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Tras el comportamiento informacional colaborativo.

Authors :
Navarro, Gabriel
Source :
Anuario Think EPI. 2014, p173-182. 10p.
Publication Year :


The interest among those who work in Youth Information Centres in several key areas is highlighted: the selection and proper dissemination of the information content that affects the daily life of young people; overcoming the obstacles of accessibility and understanding of the information with which they are faced; and the importance of interactin with them in the context of social networking platforms. Because of the value associated with the virtual sociability within which young people and their interactions develop, we must boost its intermediary role by adopting the role of "connectors" as far as possible. To do this, we should detect those signs that suggest a "collaborative information behaviour" and encourage these actions. Among the concepts and ideas discussed in this brief analysis are "hyperdyadic dissemination" of Christakis and Fowler, mediation as "Information DJ" of Matt Lieberman, and the "information scent" of Pirolli. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]


Language :
Database :
Academic Search Index
Journal :
Anuario Think EPI
Publication Type :
Academic Journal
Accession number :