182 results on '"waterrelaties"'
Search Results
2. Het bepalen van de groeiverandering bij verandering van de grondwaterstand
- Subjects
roots ,groundwater level ,Soil and Water Research ,bomen ,waterrelaties ,plant water relations ,ecohydrology ,soil ,compensation ,environmental factors ,Staring Centrum ,groundwater extraction ,groundwater ,wortels ,grondwaterwinning ,ecohydrologie ,vergoeding ,forestry ,grondwaterstand ,trees ,bosbouw ,forest damage ,bodem ,bosschade ,milieufactoren ,grondwater ,Winand Staring Centre for Integrated Land ,plant-water relaties ,water relations - Abstract
Beschrijving van een methode waarbij m.b.v. groeigrafieken voor boomsoorten de bijgroeiverandering van bomen ten gevolge van grondwaterstandverandering (bijv. door grondwaterwinning) kan worden vastgesteld. Dit om de financiele schade te kunnen kwantificeren
- Published
- 1999
3. Bomen een genot langs en voor de weg?
- Subjects
green belts ,roots ,heggen ,roads ,bestrating ,Soil and Water Research ,forestry ,waterrelaties ,oppervlakten ,surfaces ,bosbouw ,soil ,groene zones ,bodem ,pavements ,wegen ,Staring Centrum ,Winand Staring Centre for Integrated Land ,wortels ,hedges ,water relations - Abstract
Bomen kunnen nogal wat schade aan wegen berokkenen, doordat ze vocht aan de grond onttrekken. In dit artikel worden de resultaten besproken van een onderzoek naar de oorzaken ervan. In dit onderzoek zijn de condities bepaald waaronder bomen verantwoordelijk zijn voor schade. Tegelijkertijd zijn daarmee de mogelijkheden aangegeven waarmee schade te vermijden is. Het geheim schuilt in de keuze en de locatie van bomen en de combinatie van grondsoort en grondwaterstand. Er is een kaart samengesteld waarop globaal schaderisico's zijn aangegeven. Bovendien wordt een methode gepresenteerd om met enkele gegevens de risico's per locatie vast te stellen.
- Published
- 1995
4. Relatie bos en waterwinning 2. Verkenning van samenwerkingsmogelijkheden
- Subjects
houtaanwas ,natuur ,bosecologie ,growth ,groundwater level ,waterrelaties ,nature conservation ,plant water relations ,stand development ,water catchment ,groei ,desiccation ,bosopstanden ,groundwater ,Wageningen Environmental Research ,forest ecology ,increment ,verdroging ,forests ,bosbomen ,nature ,grondwaterstand ,groundwater recharge ,opstandsontwikkeling ,waterwinning ,grondwateraanvulling ,forest stands ,natuurbescherming ,grondwater ,plant-water relaties ,water relations ,bossen ,forest trees - Abstract
In twee delen wordt een publikatie uit 2001 van KIWA en Alterra over de fysieke relaties tussen waterwinning en bos herdrukt. In deel 2 de invloed van waterwinning op bos en boomsoorten. Waterwinning en grondwaterdaling kunnen bijdragen aan verdroging, verzuring en vermesting in bossen, met nadelige effecten voor de productiecapaciteit (aanwasvermindering) en de natuurwaarden. Anderzijds kan bij omschakeling van donker naaldbos naar licht naaldbos of loofbos sprake zijn van wederzijds voordeel voor bossen en waterwinning
