178 results on '"zabava"'
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2. Percepcija Eurovizije kao političko-zabavnog događaja među mladima.
- Author
Terek, Korina and Gluvačević, Dejan
- Subjects
YOUNG adults ,SINGING competitions ,POLITICAL competition ,SOCIAL factors ,SPECIAL events - Abstract
Copyright of Contemporary Issues / Suvremene Teme is the property of Centar za Politoloska Istrazivanja and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2024
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SOCIAL media ,POPULAR music ,FOLK music - Abstract
Copyright of Two Homelands / Dve Domovini is the property of Scientific Research Centre of Slovenian Academy of Sciences & Arts and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
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4. Slovenske narodnozabavne zasedbe na družbenih omrežjih
- Author
Peter Stanković
- Subjects
narodnozabavna glasba ,družbena omrežja ,tradicija ,skupnost ,zabava ,Colonies and colonization. Emigration and immigration. International migration ,JV1-9480 - Abstract
Avtor v prispevku izpelje semiološko analizo spletnih aktivnosti šestih najbolj priljubljenih zasedb v sodobni slovenski narodnozabavni glasbi, da bi ugotovil, kako uporabljajo družbena omrežja. Rezultati kažejo, da so glasbene skupine na družbenih omrežjih prisotne na različne načine: zasedbe, ki se približujejo konvencijam pop glasbe, so zelo aktivne, medtem ko so tiste, ki ostajajo bližje konvencijam klasične narodnozabavne glasbe, na družbenih omrežjih zadržane. Kljub vsem razlikam pa analizirane zasedbe na družbenih omrežjih povezujeta dva vsebinska poudarka: ljudskost in žur. Zdi se torej, da je sodobna narodnozabavna glasba še vedno močno zavezana eni od osrednjih tradicionalističnih vrednot, skupnosti, le da je sedaj očitno pomembno, da se ta skupnost zabava.
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Kulić, Mišo
- Subjects
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GREAT powers (International relations) , *ROMAN law , *ANCIENT philosophy , *FREE thought , *TECHNOLOGICAL societies , *PATRIOTISM , *IDEOLOGICAL conflict - Abstract
The idea of a united Europe, that is, the idea of the reasons on which such a Europe would be built, has never been unambiguous. However, what has always stood out as truly unique is most often found in the common cultural foundation given in Greek philosophy, Roman law, medieval Christianity, the Renaissance, and the political ideas of modern democracy: brotherhood, freedom, and equality of all people without distinction. Although, views on this cultural unifying foundation were and still remain different, the fact is that the reference to this foundation was primarily conditioned by the geopolitical reasons for the survival of Europe between the two great powers, the United States and Russia. In this respect, the idea of Europe and the market reasons that led to the unification of Europe in the form of the European Union have never been, and could not be, the same thing for which a common cultural foundation could indeed be a real reason for unification. Considering the fact that in the geographical and cultural sense Russia is a part of Europe but not in the European Union, just as the USA in the political and cultural sense originates from the tradition of Europe, so in that respect they could not and should not be considered that force which would like to jeopardize some future survival of a non-united Europe. The reasons are obviously economic, market, ie geopolitical, and not cultural in nature. Moreover, it could rightly be said today that the growing totalitarian, neoliberal, market tendencies have called into question the very cultural foundation on which the idea of the unity of Europe was invoked. Therefore, the intention of this text is contained in the idea of Europe in its later ideological absolutization of the market and thus point to market interests as real reasons for the emergence of powerful tendencies to suspend humanistic, critical and free thinking in the reality of the European Union. At the same time, there are reasons why the fundamental humanistic notions that make up the cultural tradition of a free and democratic Europe have been perverted, but also reasons for the expressed fear of Europe moving towards a new society of complete technological and bureaucratic control. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
6. Ružičasti prostori potrošnje: istraživački dosezi i perspektive.
- Author
Mak, Karlo and Jakovčić, Martina
- Subjects
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NIGHTCLUBS , *LGBTQ+ communities , *PINK , *QUANTITATIVE research ,WESTERN countries - Abstract
Pink consumption areas are a collection of places that were created and/or stand out for their openness towards the LGBT community. Research of pink consumption first arose in the 1990s and took place in an urban context almost without exception, and was largely geographically limited to Anglo-America and Western Europe. Night clubs have been identified as the starting points of pink consumption, but pink consumer spaces are becoming increasingly diversified with the liberalisation of social relations in the Western world. However, entertainment remains the dominant domain and the most research attention has been focused on this area. Purchasing systems, including consumption management called rainbow washing, has also been well studied, though studies on culture and health related to this area are strongly lacking. Research of pink consumption spaces shares a common methodology with this issue. A central issue is the lack of a public list of LGBT persons, which makes it virtually impossible to have any form of probability sampling. Accordingly, qualitative research based on the interview method, focus group discussions, and geosemiotic analyses are more frequently used than quantitative research. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Porča, Dženan
- Subjects
POLITICAL elites ,SOCIAL values ,CULTURE ,CULTURAL industries ,CERTAINTY - Abstract
Copyright of Pregled is the property of University of Sarajevo and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Pravdová, Hana
- Subjects
SOCIAL interaction ,GAMES ,SOCIAL contact ,CULTURE - Abstract
Copyright of Megatrends & Media is the property of University of SS. Cyril & Methodius in Trnava, Faculty of Mass Media Communication and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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- Abstract
The phenomenon of migration and the experience of migrants is impossible to summarize even when we go into specifics. Diverse sociological, religious, and political approaches have produced a large volume of literature and research. This article is a modest attempt at partial understanding and maintains a limited scope. Research on language is to some extent rendered impossible, as it posits an understanding of language as a complete experience of communication. Hence, the term language is limited here to the definition of television language formulated by Neil Postman. We leave aside the language of media as a generic term for all the actual means of communication, which goes beyond the language of television. The term ‘migrant’ also does not include sociological, religious, political and anthropological interpretation but is limited to the fields of news and entertainment. Even the terms of news and entertainment are understood in the sense defined by art theorist Boris Groys and philosopher Gilles Lipovetsky. Hence the scope and purpose of the present article is not a comprehensive attempt at some sort of final interpretation of the reality of the migrant experience through a hermenautical approach. Rather, the article is a synthesis of views by three authors in a narrow context limited by the terms ‘the language of television’, ‘news’ and ‘entertainment’, so that discussion of the migrant phenomenon can be continued and developed into new and different views and interpretations [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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Copyright of Megatrends & Media is the property of University of SS. Cyril & Methodius in Trnava, Faculty of Mass Media Communication and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
11. Komparacija elemenata infotainmenta u popularnim kulinarskim zabavnim emisijama na hrvatskom i engleskom govornom području
- Author
Svaguša, Katarina and Tkalec, Gordana
- Subjects
televizijski žanr ,infotainment ,zabava ,informiranje ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Information and Communication Sciences ,kulinarski šou - Abstract
Na samom početku ovog završnog rada, definiran je pojam infotainment u svrhu upoznavanja s glavnim pojmom i temom istraživanja. Infotainment nije ništa više nego ono što sama riječ kaže - spoj informiranja i zabave. Klasičan način informiranja se kombinira sa zabavnim sadržajem, iz čega nastaje infotainment sadržaj. U svrhu lakšeg shvaćanja i razumijevanja infotainmenta, sve je potkrijepljeno primjerima. Infotainment je svakodnevno prisutan u sadržaju kojeg konzumiramo te se u potpunosti proširio u sva medijska područja, pa tako i u kulinarske emisije. Nadalje, u radu se koristi hrvatska riječ šou (engl. show), a kao objašnjenje navodi se citat Stjepana Babića: „Ona je dakle došla k nama s posebnim sadržajem, kao nov pojam i zato nije istisnula dobre hrvatske riječi jer prije nije bilo toga pojma pa ni riječi za nj. Stoga se šou veoma teško može zamijeniti kojom od dosadašnjih naših riječi“. (Babić: 1973: 158). „...ali ako nastavimo dosadašnjim putem usvajanjem šoua, valja odabrati onaj sklonidbeni tip koji će zadavati manje teškoća. Čini se da je to ipak prvi tip, šou, šoua“. (Babić: 1973: 160). Kako bismo uopće mogli analizirati jednu vrstu televizijskog žanra, bilo je potrebno definirati i objasniti što su televizijski žanrovi te kako se oni određuju. U najširem smislu, žanrovi se određuju prema temi, sadržaju, cilju ili situaciji u kojoj se nešto izražava. Nakon toga, dodatno je razrađen pojam kulinarskog šoua, kako je on nastao i kako se u budućnosti razvijao. Kulinarski šouovi u ovom radu podijeljeni su u dvije skupine: englesko govorno područje i hrvatsko govorno područje te su za svako govorno područje izabrana tri popularna kulinarska šoua. Upravo to je tema i cilj istraživanja ovog rada, utvrditi te usporediti zastupljenost infotainmenta u popularnim kulinarskim šouovima s engleskog i hrvatskog govornog područja. Šouovi koji su odabrani za analizu s engleskog govornog područja su: „MasterChef“, „The Great British Bake Off“ i „Hell'sKitchen“. Za hrvatsko govorno područje odabrani su: „MasterChef“, „Tri, dva, jedan – kuhaj!“ i „Večera za 5 na selu“.
