[The composition of dietary lipids and the blood coagulation time in the rat].
Jacotot, B., et al. “[The Composition of Dietary Lipids and the Blood Coagulation Time in the Rat].” Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires Des Seances de l’Academie Des Sciences. Serie D: Sciences Naturelles, vol. 280, no. 18, May 1975, pp. 2149–51. EBSCOhost,
Jacotot, B., Rosenstein, H., Claire, M., & Beaumont, J. L. (1975). [The composition of dietary lipids and the blood coagulation time in the rat]. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires Des Seances de l’Academie Des Sciences. Serie D: Sciences Naturelles, 280(18), 2149–2151.
Jacotot, B, H Rosenstein, M Claire, and J L Beaumont. 1975. “[The Composition of Dietary Lipids and the Blood Coagulation Time in the Rat].” Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires Des Seances de l’Academie Des Sciences. Serie D: Sciences Naturelles 280 (18): 2149–51.