A Normative Turn in the Study of Religions?: Reflections on Richard Miller's Why Study Religion?
Stausberg, Michael, et al. “A Normative Turn in the Study of Religions?: Reflections on Richard Miller’s Why Study Religion?” Method & Theory in the Study of Religion, vol. 36, no. 1, Jan. 2024, pp. 43–57. EBSCOhost,
Stausberg, M., Gilhus, I. S., Bull, C. H., & van der Haven, A. (2024). A Normative Turn in the Study of Religions?: Reflections on Richard Miller’s Why Study Religion? Method & Theory in the Study of Religion, 36(1), 43–57.
Stausberg, Michael, Ingvild Sælid Gilhus, Christian Hervik Bull, and Alexander van der Haven. 2024. “A Normative Turn in the Study of Religions?: Reflections on Richard Miller’s Why Study Religion?” Method & Theory in the Study of Religion 36 (1): 43–57. doi:10.1163/15700682-bja10117.