- Published
- 2022
12. Igraće konzole-evolucija zabave
- Author
Halapa, Lea and Borčić, Luka Daniel
- Subjects
zabava ,gaming gadget ,igraće konzole ,evolucija ,virtualna stvarnost ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Information and Communication Sciences ,video igre - Abstract
Završni rad Igraće konzole – evolucija zabave govori upravo o tome kako danas izgleda zabava sa video igrama, ali i kako je to nekad izgledalo. U radu se spominje i prva video igra kao i činjenica da je u poprilično kratkom periodu zabava uz video igre dobila sasvim novo značenje. Početkom 90.ih godina prošlog stoljeća, riječ zabava uz video igre imala je vrlo jednostavno značenje. Video igre poput Super Mario ili Tetrisa su bile neizostavan dio kulture u devedesetima, no bile su doista jednostavne za igranje. I nije ih bilo mnogo. Neke od današnjih popularnih naslova video igara su se počele razvijati tek sredinom devedesetih, pa je tako početak 21. stoljeća obilježilo mnogo novih video igra. Crash Team Racing iz 1999. godine, video igra za karting utrke bila je tada neizostavan dio kolekcije PlayStation video igra. Za Nintendo, u obliku karting utrke to je bila Mario Kart i to čak tek četiri godine nakon CTR-a, odnosno 2003. godine. Obje ove igrice, danas imaju svoje nove i poboljšane verzije, no ipak, samo se prve pamte. Početkom 21. stoljeća ove igrice su se mogle igrati samo sa joystickom koji je bio povezan na igraću konzolu. Danas takve igrice poput vožnje ili simulacije vožnje mogu se igrati osim sa joystickom i sa volanom, te papučicama za gas i kočnicu. Čak se može kupiti i mjenjač. Gotovo svaka video igra je dobila nadogradnju u obliku dodatnog gadgeta za osnovnu konzolu. Tehnologija gadgeta je toliko napredovala da video igra poput simulacija vožnje: automobila, broda, aviona i sličnog postaje stvarnost. Postaje virtualna stvarnost.
- Published
- 2022
13. Analysis of easygoing user experience through an RPG Maker game without a combat option
- Author
Klobučar Ledinšćak, Magdalena and Čerepinko, Darijo
- Subjects
casual ,zabava ,fun ,frustration ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Graphic Technology. Processes of Graphic Reproduction ,frustracija ,ležerno ,testirati ,video igra ,testing ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Grafička tehnologija. Procesi grafičke reprodukcije ,video game - Abstract
Danas su video igre jako raširen oblik zabave. Uz to postoji puno raznih vrsta video igara. S vremenom su se razvili i razni tipovi igrača koji se dijele na dvije glavne kategorije, a to su predani i ležerni igrači. Postoje određeni izazovi u tome kako napraviti igru za ležerne igrače, a da nije dosadna ili frustrirajuća. Dobro osmišljena igra nije samo dobro osmišljena akcija kliktanja u određenom trenutku u priči. Potrebno je u određenim trenucima vizualno iskomunicirati željenu poruku što se može upotpuniti zvukom. Korisničko iskustvo nije dobro samo ako korisnik vidi gdje se koji gumb nalazi, već ono uključuje čitavo „putovanje“ kroz aplikaciju, ili u ovom slučaju, video igru. Ovim radom pokušat će se testirati da li će igrač osjećati frustraciju i negativne emocije ukoliko se susretne sa otežanom slagalicom. Riječ je o zadatku iz 2D igre koja je u vlasništvu autora ovog teksta. These days, video games are a very popular way of entertainment. As such, there are many different genres of video games. As video games have evolved as a medium, two main categories of players have emerged, roughly grouped as hardcore and casual gamers. There exist certain challenges in designing a game for casual players such that the game does not turn out to be boring or frustrating. A well designed game is more than just clicking at specific cues in the story. It is required for certain moments to visually comunicate a desireed message which can be made even richer with sounds. Good user experience is much more than simply presenting all the UI buttons to the user. The whole „experience” must be designed in such a way that it is enjoyable for the user to interact with the medium in question. This thesis aims to test whether a player of a video game will feel frustrated and/or bored with a challenging puzzle within a game demo created by the author of this thesis. The game in question is a top down 2D adventure game.
- Published
- 2022
14. Izrada Društvene igre Medijskog dizajna
- Author
Kužilek, Darijel and Borčić, Luka Daniel
- Subjects
zabava ,društvena igra ,dizajn ,medijski dizajn ,FIELD OF ART. Design ,edukacija ,UMJETNIČKO PODRUČJE. Dizajn - Abstract
Ideja završnog rada je bila oblikovati društvenu igru na tematiku odjela Medijskog dizajna. Cilj društvene igre je da studenti bolje upoznaju svoj odjel, a sve na šaljiv, kreativan, ali i edukativan način.
- Published
- 2022
15. „Volné chvíle použijeme ku přerovnání spižírny“. Ženský svět mezi prací a zábavou
- Author
Lenderová, Milena and Lenderová, Milena
- Abstract
Počátkem 19. století ovládlo lineární pojetí času celou společnost. Vydatným pomocníkem byly ekonomické a sociální změny, mj. šířící se gramotnost. S rozdělením života na sféru veřejnou a soukromou se od sebe oddělil čas mužů a čas žen. Muži se zmocnili volného času o poznání dříve: vždyť museli odpočívat po práci. Ženy, především ve středních městských vrstvách, údajně ohrožovala zahálka, fenomén, jehož se obávaly církevní autority a po nich všechny autorky ženské preskriptivní literatury. Proto měl den v domácnosti středních vrstev pevný časový rozvrh. Navzdory této skutečnosti bylo i ženám povoleno smysluplné trávení volného času. Respektována byla především charita, s jistými omezeními četba či zájmové psaní, obojí občas vnímané jako únik od reality. Naopak cestování žen se dostává stále zřetelnějšího společenského konsensu – vždyť je významným prostředkem vzdělání a národního uvědomění. Na konci století se objevuje ambivalentně přijímaný i ženský sport., The linear understanding of time took hold of the entire society at the beginning of the 19th century. The economic situation as well as the spread of literacy play a large role in this trend. By dividing life into public and private spheres, the time of men and women was also separated. Men took hold of their free time much sooner: they of course had to rest up after work. Even women, however, were allowed free time for meaningful and useful activities. Charity was most respected and with some limitations, these activities also included reading and writing, with both be ing viewed as an escape from reality. Female travel was enjoying more and more popularity – why it was a significant source of educational and national awakening. Women’s sports also appeared at the end of the century.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Sonnková, Pavlína
- Abstract
Copyright of Topical Issues of Tourism: Tourism & Its Impacts on Society is the property of College of Polytechnics Jihlava and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
- Author
Volková, Barbara
- Abstract
Copyright of Marketing Identity is the property of University of SS. Cyril & Methodius in Trnava, Slovakia and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
18. Web system with educational games for mathematical practice
- Author
Kalinić, Ivan and Jagušt, Tomislav
- Subjects
JavaScript ,matematičke operacije ,school ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Računarstvo ,calculation practice ,vježbanje računanja ,ReactJS ,zabava ,postojeće matematičke aplikacije ,MongoDB ,motivation ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Computing ,class ,math operations ,škola ,razred ,students ,učitelj ,MERN ,web application ,motivacija ,učenici ,fun ,web aplikacija ,natjecanje ,Express.js ,teacher ,existing math applications ,Node.js ,competition - Abstract
U ovom radu prikazana je izrada web aplikacije za vježbanje računanja sa višestrukim ciljem. Korišten je set programskih paketa poznat pod nazivom MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, ReactJS, Node.js) uglavnom baziranih na programskom jeziku JavaScript u kombinaciji s drugim programskim paketima i bibliotekama koji potiču iz obitelji ovih tehnologija. Kroz ovaj rad opisana je tehnička implementacija aplikacije koja se koristi navedenim tehnologijama, ali i ona reprezentacijska koja pokazuje funkcionalnosti koje sama aplikacija pruža. Ona kao glavni cilj ima savladavanje matematičkih operacija u nižim razredima osnovne škole, povećavanje njihove motivacije i želje za učenjem novog nastavnog sadržaja putem zabavnog i natjecateljskog materijala. S druge strane aplikacija olakšava i cijeli proces učitelju koji njezinim korištenjem ima nadzor nad učenicima, povratnu informaciju o usvojenom sadržaju i zagarantiranu uštedu vremena pri osmišljanju sadržaja školskog sata. Na kraju rada proučene su i postojeće matematičke aplikacije te analizirane njihove prednosti i nedostatci uključujući i tehnike za povećavanje motivacije kod učenika. Pokazalo se kako je razvijena aplikacija spoj svih dobrih karakteristika koje mnogo veće, analizirane aplikacije imaju te kao takva dobra jezgra i podloga za nadogradnju i uvođenje u škole. This paper presents the development of web application for practicing calculation with multiple goals. A set of software packages known as MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, ReactJS, Node.js) was used, mainly based on the JavaScript programming language in combination with other software packages and libraries that come from the family of these technologies. This paper describes the technical implementation of the application that uses these technologies but also the representation that shows the functionalities that the application itself provides. Its main goal is to master mathematical operations in the lower grades of primary school, increase their motivation and desire to learn new teaching content through fun and competitive material. On the other hand, the application also facilitates the whole process for the teacher who uses it to supervise students, provide feedback on the adopted content and guaranteed time savings in creating the content of the school lesson. At the end of the paper, the existing mathematical applications are studied and their advantages and disadvantages are analyzed including techniques for increasing motivation in students. It turned out that the developed application is a combination of all the good features that much larger, analyzed applications have and as such a good core and basis for upgrading and introducing itself in schools.
