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Limits for the central production of Theta+ and Xi(--)pentaquarks in 920-GeV pA collisions.

Authors :
Abt I
Adams M
Agari M
Albrecht H
Aleksandrov A
Amaral V
Amorim A
Aplin SJ
Aushev V
Bagaturia Y
Balagura V
Bargiotti M
Barsukova O
Bastos J
Batista J
Bauer C
Bauer TS
Belkov A
Belkov A
Belotelov I
Bertin A
Bobchenko B
Böcker M
Bogatyrev A
Bohm G
Bräuer M
Bruinsma M
Bruschi M
Buchholz P
Buran T
Carvalho J
Conde P
Cruse C
Dam M
Danielsen KM
Danilov M
Castro SD
Deppe H
Dong X
Dreis HB
Egorytchev V
Ehret K
Eisele F
Emeliyanov D
Essenov S
Fabbri L
Faccioli P
Feuerstack-Raible M
Flammer J
Fominykh B
Funcke M
Garrido L
Giacobbe B
Gläss J
Goloubkov D
Golubkov Y
Golutvin A
Golutvin I
Gorbounov I
Gorisek A
Gouchtchine O
Goulart DC
Gradl S
Gradl W
Grimaldi F
Groth-Jensen J
Guilitsky Y
Hansen JD
Hernández JM
Hofmann W
Hott T
Hulsbergen W
Husemann U
Igonkina O
Ispiryan M
Jagla T
Jiang C
Kapitza H
Karabekyan S
Karpenko N
Keller S
Kessler J
Khasanov F
Kiryushin Y
Klinkby E
Knöpfle KT
Kolanoski H
Korpar S
Krauss C
Kreuzer P
Krizan P
Krücker D
Kupper S
Kvaratskheliia T
Lanyov A
Lau K
Lewendel B
Lohse T
Lomonosov B
Männer R
Masciocchi S
Massa I
Matchikhilian I
Medin G
Medinnis M
Mevius M
Michetti A
Mikhailov Y
Mizuk R
Muresan R
Zur Nedden M
Negodaev M
Nörenberg M
Nowak S
Núñez Pardo de Vera MT
Ouchrif M
Ould-Saada F
Padilla C
Peralta D
Pernack R
Pestotnik R
Piccinini M
Pleier MA
Poli M
Popov V
Pose A
Pose D
Prystupa S
Pugatch V
Pylypchenko Y
Pyrlik J
Reeves K
Ressing D
Rick H
Riu I
Robmann P
Rostovtseva I
Rybnikov V
Sánchez F
Sbrizzi A
Schmelling M
Schmidt B
Schreiner A
Schröder H
Schwartz AJ
Schwarz AS
Schwenninger B
Schwingenheuer B
Sciacca F
Semprini-Cesari N
Shuvalov S
Silva L
Smirnov K
Sözüer L
Solunin S
Somov A
Somov S
Spengler J
Spighi R
Spiridonov A
Stanovnik A
Staric M
Stegmann C
Subramania HS
Symalla M
Tikhomirov I
Titov M
Tsakov I
Uwer U
van Eldik C
Vassiliev Y
Villa M
Vitale A
Vukotic I
Wahlberg H
Walenta AH
Walter M
Wang JJ
Wegener D
Werthenbach U
Wolters H
Wurth R
Wurz A
Zaitsev Y
Zavertyaev M
Zech G
Zeuner T
Zhelezov A
Zheng Z
Zimmermann R
Zivko T
Zoccoli A
Source :
Physical review letters [Phys Rev Lett] 2004 Nov 19; Vol. 93 (21), pp. 212003. Date of Electronic Publication: 2004 Nov 18.
Publication Year :


We have searched for Theta+(1540) and Xi(--)(1862) pentaquark candidates in proton-induced reactions on C, Ti, and W targets at midrapidity and square root of s = 41.6 GeV. In 2 x 10(8) inelastic events we find no evidence for narrow (sigma approximately 5 MeV) signals in the Theta+ --> pK0(S) and Xi(--) --> Xi- pi- channels; our 95% C.L. upper limits (UL) for the inclusive production cross section times branching fraction B dsigma/dy/(y approximately 0) are (4-16) mub/N for a Theta+ mass between 1521 and 1555 MeV, and 2.5 mub/N for the Xi(--). The UL of the yield ratio of Theta+/Lambda(1520) < (3-12)% is significantly lower than model predictions. Our UL of B Xi(--)/Xi(1530)0 < 4% is at variance with the results that have provided the first evidence for the Xi(--).


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Journal :
Physical review letters
Publication Type :
Academic Journal
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