Dynamic regulation of neutrophil polarity and migration by the heterotrimeric G protein subunits Gαi-GTP and Gβγ.
Surve, Chinmay R., et al. “Dynamic Regulation of Neutrophil Polarity and Migration by the Heterotrimeric G Protein Subunits Gαi-GTP and Gβγ.” Science Signaling, vol. 9, no. 416, Feb. 2016, p. ra22. EBSCOhost,
Surve, C. R., To, J. Y., Malik, S., Kim, M., & Smrcka, A. V. (2016). Dynamic regulation of neutrophil polarity and migration by the heterotrimeric G protein subunits Gαi-GTP and Gβγ. Science Signaling, 9(416), ra22.
Surve, Chinmay R, Jesi Y To, Sundeep Malik, Minsoo Kim, and Alan V Smrcka. 2016. “Dynamic Regulation of Neutrophil Polarity and Migration by the Heterotrimeric G Protein Subunits Gαi-GTP and Gβγ.” Science Signaling 9 (416): ra22. doi:10.1126/scisignal.aad8163.