- Published
- 2022
19. Games as a part of sports recreation
- Author
Malnar, Linda and Trkulja-Petković, Drena
- Subjects
zabava ,sportska rekreacija ,entertainment ,importance ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Kineziologija ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Kinesiology ,vaţnost ,sports recreation ,igra ,zdravlje ,game ,health - Abstract
Svim ljudima je potrebna tjelesna aktivnost. Igra koja motivira, zabavlja i omogućava unapreĊenje motoriĉkih sposobnosti te stvaranje navika bavljenja sportskim aktivnostima, daje priliku svakome da pronaĊe tjelesnu aktivnost u kojoj uţiva. Ovaj diplomski rad prikazuje podjelu te opis igara kao sadrţaja sportske rekreacije. U radu su opisane igre koje su se provodile u ruralnim krajevima bivše drţave te igre današnjice. Kroz cijeli rad se naglašava znaĉaj igre i sportske rekreacije te prikazuju promjene u primjeni pomagala koja sluţe za izvoĊenje istih. Stoga je u radu prikazan široki spektar igara koje se mogu provoditi kao sadrţaj sportske rekreacije. Igre su znaĉajan sadrţaj sportske rekreacije za ljude svih dobnih skupina, jer omogućavaju oĉuvanje fiziĉkog i psihiĉkog zdravlja. All people need physical activity. A game that motivates, entertains and enables the improvement of motor skills and the creation of habits of engaging in sports activities, gives everyone the opportunity to find physical activity that they enjoy. This paper work presents the division and description of games as the content of sports recreation. The paper describes the games that were held in the rural areas of the former state and the games of today. Throughout the work, the emphasis is based on the importance of the game and sports recreation in the free time, in the form of fun and relaxation. Systematically, work follows the development of games from the past to the presents, describes the changes in the instruments used for their performance and ultimately encompasses a wide range of games that can be implemented as the contents of sports recreation. Games are an important part of sports recreation for people of all ages, because they enable the preservation of physical and mental health.
- Published
- 2022
20. Rijaliti kultura kao preovlađujući kulturni format u Srbiji
- Author
S Sanja Domazet and Z Jelena Nikolić
- Subjects
portali ,05 social sciences ,lcsh:HM401-1281 ,050801 communication & media studies ,General Medicine ,television ,portals ,zabava ,0508 media and communications ,lcsh:Sociology (General) ,entertainment ,050903 gender studies ,rijaliti kultura ,Sociology ,0509 other social sciences ,reality culture ,televizija - Abstract
The contemporary media culture in Serbia has been marked by two trends - democratization and transformation of the media. These parallel processes on the eve of the 21st century led to the decrease in informative contents and the increase in the entertainment ones. Therefore, reality shows take primacy in Serbia, no longer being an exclusive feature of the television. This paper is aimed at researching and describing the ways in which informative contents in the Serbian media have been replaced by television reality contents, as well as the ways in which the printed media and internet portals inform about them. By the qualitative method of content analysis, this paper realizes its goal to fathom the mechanisms of the transposition of the informative content into the entertainment one, thus deconstructing journalistic practices. The results will indicate that the domestic portals relate to realities in two ways - the first and less common modality is ignoring, while the second implies uncritical acceptance of this type of content, which creates fertile soil for the development and maintenance of the so-called reality culture. Savremenu medijsku kulturu u Srbiji obeležila su dva trenda - demokratizacija i transformacija medija. Ovi paralelni procesi na pragu 21. veka vodili su smanjenju informativnih, a povećanju zabavnih sadržaja. Tako u Srbiji primat dobijaju rijaliti programi, koji prestaju da budu odličje isključivo televizije. Cilj rada je da istraži i opiše na koje načine informativne sadržaje u srpskim medijima zamenjuju televizijski rijaliti sadržaji, kao i načine na koje o njima izveštavaju kako štampani mediji, tako i internet portali. Kvalitativnom metodom analize sadržaja ostvaruje se intencija rada da se pronikne u mehanizme transponovanja informativnog sadržaja u zabavni i dekonstruišu žurnalističke prakse. Rezultati će ukazati da se domaći portali dvojako odnose prema rijalitijima - prvi i ređi modalitet je ignorisanje, dok drugi podrazumeva nekritičko preuzimanje ove vrste sadržaja, čime se stvara pogodno tlo za razvoj i održanje takozvane rijaliti kulture.
- Published
- 2020
- Author
Dvořáková, Hana
- Abstract
Copyright of Physical Culture / Tělesná Kultura is the property of Palacky University in Olomouc and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
22. Pink consumption areas: research accomplishments and future perspectives
- Author
Mak, Karlo and Jakovčić, Martina
- Subjects
pink consumption ,LGBT ,shopping ,entertainment ,ružičasta potrošnja ,kupovina ,zabava - Abstract
Ružičasti prostori potrošnje podrazumijevaju skup mjesta koja su kreirana i/ili koja se odlikuju visokim stupnjem otvorenosti prema LGBT zajednici. Istraživanja ružičaste potrošnje javljaju se 1990-ih godina, gotovo bez iznimke smještaju se u urbani kontekst, a geografski su ograničena uglavnom na prostore Angloamerike i Zapadne Europe. Kao ishodišna mjesta ružičaste potrošnje identificirani su noćni klubovi, no liberalizacijom društvenih odnosa u zemljama svjetskoga Sjevera ružičasti prostori potrošnje sve se više diversificiraju. Ipak, dominiraju mjesta zabave, a njima je posvećeno i najviše istraživačke pozornosti. Razmjerno je dobro istražen i sustav kupovine, uključujući upravljanje potrošnjom i tzv. rainbow washing, dok su proučavanja kulture i zdravlja u znatnom deficitu. Istraživanja ružičaste potrošnje obilježena su zajedničkim metodološkim problemima. Središnji je problem nepostojanje popisa LGBT osoba, čime je gotovo onemogućen bilo koji vid probabilističkoga uzrokovanja. Shodno tomu kvalitativna istraživanja, temeljena na metodama intervjua, razgovorima u fokus-grupama i geosemiotičkoj analizi, u novije vrijeme prevladavaju nad kvantitativnim istraživanjima., Pink consumption areas are a collection of places that were created and/or stand out for their openness towards the LGBT community. Research of pink consumption first arose in the 1990s and took place in an urban context almost without exception, and was largely geographically limited to Anglo-America and Western Europe. Night clubs have been identified as the starting points of pink consumption, but pink consumer spaces are becoming increasingly diversified with the liberalisation of social relations in the Western world. However, entertainment remains the dominant domain and the most research attention has been focused on this area. Purchasing systems, including consumption management called rainbow washing, has also been well studied, though studies on culture and health related to this area are strongly lacking. Research of pink consumption spaces shares a common methodology with this issue. A central issue is the lack of a public list of LGBT persons, which makes it virtually impossible to have any form of probability sampling. Accordingly, qualitative research based on the interview method, focus group discussions, and geosemiotic analyses are more frequently used than quantitative research.
