Hypothalamic sonic hedgehog is required for cell specification and proliferation of LHX3/LHX4 pituitary embryonic precursors.
Carreno, Gabriela, et al. “Hypothalamic Sonic Hedgehog Is Required for Cell Specification and Proliferation of LHX3/LHX4 Pituitary Embryonic Precursors.” Development (Cambridge, England), vol. 144, no. 18, Sept. 2017, pp. 3289–302. EBSCOhost,
Carreno, G., Apps, J. R., Lodge, E. J., Panousopoulos, L., Haston, S., Gonzalez-Meljem, J. M., Hahn, H., Andoniadou, C. L., & Martinez-Barbera, J. P. (2017). Hypothalamic sonic hedgehog is required for cell specification and proliferation of LHX3/LHX4 pituitary embryonic precursors. Development (Cambridge, England), 144(18), 3289–3302.
Carreno, Gabriela, John R Apps, Emily J Lodge, Leonidas Panousopoulos, Scott Haston, Jose Mario Gonzalez-Meljem, Heidi Hahn, Cynthia L Andoniadou, and Juan Pedro Martinez-Barbera. 2017. “Hypothalamic Sonic Hedgehog Is Required for Cell Specification and Proliferation of LHX3/LHX4 Pituitary Embryonic Precursors.” Development (Cambridge, England) 144 (18): 3289–3302. doi:10.1242/dev.153387.