France Vows Retaliation as Luxury Industry Braces for U.S. Tariffs: Trump proposed new duties on French goods, saying France shouldn't impose a digital tax on U.S. companies.
Bisserbe, Noemie, and Matthew Dalton. “France Vows Retaliation as Luxury Industry Braces for U.S. Tariffs: Trump Proposed New Duties on French Goods, Saying France Shouldn’t Impose a Digital Tax on U.S. Companies.” Wall Street Journal - Online Edition, 4 Dec. 2019, p. N.PAG. EBSCOhost,
Bisserbe, N., & Dalton, M. (2019, December 4). France Vows Retaliation as Luxury Industry Braces for U.S. Tariffs: Trump proposed new duties on French goods, saying France shouldn’t impose a digital tax on U.S. companies. Wall Street Journal - Online Edition, N.PAG.
Bisserbe, Noemie, and Matthew Dalton. 2019. “France Vows Retaliation as Luxury Industry Braces for U.S. Tariffs: Trump Proposed New Duties on French Goods, Saying France Shouldn’t Impose a Digital Tax on U.S. Companies.” Wall Street Journal - Online Edition, December 4.