- Published
- 2021
23. Research on the Prevalence and Consequences of Sports Betting Among High School Students in Slavonski Brod
- Author
Radičević, Tena and Kelam, Ivica
- Subjects
dobit ,sportsko klađenje ,srednjoškolci ,zabava ,profit ,sports betting ,high school students ,entertainment ,profit, sports betting, high school students, entertainment - Abstract
Sports betting is nowadays very accessible to everyone, including high school students. It is a common belief that sports betting is just a “harmless” form of entertainment and one of the easiest ways to make money. However, the easy availability and frequency of sports betting can contribute to the development of harmful consequences. This research aimed to determine the extent to which high school seniors represent sports betting, what is their motivation for betting and whether they recognize the harmfulness of excessive use of sports betting activities. The sample of respondents consisted of high school students, that is, students of the Matija Mesić High School in Slavonski Brod and students of the four-year vocational high school programme at the Slavonski Brod Technical School. The research instrument was a survey questionnaire compiled for the research. The questionnaire measured the frequency of betting, students’ attitudes about betting, motivation to bet, and the like. This research was supposed to confirm the assumption that students bet relatively often and do not recognize the harmful consequences of sports betting that can even lead to addiction. The results showed that half of the high school seniors bet at least once and that students are almost one hundred per cent aware of the harmful consequences that excessive sports betting can cause., Sportsko klađenje je u današnje vrijeme vrlo dostupno svima pa tako i učenicima srednjih škola. Uvriježeno je stajalište da je sportsko klađenje samo „bezopasni“ oblik zabave i jedan od najlakših načina zarade. Upravo laka dostupnost i učestalost sportskoga klađenja mogu doprinijeti razvoju štetnih posljedica. Ovim istraživanjem željelo se utvrditi u kojoj mjeri je zastupljeno sportsko klađenja učenika završnih razreda srednjih škola, koja je njihova motivacija za klađenje te uviđaju li štetnost prekomjerne primjene aktivnosti sportskoga klađenja. Uzorak ispitanika činili su učenici gimnazijskoga programa, odnosno učenici Gimnazije „Matija Mesić“ u Slavonskome Brodu i učenici četverogodišnjega strukovnoga srednjoškolskoga programa Tehničke škole Slavonski Brod. Instrument istraživanja je bio anketni upitnik sastavljen u svrhu istraživanja. Upitnik je mjerio učestalost klađenja, stavove učenika o klađenju, motivaciju za klađenje i slično. Istraživanje je trebalo potvrditi pretpostavku da se učenici relativno često klade i ne uviđaju štetne posljedice sportskoga klađenja koje mogu dovesti i do ovisnosti. Rezultati su pokazali da se polovica učenika završnih razreda srednjih škola kladila najmanje jedanput te da su učenici gotovo u stopostotnom udjelu svjesni štetnih posljedica koje prekomjerno bavljenje sportskim klađenjem može prouzrokovati.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
- Abstract
Copyright of Studia Paedagogica is the property of Masaryk University, Faculty of Arts and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2014
- Full Text
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25. Bioethical aspects of sports betting-research among the high school population
- Author
Radičević, Tena and Kelam, Ivica
- Subjects
zabava ,INTERDISCIPLINARNA PODRUČJA ZNANOSTI. Integrativna bioetika (prirodne, tehničke, biomedicina i zdravstvo, biotehničke, društvene, humanističke znanosti) ,sportsko klađenje ,bioetika ,sports betting ,entertainment ,INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE. Integrative Bioethics (Natural, Technical, Biomedical and Healthcare, Social and Humanistic Sciences) ,srednjoškolci ,high school students ,dobit ,profit ,bioethics - Abstract
Sportsko klađenje je u današnje vrijeme vrlo dostupno svima pa tako i učenicima srednjih škola. Uvriježeno je stajalište da je sportsko klađenje samo „bezopasni“ oblik zabave i jedan od najlakših načina zarade. Upravo laka dostupnost i učestalost sportskoga klađenja mogu doprinijeti razvoju štetnih posljedica. Ovim istraživanjem željelo se utvrditi u kojoj mjeri je zastupljeno sportsko klađenja učenika završnih razreda srednjih škola, koja je njihova motivacija za klađenje te uviđaju li štetnost prekomjerne primjene aktivnosti sportskoga klađenja. Uzorak ispitanika činili su učenici gimnazijskoga programa, odnosno učenici Gimnazije „Matija Mesić“ u Slavonskome Brodu i učenici četverogodišnjega strukovnoga srednjoškolskoga programa Tehničke škole Slavonski Brod. Instrument istraživanja bio je anketni upitnik sastavljen u svrhu istraživanja. Upitnik je mjerio učestalost klađenja, stavove učenika o klađenju, motivaciju za klađenje i slično. Istraživanje je trebalo potvrditi pretpostavku da se učenici relativno često klade i ne uviđaju štetne posljedice sportskoga klađenja koje mogu dovesti i do ovisnosti. Rezultati su pokazali da se polovica učenika završnih razreda srednjih škola kladila najmanje jedanput te da su učenici gotovo u stopostotnom udjelu svjesni štetnih posljedica koje prekomjerno bavljenje sportskim klađenjem može prouzrokovati. Sportsko klađenje predstavlja i bioetički problem, budući da kod osoba koje se prekomjerno klade izaziva štetne posljedice za život. Sports betting is nowadays very accessible to everyone, including high school students. It is a common belief that sports betting is just a "harmless" form of entertainment and one of the easiest ways to make money. It is the easy availability and frequency of sports betting that can contribute to the development of harmful consequences. This research aimed to determine the extent to which sports betting is represented by high school seniors, what is their motivation for betting and whether they recognize the harmfulness of excessive use of sports betting activities. The sample of respondents consisted of high school students, that is, students of the Matija Mesić High School in Slavonski Brod and students of the four-year vocational high school program of the Slavonski Brod Technical School. The research instrument was a survey questionnaire compiled for the research. The questionnaire measured the frequency of betting, students' attitudes about betting, motivation to bet, and the like. The research was supposed to confirm the assumption that students bet relatively often and do not recognize the harmful consequences of sports betting that can even lead to addiction. The results showed that half of the high school seniors bet at least once and that students are almost one hundred percent aware of the harmful consequences that excessive sports betting can cause. Sports betting is also a bioethical problem, as excessive sports betting causes harmful consequences for life in those who bet.
- Published
- 2020
26. Masaže za otroke
- Author
Spruk, Silva and Geršak, Vesna
- Subjects
umiritev ,udc:373.2:615.82(043.2) ,zabava ,dotik ,sprostitev ,vpliv masaž ,odziv otrok ,uživanje ,masaža - Published
- 2020
27. Reality culture as a prevailing cultural format in Serbia
- Author
Domazet, Sanja, Domazet, Sanja, Nikolić, Jelena Z., Domazet, Sanja, Domazet, Sanja, and Nikolić, Jelena Z.
- Abstract
The contemporary media culture in Serbia has been marked by two trends - democratization and transformation of the media. These parallel processes on the eve of the 21st century led to the decrease in informative contents and the increase in the entertainment ones. Therefore, reality shows take primacy in Serbia, no longer being an exclusive feature of the television. This paper is aimed at researching and describing the ways in which informative contents in the Serbian media have been replaced by television reality contents, as well as the ways in which the printed media and internet portals inform about them. By the qualitative method of content analysis, this paper realizes its goal to fathom the mechanisms of the transposition of the informative content into the entertainment one, thus deconstructing journalistic practices. The results will indicate that the domestic portals relate to realities in two ways - the first and less common modality is ignoring, while the second implies uncritical acceptance of this type of content, which creates fertile soil for the development and maintenance of the so-called reality culture., Savremenu medijsku kulturu u Srbiji obeležila su dva trenda - demokratizacija i transformacija medija. Ovi paralelni procesi na pragu 21. veka vodili su smanjenju informativnih, a povećanju zabavnih sadržaja. Tako u Srbiji primat dobijaju rijaliti programi, koji prestaju da budu odličje isključivo televizije. Cilj rada je da istraži i opiše na koje načine informativne sadržaje u srpskim medijima zamenjuju televizijski rijaliti sadržaji, kao i načine na koje o njima izveštavaju kako štampani mediji, tako i internet portali. Kvalitativnom metodom analize sadržaja ostvaruje se intencija rada da se pronikne u mehanizme transponovanja informativnog sadržaja u zabavni i dekonstruišu žurnalističke prakse. Rezultati će ukazati da se domaći portali dvojako odnose prema rijalitijima - prvi i ređi modalitet je ignorisanje, dok drugi podrazumeva nekritičko preuzimanje ove vrste sadržaja, čime se stvara pogodno tlo za razvoj i održanje takozvane rijaliti kulture.
- Published
- 2020
- Author
Božović, Ratko R.
- Subjects
Copyright of Sociologija/Sociology: Journal of Sociology, Social Psychology & Social Anthropology is the property of MOD International and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2008
29. Language of television and migrants: perspectives of intellect and entertaiment
- Author
Oliver Jurišić
- Subjects
language of television ,intellect ,entertainment ,interpretation ,hyper ,Neil Postman ,Boris Groys ,Gilles Lipovetsky ,migrant ,televizijski jezik ,um ,zabava ,interpretacija ,hiper - Abstract
Fenomen migracija i stvarnosti migranta nije moguće sažeti ni onda kada obrađujemo jedan specifičan dio tog fenomena. Sociološki, religijski, politički i različiti pristupi ovoj stvarnosti pred nas stavljaju velik broj istraživanja i literature. Ovaj članak je također pokušaj parcijalnog razumijevanja koje unutar svojeg vlastitog pristupa ima opet svoja ograničenja. Govoriti o jeziku, znači pokušati nemoguće, a to je da iskustvo jezika bude zahvaćeno kao cjelina nekog istraživanja ili rada. Ovdje jezik kao pojam biva ograničen na pojam televizijskog jezika onako kako ga interpretira američki teoretičar Neil Postman. Izostavljamo pojam medijski jezik kao generički termin za sve aktualne načine komunikacije koji zahvaćaju puno više od pojma televizijski jezik. I pojam migrant ne uključuje njegovo sociološko, religijsko, političko i antropološko tumačenje, nego ga se promatra u kontekstu odnosa između gledatelja i zabave. I sami pojmovi zabave i stvarnosti ograničeni su na razumijevanje koje su ponudili, svatko na svoj način, teoretičar umjetnosti Boris Groys i filozof Gilles Lipovetsky. Stoga dometi i svrha članka nisu apsolutni pokušaj jedne sveobuhvatne interpretacije stvarnosti migranta s pomoću hermeneutičke metode. Radije sintetiziramo poglede trojice različitih autora u što uži interpretativni okvir koji je omeđen pojmovima televizijskog jezika, stvarnosti i zabave kako bi se eventualno rasprava o ovom fenomenu nastavila, širila i produbljivala., The phenomenon of migration and the experience of migrants is impossible to summarize even when we go into specifics. Diverse sociological, religious, and political approaches have produced a large volume of literature and research. This article is a modest attempt at partial understanding and maintains a limited scope. Research on language is to some extent rendered impossible, as it posits an understanding of language as a complete experience of communication. Hence, the term language is limited here to the definition of television language formulated by Neil Postman. We leave aside the language of media as a generic term for all the actual means of communication, which goes beyond the language of television. The term ‘migrant’ also does not include sociological, religious, political and anthropological interpretation but is limited to the fields of news and entertainment. Even the terms of news and entertainment are understood in the sense defined by art theorist Boris Groys and philosopher Gilles Lipovetsky. Hence the scope and purpose of the present article is not a comprehensive attempt at some sort of final interpretation of the reality of the migrant experience through a hermenautical approach. Rather, the article is a synthesis of views by three authors in a narrow context limited by the terms ‘the language of television’, ‘news’ and ‘entertainment’, so that discussion of the migrant phenomenon can be continued and developed into new and different views and interpretations.
