25 results on '"zmaj"'
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2. Kostić's criticism of Jovan Jovanović Zmaj's Tri hajduka in the context of Spomen na Ruvarca
- Author
Mihailović Miloš D.
- Subjects
laza kostić ,zmaj ,romanticism ,death ,anthropology ,ariès ,Language and Literature - Abstract
In this paper, we have analyzed the similarities between the poems Tri hajduka / The Three Giaours by Jovan Jovanović Zmaj and Spomen na Ruvarca / In Memory of Ruvarac by Laza Kostić, which share a certain number of common motifs. At the center of our interpretation were the statements of Laza Kostić from the part Knjiga o Zmaju in which he analyzes Tri hajduka. Kostić breaks down Zmaj's poem into structural elements and examines each from the point of view of logic and common sense, but also established literary tradition. Speaking about Zmaj's treatment of the representatives of the world of the dead, Kostić makes the following poetics claims: 1) the mediator should speak clearly and succinctly; 2) the mediator should have the form he had during his lifetime; 3) the atmosphere must not be humorous but scary. These demands, together with Kostić's remark about how Feruz pasha resembles a doll, have allowed us to offer innovative readings of these two poems, where the automated Feruz pasha is positioned as the opposite of the diabolical figure in Kostić's poem. This contrast represents a shift in the anthropological development continuum which led to the birth of a modern understanding of death, which leads us to the conclusion that Kostić's objections primarily stem from a significantly different philosophy of death, and not from the objective shortcomings of Zmaj's poetry.
- Published
- 2023
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3. »Zvijer iz zemlje« (Otk 13,11-18). Religijska propaganda u službi Zmaja
- Author
Taras Barščevski
- Subjects
Zmaj ,Zvijer koja uzlazi iz zemlje ,broj Zvijeri ,666 ,kip Zvijeri. ,Practical Theology ,BV1-5099 - Abstract
Nakon predstavljanja Zmaja, njegova sukoba sa Ženom i poraza u boju s arkanđelom Mihaelom (usp. Otk 12) te nastupa Zvijeri koja izlazi iz mora (usp. Otk 13,1-10) autor Knjige Otkrivenja predstavlja i drugu Zvijer koja uzlazi iz zemlje (usp. Otk 13,11-18). Njezin identitet autor »skriva« pod brojem jednog čovjeka, a taj je broj 666, te poziva crkvenu zajednicu da taj broj izračuna i otkrije toga čovjeka. Autor za identifikaciju Zvijeri koja uzlazi iz zemlje nudi kratak opis njezine vanjštine (»dva roga poput jaganjca, a govori kao Zmaj«) te detaljno opisuje njezinu aktivnost, pozivajući svoje čitatelje primijeniti mudrost i um u identificiranju Zvijeri ponajprije na temelju njezina sadašnjeg djelovanja u povijesti. U članku se u prvom redu egzegetskom analizom glagola ποιέω (činiti) i πλανάω (zavesti) opisuje konkretno djelovanje druge Zvijeri, koja »vrši« vlast prve Zvijeri, »prisiljava« joj se pokloniti, »čini« znamenja velika, »spuštajući« oganj s neba na zemlje, »postižući« da se svima udari žig na desnicu ili na čelo te »zavodi« pozemljare znamenjima tako da oni sami »čine« kip Zvijeri koji i govori i »ubija« sve koji mu se ne klanjaju. Djelovanje druge Zvijeri uvelike je obilježeno religijskim motivima i propagandom kojima se ona koristi u cilju ostvarivanja svoje političke i financijske moći. Konkretna identifikacija same Zvijeri, koja je ne samo moguća nego i neophodna, mora biti ipak prepuštena crkvenoj zajednici koja samo u kontekstu liturgijskog čina, očišćena od grijeha, ima pravo i može nazvati ime »neprijatelja duša naših«.
- Published
- 2023
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Copyright of Theological Review / Bogoslovska Smotra is the property of University of Zagreb, Catholic Faculty of Theology and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
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5. The Treasure-bearer in East Slavic and Finno-Ugric Contexts.
- Author
Kõiva, Mare and Boganeva, Elena
- Subjects
RITES & ceremonies ,NINETEENTH century ,TWENTY-first century ,SUPERNATURAL ,STORYTELLING - Abstract
Copyright of Studia Mythologica Slavica is the property of Scientific Research Centre of Slovenian Academy of Sciences & Arts and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
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Genealogija matrike ubijalca zmajev vodi do starodavnih indoevropskih mitologij. V prispevku avtorica preiskuje zgodnje predstave o zmaju in junaku, ki ga premaga, ter oba lika obravnava ontološko. Mitološka domišljija je bila zapletena in teh dveh likov ni predstavljala črno-belo. Postopoma pa se je razvila matrika, v kateri je zmaj začel predstavljati absolutno drugost človeka in dobrega ter tako postal tisto, kar je treba odpraviti, da se v družbi vzpostavi pravi red. Matrika se je razširila s krščanskim kodeksom v visokem srednjem veku, zlasti z legendo o svetem Juriju. Avtorica se posebej posveča primerom iz mitopoetskega izročila iz slovenskega prostora, kjer se lik sv. Jurija prepleta z Zelenim Jurijem, Kresnikom in slovanskim bogom Perunom. V pravljicah se matrika pojavi v svoji najbolj abstraktni obliki. Avtorica razpravlja o variacijah, ki se pojavljajo pri različnih uporabah matrike, v različnih epistemih in njihovih družbenih f unkcijah. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
7. Works - Reconstruction Of The Combined Children's Facility 'poletarac' - Zuce - Construction And Construction Craft Works, Works On Hydrotechnical Installations, Works On Electric Power Installations And Works On Signal Installations Of The Fire Alarm Sys
- Subjects
ZMAJ ,Business, international - Abstract
Tenders are invited for Works - Reconstruction of the combined children's facility 'Poletarac' - Zuce - construction and construction craft works, works on hydrotechnical installations, works on electric power installations [...]
