Effect of six years intensified multifactorial treatment on levels of hs-CRP and adiponectin in patients with screen detected type 2 diabetes: the ADDITION-Netherlands randomized trial.
Ouden, Henk, et al. “Effect of Six Years Intensified Multifactorial Treatment on Levels of Hs-CRP and Adiponectin in Patients with Screen Detected Type 2 Diabetes: The ADDITION-Netherlands Randomized Trial.” Diabetes/Metabolism Research & Reviews, vol. 31, no. 7, Oct. 2015, pp. 758–66. EBSCOhost,
Ouden, H., Berends, J., Stellato, R. K., Beulens, J. W., & Rutten, G. E. H. M. (2015). Effect of six years intensified multifactorial treatment on levels of hs-CRP and adiponectin in patients with screen detected type 2 diabetes: the ADDITION-Netherlands randomized trial. Diabetes/Metabolism Research & Reviews, 31(7), 758–766.
Ouden, Henk, Jacqueline Berends, Rebecca K. Stellato, Joline W. Beulens, and Guy E. H. M. Rutten. 2015. “Effect of Six Years Intensified Multifactorial Treatment on Levels of Hs-CRP and Adiponectin in Patients with Screen Detected Type 2 Diabetes: The ADDITION-Netherlands Randomized Trial.” Diabetes/Metabolism Research & Reviews 31 (7): 758–66. doi:10.1002/dmrr.2669.