Epigenetically controlled tumor antigens derived from splice junctions between exons and transposable elements.
Burbage, Marianne, et al. “Epigenetically Controlled Tumor Antigens Derived from Splice Junctions between Exons and Transposable Elements.” Science Immunology, vol. 8, no. 80, Feb. 2023, p. eabm6360. EBSCOhost,
Burbage, M., Rocañín-Arjó, A., Baudon, B., Arribas, Y. A., Merlotti, A., Rookhuizen, D. C., Heurtebise-Chrétien, S., Ye, M., Houy, A., Burgdorf, N., Suarez, G., Gros, M., Sadacca, B., Carrascal, M., Garmilla, A., Bohec, M., Baulande, S., Lombard, B., Loew, D., … Amigorena, S. (2023). Epigenetically controlled tumor antigens derived from splice junctions between exons and transposable elements. Science Immunology, 8(80), eabm6360.
Burbage, Marianne, Ares Rocañín-Arjó, Blandine Baudon, Yago A Arribas, Antonela Merlotti, Derek C Rookhuizen, Sandrine Heurtebise-Chrétien, et al. 2023. “Epigenetically Controlled Tumor Antigens Derived from Splice Junctions between Exons and Transposable Elements.” Science Immunology 8 (80): eabm6360. doi:10.1126/sciimmunol.abm6360.