- Published
- 2020
30. Popularity of Genres of Popular Literature – Possible Diagnosis of Society
- Author
Ileš, Tatjana, Senker, Boris, Ljubić, Lucija, and Glunčić-Bužančić, Vinka
- Subjects
popularno ,popularna književnost ,zabava ,otpor ,eskapizam ,popular ,popular literature ,fun ,resistance ,escapism - Abstract
Moguće razloge visoke razine čitanosti i popularnosti popularnih književnih žanrova nalazimo i u sociopsihološkim aspektima iz kojih proizlaze dvije osnovne funkcije popularne literature općenito – njezina zabavna funkcija i mogući eskapizam, u okviru kojih publika istražuje svoju potisnutu nutrinu, skrivene želje te iskušava vlastite granice koje zamišljeno ispunjava lakokonzumirajući tekst. Ako je čin čitanja popularnih književnih žanrova istovremeno i čin otpora svakodnevnom životu, ali i prostor unutarnje slobode modernoga pojedinca, popularnost žanrova popularne književnosti jest neupitna., Possible reasons for the high readability and popularity of this genres are also found in the socio-psychological aspects from which two basic functions of trivial literature in general arise – its entertaining function and escapism, within which the audience explores its suppressed insides, its desires, which are then consumed by the trivial text imaginatively fulfilling. If the act of reading popular literary genres is at the same time an act of resistance to everyday life, but also a space of the inner freedom of the modern individual, the popularity of genres of popular literature is beyond question.
- Published
- 2020
- Author
Ćurko, Bruno and Jurić, Hrvoje
- Subjects
animals ,sports industry ,cultural tradition ,bioethics ,entertainment ,životinje ,sportska industrija ,kulturna tradicija ,bioetika ,zabava ,životinje, sportska industrija, kulturna tradicija, bioetika, zabava - Abstract
Animals are a part of sport industries, from the so-called traditions such as fox hunting and bullfighting, horse and dog racing, to the cruel examples of hare coursing, rodeo, and orangutan boxing (Thailand), to cock and dog fights. These are prominent examples of animal exploitation serving our human entertainment. In my presentation, I will try to identify some of the essential questions considering animal use in sports. Some of these questions are: Can we justify animal exploitation in the name of tradition? Can we take into consideration the well-being of sport animals before, during, and after their competitive career? How much could and should the imminent risk of animal stress, injuries, and fatalities prevent us from their exploitation in sports? If animals are ready to obey demands we set upon them, should we abuse them for our entertainment and sport?, Životinje su dio sportske industrije, od tzv. kulturnih tradicija kao što su lov na lisice i borbe bikova, utrke konja i pasa preko izvrnutih primjera kao što su Hare Coursing (psi koji love zečeve), rodeo ili boks orangutana (Tajland) pa sve do borbe pijetlova ili pasa. Očito se radi o iskorištavanju životinja radi naše, ljudske zabave. U izlaganju ću pokušati identificirati neka od najvažnijih pitanja vezano uz upotrebu životinja u sportu. Neka od spomenutih pitanja su: Možemo li opravdati iskorištavanje životinja u sportu radi tradicije? Možemo li uopće smatrati sportom sve te manje ili više čudne aktivnosti u kojima ljudi uključuju životinje? Možemo li razmišljati o dobrobit sportskih životinja prije, tijekom i nakon natjecateljske karijere? Je su li životinje u sportu neopravdano ‘iskorištene’? Je li uopće opravdano koristiti životinje u sportske svrhe, s obzirom na to da nema apsolutne potrebe da se to čini? Koliko bi nas neizbježni rizici od stresa, ranjavanja i smrtnost životinja trebalo i moglo spriječiti za njihovo iskorištavanje u sportu? Ako je životinja spremna učiniti ono što tražimo od nje, trebamo li je iskorištavati za našu zabavu i sport?
- Published
- 2020
32. Traditional and Contemporary Games in Learning and Teaching
- Author
Hrženjak, Krešimir and Lukaš, Mirko
- Subjects
zabava ,roditelji ,izbor ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Pedagogija. Opća pedagogija ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Pedagogy. General Pedagogy ,prijatelji ,pravila - Abstract
Tema ovoga diplomskog rada je tradicionalna i suvremena igra u učenju i poučavanju. Cilj ovog rada povezati je tradicionalnu igru sa suvremenom igrom te ukazati na promjenu u načinu igre suvremene djece. Radom se pokušalo istražiti i dobiti odgovor na pitanje može li se i u suvremenom društvu igrom poučavati. Obrazložena je i definirana igra kao i njezina povezanost s čovjekom i ulogom u oblikovanju njegove osobnosti od najranije dobi preko djetinjstva do razdoblja adolescencije. Rad polazi od znanstvenih teorija koje igru definiraju na nekoliko razina, od psihološke preko sociološke i pedagoške. Uspoređuju se tradicionalna igra sa suvremenim oblicima igre, obilježja obaju navedenih igara te njihov utjecaj i prednosti. Unutar teorijskog dijela rada obrazlaže se igra kao odgojno-obrazovni proces. Naglasak u odgojno-obrazovnom procesu pridaje se uključenosti odraslih osoba ovoj aktivnosti. U eksperimentalnom dijelu provedeno je istraživanje u kojem je sudjelovalo 179 učenika Osnovne škole Eugena Kumičića Slatina. Istraživanjem želi se potvrditi postoje li danas oblici tradicionalnih igara ili oni uopće više i ne postoje i nisu prisutni. Očekuje se da istraživanje potvrdi tranziciju od tradicionalnog k modernom uslijed pojave globalizacije te naglih prihvaćanja modernizacije. Praktičan doprinos ovoga istraživanja ogleda se u mogućnostima primjene ovih spoznaja u školama i ostalim odgojnim ustanovama u kojima se igra može implementirati u učenje i poučavanje. Djelatnici mogu na temelju rezultata formirati svoj način rada te uključiti igru u svoj rad.
- Published
- 2019
33. From cabarets to concert scene (between 19 and 20 centuries)
- Author
Kotalová, Anna, Kalfiřtová, Eva, and Müllerová, Eva
- Subjects
koncertní scéna ,kabaret ,hudba ,entertainment ,dance ,zábava ,tanec ,Francie ,Montmarte ,France ,chanson ,music ,šanson ,cabaret ,music-hall ,Montmartre - Abstract
The aim of this thesis was to describe the history of five cabarets located in Pairs district called Montmartre - Chat Noir, Lapin Agile, Moulin Rouge, Folies-Bergére, Bobino and Olympia. The first plan was to line up cabarets chronologically and be mostly focused on their development changes - Folies-Bergere (1869) - Bobino (1973) - Chat Noir (1881( - Moulin Rouge (1889) - Olympia (1893) - Lapin Agile (1903). On the other hand, during the research, we found out that it would be better to line up cabarets due to different criterions - if they are still running, if they keep their typical cabaret atmosphere or changed to the music-hall, and if they have enriched French culture. Family atmosphere was typical for the first French cabarets. They were places where people could meet each other, drink and eat. During the time cabaret became popular place for the rich public and tourists. The big inspiration for cabarets were modern music-halls from England, however, visitors were still able to drink, eat or just meet their friends there. Typical for the program was chanson which is one of the main functions of cabarets during these days as well. In the district Montmartre, there used to be 5 cabarets - whose we examined in this thesis. On the contrary, nowadays everything is different. Cabaret Chat Noir...
