Surface Plasmon Resonance Investigations of Bioselective Element Based on the Recombinant Protein A for Immunoglobulin Detection.
Bakhmachuk, A., et al. “Surface Plasmon Resonance Investigations of Bioselective Element Based on the Recombinant Protein A for Immunoglobulin Detection.” Nanoscale Research Letters, vol. 12, no. 1, Dec. 2017, p. 112. EBSCOhost,
Bakhmachuk, A., Gorbatiuk, O., Rachkov, A., Dons’koi, B., Khristosenko, R., Ushenin, I., Peshkova, V., & Soldatkin, A. (2017). Surface Plasmon Resonance Investigations of Bioselective Element Based on the Recombinant Protein A for Immunoglobulin Detection. Nanoscale Research Letters, 12(1), 112.
Bakhmachuk, A, O Gorbatiuk, A Rachkov, B Dons’koi, R Khristosenko, I Ushenin, V Peshkova, and A Soldatkin. 2017. “Surface Plasmon Resonance Investigations of Bioselective Element Based on the Recombinant Protein A for Immunoglobulin Detection.” Nanoscale Research Letters 12 (1): 112. doi:10.1186/s11671-017-1903-5.