Use of Gnawing Hay Blocks: Effects on Productive Performance, Behavior and Reactivity of Growing Rabbits Kept in Parks with Different Sex-Group Compositions.
Birolo, Marco, et al. “Use of Gnawing Hay Blocks: Effects on Productive Performance, Behavior and Reactivity of Growing Rabbits Kept in Parks with Different Sex-Group Compositions.” Animals (2076-2615), vol. 12, no. 9, May 2022, p. N.PAG. EBSCOhost,
Birolo, M., Trocino, A., Zuffellato, A., Pirrone, F., Bordignon, F., & Xiccato, G. (2022). Use of Gnawing Hay Blocks: Effects on Productive Performance, Behavior and Reactivity of Growing Rabbits Kept in Parks with Different Sex-Group Compositions. Animals (2076-2615), 12(9), N.PAG.
Birolo, Marco, Angela Trocino, Andrea Zuffellato, Fabrizio Pirrone, Francesco Bordignon, and Gerolamo Xiccato. 2022. “Use of Gnawing Hay Blocks: Effects on Productive Performance, Behavior and Reactivity of Growing Rabbits Kept in Parks with Different Sex-Group Compositions.” Animals (2076-2615) 12 (9): N.PAG. doi:10.3390/ani12091212.