- Published
- 2023
8. Procurement Of Electricity For Stationary
- Subjects
ZMAJ ,Business, international - Abstract
Tenders are invited for Procurement of electricity for Stationary Estimated value: 3.000.000,00 Deadline for submission: 05.05.2023 10:00:00 Major organization : CENTER FOR ACCOMMODATION AND DAY-CARE FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH WITH [...]
- Published
- 2023
9. Dragon in Middle High German courtly epic
- Author
Valčić, Dora and Vidas Sambunjak, Zaneta
- Subjects
HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Filologija. Germanistika ,arturijanska romansa ,Drache ,dragon fight ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Philology. German Studies ,Middle High German courtly literature ,borba sa zmajem ,dragon ,Drachenkampf ,zmaj ,Ritter ,Artusroman ,vitez ,srednjovisokonjemačka dvorska književnost ,knight ,mittelhochdeutsche höfische Literatur ,Arthurian romance - Abstract
Von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart wurde das Bild des Drachen in Kunst und Literatur sowohl mit guten als auch mit bösen Eigenschaften repräsentiert. Die Spuren und Elemente von dem Drachen lassen sich überall in verschiedenen literarischen Epochen finden, besonders in der Literatur des Mittelalters. Diese Diplomarbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Leben im (Hoch)Mittelalter mit dem Schwerpunkt auf der höfischen Epik, beschreibt die damalige Kultur und das Leben und betrachtet die Merkmale der literarischen Werke, in denen die Figur des Drachen auftritt. Im Zentrum dieser Diplomarbeit steht die Untersuchung der Drachenfiguren in ausgewählten Werken der mittelhochdeutschen höfischen Epik: Iwein (1200), Parzival (zwischen 1200 und 1210 geschrieben), Tristan (zwischen 1205 und 1210), Lanzelet (zwischen 1195 und 1210) und Wigalois (zwischen 1210 und 1220). Diese Erzähler haben das Idealbild des Rittertums in ihren Werken entworfen, wo meistens ein Ritter gegen einen Drachen kämpfen muss. Das Ziel dieser Diplomarbeit bestand darin, zu untersuchen, wie sich die Drachenfigur in ausgewählten Werken entwickelt und welche Bedeutung es für mittelhochdeutsche höfische Epik hat. Zum größten Teil sind Drachenfiguren Gegner, denen ein Ritter oder Held im Kampf entgegenstehen. Die Bedeutung des Drachenkampfs lässt sich in zwei Themenbereiche gliedern: Gott und Teufel sowie Macht und Herrschaft. Allen Drachenfiguren ist eines gemeinsam: Sie sind keine Freunde. Sie sind Feinde. Od antike do danas, figura zmaja je sveprisutna u umjetnosti i književnosti i sa dobrim i lošim osobinama. Tragovi i motivi zmaja mogu se pronaći u različitim književnim razdobljima, posebice u književnosti srednjeg vijeka. Ovaj diplomski rad bavi se životom u (visokom) srednjem vijeku s fokusom na dvorsku epiku, opisuje kulturu i život toga vremena te razmatra karakteristike književnih djela u kojima se pojavljuje lik zmaja. Osnova ovog rada je istraživanje lika zmaja u odabranim djelima srednjevisokonjemačkog dvorskog epa: Iwein (1200.), Parzival (napisano između 1200. i 1210.), Tristan (između 1205. i 1210.), Lanzelet (između 1195. i 1210.) i Wigalois (između 1210. i 1220.). Ovi autori su u svojim djelima stvorili idealnu sliku viteštva, gdje se vitez skoro uvijek mora boriti protiv zmaja. Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je ispitati kako se lik zmaja razvijao u odabranim djelima i kakav je značaj imao za srednjevisokonjemački dvorski ep. Lik zmaja je uglavnom protivnik kojeg vitez ili heroj u borbi mora pobijediti. Značenje borbe sa zmajem se može podijeliti na dvije teme: borbu između dobra i zla ili moći i dominacije. Sve zmajske figure imaju jednu zajedničku stvar: Zmajevi nisu heroji. Oni su neprijatelji. From ancient times to the present day, the image of the dragon has been represented in art and literature with both good and evil qualities. The traces and elements of the dragon can be found throughout different literary periods, especially in the literature of the Middle Ages. This diploma thesis deals with life in the (High) Middle Ages with a focus on courtly epics, describes the culture and life of that time, and considers the characteristics of literary works in which the figure of the dragon appears. The focus of this thesis is the analysis of the dragon figures in selected works of Middle High German courtly epic: Iwein (1200), Parzival (written between 1200 and 1210), Tristan (between 1205 and 1210), Lanzelet (between 1195 and 1210) and Wigalois (between in 1210 and 1220). These narrators have created the ideal image of chivalry in their works, where often a knight has to fight against a dragon. The aim of this thesis was to examine how the dragon figure developed in selected works and what significance it had for Middle High German courtly literature. For the most part, dragon figures are adversaries that a knight or hero must defeat in battle. The meaning of the dragon fight can be divided into two themes: God and the devil and power and domination. All dragon figures have one thing in common: they are not heroes. They are enemies.