- Published
- 2019
34. Philosophy of Media: One look at the Industry of Entertainment and Production of Humdrum
- Author
Divna Vuksanović and Dragan Ćalović
- Subjects
zabava ,dosada ,industrija zabave ,mediji ,filozofija medija ,entertainment ,humdrum ,industry of entertainment ,media ,media philosophy - Abstract
Jedno od općih i na relativno neodređen način postavljenih pitanja, a povezanih s generalnim očekivanjima od suvremenih medija, tiče se njihovog utjecaja na recipijente, konzumente, prozumere i korisnike medijskih alatki i usluga, i to u pogledu zabave. Tradicionalno gledano, od medija se traži da informiraju, pouče, ali i zabave. Nekada su ove funkcije medija fuzionirane, a nije rijetkost da se mediji specijaliziraju za pojedine vrste programa – informativne, umjetničke, sportske, i sl., kakav je često slučaj s televizijom, na primjer. Takozvana industrija zabave – koja se aktualno definira unutar tzv. kreativnih industrija – čini se da ne ostvaruje svoju osnovnu funkciju, jer je zabava uvjetovana profitom: u okvirima ove industrije, ne može se zamisliti takva zabava koja, istovremeno, nije i komercijalnog karaktera. To, ujedno, sužava mogućnosti da zabava bude nešto drugo do puki komercijalni proizvod, tj. roba. Zabava postaje uniformni, jednodimenzionalni poligon za trošenje novca i slobodnog vremena. U seriji interakcija koje nudi, svijet zabave se, prema našem mišljenju, preokreće u svoju suprotnost – dosadu, koja teži ispunjenju / strukturiranju vremena i obrtanju kapitala. Dosada tako postaje drugo ime za vrijeme „uživanja“ i „zabave“, praznina koja kao bezdan guta, bez razlike, sve medijske forme i sadržaje našeg vremena., One of a general and in a relatively indefinite way asked questions, inspired by common expectations of contemporary media, is a question of its influence on recipients, consumers and users of media tools and services, especially in the field of entertainment. From a traditional point of view, media should inform, educate, but also to entertain. Sometimes, these functions are merged, but on the other hand, media specialized for a specific types of programs - such are informative programs, artistic contents, sports, etc., are not rare, which is, per example, a common practice in a TV industries. Following this specialization, entertainment is very often seen as a product of a special kind of industry - industry of entertainment. But in the scope of this industry, no entertainment, without strong commercial foundations, is possible. Hence, it seems that so called industry of entertainment, which is defined in the scope of creative industries, does not fulfill its common function. Under such circumstances, entertainment turns to nothing more than commercial good. In other words, entertainment becomes one dimensional pool for spending money and time. With a series of interactions which offers, world of entertainment transforms itself into its opposite - humdrum. Humdrum becomes other name for a time of “joy” and “entertainment”, an emptiness which like abyss devours all media forms and contents of our time with no any difference.
- Published
- 2019
35. Daily Lifes of Inhabitants of the City of Rome in the First Centuries of the Roman Empire
- Author
Harambašić, Matea and Sorić, Diana
- Subjects
Rome ,banquet ,građani ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Filologija ,terme ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Philology ,zabava ,Rimljani ,toga ,igre ,the era of the Empire ,wine ,spa ,games ,Forum ,arena ,the Romans ,gozba ,food ,doba Carstva ,Rim ,robovi ,utrke ,slaves ,racing ,citizens ,fun ,vino ,tunika ,tunic ,Rim, Rimljani, doba Carstva, Forum, arena, igre, utrke, terme, gozba, vino, toga, tunika, građani, robovi, hrana, zabava ,hrana - Abstract
Svakodnevni život stanovnika grada Rima u prvim stoljećima carstva prilično je dobro dokumentiran u brojnim izvorima latinskih pisaca (Marcijalovi Epigrami, Ovidijevo Ljubavno umijeće, Horacijeve Satire, Petronijev Satirikon itd.). Ti nam izvori, ali i mnoga umjetnička djela te arheološki nalazi, svjedoče o tome na koji način su se Rimljani oblačili, što su najčešće jeli, koje poslove su obavljali, kako su se u slobodno vrijeme zabavljali, opuštali i tome slično. U radu se na temelju literature (J. Carcopino, M. Beard, P. Grimal i dr.) te izvornih tekstova donose i potkrepljuju relevantnim citatima latinskih pisaca zanimljive pojedinosti i običaji iz svakodnevnog života Rimljana. The daily lifes of the inhabitants of the city of Rome in the first centuries of the empire is quite well documented in numerous sources of Latin writers (Martial's Epigrams, Ovid's Love Art, Horace's Satires, Petronius' Satyricon, etc.). These sources, but also many works of art and archeological finds, testify to the way the Romans dressed, what they ate most often, what jobs they did, how they had fun, relaxed and so on in their free time. On the basis of literature (J. Carcopino, M. Beard, P. Grimal, etc.) and original texts, interesting details and customs from the everyday life of the Romans are brought and supported by relevant quotations from Latin writers.
- Published
- 2019
36. Motivacija za učenje i zabava
- Author
Barbarić, Petra and Ćirić, Jasna
- Subjects
Motivacija ,Učenje ,Zabava - Abstract
U nastavi stranih jezika nužno je koristiti se različitim metodama da bi nastava bila interaktivna i zanimljiva.Jedna od takvih aktivnosti je upotreba i gledanje filma u nastavi.
- Published
- 2018
37. Motivacija ; Učenje ; Zabava
- Author
Barbarić, Petra and Ćirić, Jasna
- Subjects
motivacija ,učenje ,zabava - Abstract
U nastavi stranih jezika nužno je koristiti se različitim metodama da bi nastava bila interaktivna i zanimljiva.Jedna od takvih aktivnosti je upotreba i gledanje filma u nastavi.
- Published
- 2018
38. Teambuilding program for specific group
- Author
Haftaňak, Miroslav, Janák, Vladimír, and Ruda, Tomáš
- Subjects
confidence ,outdoor ,group ,kolektiv ,zábava ,teambuilding ,komunikace ,důvěra ,zážitky ,pracovní tým ,entertainment ,experience ,communication ,work team - Abstract
This bachelor thesis deals with a teambuilding program for a specific working group. More precisely, with its creation and with its piloting on a group, similar to the target group . The thesis has two parts. In the theoretical part, the thesis deals with the analysis of the term teambuilding, history of teambuilding and current trends and activities in teambuilding. The practical part of the thesis deals with the creation of the program itself, the creation of particular activities and the realizacion of this program. Key words: teambuilding, experience, outdoor, group, work team, communication, confidence, entertainment
- Published
- 2018
39. Space, Media, Art. A View on Contemporaneity
- Author
Divna Vuksanović and Vlatko Ilić
- Subjects
virtualni prostor ,proširena realnost ,umjetnost ,mediji ,zabava ,VR film ,virtual space ,augmented reality ,art ,media ,entertainment ,VR cinema - Abstract
Tekst iz kuta filozofije medija problematizira pitanje razumijeća prostora u našem dobu, a u kontekstu djelovanja medijske kulture i industrije zabave. Pojam prostora koji ovdje imamo u vidu tiče se njegove tehnološke geneze i apliciranja u domeni umjetnosti i suvremenih medija. Istovremeno, on je utemeljen na Kantovim pretpostavkama o jedinstvu i beskonačnosti čiste prostornosti. U tom smislu, u članku se razmatraju odgovarajući fenomeni virtualnog prostora (VR) i proširenog prostora (AR) koji, nakon perioda u kojemu su tretirani kao »tehnička atrakcija«, bivaju primijenjenima u regiji kreativnih industrija – kao VR film, djelomično kazalište ili videoigre. Njihova daljnja sudbina tiče se komercijalne eksploatacije što, povratno, omogućuje daljnji razvoj, usložnjavanje i multipliciranje u funkciji profita. Članak na problemski način nastoji prepoznati transformiranje njihove osnovne uloge, u rasponu od tehničke atrakcije, preko umjetničkih medija, do resursa za komercijalnu eksploataciju., This paper examines, from the perspective of philosophy of media, our comprehension of space in the context of media culture and entertainment industry. The notion of space, while being based on Kant’s assumptions of unity and infinity of pure spatiality, will be discussed mostly regarding its technological genesis and applications within the domains of arts and contemporary media. Consequently, we will look into the phenomena of virtual space (VR) and augmented space (AR). After the period during which they were treated as “technological attractions”, they are being increasingly used by creative industries – VR cinema, partly theatre, and video games. Their fate is thus related to the commercial exploitation which, reversibly, leads to their complexification and multiplication, as well as the further development carried out for profit. The paper attempts to address – from the critical standpoint – these transformations of their primary roles: from technological attraction, through artistic media, to the resource for commercial exploitation.