- Published
- 2003
5. Hoogwaterreductie vanuit regionale stroomgebieden: samenhang of tegenstellingen?
- Subjects
retention ,stroomgebieden ,stroomgebied ,beheer van waterbekkens ,water ,watershed management ,waterrelaties ,opslag ,hydrology ,reservoirs ,precipitation ,hydrologie ,wateropslag ,retentie ,storage ,water management ,waterstand ,Wageningen Environmental Research ,hoogwater ,catchment hydrology ,water level ,waterbeheer ,water storage ,watersheds ,flood control ,hoogwaterbeheersing ,neerslag ,waterberging ,flow ,hydrologie van stroomgebieden ,ruimtelijke ordening ,water relations ,drainage ,stroming - Abstract
In het kader van hoogwatermanagement spelen berging en veerkracht van watersystemen een steeds grotere rol. In dit artikel een afvoerhydrologische analyse op stroomgebied-niveau: de complexe relaties tussen neerslagpieken, berging in verschillende reservoirs (bodem, maaivelddepressies, oppervlaktewater), ontwatering/afwatering, en resulterende afvoerpieken
- Published
- 2001
6. Relatie bos en waterwinning. 1. Verkenning van samenwerkingsmogelijkheden
- Author
Jansen, A.J.M. and Olsthoorn, A.F.M.
- Subjects
forest administration ,waterrelaties ,plant water relations ,watergebruik ,interception ,water catchment ,water quality ,water use ,transpiration ,interceptie ,water balance ,bodemwaterbalans ,groundwater ,waterbalans ,forests ,bosbomen ,waterkwaliteit ,groundwater recharge ,waterwinning ,grondwateraanvulling ,transpiratie ,grondwater ,plant-water relaties ,soil water balance ,bosbeheer ,water relations ,bossen ,forest trees - Abstract
In twee delen wordt een publikatie uit 2001 van KIWA en Alterra over de fysieke relaties tussen waterwinning en bos herdrukt. In deel 1 de invloed van bos- en boomsoorten op de waterkwaliteit en de wijze waarop bos- en boomsoorten de grondwateraanvulling beïnvloeden
- Published
- 2003
7. Relatie bos en waterwinning 2. Verkenning van samenwerkingsmogelijkheden
- Author
Jansen, A.J.M. and Olsthoorn, A.F.M.
- Subjects
houtaanwas ,natuur ,bosecologie ,growth ,groundwater level ,waterrelaties ,nature conservation ,plant water relations ,stand development ,water catchment ,groei ,desiccation ,bosopstanden ,groundwater ,Wageningen Environmental Research ,forest ecology ,increment ,verdroging ,forests ,bosbomen ,nature ,grondwaterstand ,groundwater recharge ,opstandsontwikkeling ,waterwinning ,grondwateraanvulling ,forest stands ,natuurbescherming ,grondwater ,plant-water relaties ,water relations ,bossen ,forest trees - Abstract
In twee delen wordt een publikatie uit 2001 van KIWA en Alterra over de fysieke relaties tussen waterwinning en bos herdrukt. In deel 2 de invloed van waterwinning op bos en boomsoorten. Waterwinning en grondwaterdaling kunnen bijdragen aan verdroging, verzuring en vermesting in bossen, met nadelige effecten voor de productiecapaciteit (aanwasvermindering) en de natuurwaarden. Anderzijds kan bij omschakeling van donker naaldbos naar licht naaldbos of loofbos sprake zijn van wederzijds voordeel voor bossen en waterwinning
- Published
- 2003
8. Gebruikershandleiding houtbijgroeigrafieken (HBGG) versie 1.00; een raadpleeg- en kennissysteem over houtbijgroeigrafieken
- Subjects
yield tables ,databases ,groundwater level ,yields ,waterrelaties ,netherlands ,grondwaterspiegel ,opbrengsten ,nederland ,groundwater extraction ,Wageningen Environmental Research ,grondwaterwinning ,verdroging ,bosbomen ,houtproductie ,opbrengsttabellen ,grondwaterstand ,bosbouw ,forest damage ,bosschade ,vernatting ,bosverjonging ,water relations ,Bodem en Landgebruik ,databanken ,forest trees ,water table - Abstract
Voor het berekenen van verminderde houtbijgroei als gevolg van grondwateronttrekking heeft de Commissie van Deskundigen Grondwaterwet in samenwerking met Alterra een methodiek ontwikkeld waarmee een groeigrafiek voor een bepaalde boomsoort kan worden geconstrueerd. Deze groeigrafieken zijn opgeslagen in een database waarin de bijgroei is vermeld in afhankelijkheid van parameters zoals boomsoort, voedingstoestand en vocht. Onderliggende gebruikershandleiding beschrijft het raadpleeg- en kennissysteem houtbijgroeigrafieken (HBGG), waarmee op inzichtelijke en eenvoudige wijze houtbijgroeigrafieken kunnen worden gepresenteerd en veldgegevens kunnen worden doorgerekend.
