Zooming in the plastisphere: the ecological interface for phytoplankton–plastic interactions in aquatic ecosystems.
Nava, Veronica, et al. “Zooming in the Plastisphere: The Ecological Interface for Phytoplankton–plastic Interactions in Aquatic Ecosystems.” Biological Reviews, Nov. 2024, p. 1. EBSCOhost,
Nava, V., Dar, J. Y., De Santis, V., Fehlinger, L., Pasqualini, J., Adekolurejo, O. A., Burri, B., Cabrerizo, M. J., Chonova, T., Cour, M., Dory, F., Drost, A. M., Figler, A., Gionchetta, G., Halabowski, D., Harvey, D. R., Manzanares, V. V., Misteli, B., Mori, B. L., & Moser, V. (2024). Zooming in the plastisphere: the ecological interface for phytoplankton–plastic interactions in aquatic ecosystems. Biological Reviews, 1.
Nava, Veronica, Jaffer Y. Dar, Vanessa De Santis, Lena Fehlinger, Julia Pasqualini, Oloyede A. Adekolurejo, Bryan Burri, et al. 2024. “Zooming in the Plastisphere: The Ecological Interface for Phytoplankton–plastic Interactions in Aquatic Ecosystems.” Biological Reviews, November, 1. doi:10.1111/brv.13164.