Experimental analysis and WallDYN simulations of the global nitrogen migration in ASDEX Upgrade L-mode discharges.
G. Meisl, et al. “Experimental Analysis and WallDYN Simulations of the Global Nitrogen Migration in ASDEX Upgrade L-Mode Discharges.” Nuclear Fusion, vol. 56, no. 3, Mar. 2016, p. 1. EBSCOhost,
G. Meisl, K. Schmid, M. Oberkofler, K. Krieger, S.W. Lisgo, L. Aho-Mantila, F. Reimold, T. Lunt, & Team, A. U. (2016). Experimental analysis and WallDYN simulations of the global nitrogen migration in ASDEX Upgrade L-mode discharges. Nuclear Fusion, 56(3), 1.
G. Meisl, K. Schmid, M. Oberkofler, K. Krieger, S.W. Lisgo, L. Aho-Mantila, F. Reimold, T. Lunt, and ASDEX Upgrade Team. 2016. “Experimental Analysis and WallDYN Simulations of the Global Nitrogen Migration in ASDEX Upgrade L-Mode Discharges.” Nuclear Fusion 56 (3): 1. doi:10.1088/0029-5515/56/3/036014.