- Published
- 2018
40. Philosophy of Media: Is Violence Funny?
- Author
Divna Vuksanović
- Subjects
nasilje ,zabava ,mediji ,film ,filozofija medija ,violence ,entertainment ,media ,media philosophy - Abstract
U tekstu se iz ugla filozofije medija preispituje odnos fenomena nasilja i zabave u doba vladavine medijske kulture. Najprije se istražuje može li se nasilje uopće definirati kao nasilje kada je riječ o njegovom prikazivanju u medijima; nakon iznesenog zaključka da je u takvim slučajevima uvijek riječ o medijski transformiranom nasilju koje prelazi u nešto drugo, istražuje se svrha masovnog pojavljivanja nasilja u današnjim medijima. U ovom kontekstu ispitivanja, posebno se skreće pažnja na odnos nasilja i zabave koji susrećemo na području kinematografije i industrije videoigara. Na postavljeno pitanje zbog čega industrija zabave koristi nasilje u mnogobrojnim medijskim sadržajima, te je li nasilje samo po sebi zabavno, odgovor je negativan. Nasilje po sebi nije niti može biti zabavno; ono je, međutim, kao medijski proizvod, visokoprofitabilno. Otuda je svijet zabave danas preplavljen nasilničkim sadržajima., In the text, from the angle of media philosophy, the relationship between the phenomenon of violence and entertainment in the age of the rule of media culture is re-examined. It first explores whether violence can be defined as violence at all when it comes to its presentation in the media; after the conclusion that in such cases it is always a matter of media transformed violence that goes into something else, the purpose of the massive appearance of violence in today’s media is investigated. In this context of inquiry, particular attention is drawn to the relationship between violence and entertainment that we encounter in the field of cinema and the video game industry.Asked why the entertainment industry uses violence in numerous media content, and whether violence is in itself fun, the answer is denied. Violence by itself can neither be fun; however, as a media product, it is highly profitable. That is why the world of entertainment today is flooded with violent content.
- Published
- 2018
41. Poročevalski stil televizijske dnevnoinformativne oddaje Planet danes
- Author
Ciglarič, Anja and Kalin Golob, Monika
- Subjects
Master's theses ,infotainment ,Senzacionalizem na televiziji ,Entertainment ,udc:654.197:81'38(043.3) ,Televizijske informativne oddaje ,infozabava ,Zabava ,Magistrske naloge ,Television broadcasting of news ,Sensationalism on television ,poročevalski slog - Published
- 2017
42. Izdelava aplikacije Igrajmo matematiko
- Author
Kinkopf, Al and Rogelj, Peter
- Subjects
mathematical operations ,matematične enačbe ,aplikacije ,elementary school pupils ,udc:004.42(043.2) ,osnovnošolci ,zabava ,fun ,matematika ,igra ,matematične operacije ,mathematical equations ,učenje ,study ,game ,application ,Java - Published
- 2017
43. Vpliv prvoosebne perspektive na vživljanje v video igrah
- Author
Kenk, Jan and Stanković, Peter
- Subjects
igranje domišljijskih vlog ,Video games ,Videoigre ,Graduate theses ,Entertainment ,udc:316.72(043.2) ,Diplomska dela ,vživljanje ,Zabava ,perspektiva ,Igralci ,Actors - Published
- 2017
44. Odnos američke političke stvarnosti i fikcije u seriji House of cards
- Author
Levis, Renato and Grbeša-Zenzerović, Marijana
- Subjects
popularna kultura ,politika ,zabava ,entertainment ,political fiction ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Information and Communication Sciences. Journalism ,politička fikcija ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti. Novinarstvo ,politics ,House of Cards ,popular culture ,politička osoba ,political self - Abstract
U tekstu se analizira važnost televizijske fikcije kao mogućeg bogatog izvora i referentnog okvira za razumijevanje politike. Oslanjajući se na rad Liesbet van Zoonen, u kojemu se polazi od stava da pitanje nije što politička fikcija čini ljudima, već obrnuto: što ljudi rade s političkom fikcijom? Postavlja se, dakle, pitanje je li i kako publika koristi fikciju da bi prezentirala svoje “političko ja”. Analizom reakcije publike na odgledanu političku fikciju, van Zoonen dolazi do zaključka kako zabavni televizijski sadržaji mogu biti važan izvor novih znanja, iskustava i kreativnih stimulansa za bavljenje politikom te da oni nemaju negativan učinak na političku kulturu građana. Istraživanje provedeno na televizijskoj seriji House of Cards potvrđuje tezu da se fanovi u kontekstu web zajednica uistinu bave politikom na način da stvaraju i prezentiraju javne verzije svog “političkog ja”. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da politička fikcija potencijalno čini politiku dostupnom svima te su zbog toga fikcijski narativi poželjni i nužni. The article analyzes the importance of television fiction as a potential source and a reference framework for understanding politics. Relying on the work of Liesbet van Zoonen, which starts from the from the classic position in media studies that the question is not so much what films and series about politics do to people, but rather the other way around: what do people do with with political fiction? The question that is raised here is whether and how people use these films to present a ‘political self’. By analyzing the public's reaction to popular American movies and television series about politics, van Zoonen comes to the conclusion that entertaining television content can be an important source of new knowledge, experience and creative stimulus for politics. They do not have the negative effects on the political culture of citizens. The research conducted on the TV series House of Cards confirms the thesis that fans in the context of the web community are really concerned with politics by creating and presenting public versions of their 'political self'. The results of this research show that political fiction potentially makes politics available to everyone and therefore fiction narratives are desirable and necessary.
- Published
- 2017
- Author
Babić, Josipa and Najev Čačija, Ljiljana
- Subjects
zabava ,social networks ,entertainment ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Marketing ,internet marketing ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. Marketing ,noćni klub "Space" ,night club "Space" ,društvene mreže - Abstract
Internet marketing je oglašavanje proizvoda i usluga putem interneta, a informatička era je najbrže rastući fenomen u povijesti svijeta. Internet omogućava kupcu da se nađe u središtu zbivanja, jednim klikom njemu postaju dostupne sve poželjne informacije na internetu. Internet omogućava kanal komunikacije diljem svijeta. Internet marketing je presudan za uspjeh poduzeća, te predstavlja najbrže rastuču granu samog marketinga. Stručnjaci smatraju da će internet uskoro imati mnogo veću ulogu u svijetu marketinga, a internet kupovina da će u potpunosti promijeniti oblik kupovine kakav svi poznajemo. Internet marketing ima mnoge prednosti u odnosu na ostale oblike promocije, ne postoje vremenska ograničenja, troškovi su mnogo niži a korisnicima su dostupne sve ključne informacije. Društvena mreža je vrsta internetskog servisa, koji se najčešće javlja u obliku platforme, prozora ili web-stranice, služe za međusobno povezivanje vlasnika profila diljem svijeta. Društvene mreže su postale neizostavan segment ljudskih života, pomoću njih se ostvaruju nova poznanstva, obavljaju se poslovni pothvati, komunicira se s ljudima bez obzira na geografsku udaljenost itd. Zbog činjenice da povezuju toliki broj ljudi društvene mreže su jedan od najpopularnijih oblika modernog marketinga, najvećim djelom (uz broj korisnika) je i zbog jako niskih troškova promocije. Spektar korištenja društvenih mreža u marketinške svrhe je neograničen. Potrebno je mnogo truda, znanja, kreativnosti i volje da pokrenuti i voditi poslovni profil na društvenim mrežama. Zahtjeva od nadležnog pojedinca da se svojom kreativnošću i ponudom istakne u odnosu na mnogobrojnu konkurenciju. Društevne mreže su uvele ogromne promjene u svijet poslovanja, pa tako i u svijet marketinga, uvele su čitava poslovanja i marketinške kampanje u skroz novu eru. Sama ideja marketinga i promocije je privući ljude svojim proizvodima, zadržati lojalne kupce, a pridobiti nove kupce koji su se dvoumili o korištenju proizvoda. Noćni klub kao djelatnost u kojoj se čitavo poslovanje bazira na rad s ljudima mora biti jako oprezan prilikom svojih aktivnosti. Cilj je u što boljem izdanju prenijeti dio atmosfere, svoju ponudu, kvalitetu usluga itd. potencijalnim potrošaćima. Tome uvelike pomažu društvene mreže. Upravo zbog niskih troškova, neograničenom spektru mogućnosti korištenja, i izravne komunikacije s svojim gostima, internet marketing je najbolja solucija za promociju jednog kluba koji želi popraviti svoj imidž, izgraditi novi brand i stvoriti bazu lojalnih kupaca tj. gostiju. Internet marketing is type of advertising of products and services over the internet, and the information era is the fastest growing phenomenon in the history of the world. Internet allows the customer to find himself in the centre of actual business world, with one click he can see all the available information on the internet. Internet enables a channel of communication all around the world. Internet marketing is crucial to the success of an enterprise, and is the fastest growing branch of marketing itself. Experts believe that the internet will soon have a much bigger role in the marketing world, and internet shopping will completely change the form of shopping we all know about. Internet marketing has many advantages over other forms of promotion, there are no time constraints, costs are much lower and users have all the key information available. Social Network is a type of Internet service, most commonly in the form of a platform, window, or web site, serving to link the profile owners around the world. Social networks have become an indispensable segment of human life, by means of which new acquaintances are realized, business ventures are carried out, communicated with people irrespective of geographical distance etc. Due to the fact that so many people use social networks it has become one of the most popular forms of modern marketing, the biggest part (with the number of users) is also due to very low promotion costs. The spectrum of using social networks for marketing purposes is unlimited. It takes a lot of effort, knowledge, creativity and the will to run and run a business profile on social networks. It requests from the competent individual to highlight their creativity and offer in relation to the numerous competition. Social networks have introduced tremendous changes to the business world, and so to the world of marketing, they have introduced whole business and marketing campaigns into a new era. The very idea of marketing and promotion is to attract people with their products, to keep loyal customers, and to attract new customers who have doubts about using the product. Nightclubs as an activity in which the whole business is based on working with people must be very careful about their activities. The aim is to transfer part of the atmosphere, its offer, the quality of service, etc. to potential consumers in the best possible way. Because of the low cost, the unlimited range of opportunities to use, and the direct communication with its guests, internet marketing is the best solution for promoting a club that wants to fix its image, build a brand and create a loyal customer base.
