Tunnel boring machine collision with an ancient boulder beach during the excavation of the Barcelona city subway L10 line: A case of adverse geology and resulting engineering solutions.
Filbà, Marta, et al. “Tunnel Boring Machine Collision with an Ancient Boulder Beach during the Excavation of the Barcelona City Subway L10 Line: A Case of Adverse Geology and Resulting Engineering Solutions.” Engineering Geology, vol. 200, Jan. 2016, pp. 31–46. EBSCOhost,
Filbà, M., Salvany, J. M., Jubany, J., & Carrasco, L. (2016). Tunnel boring machine collision with an ancient boulder beach during the excavation of the Barcelona city subway L10 line: A case of adverse geology and resulting engineering solutions. Engineering Geology, 200, 31–46.
Filbà, Marta, Josep Maria Salvany, Jordi Jubany, and Laura Carrasco. 2016. “Tunnel Boring Machine Collision with an Ancient Boulder Beach during the Excavation of the Barcelona City Subway L10 Line: A Case of Adverse Geology and Resulting Engineering Solutions.” Engineering Geology 200 (January): 31–46. doi:10.1016/j.enggeo.2015.11.010.