoelectron spectroscopy: Two atomic iodine Rydberg series built on the ...5s[sup 2]5p[sup 4] [sup 3]P[sub 1] ion core and revised value for the I[sup +]([sup 3]P[sub 1]) limit. Journal of Chemical Physics, 119(23), 12342–12350.
Gu, Y.-Y., A. M. Chojnacki, C. J. zietkiewicz, A. A. Senin, and J. G. Eden. 2003. “Autoionization in I and I[Sub 2] Observed by Multiphoton Ionization and Photoelectron Spectroscopy: Two Atomic Iodine Rydberg Series Built on the ...5s[Sup 2]5p[Sup 4] [Sup 3]P[Sub 1] Ion Core and Revised Value for the I[Sup +]([Sup 3]P[Sub 1]) Limit.” Journal of Chemical Physics 119 (23): 12342–50. doi:10.1063/1.1625634.