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[Independent multiple primary tumors and second primary neoplasms. Relationship between smoking].

Authors :
las Heras Alonso MM
Gelabert Mas A
Source :
Actas urologicas espanolas [Actas Urol Esp] 2010 Jun; Vol. 34 (6), pp. 516-21.
Publication Year :


Multiple primary tumors and second primary neoplasms have been increasing in incidence in recent decades and are reviewed in this paper. The reasons attributed to this significant increase are fundamentalment the best diagnosis of multiple concurrent cases and increased overall survival of patients diagnosed with cancer, allowing surface new primary tumors in other organs during or after standard monitoring. At the same time are invoked as possible causes of the widespread use of radio and chemotherapy for the first tumor. The genitourinary system is frequently involved in cases of multiple neoplasms; urological organs are one of the few settlement sites of primary tumors in almost a quarter of cases. This suggests a susceptibility/genitourinary system increased target for neoplastic disease. For this same reason, the urologist has a fundamental role in managing these patients and especially to follow up. We believe that the concept of clinical monitoring of this subset of patients should be revised, and should entail a screening of the most common second primary neoplasms since the risk of developing a subsequent independent cancer after presenting a urothelial tumor is considerably increased.


Language :
Spanish; Castilian
Volume :
Issue :
Database :
Journal :
Actas urologicas espanolas
Publication Type :
Academic Journal
Accession number :