Dynamic and Irregular Distribution of RyR2 Clusters in the Periphery of Live Ventricular Myocytes.
Hiess, Florian, et al. “Dynamic and Irregular Distribution of RyR2 Clusters in the Periphery of Live Ventricular Myocytes.” Biophysical Journal, vol. 114, no. 2, Jan. 2018, pp. 343–54. EBSCOhost,
Hiess, F., Detampel, P., Nolla-Colomer, C., Vallmitjana, A., Ganguly, A., Amrein, M., Ter Keurs, H. E. D. J., Benítez, R., Hove-Madsen, L., & Chen, S. R. W. (2018). Dynamic and Irregular Distribution of RyR2 Clusters in the Periphery of Live Ventricular Myocytes. Biophysical Journal, 114(2), 343–354.
Hiess, Florian, Pascal Detampel, Carme Nolla-Colomer, Alex Vallmitjana, Anutosh Ganguly, Matthias Amrein, Henk E D J Ter Keurs, Raul Benítez, Leif Hove-Madsen, and S R Wayne Chen. 2018. “Dynamic and Irregular Distribution of RyR2 Clusters in the Periphery of Live Ventricular Myocytes.” Biophysical Journal 114 (2): 343–54. doi:10.1016/j.bpj.2017.11.026.