- Published
- 2017
- Author
Vrhar, Karmen and Ćukušić, Maja
- Subjects
Windows ,iOS ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. Business Informatics ,Virtualna stvarnost ,HTC Vive ,VR igre ,obrazovanje ,Legame Studio ,Virtual reality ,optimalan VR Headset ,mobilno poslovanje ,zabava ,VR aplikacije ,entertainment ,Android ,HMD devices ,Shinecon VR G02 Headset ,iBlue VR Headset ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Poslovna informatika ,education ,VR apps ,mobile business ,Samsung Gear VR ,HMD uređaji ,testing ,VR games ,VR Headset uređaji ,Arealer VR Headset ,testiranje ,VR Cardboard ,optimal VR Headset ,Smartphone ,ColorCross 2.0 ,VR Headset devices - Abstract
Virtualna stvarnost predstavlja računalnu tehnologiju koja replicira stvarno ili imaginarno okruženje pomoću softvera i prezentira umjetno stvoreno okruženje korisniku na način koji mu omogućuje da ga on prihvati kao realno okruženje. Tehnologija virtualne stvarnosti koristi ulazne i izlazne uređaje, a najrasprostranjeniji izlazni uređaji su HMD uređaji – vizualni izlazni uređaji. Niskobudžetni VR Headset uređaji su najjednostavniji HMD uređaji koji su dostupni široj populaciji ljudi, a potrebno ih je koristiti u kombinaciji sa Smartphone uređajima. Neki od VR Headset uređaja testirani su u ovom radu (VR Cardboard, iBlue VR Headset, ColorCross 2.0, Arealer VR Headset, Shinecon VR G02 Headset). Uspoređeni su s obzirom na njihove specifikacije i rezultate testiranja (testni video) te je Shinecon VR G02 Headset odabran kao optimalan VR Headset. Također, tehnologija je postala dio svakodnevnice svakog čovjeka i svi koriste Smartphone uređaje. Smartphone uređaji različitih proizvođača s različitim mobilnim operativnim sustavima (Huawei P9 Lite – Android, iPhone 6 – iOS, Microsoft Lumia 640 LTE – Windows) testirani su koristeći odabrani Shinecon VR G02 Headset uređaj da bi se istražio potencijal aplikacija virtualne stvarnosti u kontekstu mobilnog poslovanja. Windows ima najgoru ponudu aplikacija i igara, ali Android i iPhone nude mnogo veći izbor te imaju iste aplikacije i igre virtualne stvarnosti. Virtualna stvarnost u kontekstu mobilnog poslovanja najbolje se koristi u područjima zabave i ograničenih područja obrazovanja. Konačno, testirani su i napredniji HMD uređaji (Samsung Gear VR i HTC Vive) u studiu virtualne stvarnosti – Legame Studio u Zagrebu. Virtual reality represents a computer technology that replicates the real or imaginary environment by software and presents an artificially created environment to the user in a way that allows him to accept it as a realistic environment. Virtual reality technology uses input and output devices, and the most widespread output devices are HMD devices - visual output devices. Low-cost VR Headset devices are the simplest HMD devices available to a wider population and need to be used in combination with Smartphone devices. Some of the VR Headset devices are tested in this work (VR Cardboard, iBlue VR Headset, ColorCross 2.0, Arealer VR Headset, Shinecon VR G02 Headset). They were compared considering their specifications and test results (test video) and the Shinecon VR G02 Headset was chosen as the optimal VR Headset. Also, technology has become a part of every man's everyday life and everyone uses Smartphone devices. Smartphone devices from different manufacturers with different mobile operating systems (Huawei P9 Lite - Android, iPhone 6 - iOS, Microsoft Lumia 640 LTE - Windows) were tested using the selected Shinecon VR G02 Headset to explore the potential of virtual reality applications in the context of mobile business. Windows has the worst offer of apps and games, but Android and iPhone offer much greater choice and have the same virtual reality apps and games. Virtual reality in the context of mobile business is best used in entertainment and limited areas of education. Finally, more advanced HMD devices (Samsung Gear VR and HTC Vive) have been tested in the virtual reality studio - the Legame Studio in Zagreb.
- Published
- 2017
47. Razvoj sportsko-rekreacijskog parka Podgarić
- Author
Božinov, Kristijan and Andrijašević, Mirna
- Subjects
sportsko-rekreacijski centar ,zabava ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Kineziologija ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Kinesiology ,zdravlje ,stručno vodstvo - Abstract
Cilj je ovog diplomskog rada opravdati potrebu za otvaranjem sportsko-rekreacijskog centra na području Bjelovarsko-bilogorske županije. Prikazati postojeće objekte i mogućnosti, te navesti moguća poboljšanja i nadopunu već postojećih sadržaja. Ukazati na važnost dobrobiti rekreacije kako na zdravlje, tako i na psihofizičko stanje pojedinca. Pokušati odabrati sadržaje koji bi svojom dinamikom i zanimljivošću na zabavan način privukli što veći broj posjetitelja, koji bi kroz stručno vodstvo, na kvalitetan način, kroz sport i rekreaciju koristili svoje slobodno vrijeme. Main cause of this thesis is to determine the need to opening recreationa center in this area. Show existing facilities and opportunities, suggest possible improvements and update existing content. Indicate importance of the sports and recreation on the health and the physical condition of the individual. Try to choose contents wich on dynamical and interesting way can attract as many is possible visitors. The visitors would trough expert guidiance, in a qualitative way, trough sports and recreation enjoy in their free time.
- Published
- 2017
48. Specifies of the process of creation media celebrity in tabloid media
- Author
Budai, David, Klimeš, David, and Nečas, Vlastimil
- Subjects
tabloid ,mediální realita ,bulvární media ,entertainment ,zábava ,celebrity ,konstrukce ,media reality ,construction ,celebritization ,celebritizace - Abstract
This thesis deals with process of creating an artificial celebrity in Czech media context. It demonstrates that it is possible to make an unknown person famous and to become a celebrity who attracts media attention. First two chapters define a celebrity as an institution, its primary social functions and also its origin and creation. Third chapter describes Czech tabloid media market and its changes in last few years. Furthermore, it explains reasons why there is need for new celebrities. Forth chapter analyses in detail conditions that lead to creation of new artificial celebrity. Moreover, it defines a process of such creation and routines used by Czech media to cover celebrities. Last chapter shows a case of Ornella Štiková who was not even publicly known before she became a celebrity. After becoming celebrity, she attracted attention of all main Czech tabloid media. This media interest lasted (including short falls) almost for two years. Such a period is longer than average. As a part of this thesis, the author made a series of interviews with media experts, significant tabloid media professionals and insiders of Czech showbyznys. The main aim of this theses was to obtain knowledge of how Czech media works and how they communicate directly with celebrities. These interviews enrich this thesis...
- Published
- 2017
49. The Possibilities of Using Computer Games for Improving Business Function
- Author
Kadeřávek, Jakub, Pecinovský, Rudolf, and Vondráček, Martin
- Subjects
angažovanost ,motivation ,productivity ,gamifikace ,zábava ,engagement ,motivace ,gamification ,fun ,produktivita ,computer games ,počítačové hry - Abstract
The study addresses gamification and the implementation of gamification in a company with the goal to improve the efficiency and motivation within the company. The purpose of this study is to introduce the topic of gamification, evaluate the current status and discuss its opportunities in terms of employee's efficiency. In order to do so, the characteristics of games and computer games specifically are defined, followed by an explanation of their main principles and mechanisms. Afterwards the author introduces the basic concepts of motivation and psychology, which are necessary for understanding the core characteristics of gamification. Based on these findings, the next chapter describes gamification, starting with its history, the evaluation of the current status and a discussion of opportunities and improvements for the future. Furthermore, the main characteristics and mechanisms of gamification are described and explained on specific business cases. Last but not least, an application for gamification is developed with the goal to increase the productivity and motivation of employees in a coffee shop. This application was developed solely for the purposes of this thesis.
- Published
- 2017
50. Návrh interiéru čokoládovny
- Author
Mošaťová, Patrícia
- Subjects
odpočinek ,zábava ,čokoládovna ,interiér ,bezpečnost ,čokoláda - Abstract
Purpose of the Bachelor thesis was interior proposal of chocolate shop or chocolaterie. Chocolaterie is place for selling and consuming of cakes and lots of different chocolate products and organization of workshops. This area is connected with relax and culinary experience for customers. In the first part, the author focused on chocolate from beginning until today. Author approached also development of chocolaterie and patisserie. In the second part, author deals with general requirements of chocolaterie. The last part is dedicated to the proposal of chocolaterie and entire design.
- Published
- 2017
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