Hippo Signaling Pathway Has a Critical Role in Zika Virus Replication and in the Pathogenesis of Neuroinflammation.
Garcia, Gustavo, Jr, et al. “Hippo Signaling Pathway Has a Critical Role in Zika Virus Replication and in the Pathogenesis of Neuroinflammation.” The American Journal of Pathology, vol. 190, no. 4, Apr. 2020, pp. 844–61. EBSCOhost,
Garcia, G., Jr, Paul, S., Beshara, S., Ramanujan, V. K., Ramaiah, A., Nielsen-Saines, K., Li, M. M. H., French, S. W., Morizono, K., Kumar, A., & Arumugaswami, V. (2020). Hippo Signaling Pathway Has a Critical Role in Zika Virus Replication and in the Pathogenesis of Neuroinflammation. The American Journal of Pathology, 190(4), 844–861.
Garcia, Gustavo, Jr, Sayan Paul, Sara Beshara, V Krishnan Ramanujan, Arunachalam Ramaiah, Karin Nielsen-Saines, Melody M H Li, et al. 2020. “Hippo Signaling Pathway Has a Critical Role in Zika Virus Replication and in the Pathogenesis of Neuroinflammation.” The American Journal of Pathology 190 (4): 844–61. doi:10.1016/j.ajpath.2019.12.005.