A novel sustained-release cysteamine bitartrate formulation for the treatment of cystinosis: Pharmacokinetics and safety in healthy male volunteers.
Berends, Cécile L., et al. “A Novel Sustained-Release Cysteamine Bitartrate Formulation for the Treatment of Cystinosis: Pharmacokinetics and Safety in Healthy Male Volunteers.” Pharmacology Research & Perspectives, vol. 9, no. 2, Apr. 2021, p. e00739. EBSCOhost,
Berends, C. L., Pagan, L., van Esdonk, M. J., Klarenbeek, N. B., Bergmann, K. R., Moerland, M., van der Wel, V., de Visser, S. J., Büller, H., de Loos, F., de Vries, W. S., Waals, H., de Leede, L. G. J., Burggraaf, J., & Kamerling, I. M. C. (2021). A novel sustained-release cysteamine bitartrate formulation for the treatment of cystinosis: Pharmacokinetics and safety in healthy male volunteers. Pharmacology Research & Perspectives, 9(2), e00739.
Berends, Cécile L, Lisa Pagan, Michiel J van Esdonk, Naomi B Klarenbeek, Kirsten R Bergmann, Matthijs Moerland, Vincent van der Wel, et al. 2021. “A Novel Sustained-Release Cysteamine Bitartrate Formulation for the Treatment of Cystinosis: Pharmacokinetics and Safety in Healthy Male Volunteers.” Pharmacology Research & Perspectives 9 (2): e00739. doi:10.1002/prp2.739.