- Published
- 2001
9. Climate change and forest ecosystem dynamics
- Author
van der Meer, P.J., Kramer, K., van Wijk, M.T., and Earth Surface Science (IBED, FNWI)
- Subjects
climatic change ,bosecologie ,Ecologie en Milieu ,growth ,waterrelaties ,simulation models ,climatology ,klimaatverandering ,ecosystemen ,simulatiemodellen ,groei ,waterhuishouding ,klimatologie ,bos ,ecologie ,water relations ,ecosystems ,forest ecology - Published
- 2001
10. Hoogwaterreductie vanuit regionale stroomgebieden: samenhang of tegenstellingen?
- Author
van Bakel, P.J.T., Hoogendoorn, J., Luijendijk, J., and Peerboom, J.M.P.M.
- Subjects
retention ,stroomgebieden ,stroomgebied ,beheer van waterbekkens ,water ,watershed management ,waterrelaties ,opslag ,hydrology ,reservoirs ,precipitation ,hydrologie ,wateropslag ,retentie ,storage ,water management ,waterstand ,Wageningen Environmental Research ,hoogwater ,catchment hydrology ,water level ,waterbeheer ,water storage ,watersheds ,flood control ,hoogwaterbeheersing ,neerslag ,waterberging ,flow ,hydrologie van stroomgebieden ,ruimtelijke ordening ,water relations ,drainage ,stroming - Abstract
In het kader van hoogwatermanagement spelen berging en veerkracht van watersystemen een steeds grotere rol. In dit artikel een afvoerhydrologische analyse op stroomgebied-niveau: de complexe relaties tussen neerslagpieken, berging in verschillende reservoirs (bodem, maaivelddepressies, oppervlaktewater), ontwatering/afwatering, en resulterende afvoerpieken
- Published
- 2001
11. Climate change and forest ecosystem dynamics
- Subjects
climatic change ,bosecologie ,Ecologie en Milieu ,growth ,waterrelaties ,simulation models ,climatology ,klimaatverandering ,ecosystemen ,simulatiemodellen ,groei ,waterhuishouding ,klimatologie ,bos ,ecologie ,water relations ,ecosystems ,forest ecology - Published
- 2001
12. Modelling the interactions between water availability and forest succession on a spatial basis
- Subjects
forests ,bosecologie ,waterbeschikbaarheid ,waterrelaties ,simulation models ,netherlands ,plant succession ,water availability ,PE&RC ,simulatiemodellen ,transpiration ,nederland ,plantensuccessie ,transpiratie ,water balance ,Wildlife Ecology and Conservation ,Wageningen Environmental Research ,waterbalans ,water relations ,bossen ,forest ecology - Abstract
Transpiration is calculated as the minimum of the amount of water a tree can pump up (Hagen-Poiseuille), the potential transpiration (Penman-Monteith) and the available amount of water. The availability of water is a result of the water uptake by trees, precipitation, interception, run-on and run-off and the depth and radius of the root system. The effect of water on vegetation development is simulated by reducing the net primary production (NPP) by a factor that is a ratio of potential and actual transpiration. The model is validated with data sets from temperate forests and an orchard.
- Published
- 2000
13. Modelling the interactions between water availability and forest succession on a spatial basis
- Author
Groen, T.A., Kramer, K., and Heitkonig, I.M.A.
- Subjects
forests ,bosecologie ,waterbeschikbaarheid ,waterrelaties ,simulation models ,netherlands ,plant succession ,water availability ,PE&RC ,simulatiemodellen ,transpiration ,nederland ,plantensuccessie ,transpiratie ,water balance ,Wildlife Ecology and Conservation ,Wageningen Environmental Research ,waterbalans ,water relations ,bossen ,forest ecology - Abstract
Transpiration is calculated as the minimum of the amount of water a tree can pump up (Hagen-Poiseuille), the potential transpiration (Penman-Monteith) and the available amount of water. The availability of water is a result of the water uptake by trees, precipitation, interception, run-on and run-off and the depth and radius of the root system. The effect of water on vegetation development is simulated by reducing the net primary production (NPP) by a factor that is a ratio of potential and actual transpiration. The model is validated with data sets from temperate forests and an orchard.
