HOPX-associated molecular programs control cardiomyocyte cell states underpinning cardiac structure and function.
Friedman, Clayton E., et al. “HOPX-Associated Molecular Programs Control Cardiomyocyte Cell States Underpinning Cardiac Structure and Function.” Developmental Cell, vol. 59, no. 1, Jan. 2024, p. 91. EBSCOhost,
Friedman, C. E., Cheetham, S. W., Negi, S., Mills, R. J., Ogawa, M., Redd, M. A., Chiu, H. S., Shen, S., Sun, Y., Mizikovsky, D., Bouveret, R., Chen, X., Voges, H. K., Paterson, S., De Angelis, J. E., Andersen, S. B., Cao, Y., Wu, Y., Jafrani, Y. M. A., … Palpant, N. J. (2024). HOPX-associated molecular programs control cardiomyocyte cell states underpinning cardiac structure and function. Developmental Cell, 59(1), 91.
Friedman, Clayton E, Seth W Cheetham, Sumedha Negi, Richard J Mills, Masahito Ogawa, Meredith A Redd, Han Sheng Chiu, et al. 2024. “HOPX-Associated Molecular Programs Control Cardiomyocyte Cell States Underpinning Cardiac Structure and Function.” Developmental Cell 59 (1): 91. doi:10.1016/j.devcel.2023.11.012.