PORTEC-4a: international randomized trial of molecular profile-based adjuvant treatment for women with high-intermediate risk endometrial cancer.
van den Heerik, Anne Sophie V. M., et al. “PORTEC-4a: International Randomized Trial of Molecular Profile-Based Adjuvant Treatment for Women with High-Intermediate Risk Endometrial Cancer.” International Journal of Gynecological Cancer : Official Journal of the International Gynecological Cancer Society, vol. 30, no. 12, Dec. 2020, pp. 2002–07. EBSCOhost,
van den Heerik, A. S. V. M., Horeweg, N., Nout, R. A., Lutgens, L. C. H. W., van der Steen-Banasik, E. M., Westerveld, G. H., van den Berg, H. A., Slot, A., Koppe, F. L. A., Kommoss, S., Mens, J. W. M., Nowee, M. E., Bijmolt, S., Cibula, D., Stam, T. C., Jurgenliemk-Schulz, I. M., Snyers, A., Hamann, M., Zwanenburg, A. G., … Creutzberg, C. L. (2020). PORTEC-4a: international randomized trial of molecular profile-based adjuvant treatment for women with high-intermediate risk endometrial cancer. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer : Official Journal of the International Gynecological Cancer Society, 30(12), 2002–2007.
van den Heerik, Anne Sophie V M, Nanda Horeweg, Remi A Nout, Ludy C H W Lutgens, Elzbieta M van der Steen-Banasik, G Henrike Westerveld, Hetty A van den Berg, et al. 2020. “PORTEC-4a: International Randomized Trial of Molecular Profile-Based Adjuvant Treatment for Women with High-Intermediate Risk Endometrial Cancer.” International Journal of Gynecological Cancer : Official Journal of the International Gynecological Cancer Society 30 (12): 2002–7. doi:10.1136/ijgc-2020-001929.