- Published
- 2000
14. Gebruikershandleiding houtbijgroeigrafieken (HBGG) versie 1.00; een raadpleeg- en kennissysteem over houtbijgroeigrafieken
- Author
Boogaard, H.L., Bron, W.A., Boogaard, H.L., and Bron, W.A.
- Abstract
Voor het berekenen van verminderde houtbijgroei als gevolg van grondwateronttrekking heeft de Commissie van Deskundigen Grondwaterwet in samenwerking met Alterra een methodiek ontwikkeld waarmee een groeigrafiek voor een bepaalde boomsoort kan worden geconstrueerd. Deze groeigrafieken zijn opgeslagen in een database waarin de bijgroei is vermeld in afhankelijkheid van parameters zoals boomsoort, voedingstoestand en vocht. Onderliggende gebruikershandleiding beschrijft het raadpleeg- en kennissysteem houtbijgroeigrafieken (HBGG), waarmee op inzichtelijke en eenvoudige wijze houtbijgroeigrafieken kunnen worden gepresenteerd en veldgegevens kunnen worden doorgerekend.
- Published
- 2001
15. Hoogwaterreductie vanuit regionale stroomgebieden: samenhang of tegenstellingen?
- Author
Bakel, P. van, Hoogendoorn, J., Luijendijk, J., Peereboom, J., Bakel, P. van, Hoogendoorn, J., Luijendijk, J., and Peereboom, J.
- Abstract
In het kader van hoogwatermanagement spelen berging en veerkracht van watersystemen een steeds grotere rol. In dit artikel een afvoerhydrologische analyse op stroomgebied-niveau: de complexe relaties tussen neerslagpieken, berging in verschillende reservoirs (bodem, maaivelddepressies, oppervlaktewater), ontwatering/afwatering, en resulterende afvoerpieken
- Published
- 2001
16. Vernattingsonderzoek in bossen: 1998 ideaal jaar
- Author
Olsthoorn, A.F.M.
- Subjects
roots ,achteruitgang, bossen ,herstel ,groundwater level ,bomen ,waterrelaties ,nature conservation ,plant water relations ,Instituut voor Bos- en Natuuronderzoek ,grondwaterspiegel ,rehabilitation ,soil ,desiccation ,onderzoeksprojecten ,flooding ,Institute for Forestry and Nature Research ,forest decline ,groundwater ,wortels ,stagnatie ,drying ,verdroging ,forests ,research ,viability ,stagnation ,forestry ,health ,grondwaterstand ,trees ,levensvatbaarheid ,schade ,bosbouw ,onderzoek ,drogen ,inundatie ,bodem ,natuurbescherming ,grondwater ,research projects ,gezondheid ,plant-water relaties ,water relations ,bossen ,damage ,water table - Abstract
Effect van grondwaterstandverhoging op de vitaliteit van boomsoorten. Opzet van het vernattingsonderzoek op hydrologisch proefveld Geestmerambacht en drie locaties in volwassen bos verspreid over Nederland, en een eerste indruk van de resultaten
- Published
- 1999
17. Het bepalen van de groeiverandering bij verandering van de grondwaterstand
- Author
Bakker, G. and Vroon, H.R.J.
- Subjects
roots ,Winand Staring Centre for Integrated Land, Soil and Water Research ,groundwater level ,bomen ,waterrelaties ,plant water relations ,ecohydrology ,soil ,compensation ,environmental factors ,Staring Centrum ,groundwater extraction ,groundwater ,wortels ,grondwaterwinning ,ecohydrologie ,vergoeding ,forestry ,grondwaterstand ,trees ,bosbouw ,forest damage ,bodem ,bosschade ,milieufactoren ,grondwater ,plant-water relaties ,water relations - Abstract
Beschrijving van een methode waarbij m.b.v. groeigrafieken voor boomsoorten de bijgroeiverandering van bomen ten gevolge van grondwaterstandverandering (bijv. door grondwaterwinning) kan worden vastgesteld. Dit om de financiele schade te kunnen kwantificeren
- Published
- 1999
18. Vernattingsonderzoek in bossen: 1998 ideaal jaar
- Author
Olsthoorn, A. and Olsthoorn, A.
