Stacking denoising auto-encoders in a deep network to segment the brainstem on MRI in brain cancer patients: A clinical study.
Dolz, Jose, et al. “Stacking Denoising Auto-Encoders in a Deep Network to Segment the Brainstem on MRI in Brain Cancer Patients: A Clinical Study.” Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics : The Official Journal of the Computerized Medical Imaging Society, vol. 52, Sept. 2016, pp. 8–18. EBSCOhost,
Dolz, J., Betrouni, N., Quidet, M., Kharroubi, D., Leroy, H. A., Reyns, N., Massoptier, L., & Vermandel, M. (2016). Stacking denoising auto-encoders in a deep network to segment the brainstem on MRI in brain cancer patients: A clinical study. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics : The Official Journal of the Computerized Medical Imaging Society, 52, 8–18.
Dolz, Jose, Nacim Betrouni, Mathilde Quidet, Dris Kharroubi, Henri A Leroy, Nicolas Reyns, Laurent Massoptier, and Maximilien Vermandel. 2016. “Stacking Denoising Auto-Encoders in a Deep Network to Segment the Brainstem on MRI in Brain Cancer Patients: A Clinical Study.” Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics : The Official Journal of the Computerized Medical Imaging Society 52 (September): 8–18. doi:10.1016/j.compmedimag.2016.03.003.