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In Vitro comparison of the antibacterial efficacy of two intracanal medications calcium hydroxide and chitosan.

Authors :
Bello-Márquez, Ocaydi
Source :
Revista de Sanidad Militar. ene-mar2024, Vol. 78 Issue 1, p1-11. 11p.
Publication Year :


Objective: determine which of these intracanal medications (calcium hydroxide, chitosan, and calcium hydroxide+chitosan), shows more antibacterial effect on the sensitivity of Enterococcus faecalis bacterium. Methodology: an in vitro study was carried out using the antimicrobial susceptibility technique applying the microdilution method in order to establish whether a concentration of the compounds was in three groups: Cluster 1: calcium hydroxide. Cluster 2: Chitosan. Cluster 3: calcium hydroxide + chitosan has antibacterial activity against the Enterococcus faecalis bacterium and to support this test, the antibiogram technique was performed by measuring inhibition halos to determine the sensitivity of E. faecalis to intracanal medications calcium hydroxide and chitosan. Results: there are statistically significant differences in the intracanal medications of calcium hydroxide, chitosan, and calcium hydroxide+chitosan against the bacterium Enterococcus faecalis, showing better results when chitosan is used alone, in the colony-forming unit and in the antibiogram technique for inhibition halos showed better results. Limitations: due to the shortage of Ketamine in hospital units, it is difficult to replicate the study in larger samples. Value: a similar study has not been carried out at the Escuela Militar de Graduados de Sanidad. Conclusions: chitosan is effective against E. faecalis, it can significantly reduce the number of bacteria at a low dilution of 100 mg/ml, therefore we can conclude that chitosan is a promising candidate for an alternative biocompatible antibacterial agent and can be used as a intracanal medication in root canal treatments. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]


Language :
Volume :
Issue :
Database :
Academic Search Index
Journal :
Revista de Sanidad Militar
Publication Type :
Academic Journal
Accession number :