Novel Heteroleptic Tin(II) Complexes Capable of Forming SnO and SnO 2 Thin Films Depending on Conditions Using Chemical Solution Deposition.
Han, Seong Ho, et al. “Novel Heteroleptic Tin(II) Complexes Capable of Forming SnO and SnO 2 Thin Films Depending on Conditions Using Chemical Solution Deposition.” ACS Omega, vol. 7, no. 1, Dec. 2021, pp. 1232–43. EBSCOhost,
Han, S. H., Agbenyeke, R. E., Lee, G. Y., Park, B. K., Kim, C. G., Eom, T., Son, S. U., Han, J. H., Ryu, J. Y., & Chung, T.-M. (2021). Novel Heteroleptic Tin(II) Complexes Capable of Forming SnO and SnO 2 Thin Films Depending on Conditions Using Chemical Solution Deposition. ACS Omega, 7(1), 1232–1243.
Han, Seong Ho, Raphael Edem Agbenyeke, Ga Yeon Lee, Bo Keun Park, Chang Gyoun Kim, Taeyong Eom, Seung Uk Son, Jeong Hwan Han, Ji Yeon Ryu, and Taek-Mo Chung. 2021. “Novel Heteroleptic Tin(II) Complexes Capable of Forming SnO and SnO 2 Thin Films Depending on Conditions Using Chemical Solution Deposition.” ACS Omega 7 (1): 1232–43. doi:10.1021/acsomega.1c05744.