- Abstract
Effect van grondwaterstandverhoging op de vitaliteit van boomsoorten. Opzet van het vernattingsonderzoek op hydrologisch proefveld Geestmerambacht en drie locaties in volwassen bos verspreid over Nederland, en een eerste indruk van de resultaten
- Published
- 1999
19. bepalen van groeiverandering bij verandering van de grondwaterstand
- Author
Bakker, G., Vroon, H.R.J., Bakker, G., and Vroon, H.R.J.
- Abstract
Beschrijving van een methode waarbij m.b.v. groeigrafieken voor boomsoorten de bijgroeiverandering van bomen ten gevolge van grondwaterstandverandering (bijv. door grondwaterwinning) kan worden vastgesteld. Dit om de financiele schade te kunnen kwantificeren
- Published
- 1999
20. De betekenis van bodem en klimaat voor het Nederlandse bos
- Author
van den Burg, J., Agricultural University, J. Bouma, and W. Vos
- Subjects
roots ,waterrelaties ,Instituut voor Bos- en Natuuronderzoek ,netherlands ,landgebruik ,landevaluatie ,soil ,nederland ,Institute for Forestry and Nature Research ,agricultural meteorology ,land evaluation ,bodemgeschiktheid ,wortels ,land capability ,Laboratorium voor Bodemkunde en geologie ,forestry ,land use ,Laboratory of Soil Science and Geology ,site class assessment ,bosbouw ,soil suitability ,bodem ,bepaling van groeiplaatshoedanigheden ,regional planning ,planning ,water relations ,regionale planning ,agrometeorologie ,grondvermogen - Abstract
This publication is largely based on growth-site studies carried out on important tree species in Dutch forests during the period 1950-1991. Two of the ways the data yielded by these studies can be used were investigated. The first aimed to identify important correlations between growth and site properties. The second used combinations of site properties in an attempt to predict site index; this is important for the proper choice of tree species, or if previously unforested land is to be afforested (but only if the site properties do not change intrinsically in response to changes in environmental conditions).The investigations centred on the Dutch forest as it has evolved since the mid- nineteenth century. The pioneer tree species was Scots pine, later partly replaced by other species. Chapter 1 presents a short description of the history of heathland afforestation and examines the background of growth-site research. In Chapter 2 a description is given of the character of growth-site research and the methods commonly applied. A critical discussion of methods and interpretation is included.Growth-site research in Northern America and in northwestern Europe is discussed in Chapter 3, in relation to the methods applied and relevance for the interpretation of relationships established for forest stands in the Netherlands. Attention is paid to the international literature on the study of growth-site relationships. Forestry in the Netherlands is distinctive, because it is a rather young type of land use, which occupies a small area and was until recently mainly restricted to poor soils. The range of meteorological variables in the Netherlands is small, and therefore the interpretation of results of growth-site studies must rely partly on studies in neighbouring countries. This chapter also describes the history of growth-site research from the nineteenth century to the present.Chapter 4 gives a comprehensive description of the field and laboratory methodology applied in Dutch growth-site research from 1950-1991. This methodology is compared and checked with procedures published in Dutch and international literature.The essence of this publication is contained in chapters 5, 6 and 7. These chapters describe the results of growth-site studies on Douglas-fir (an "exotic" tree species), European ash (a "native" species), and 'Robusta' poplar (hybrid of the "exotic" tree species Populusdeltoides and the "native" tree species Populus nigra ). 'Robusta' poplar was chosen as being representative of poplar clones grown in the Netherlands.In the research, site index values (derived from top height - age relations for the three tree species) were grouped according to various factors (forest area, soil parent material, groundwater class, soil unit, former land use, and vegetation type), and tested for significant differences, by analysis of variance. Relationships between site index and single predictor variables (representing soil chemical properties, water supply and meteorological conditions) were investigated by application of linear, quadratic, logarithmic and exponential regressions, and checked for plausibility of the relation ("identification" of variables, as described in section 2.1). The main soil chemical variables tested were pH-KCI, P-total, N-total, N org (N expressed as concentation of organic matter), and incidentally available K (K-HCl 0.1M) and Mg (Mg-NaCI 0.5M). Water supply index was estimated as available soil moisture in the rooted zone (pF 2.0/2.2 - pF 4.2) for soil profiles with a deep water table, and as available soil moisture (pF 1.7/2.0 - pF 4.2), to which is added water supplied by capillary rise, for soils with a shallow water table. Meteorological variables were derived from the Climate Atlas of the Netherlands (1972), and included mean temperature, precipitation and atmospheric moisture deficit (precipitation - 0.8 * Eo) for the months May up to and including September, mean January temperature, mean annual wind velocity, mean annual number of frost days, and mean number of annual sunshine