Correction: Brochet et al. A Quantitative Comparison between Shannon and Tsallis-Havrda-Charvat Entropies Applied to Cancer Outcome Prediction. Entropy 2022, 24 , 436.
Brochet, Thibaud, et al. “Correction: Brochet et Al. A Quantitative Comparison between Shannon and Tsallis-Havrda-Charvat Entropies Applied to Cancer Outcome Prediction. Entropy 2022, 24 , 436.” Entropy (Basel, Switzerland), vol. 24, no. 5, May 2022. EBSCOhost,
Brochet, T., Lapuyade-Lahorgue, J., Huat, A., Thureau, S., Pasquier, D., Gardin, I., Modzelewski, R., Gibon, D., Thariat, J., Grégoire, V., Vera, P., & Ruan, S. (2022). Correction: Brochet et al. A Quantitative Comparison between Shannon and Tsallis-Havrda-Charvat Entropies Applied to Cancer Outcome Prediction. Entropy 2022, 24 , 436. Entropy (Basel, Switzerland), 24(5).
Brochet, Thibaud, Jérôme Lapuyade-Lahorgue, Alexandre Huat, Sébastien Thureau, David Pasquier, Isabelle Gardin, Romain Modzelewski, et al. 2022. “Correction: Brochet et Al. A Quantitative Comparison between Shannon and Tsallis-Havrda-Charvat Entropies Applied to Cancer Outcome Prediction. Entropy 2022, 24 , 436.” Entropy (Basel, Switzerland) 24 (5). doi:10.3390/e24050685.