Observation of B --> K(+/-) pi(0) and B --> (K)0 pi(0), and evidence for B --> pi(+)pi(-).
Cronin-Hennessey, D., et al. “Observation of B --> K(+/-) Pi(0) and B --> (K)0 Pi(0), and Evidence for B --> Pi(+)Pi(-).” Physical Review Letters, vol. 85, no. 3, July 2000, pp. 515–19. EBSCOhost,
Cronin-Hennessey, D., Kwon, Y., Lyon, A. L., Thorndike, E. H., Jessop, C. P., Mariske, H., Perl, M. L., Savinov, V., Ugolini, D., Zhou, X., Coan, T. E., Fadeyez, V., Maravin, Y., Narsky, I., Stroynowski, R., Ye, J., Wlodek, T., Artuso, M., Ayad, R., … Sharma, V. (2000). Observation of B --> K(+/-) pi(0) and B --> (K)0 pi(0), and evidence for B --> pi(+)pi(-). Physical Review Letters, 85(3), 515–519.
Cronin-Hennessey, D, Y Kwon, A L Lyon, E H Thorndike, C P Jessop, H Mariske, M L Perl, et al. 2000. “Observation of B --> K(+/-) Pi(0) and B --> (K)0 Pi(0), and Evidence for B --> Pi(+)Pi(-).” Physical Review Letters 85 (3): 515–19. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.85.515.