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The China-India Relations: Protracted Conflict or Growing Cooperation?

Authors :
Islam, A. K. M. Khairul
Source :
Conference Papers -- Southern Political Science Association. 2009 Annual Meeting, p1-25. 26p. 2 Charts.
Publication Year :


Abstract: Asian balance of power is changing rapidly due to rapid and simultaneous rise of the two Asian powers, China and India. Both countries have great power ambition and potentiality. They have more than one billion people, huge and rising economy, and growing military, industrial, and scientific capabilities. Their large geographical size and geo-strategic location also make them key actors in Asian politics. Future Asian security, stability and peace will absolutely depend on the relationship between these two countries. The question is: how these two countries have been engaging with one another since the end of the Cold War? What factors influencing their relations? This paper discusses these two questions. The paper is divided into the following sections: section one looks at the brief history of the relationship; section two discusses positive aspects of their relationship; section three examines negative aspects of their future relationship; and last section synthesizes the paper and makes a conclusion.Key Words: China, India, Sino-Indian relations, Asian balance of power, peace, and stability. ..PAT.-Unpublished Manuscript [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]


Language :
Database :
Academic Search Index
Journal :
Conference Papers -- Southern Political Science Association
Publication Type :
Accession number :