- Published
- 2022
10. Izdelava in uporaba zmajev v vrtcu
- Author
Žagar, Damir and Gostinčar Blagotinšek, Ana
- Subjects
kite ,zmaj - Abstract
Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti primernost različnih zmajev za izvajanje dejavnosti v predšolskem obdobju. Na podlagi tega smo oblikovali usmeritve k izvajanju aktivnosti z zmaji za otroke v predšolskem obdobju. Diplomsko delo je razdeljeno na dva dela, teoretični in empirični del. V teoretičnem delu je predstavljen izvor zmajev in njihova kasnejša uporaba. Zmajarstvo je opredeljeno kot vrsta otroške igre in zmaj kot vrsta igrače. Ocenjena je najbolj primerna starost otroka za izvajanje dejavnosti z zmaji. Navedeni sta dve klasifikaciji zmajev v različne skupine. Opisana je sestava zmaja ter materiali, iz katerih lahko zmaje izdelujemo. Ker na letenje zmajev močno vplivajo atmosferske razmere, je predstavljen pojav vetra ter metodi merjenja smeri in hitrosti vetra. Predstavljen je pojav letenja zmaja z vidika fizike. Opisano je primerno okolje, v katerem zmaje lahko spuščamo ter vloga pomočnika in odraslega pri spuščanju zmajev. Na koncu je opisano še učenje z raziskovanjem ter pozitivni vplivi spuščanja zmaja na otroka. V empiričnem delu je predstavljena analiza letov različnih prototipov zmajev štirih različnih tipov. Opisan je postopek izdelave treh različnih modelov zmajev. Predstavljeno je projektno delo v povezavi z zmaji, ki ga lahko izvajamo z otroki v predšolskem obdobju. V prilogi je videoposnetek, na katerem štiriletni otrok enega od zmajev spušča v telovadnici. The purpose of the diploma thesis is to determine the suitability of the various kites to carry out activities in the pre-school period as well to initiate the kite activities with children in the pre-school period. The thesis is divided into two parts, theoretical and empirical. The theoretical part presents the origin of kites and their subsequent use. Kite flying is defined as a type of children's game and a kite as a type of toy. The most appropriate age of the child for carrying out activities with kites is assessed. Two classifications of kites are listed in different groups. The composition of a kite and materials from which kites can be made are described. The flying of kites is strongly influenced by atmospheric conditions that is why the wind, and the method of measuring wind direction and speed are presented. The phenomenon of kite flying is also explained from the physics point of view. It describes the appropriate environment in which we can fly a kite and the role of assistant and adult in this process. Finally, it describes learning through inquiry and the positive effects of the kite's flying on the child. The empirical part presents an analysis of the flights of different prototypes of kites of four different types. The process of producing three different models of kites is described. The thesis also presents the project work concerning kites, which can be carried out with children in the pre-school period. The attachment features a video of a 4-year-old child flying one of the kites in the gym.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
MOUSSAKOVA, Elissaveta
- Subjects
Copyright of Slovo (05836255) is the property of Slovo and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2016
- Author
Marjanić, Suzana
- Subjects
Copyright of Croatian Journal of Ethnology & Folklore Research / Narodna Umjetnost is the property of Institute of Ethnology & Folklore Research and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2009
13. The role of Saint George and the dragon in Slovenian folklore prose
- Author
Vivod, Katja and Haramija, Dragica
- Subjects
sveti Jurij ,slovenska folklorna proza ,story ,Slovenian folklore prose ,dragon ,pripovedka ,St. George ,udc:398.2(=163.6)(043.2) ,zmaj - Abstract
Magistrsko delo opisuje vlogo svetega Jurija in zmaja v slovenski folklorni prozi, natančneje v pripovedkah in pravljicah. Najprej smo razložili termin folklorno slovstvo in opisali njegove zvrsti, nato smo analizirali 27 izbranih folklornih literarnih del, v okviru katerih smo raziskali pozitivno oz. negativno vlogo in stopnjo pogostosti pojavitve sv. Jurija in zmaja glede na posamezno folklorno prozno vrsto, preučili njune karakterne značilnosti in zunanjo podobo ter iskali povezavo med sv. Jurijem in sv. Marjeto v prozi in cerkvami na Slovenskem. Preučili smo tudi običaj jurjevanja po različnih slovenskih pokrajinah (Dolenjska, Koroška, Štajerska) ter opisali simboliko sv. Jurija in zmaja v podobi izbranih slovenskih krajevnih grbov. V sklepnem delu je sledila povezava teoretičnih spoznanj z ugotovitvami iz interpretacij pripovedk in pravljic. Ugotovili smo, da se sv. Jurij v obravnavanih folklornih proznih vrstah pojavlja v pozitivni vlogi in pogosteje v pripovedkah, za razliko od zmaja, ki se je pokazal kot negativen lik in je v enaki meri prisoten v obeh proznih vrstah. Običaj jurjevanja je povezan z likom sv. Jurija in se razlikuje širom pokrajin v obredu, poimenovanjih, vrsti zelenja oz. obleki in pesmih. Sveta Marjeta se v prozi ne pojavlja v podobi sv. Jurija, medtem ko je njuna pojavnost vplivala na gradnjo cerkva na Slovenskem, kar se kaže v obravnavanih proznih delih kot tudi v teoretičnih izhodiščih. Zmaj najpogosteje izraža značajske lastnosti, ki se nanašajo na zadovoljevanje njegovih osnovnih potreb ter na slabe odnose z ljudmi, medtem ko karakter sv. Jurija odraža njegova stalna pripravljenost za pomoč ljudem. Zunanji videz zmaja povezujemo s kačo, krokodilom, številnimi glavami, krili in repom. Prav tako smo v podobi nekaterih slovenskih krajevnih grbov v prozi našli in zaznali simboliko sv. Jurija in zmaja. The master's thesis describes the role of St. George and the dragon in Slovene folklore prose, more precisely in