- Author
Kosec, Polona and Senegačnik, Marjan
- Subjects
the environmental impact ,reduction of paper consumption ,uporaba papirja ,clerical business ,pisarniška dejavnost ,vpliv na okolje ,use of paper ,zmanjšanje porabe papirja - Abstract
Uporaba papirja kot medija za prenos informacij ima dolgo zgodovino in je močno zakoreninjena tudi v sodobni, tehnološko napredni družbi. V mnogih podjetjih ta medij ohranja pomembno vlogo, poraba pa je velika zlasti v podjetjih s pisarniško dejavnostjo. Negativni vidiki uporabe papirja so poleg obremenilnega vpliva na okolje tudi odsotnost prednosti, ki jih omogočajo tehnološko naprednejši načini prenosa informacij. Spoznali bomo, zakaj in kako proizvodnja papirja negativno vpliva na okolje. V diplomskem delu bomo preučili postopke s porabo papirja v avtomobilskem oddelku zavarovalniškega podjetja. Na podlagi poznavanja procesa dela bomo predlagali spremembe, ki bodo porabo papirja zmanjšale. Spremembe za optimalen učinek zahtevajo prenovo celostnih programskih rešitev in posledično prenovo poslovnih procesov. Predlagane spremembe zato prispevajo k boljši organiziranosti, preglednejšim postopkom, krajšim časom obdelave in večji učinkovitosti. V zaključku bomo ugotovili, da zaradi narave dela uporabe papirja ni smiselno ukiniti, temveč le skrajno zmanjšati. Na podlagi internih podatkov smo z manjšo zanesljivostjo kvantitativno ocenili učinke predlaganih sprememb. The use of paper as a medium for the transmission of information has a long history and is strongly rooted in modern, technologically advanced society. For many companies paper retains an important role, even when consumption is high such as in clerical business. In addition to the environmental impact, the untapped advantages offered by the technologically advanced ways of transferring information is another negative aspects of the use of paper. The thesis starts with revealing why and how the production of paper negatively affects the environment. The foundation of research is conducted on administrative tasks that take place in automotive department of insurance company. The proposed changes are made based on familiarity of the work process and result in reducing the paper consumption. The renovation of ERP system and business process is a must in order for proposed changes to have maximum effect. The thesis will discover the scope of introduced changes are greater than decreasing the paper consumption. It extends to better organisation, improved workflow, shorter processing time and higher efficiency. The assessment of effects of changes are made on data which was provided by the internal source. The thesis concludes due to the nature of business the usage of paper can be drastically reduced, but not avoided.
- Published
- 2016