Fine-tuning the fruit-tracking hypothesis: spatiotemporal links between fruit availability and fruit consumption by birds in Andean mountain forests.
Blendinger, Pedro G., et al. “Fine-Tuning the Fruit-Tracking Hypothesis: Spatiotemporal Links between Fruit Availability and Fruit Consumption by Birds in Andean Mountain Forests.” The Journal of Animal Ecology, vol. 81, no. 6, Nov. 2012, pp. 1298–310. EBSCOhost,
Blendinger, P. G., Ruggera, R. A., Núñez Montellano, M. G., Macchi, L., Zelaya, P. V., Álvarez, M. E., Martín, E., Acosta, O. O., Sánchez, R., & Haedo, J. (2012). Fine-tuning the fruit-tracking hypothesis: spatiotemporal links between fruit availability and fruit consumption by birds in Andean mountain forests. The Journal of Animal Ecology, 81(6), 1298–1310.
Blendinger, Pedro G, Román A Ruggera, M Gabriela Núñez Montellano, Leandro Macchi, Patricia V Zelaya, M Eva Álvarez, Eduardo Martín, Oriana Osinaga Acosta, Rocío Sánchez, and Josefina Haedo. 2012. “Fine-Tuning the Fruit-Tracking Hypothesis: Spatiotemporal Links between Fruit Availability and Fruit Consumption by Birds in Andean Mountain Forests.” The Journal of Animal Ecology 81 (6): 1298–1310. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2656.2012.02011.x.