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Introduction to social neuroscience.

Authors :
Cacioppo, Stephanie
Cacioppo, John T.
Publication Year :


Summary: "Humans, like many other animals, are highly social species. But what exactly makes us social? How do our biological systems implement social behavior? And, in turn, how do these social processes impact our brain and biology? These are the questions that define the young field of social neuroscience, a field that combines the study of animal models and humans in order to understand the neural, hormonal, cellular, and genomic mechanisms underlying social processes and behaviors such as imitation, loneliness, empathy, and cooperation. Intended for advanced undergraduates and graduate students, this is the first textbook to provide a synthetic approach to social neuroscience. Here, students and scholars are introduced to the field by examining a growing body of evidence that shows that the nervous system cannot be understood without consideration of the social environments in which humans and many animal species live. The first three chapters introduce readers to the neurological basis for social behavior and the concept of the social brain. Chapters four through six discuss how mental states are communicated between people. And chapters seven through nine cover the neural roots of social interactions and group thought patterns. Ultimately, this book demonstrates how the brain mediates social behaviour and provides a foundational textbook for this nascent field"-- Provided by publisher.


Language :
9780691167275 (hbk)
Database :
Jio Institute Digital Library Catalog
Journal :
Introduction to social neuroscience / by Stephanie Cacioppo and John T. Cacioppo.
Notes :
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Publication Type :
Accession number :
Document Type :
Bibliographies; Non-fiction