hours (for 'Robusta' poplar only).Variables and factors which individually explained significantly the variance of the site index, were combined by multiple regression analyses to produce a simple prediction model for the site index, assuming that there were at least direct relationships ("causality") between variables/factors and site index. These models were compared with the results of other growth-site investigations, with literature data, and with regression models derived from soil survey data.Data from two periods (1959/60 and 1984-1991) were examined to establish growth site relationships for Douglas-fir. This enabled the impact of changing environmental conditions in the Netherlands during the sixties, seventies and early eighties to be assessed. The results demonstrated an important shift in the relationship between soil P supply and site index of Douglas-fir. The 1959/60 data revealed that P-total contributed significantly to the variance of the site index, but this effect was absent in the 1984-1991 data.Chemical and physical soil variables are often used to characterise forest soil properties, and to predict forest growth. There is a different method, which uses forest vegetation to indicate forest soil properties. Bannink, Leys & Zonneveld (1973) developed a variant of this method for Dutch conifer forests on sandy soils, calibrating it by applying the site index of Scots pine stands. Bannink and his collegues contended that their method reflected soil fertility levels, but they did not check this thoroughly. Chapter 8 describes the relationship between classes of this vegetation system and some forest site properties (water supply, soil chemical characteristics). The data were derived from growth-site studies performed during the period 1959-1990 in stands of Douglas-fir, Norway spruce, Japanese larch, Scots pine, beech, pedunculate and sessile oak, and 'Robusta' poplar. The vegetation of these stands was classified acoording to the system as developed by Bannink et al.Site properties for vegetation types in "dark" and in "light" forests were compared and tested for significance. A multivariate method (discriminant analysis) was used to relate vegetation classes to a combination of site properties. Vegetation types in "dark" forests (beech, Douglas-fir, Norway spruce) reflected differences in P-total and water supply, and between tree species themselves, but not in pH-KCI. In "light" forests, vegetation type differences were related to P-total, N org , water supply, and pH-KCI, but the relationship with pH-KCI was only significant if sites included both calcareous and non-calcareous soils. In stands of Scots pine and pedunculate oak on acid soils, vegetation types did not show significant differences in pH-KCI values. From this it is concluded that the system of vegetation types as developed by Bannink, Leys & Zonneveld (1973), currently applied in routine forest soil surveys, does indeed reflect differences in soil fertility (indicated by P-total and N org ) and in water supply to some extent, but not in pH-KCI, as far as acid soils (pH-KCl < 6.5) are concerned. The tree species itself also has some impact on the vegetation type on otherwise identical soils.Relationships between site properties and the growth of various tree species as derived from the results of growth-site research can be applied for qualitatively or quantitatively assessing the suitability of land for a specific land use type, in this context, various types of forestry. Chapter 9 presents an overview of the history of soil suitability assessment and land evaluation for forestry in the Netherlands, a description of the ALES automated land evaluation system (Rossiter & Van Wambeke 1993), and some of its applications for various forestry land use types (land evaluation for Scots pine based on soil requirements, suitability for poplar cultivation in short and in long rotation). The reason that interest has grown in land evaluation for forestry in the Netherlands is that EU agricultural policy is changing and, in response, land use is switching from agricultural production to, for example, forestry (in the Netherlands: biomass plantations in short- rotation, medium-rotation of poplar and Norway spruce) and nature conservancy. In the Netherlands, land evaluation for poplar in short rotation is based on relationships between dry matter production of fast growing poplar clones and site properties (soil and climate variables), established in field trials and growth-site investigations.On the basis of knowledge about growth-site relationships, and on the basic tenets of ALES, Chapter 9 assesses and discusses the practicability of ALES for Dutch forestry, given that the aim of the land evaluation may be national or stand level. If suitability for forestry must be assessed in qualitative terms, a system like ALES, which renders suitability in qualitative classes, must be capable of being used to assess land capability in a broad sense, i.e. to reject land that is unsuitable for a specific type of land use. ALES can also be used in a quantitative way if site class is a land quality, and the relationship between site class and land characteristics is known. However, it appears that ALES does not make optimal use of knowledge of growth-site relationships in forestry. The growth and yield of forest on land considered suitable for these land use types, can better be predicted by specifically quantitative methods.
