Transpulmonary hypothermia: a novel method of rapid brain cooling through augmented heat extraction from the lungs.
Kumar, Matthew M., et al. “Transpulmonary Hypothermia: A Novel Method of Rapid Brain Cooling through Augmented Heat Extraction from the Lungs.” Resuscitation, vol. 85, no. 10, Oct. 2014, pp. 1405–10. EBSCOhost,
Kumar, M. M., Goldberg, A. D., Kashiouris, M., Keenan, L. R., Rabinstein, A. A., Afessa, B., Johnson, L. D., Atkinson, J. L. D., & Nayagam, V. (2014). Transpulmonary hypothermia: a novel method of rapid brain cooling through augmented heat extraction from the lungs. Resuscitation, 85(10), 1405–1410.
Kumar, Matthew M, Andrew D Goldberg, Markos Kashiouris, Lawrence R Keenan, Alejandro A Rabinstein, Bekele Afessa, Larry D Johnson, John L D Atkinson, and Vedha Nayagam. 2014. “Transpulmonary Hypothermia: A Novel Method of Rapid Brain Cooling through Augmented Heat Extraction from the Lungs.” Resuscitation 85 (10): 1405–10. doi:10.1016/j.resuscitation.2014.05.041.