The Influence of Maternal-Foetal Parameters on Concentrations of Zonulin and Calprotectin in the Blood and Stool of Healthy Newborns during the First Seven Days of Life. An Observational Prospective Cohort Study.
Łoniewska, Beata, et al. “The Influence of Maternal-Foetal Parameters on Concentrations of Zonulin and Calprotectin in the Blood and Stool of Healthy Newborns during the First Seven Days of Life. An Observational Prospective Cohort Study.” Journal of Clinical Medicine, vol. 8, no. 4, Apr. 2019. EBSCOhost,
Łoniewska, B., Węgrzyn, D., Adamek, K., Kaczmarczyk, M., Skonieczna-Żydecka, K., Adler, G., Jankowska, A., Uzar, I., Kordek, A., Celewicz, M., & Łoniewski, I. (2019). The Influence of Maternal-Foetal Parameters on Concentrations of Zonulin and Calprotectin in the Blood and Stool of Healthy Newborns during the First Seven Days of Life. An Observational Prospective Cohort Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 8(4).
Łoniewska, Beata, Dagmara Węgrzyn, Karolina Adamek, Mariusz Kaczmarczyk, Karolina Skonieczna-Żydecka, Grażyna Adler, Agata Jankowska, et al. 2019. “The Influence of Maternal-Foetal Parameters on Concentrations of Zonulin and Calprotectin in the Blood and Stool of Healthy Newborns during the First Seven Days of Life. An Observational Prospective Cohort Study.” Journal of Clinical Medicine 8 (4). doi:10.3390/jcm8040473.