Identification of a member of a new RNase a family specifically secreted by epididymal caput epithelium.
Castella, Sandrine, et al. “Identification of a Member of a New RNase a Family Specifically Secreted by Epididymal Caput Epithelium.” Biology of Reproduction, vol. 70, no. 2, Feb. 2004, pp. 319–28. EBSCOhost,
Castella, S., Fouchécourt, S., Teixeira-Gomes, A. P., Vinh, J., Belghazi, M., Dacheux, F., & Dacheux, J.-L. (2004). Identification of a member of a new RNase a family specifically secreted by epididymal caput epithelium. Biology of Reproduction, 70(2), 319–328.
Castella, Sandrine, Sophie Fouchécourt, Ana Paula Teixeira-Gomes, Joëlle Vinh, Maya Belghazi, Françoise Dacheux, and Jean-Louis Dacheux. 2004. “Identification of a Member of a New RNase a Family Specifically Secreted by Epididymal Caput Epithelium.” Biology of Reproduction 70 (2): 319–28. doi:10.1095/biolreprod.103.022459.