ChemInform Abstract: Synthesis of Isochromene Derivatives Using an Intramolecular Benzylic C(sp3)-C(sp2) Bond Forming Heck Reaction on Vinylogous Carbonates.
Gharpure, Santosh J., et al. “ChemInform Abstract: Synthesis of Isochromene Derivatives Using an Intramolecular Benzylic C(Sp3)-C(Sp2) Bond Forming Heck Reaction on Vinylogous Carbonates.” ChemInform, vol. 46, no. 14, Apr. 2015, p. no. EBSCOhost,
Gharpure, S. J., Shelke, Y. G., & Reddy, S. R. B. (2015). ChemInform Abstract: Synthesis of Isochromene Derivatives Using an Intramolecular Benzylic C(sp3)-C(sp2) Bond Forming Heck Reaction on Vinylogous Carbonates. ChemInform, 46(14), no.
Gharpure, Santosh J., Yogesh G. Shelke, and S. Raja Bhushan Reddy. 2015. “ChemInform Abstract: Synthesis of Isochromene Derivatives Using an Intramolecular Benzylic C(Sp3)-C(Sp2) Bond Forming Heck Reaction on Vinylogous Carbonates.” ChemInform 46 (14): no. doi:10.1002/chin.201514186.