stories and fairy tales. First, we explained the term folklore literature and described its genres, and then we analysed 27 selected folklore literary works, in which we studied positive and negative roles and the rate of occurrence of St. George and the dragon according to the specific type of folklore prose. We studied their characteristic features and the outer appearance, and searched for the connection between St. George and St. Mary in prose and churches in Slovenia. We also studied the practice of the folklore festival “jurjevanje” across various Slovenian regions (Lower Carniola, Carinthia and Styria) and described the symbolism of St. George and the dragon in the images of selected Slovene local coats of arms. In the conclusion, we connected theoretical knowledge with the findings from interpretations of stories and fairy tales. We found that St. George appears in a positive role, and more often in stories than fairy tales, unlike the dragon, who turned out to be a negative character and is equally present in both prose varieties. The folklore festival “jurjevanje” is associated with the figure of St. George and is distinguished by various regions in the ritual, names, types of greenery or clothes and songs. Saint Mary does not appear in prose in the image of St. George, while their appearance influenced the construction of churches in Slovenia, which is reflected in the selected prose works as well as in the theoretical points. The dragon most often expresses the characteristic features that relate to meeting his basic needs and to bad relationships with people, while the character of St. George reflects his constant readiness and will to help people. The external appearance of the dragon is connected with a snake, a crocodile, many heads, wings and tail. In the images of some Slovenian local coats of arms, we also found and perceived the symbolism of St. George and the dragon.
- Published
- 2019
14. Magical beings in The song of the Nibelungs
- Author
Svilan, Dominko and Sambunjak, Zaneta
- Subjects
HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Filologija. Germanistika ,Drache ,Song of the Nibelungs ,Sword ,magical beings ,Schwert ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Philology. German Studies ,Dragon ,Čarobna bića ,Nibelungenlied ,Edda Siegfried ,Čarolija ,Magic objects ,Mač ,Magische Wesen ,Saga o nibelunzima ,Zmaj ,Magic ,Magie - Abstract
Diese Bachelorarbeit behandelt das Thema der magischen Elemente im Nibelungenlied. Magische Elemente im Nibelungenlied werden durch magische Wesen und die mit ihnen verbundenen magischen Gegenständen am besten widergespiegelt. Das Nibelungenlied ist die literarische Kreuzung des älteren heidnischen und des neueren Christentums. Vieles des Magischen im Nibelungenlied wurde verkürzt, christianisiert oder vollkommen verschwiegen. Wegen dieser Kulturen im Übergang wurde jene Erklärung für die Magie im Nibelungenlied verschwiegen und deswegen muss man auf ältere Werke zurückgreifen. Diese älteren Werke sind die isländische Edda und die nordisch-germanische Mythologie. Historisch gesehen wurden die Edda und das Nibelungenlied um dieselbe Zeit geschrieben, was jedoch nicht heißt, dass sie beide auf dieselbe Art und Weise geschrieben wurden. Die Edda ist ein Sammelwerk älterer Lieder, welche die nordisch-germanische Kultur beschreiben, während das Nibelungenlied eine zeitgemäße Version der Sage und sozusagen das Ende der Siegfriedsage ist. Beide Werke sind relevant, weil sie die Geschichte Siegfrieds aus zwei Perspektiven, die Edda aus der heidnischen und das Nibelungenlied aus der christlichen, beschreiben. Um der Magie des Nibelungenlieds auf die Fährte zu kommen, werden beide Werke und ihre „Magie“ in einer komparativen Analyse bearbeitet und untersucht. Das Magische, was im Nibelungenlied nur erwähnt wird, wie der Drachenkampf, der Hort und sein Fluch, das Drachenblut und andere magische Gegenstände, können nur mithilfe der Edda und der nordisch-germanischen Mythen erklärt werden. Die Charakteristiken der Figuren werden im Nibelungenlied auch nur auf das Wesentlichste gebracht, wie es bei Siegfried und Brunhilde der Fall ist. Die magischen Gegenstände, welche die Figuren bei sich tragen und zu einem gewissen Grad benutzen, werden so nur zu Handlungsträgern und damit auch fast vollkommen von Magie geraubt. Der Hintergrund der magischen Wesen und der magischen Gegenstände ist essenziell um ihre magischen Fähigkeiten zu erklären. Ovaj diplomski rad obrađuje temu čarobnih elemenata u Sage o Nibelunzima. Čarobni elementi u Sagi o Nibelunzima najbolje se odražavaju u čarobnim bićima i predmetima koji su s njima usko povezani. Saga o Nibelunzima nastala je kao literalno križanje starijeg poganskog i suvremenijeg kršćanskog vjerovanja. Velika većina čarobnog u Sagi o Nibelunzima je skraćena, prilagođena kršćanstvu ili potpuno prešućena. Upravo zbog tranzicije izostavljeno je mnogo čarobnih elemenata zbog čega je pri tumačenju bilo potrebno istražiti srodna djela iz islandskie i nordijsko-germanske mitologije. Povijesno gledano, Edda i Saga o Nibelunzima, nastale su u isto vrijeme, što ne znači da su obje pisane na isti način. Edda je skup starijih pjesama koje opisuju nordijsko-germansku kulturu dok je Saga o Nibelunzima suvremena verzija sage i smatra se kao kraj sage o Sigfriedu. Oba djela, Edda i Saga o Nibelunzima, su relevantne jer pričaju priču o Sigfriedu iz dvije perspektive, Edda iz poganske, a Saga o Nibelunzima iz kršćanske perspektive. Da bi se otkrili čarobni elementi u Sagi o Nibelunzima komparativno su analizirana i obrađena oba djela, Edda i Saga o Nibelunzima. Čarobno, što se u Pjesmi o Nibelunzima tek spominje, kao što je borba sa zmajem, blago i njegova kletva, zmajeva krv i ostala čarobna bića i predmeti, mogu