[Determining factors of the quality of prescription measured in intrinsic value and its potential use].
Torralba Guirao, M., et al. “[Determining Factors of the Quality of Prescription Measured in Intrinsic Value and Its Potential Use].” Atencion Primaria, vol. 14, no. 9, Nov. 1994, pp. 1069–72. EBSCOhost,
Torralba Guirao, M., Monteserin Nadal, R., González Ares, J. A., Morera Castell, R., Calero García, M. I., Serrasolsas Doménech, R. M., Mota Vidal, C. L., & Pujol Ribo, C. (1994). [Determining factors of the quality of prescription measured in intrinsic value and its potential use]. Atencion Primaria, 14(9), 1069–1072.
Torralba Guirao, M, R Monteserin Nadal, J A González Ares, R Morera Castell, M I Calero García, R M Serrasolsas Doménech, C L Mota Vidal, and C Pujol Ribo. 1994. “[Determining Factors of the Quality of Prescription Measured in Intrinsic Value and Its Potential Use].” Atencion Primaria 14 (9): 1069–72.