The CEBAF large acceptance spectrometer (CLAS)
Mecking, B. A., et al. “The CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS).” Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol. 503, no. 3, May 2003, p. 513. EBSCOhost,
Mecking, B. A., Adams, G., Ahmad, S., Anciant, E., Anghinolfi, M., Asavapibhop, B., Asryan, G., Audit, G., Auger, T., Avakian, H., Ball, J. P., Barbosa, F. J., Barrow, S., Battaglieri, M., Beard, K., Berman, B. L., Bianchi, N., Boiarinov, S., Bonneau, P., & Briscoe, W. J. (2003). The CEBAF large acceptance spectrometer (CLAS). Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A, 503(3), 513.
Mecking, B.A., G. Adams, S. Ahmad, E. Anciant, M. Anghinolfi, B. Asavapibhop, G. Asryan, et al. 2003. “The CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS).” Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A 503 (3): 513. doi:10.1016/S0168-9002(03)01001-5.