se samo uzpomoć Edde i nordijsko-germanske mitologijie objasniti. Karakteristike likova svode se u Pjesmi o Nibelunzima samo na ono najbitnije kao što je slučaj sa Sigfriedom in Brunhildom. Čarobne predmete koje likovi nose sa sobom i kojima se koriste u određenoj mjeri postaju tako samo nositelji radnje i skoro su potpuno lišeni svakog čarobnog djelovanja. Pozadina istih čarobnih bića i predmeta je bitna kako bi se objasnile njihove sposobnosti i čarobno djelovanje. This master thesis will cover the topic of the magical elements in The Song of the Nibelungs. The magical elements present in The Song of the Nibelungs are magical beings and magical objects connected to them. The Song of the Nibelungs is based on Nordic mythology but due the influence of chirstianic beliefs magic elements had been severely reduced or even completely deleted from The Song of Ninbelungs. Therefore, to interpret magical elements it is inevitable to reference older writings of Nordic literature and Nordic-germanic mythology. One of the most significant ones is The Edda, a collection of Icelandic stories which dates back from the same period as The Song of Nibelungs. Both stories handle the story of Siegfried, his life and destiny, but they handle it in different ways – one from the Norse perspective and the other from a Christian perspective. For example, the background of motives such as dragon fight, the cursed hoard and the dragon’s blood are only partially explained in The Song of Nibelungs. Furthermore, the back stories of important characters Siegfried and Brunhild lack complexity in The Song of Nibelungs while they are far more developed in The Edda. The magical objects that are carried and used by the characters are degraded to simple catalysts for the story and are almost devoid of magic. The background of the same magical objects and magic is important because it explains the meaning behind them and the role they play in the story.
- Published
- 2018
- Author
Skok, Maja and Kennedy, Victor
- Subjects
načela dresure ,simbolizem ,symbolism ,pedagoški vidik ,allegory ,training principles ,udc:821.111-93.09(043.2) ,How to Train Your Dragon ,pedagogical point of view ,dragon ,Kako izuriti svojega zmaja ,alegorija ,zmaj - Abstract
The aim of this diploma thesis is to compare the symbolism of dragon in the book and the film How to Train Your Dragon. I explore the symbolic meaning of the creature in different cultures and in literature and then I focus on the presentation of the dragon in the story. The role of the mythological creature is very unconventional and it affects major themes of the story. I also explore the allegorical aspect of the story and compare the principles of dragon training to the principles of real-life pet training. This comparison helps to gain deeper understanding of the character development of the protagonist. The story has a lot to offer from the pedagogical point of view, since the audience is very young. Namen pričujočega diplomskega dela je primerjava simbolizma zmajev v knjigi in filmu z naslovom Kako izuriti svojega zmaja. Raziskujemo, kakšen je simbolični pomen tega bitja v različnih kulturah in literaturi osredinimo se na predstavitev zmaja v zgodbi. Nekonvencionalna vloga tega mitološkega bitja močno vpliva na glavne teme v zgodbi. Nadalje proučujemo alegorični vidik obeh različic te zgodbe in primerjamo načine dresure zmajev v zgodbi z načini dresure udomačenih živali v resničnem življenju. Slednja primerjava pripomore k boljšemu razumevanju literarnega razvoja pri glavni osebi. Zgodba veliko ponuja tudi s pedagoškega vidika, saj je priljubljena zlasti med otroci.
- Published
- 2016
16. Motiv zmije/zmaja u starim glagoljskim iluminiranim rukopisima
- Author
Elissaveta Moussakova
- Subjects
glagoljski rukopisi ,slavenska pismenost ,iluminacija ,inicijal ,ukras ,zmaj ,zmija ,Assemanijev evanđelistar ,Marijinsko evanđelje ,Zografsko evanđelje ,Bojanski palimpsest ,Kločev glagoljaš ,Sinajski euhologij ,Sinajski psaltir ,Boiana Palimpsest ,Codex Assemanianus ,Codex Marianus ,Codex Zographensis ,Glagolita Clozianus ,Euchologium Sinaiticum ,Psalterium Sinaiticum ,Glagolitic manuscript ,Slavonic literacy ,illumination ,initial ,ornament ,dragon ,snake ,serpent - Abstract
Motiv zmaja/zmije jedan je od motiva koji je ukrašavao najstarije glagoljske knjige. U ovom se radu nastavljaju istraživanja provedena prije petnaest godina, sada s naglaskom na proučavanju umjetničke vrijednosti često ponavljanog zoomorfnog, odnosno teratološkog motiva. Iako je prvotno utvrđeno kako je riječ o zmajevoj glavi, zbog stalne ambivalencije između pojmova zmije i zmaja, iz obzora se ne smije ispustiti povezanost s motivom zmije. Kao motiv najčešće se pojavljuje u ukrašenim inicijalima. Na primjerima iz Assemanijeva evanđelja i Sinajskog psaltira u radu se iznose tumačenja dvostruke simbolike inicijala: s jedne strane kao ilustracija slova kojom dominira teratološki motiv, a s druge strane kao poruka povezana s ostatkom teksta., The motif, embellishing the earliest Glagolitic books, reveals itself as a meaningful, polysemic image and partakes in a visual paradigm, which the decorators abode by. In this paper the author proceeds with a theme taken up nearly fifteen years ago, now exploring in detail the artistic specificity of the repetitive zoomorphic or, rather, teratological motif. Previously it has been identified as a dragon head but the persisting ambivalence in the notions of the snake/serpent and the dragon cannot be ignored. As it has been applied most of all to the decorated initials, some interpretations of the twofold symbolism of the letter – as a ‘picture’ in itself and as a message related to the text – are offered on examples from the codices Assemanianus and Psalterium Sinaiticum.