- Published
- 1996
21. Invloed van grondwaterstandsdaling op bossen en natuurterreinen in Nederland
- Author
de Vries, F. and Hendriks, C.M.A.
- Subjects
roots ,verwelkingspunt ,Winand Staring Centre for Integrated Land, Soil and Water Research ,waterrelaties ,netherlands ,grondwaterspiegel ,ecohydrology ,landevaluatie ,soil ,nederland ,desiccation ,Staring Centrum ,land evaluation ,bodemgeschiktheid ,beschikbaar bodemwater ,wortels ,land capability ,drying ,verdroging ,ecohydrologie ,forestry ,available water ,bosbouw ,soil suitability ,drogen ,bodem ,water relations ,wilting point ,grondvermogen ,water table - Abstract
Er is een methode ontwikkeld waarmee voor alle bos- en natuurgebieden in Nederland de kwetsbaarheid voor grondwaterstandsdaling is vastgesteld. De methode vergelijkt het actuele vochtleverend vermogen met het vochtleverend vermogen bij verlagingen van25, 50, 75 en 100 cm. Van het areaal bos en natuurterrein heeft 31% een groot vochtleverend vermogen (> 150 mm), 10% een matig (100-150 mm) en 51% een gering (< 100 mm); van 9% waren onvoldoende gegevens bekend. Er is berekend dat 23% gevoelig is voor grondwaterstandsverlaging. Het vochtleverend vermogen van de gronden is afgeleid uit gegevens van de Bodemkaart van Nederland, schaal 1 : 50 000. Berekeningen met het model MUST geven vergelijkbare uitkomsten.
- Published
- 1996
22. Invloed van grondwaterstandsdaling op bossen en natuurterreinen in Nederland
- Subjects
roots ,verwelkingspunt ,Soil and Water Research ,waterrelaties ,netherlands ,grondwaterspiegel ,ecohydrology ,landevaluatie ,soil ,nederland ,desiccation ,Staring Centrum ,land evaluation ,bodemgeschiktheid ,beschikbaar bodemwater ,wortels ,land capability ,drying ,verdroging ,ecohydrologie ,forestry ,available water ,bosbouw ,soil suitability ,drogen ,bodem ,Winand Staring Centre for Integrated Land ,water relations ,wilting point ,grondvermogen ,water table - Abstract
Er is een methode ontwikkeld waarmee voor alle bos- en natuurgebieden in Nederland de kwetsbaarheid voor grondwaterstandsdaling is vastgesteld. De methode vergelijkt het actuele vochtleverend vermogen met het vochtleverend vermogen bij verlagingen van25, 50, 75 en 100 cm. Van het areaal bos en natuurterrein heeft 31% een groot vochtleverend vermogen (> 150 mm), 10% een matig (100-150 mm) en 51% een gering (< 100 mm); van 9% waren onvoldoende gegevens bekend. Er is berekend dat 23% gevoelig is voor grondwaterstandsverlaging. Het vochtleverend vermogen van de gronden is afgeleid uit gegevens van de Bodemkaart van Nederland, schaal 1 : 50 000. Berekeningen met het model MUST geven vergelijkbare uitkomsten.
