Medical comorbidities in bipolar disorder (BIPCOM): clinical validation of risk factors and biomarkers to improve prevention and treatment. Study protocol.
de Girolamo, Giovanni, et al. “Medical Comorbidities in Bipolar Disorder (BIPCOM): Clinical Validation of Risk Factors and Biomarkers to Improve Prevention and Treatment. Study Protocol.” International Journal of Bipolar Disorders, vol. 12, no. 1, May 2024, p. 15. EBSCOhost,
de Girolamo, G., Andreassen, O. A., Bauer, M., Brambilla, P., Calza, S., Citerà, N., Corcoy, R., Fagiolini, A., Garcia-Argibay, M., Godin, O., Klingler, F., Kobayashi, N. F., Larsson, H., Leboyer, M., Matura, S., Martinelli, A., De la Peña-Arteaga, V., Poli, R., Reif, A., … Caselani, E. (2024). Medical comorbidities in bipolar disorder (BIPCOM): clinical validation of risk factors and biomarkers to improve prevention and treatment. Study protocol. International Journal of Bipolar Disorders, 12(1), 15.
de Girolamo, Giovanni, Ole A Andreassen, Michael Bauer, Paolo Brambilla, Stefano Calza, Nicholas Citerà, Rosa Corcoy, et al. 2024. “Medical Comorbidities in Bipolar Disorder (BIPCOM): Clinical Validation of Risk Factors and Biomarkers to Improve Prevention and Treatment. Study Protocol.” International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 12 (1): 15. doi:10.1186/s40345-024-00337-8.