- Published
- 2016
17. Trsatski zmaj
- Author
Špindel, Andrea and Seršić, Hrvoje
- Subjects
UMJETNIČKO PODRUČJE. Kazališna umjetnost (scenske i medijske umjetnosti) ,FIELD OF ART. Theater Arts (Performing and Media Arts) ,zmaj ,lutka - Abstract
Grad Rijeka. Uistinu nisam mnogo znala o tom gradu dok se do prije godinu i pol dana nisam u njega doselila i zaposlila se u Gradsko kazalište lutaka kao glumica- lutkarica. Ne zadugo od mojeg zaposlenja, točnije, nakon samo tri mjeseca rada u tom kazalištu i ne baš dobrog poznavanja ansambla, dvojica kolega David Petrović i Alex Đaković su me pitali želim li im pomoći u radu na novoj predstavi. Oni bi se prihvatili pisanja scenarija a potom i režije, dok bismo kolega Goran Zelić i ja u toj priči bili glumci- lutkari. S obzirom na činjenicu da smo kolega Zelić i moja malenkost ipak završili preddiplomski studij glume i lutkarstva dok redateljski dvojac ne, pokušavali smo svojim znanjem doprinijeti cjelokupnom radu na predstavi, pomoći im ukoliko je potrebno, te usmjeriti ih ako u promišljanju zalutaju. To nije nikad profunkcioniralo u pravom smislu, niti smo mi u većem dijelu imali pravo baviti se njihovim poslom. Nekako je sve ostalo na našem dobrom prijedlogu, a njihova riječ i odluka su bile konačne. Nažalost, u mnogo slučajeva su to bile one krive. No bez obzira na sve to, shvatila sam kako je rad na ovoj predstavi bio veliki izazov. Naučila sam toliko toga o povijesti grada Rijeke, kulturi i ljudima. Ova predstava mi je bila ispit i to u punom smislu te riječi, ali i mnogo više. Ona me uvela u svijet kazališta, donijela mi svojevrstan lutkarski i glumački fizički i psihički trening, i pripremila me na put umjetnosti na koji sam sada spremna kročiti.
- Published
- 2016
18. Koga mori Jurjevo koplje
- Author
Bajuk, Lidija
- Subjects
zmaj ,zmija ,ptica ,Terra Magna ,oronimi ,hidronimi ,ženosvetište ,vražje oko - Abstract
Na temelju kršćanskih legendi i ikonografskih prikaza svetaca koji zatiru zmaja, zmiju a katkad i pticu, kao i nazivlja pojedinih starijih hrvatskih katoličkih crkava imenovanih po tim svecima, s dijakronijskoga i sinkronijskog gledišta razvidno je nastojanje crkvenih autoriteta oko sustavnog zatiranja sakralnoga ženskog načela muškim načelom na širem europskom tlu, što pokazuju i hrvatski etnografski zapisi. Međutim brojni toponomastički i etnografski primjeri ukazuju i na više ili manje prikrivena suprotstavljanja tomu. Oronimi izvedeni od riječi za pojedine životinje (zmiju, kunu, vučicu, medvjedicu, srnu, kobilu…) ili za predslavensku i slavensku boginju (Baba, Mokoš, Velež, Vila, Mara/Mora, Diva, Dekla), vjerojatno su kultne uzvisine posvećene pretkršćanskim inačicama Terre Mater – prethodnicama moćnih gromovnika i izazivača potresa na istim ili obližnjim visovima. Nakon konačne prevlasti ratničkih bogova, orinimi ženskog predznaka u planinskom i brdskom okruženju opstaju na nešto nižim nadmorskim visinama, dok se toponimi imenovani po pojedinim stablima i biljkama (komoraču, konoplji, lanu, perunici…) te hidronimi Zmajevo oko, Vražje oko, Vilinsko oko, Marino Duboko i Morsko/Morskie oko suodnose s oronimima muškog znaka (Gromovača, Železno brdo/Železna gora, Trema, Bilogora, Pernjak, Rysy, Minch, Bag, Kur, Križ…) poviše njih. To možda potvrđuju starovjerni prežici u donedavnim pokladnim, duhovskim i lucijskim obredno-običajnim praksama, zatim pojedini motivi u tradicijskome tekstilnom rukotvorstvu i primjeri iz usmene književnosti.
