Novel Approach to Risk Stratification in Left Ventricular Non-Compaction Using A Combined Cardiac Imaging and Plasma Biomarker Approach.
Ramchand, Jay, et al. “Novel Approach to Risk Stratification in Left Ventricular Non-Compaction Using A Combined Cardiac Imaging and Plasma Biomarker Approach.” Journal of the American Heart Association, vol. 10, no. 8, Apr. 2021, p. e019209. EBSCOhost,
Ramchand, J., Podugu, P., Obuchowski, N., Harb, S. C., Chetrit, M., Milinovich, A., Griffin, B., Burrell, L. M., Wilson Tang, W. H., Kwon, D. H., & Flamm, S. D. (2021). Novel Approach to Risk Stratification in Left Ventricular Non-Compaction Using A Combined Cardiac Imaging and Plasma Biomarker Approach. Journal of the American Heart Association, 10(8), e019209.
Ramchand, Jay, Pooja Podugu, Nancy Obuchowski, Serge C Harb, Michael Chetrit, Alex Milinovich, Brian Griffin, et al. 2021. “Novel Approach to Risk Stratification in Left Ventricular Non-Compaction Using A Combined Cardiac Imaging and Plasma Biomarker Approach.” Journal of the American Heart Association 10 (8): e019209. doi:10.1161/JAHA.120.019209.