[Comparative efficacy of conservative and invasive treatment of patients with stable form of ischemic heart disease (according to results of five year prospective study)].
Komarov, A. L., et al. “[Comparative Efficacy of Conservative and Invasive Treatment of Patients with Stable Form of Ischemic Heart Disease (According to Results of Five Year Prospective Study)].” Kardiologiia, vol. 52, no. 8, 2012, pp. 4–14. EBSCOhost,
Komarov, A. L., Iliushenko, T. A., Shakhmatova, O. O., Deev, A. D., Samko, A. N., & Panchenko, E. P. (2012). [Comparative efficacy of conservative and invasive treatment of patients with stable form of ischemic heart disease (according to results of five year prospective study)]. Kardiologiia, 52(8), 4–14.
Komarov, A L, T A Iliushenko, O O Shakhmatova, A D Deev, A N Samko, and E P Panchenko. 2012. “[Comparative Efficacy of Conservative and Invasive Treatment of Patients with Stable Form of Ischemic Heart Disease (According to Results of Five Year Prospective Study)].” Kardiologiia 52 (8): 4–14.