- Published
- 2012
19. Demonološke predaje i vjerovanja na otoku Ižu
- Author
Babić, Vanda, Dumić, Marija, and Vekić, Denis
- Subjects
Iž ,otok ,priče ,zmaj ,vještice ,tradicija ,usmena književnost - Abstract
Autori se u tekstu usredotočuju na vlastite terenske materijale prikupljene tijekom nedavnih istraživanja, koja su ukomponirana zajedno s istraživanjima prošloga stoljeća (kraj 20. st.) kada su ispitani najstariji stanovnici otoka Iža (manji broj rođen je u 19. st., dok su većina rođena početkom 20. st.). Ovaj rad govori o vjerovanju u demonološka bića i pojave isključivo na području otoka Iža, te ujedno ukazuje kako su se vjerovanja vješto provukla i u 21. stoljeće. U nastajanju ovog rada autori su se poslužili i znanstvenim studijama, koje su pomogle u razmatranju proučavanja razlika o vjerovanjima na ostalim hrvatskim područjima, uspoređujući mnoštvo sakupljenih kazivanja s već zabilježenim pričama.
- Published
- 2012
20. Svetojurjevska problematika u Hrvata i sveti Juraj na reljefu crkve u Žrnovnici
- Author
Ivan Mužić
- Subjects
Georgius ,Juraj ,Solin ,Juraj Solinski ,Žrnovnica ,zmaj ,vuk ,Perun ,Veles ,Volos ,George ,George of Solin ,dragon ,wolf - Abstract
U raspravi se obrazlaže da je na reljefu crkve u Žrnovnici prikazan kršćanski svetac Juraj koji ubija sotonsku zvijer i kako ni najmanja pojedinost ne upućuje na to da je na reljefu prikazan Perun. Autor posebno zaključuje da zamišljanje nekih jezikoslovaca o postojanju “božanskog boja” Peruna s Velesom stvarno prerasta u mitotvorstvo, The veneration of Saint George could have started among the Croats– if they did not encounter it already during their colonisation in Dalmatia– in the time of their conversion to Catholicism at the end of the 8th century or in the first decades of the 9th century, which most probably happened through Benedictine monks. The story about Saint George killing the dragon is known in the East and West and has been retained in the Croatian territory for centuries, particularly in Dalmatia. The centuries–old tradition of the population of Žrnovnica confirms that the church’s relief in Žrnovnica depicts Saint George killing the beast with the lance. In case the ancient tradition about Saint George from Solin and its continuity is considered authentic, than the relief on the church in Žrnovnica could be dated the earliest already to the period of Franco–Croatian relations at the end of the 8th century or to the first decades of the 9th century. Otherwise, this relief could be also dated to the second half of the 12th or to the first half of the 13th century the latest. Ante Milošević tries to spread the idea that the relief on the church in Žrnovnica shows the “battle” between Perun and Veles, although the decoration of this relief itself– with two Christian crosses– is sufficient evidence of its Christian meaning. It is almost impossible to imagine that even the most primitive master had decorated the illustration of an antichristian motif with Christian crosses. Additionally, the so–called “divine battle” between Perun and Veles could not been depicted on this relief as there is not even the slightest confirmation in the entire Slavic world– and also in the Balkans– that such a belief had ever existed. Attempts of reconstructing the problematic issues in regard to Perun like the reconstruction done by linguists Ivanov and Toporov as well as their followers remain only unproven ideas of individual authors. Their assumptions about Perun and Veles are also entirely contrary to Nestor’s Chronicle from which it can only be concluded that there was a mutual nonopposition of these pagan idols. The study of myths in the sense that the “Divine Battle” between Perun and Veles existed is really turning into creation of myths.
- Published
- 2011
21. Dragon and Hero or How to Kill a Dragon – on the Example of the Legend of Međimurje about the Grabancijaš and the Dragon
- Author
Marjanić, Suzana
- Subjects
zmaj ,grabancijaš ,mit ,usmena predaja ,legenda ,ekofeminizam - Abstract
Through interpretation of oral legends about the Čakovec pozoj, or Dragon, the emphasis is placed in this paper on the differential determinant in relation to the final status of the Dragon (live status/cosmic renewal – dead) in proto-Slavic legends, in the oral legend about the Čakovec pozoj and in the legend of St George, who kills the Dragon. Namely, Christianity installs a once-only saintly finishing off of the Dragon, while it is a matter of cyclic killings in the Indo-European myth of the conflict between, for example, Indra and the so-called Cosmic Monster (V®tra, Vala) the Snake/Dragon. In the conclusion of this article, the Međimurean legends of the meteorological binomial, made up of the grabancijaš and the pozoj, are interpreted by way of the ecofeminist key as legends in which an effort is made to conceal inconvenient historical truths (Christianisation, colonialism). In other words, the legend of the Čakovec Dragon – as is the case with all similar legends of the vanquishing of so-called monsters – demonstrates what Roland Barthes differentiated in mythic structure: that the myth can be very simply modified into a tool of political demagogy that confers a "natural" appearance upon a particular ideology. True enough, the case of the legend of the Čakovec Dragon is a weak myth, which Barthes denotes in relation to the strong myth. Namely, in the former the political quantum is immediate, the depolitisation is abrupt, and in the latter, "the political quality of the object has faded like a colour, but the slightest thing can bring back its strength brutally". Needless to say, the slightest thing, trifles, are not at all unimportant.
- Published
- 2010
22. Dragon and hero or How to kill a dragon: on the example of the legends of Međimurje about the grabancijaš and the dragon
- Author
Suzana Marjanić
- Subjects
zmaj ,mit ,usmena predaja ,legenda ,ekofeminizam - Abstract
In this article, through interpretation of Međimurean legends about the Čakovec Dragon(Pozoj), the differential determinant is emphasised in relation to the proto-Slavic legend's final status of the dragon (living status / cosmic renewal – dead status), in the legend of the Čakovec Dragon and, finally, in the legend of St George, who kills the Dragon. In other words, Christianity enthrones the single instance liquidation of the Dragon, while in the Indo-European myth on the conflict between, for example, Indra and the so-called Cosmic Monster (Vrtra, Vala) the Serpent / Dragon, it is a matter of cyclical slaughter.
- Published
- 2010
23. Mjesec u Hrvata i Zmajeva pećina
- Author
Cambi, Nenad, Kusch, Heinrich, Kusch, Ingrid, and Mužić, Ivan
- Subjects
Zmajeva pećina ,reljefi ,skulptura ,zmaj ,mjesec ,simboli - Abstract
U knjizi autori obrađuju pećinu i reljefe sačuvane u Zmajevoj pećini poviše sela Murvice na otoku Braču. Ovi su reljefi već davno bili predmet izučavanja mnogih istraživača, ali njihova neuobičajena ikonografija i bezvremena stilska obradba zbunjivala je istraživače. Zbog toga se je skupina autora poduhvatila da obradi reljefe i dade jedan novi pogled na problematiku prikaza u pećini te da prikupi sve što je do sada o tome problemu objavljeno. Unatoč zajedničkoj želji ni u ovoj knjizi nije došlo do jedinstvenih pogleda. N. Cambi drži da ima nekoliko slojeva reljefa i da je riječ o kršćanskom sadržaju reljefa koji su nastali kao posljedica želje pustinjaka što su živjeli u neposrednoj blizini pećine da suprimiraju prethodni poganski kult zemlje. Reljef zmaja je simbolički prikaz poganskog kulta, a lava koji lomi rog nemani je zapravo prikaz Krista i kršćanstva koji obavlja radnju. Reljef je nastao negdje na samom kraju antičkog razdoblja ili na samom početku ranog srednjeg vijeka, možda pod bizantskim utjecajem.
- Published
- 2003
24. Životinje u iluminiranim rukopisima u Hrvatskoj
- Author
Badurina, Anđelko, Cambi, Nenad, and Visković, Nikola
- Subjects
Čudovišne životinje ,simboli evanđelista ,zmaj ,konj ,magarac - Abstract
Opisuju se životinje koje su zastupljene u iluminiranim rukopisima u Hrvatskoj. U doba romanike to su čudovišne životinje i simboli evanđelista. U doba gotike to su konj sv. Martina i sv. Jurja, te zmaj kojeg ubija sv. Juraj. Zatim vol i magarac kod rođenja Kristova. Kit koji gita Junu, itd.
- Published
- 1998
25. Tragom (i razlikom) Nodilove eufemizacije (zmije i) zmaja
- Author
Marjanić, Suzana
- Subjects
Natko Nodilo ,zmaj ,aždaja - Abstract
Pronalazeći u "Rgvedi" kao jednu od slika za Agnija zmiju/zmaja, Natko Nodilo oblikuje eufemizaciju njihova simbolizma i njihovu mitsko-kozmičkom djelovanju suprotstavlja akvatičku proždrljivost i mračni simbolizam Ahija/aždaje, "grdne zmijurine". Propitujući ucjepljivanje historije u postojeći mit - problematiku mito-historije, Nodilo iščitava da (povijesni psihemi) Janko Sibinjanin (János Hunyadi) i Banović Sekula (János Székely) transponirani kao epske narativne figure (usmenom) epskom narativnom strategijom ipak ulaze u proces mitomorfizma (uokviravanje historije u već postojeći mit) kojim im se pridaju u usmenoknjiževnim epskim pjesmama atributi Zmaja/Ognja: (stari) Janko kao figuracija staroga Ognja i (mladi) Sekula kao figuracija mladoga, noćnog Ognja. Sekulina zoometamorfoza u zmaja šestokril(n)a/ljutu zmiju krilaticu (antropomorfni zmaj/ zmajeviti junak) u agonu s Muratom II. (soko sivi) očituje smrt mladoga Ognja od strijele (staroga Ognja) Janka Sibinjanina. Ostajući u jednostranom mitologizmu, Nodilo će Sekulinu smrt protumačiti "hermeneutičkim" mitemom "Oganj od sebe se ragja i sam sobom umire". I dok će Nodilo na primjeru obilježja vučja šapa Zmaja Ognjenog Vuka (Vuk Grgurović) označiti njegovo niktomorfno djelovanje (vjerovanje u snagu mladoga noćnog zmaja) - jer djelovanje Zmaja Ognjenoga Vuka odvija se u kronotopu noći, Roman Jakobson na primjeru epskih pjesama o Zmaju Ognjenom Vuku iščitava preradu drevnog slavenskog mita o princu- vukodlaku s atributom zoomorfizma onaj koji ima vukodlačku prirodu. Nodilovo iščitavanje zmajeva cikličkog simbolizma u agrolunarnim promjenama (rodljivi zmaj: zmaj kao zemljoradnički zaštitnik) eufemizira animalnost i morfologiju saurohtonog palmipeda, a opravdava je binarnom opozicijom: zmaj (zmija)/Agni - aždaja/ Ahi.
- Published
- 1997
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