- Published
- 1996
23. Monitoring photosynthesis in evergreen mediterranean forests in order to assess the scientific and operational potential of the LEAF instrument
- Author
Berkhout, J.J.A., Jans, W.W.P., Jongejans, J., Kooijman, A.M., Raaphorst, S., and Steingröver, E.G.
- Subjects
roots ,photosynthesis ,luchtkarteringen ,applications ,toepassingen ,forestry ,waterrelaties ,Instituut voor Bos- en Natuuronderzoek ,bosbouw ,soil ,remote sensing ,bodem ,fotosynthese ,Institute for Forestry and Nature Research ,aerial surveys ,wortels ,middellandse-zeegebied ,water relations ,mediterranean region - Published
- 1996
24. De betekenis van bodem en klimaat voor het Nederlandse bos
- Subjects
roots ,waterrelaties ,Instituut voor Bos- en Natuuronderzoek ,netherlands ,landgebruik ,landevaluatie ,soil ,nederland ,Institute for Forestry and Nature Research ,agricultural meteorology ,land evaluation ,bodemgeschiktheid ,wortels ,land capability ,Laboratorium voor Bodemkunde en geologie ,forestry ,land use ,Laboratory of Soil Science and Geology ,site class assessment ,bosbouw ,soil suitability ,bodem ,bepaling van groeiplaatshoedanigheden ,regional planning ,planning ,water relations ,regionale planning ,agrometeorologie ,grondvermogen - Abstract
This publication is largely based on growth-site studies carried out on important tree species in Dutch forests during the period 1950-1991. Two of the ways the data yielded by these studies can be used were investigated. The first aimed to identify important correlations between growth and site properties. The second used combinations of site properties in an attempt to predict site index; this is important for the proper choice of tree species, or if previously unforested land is to be afforested (but only if the site properties do not change intrinsically in response to changes in environmental conditions).The investigations centred on the Dutch forest as it has evolved since the mid- nineteenth century. The pioneer tree species was Scots pine, later partly replaced by other species. Chapter 1 presents a short description of the history of heathland afforestation and examines the background of growth-site research. In Chapter 2 a description is given of the character of growth-site research and the methods commonly applied. A critical discussion of methods and interpretation is included.Growth-site research in Northern America and in northwestern Europe is discussed in Chapter 3, in relation to the methods applied and relevance for the interpretation of relationships established for forest stands in the Netherlands. Attention is paid to the international literature on the study of growth-site relationships. Forestry in the Netherlands is distinctive, because it is a rather young type of land use, which occupies a small area and was until recently mainly restricted to poor soils. The range of meteorological variables in the Netherlands is small, and therefore the interpretation of results of growth-site studies must rely partly on studies in neighbouring countries. This chapter also describes the history of growth-site research from the nineteenth century to the present.Chapter 4 gives a comprehensive description of the field and laboratory methodology applied in Dutch growth-site research from 1950-1991. This methodology is compared and checked with procedures published in Dutch and international literature.The essence of this publication is contained in chapters 5, 6 and 7. These chapters describe the results of growth-site studies on Douglas-fir (an "exotic" tree species), European ash (a "native" species), and 'Robusta' poplar (hybrid of the "exotic" tree species Populusdeltoides and the "native" tree species Populus nigra ). 'Robusta' poplar was chosen as being representative of poplar clones grown in the Netherlands.In the research, site index values (derived from top height - age relations for the three tree species) were grouped according to various factors (forest area, soil parent material, groundwater class, soil unit, former land use, and vegetation type), and tested for significant differences, by analysis of variance. Relationships between site index and single predictor variables (representing soil chemical properties, water supply and meteorological conditions) were investigated by application of linear, quadratic, logarithmic and exponential regressions, and checked for plausibility of the relation ("identification" of variables, as described in section 2.1). The main soil chemical variables tested were pH-KCI, P-total, N-total, N org (N expressed as concentation of organic matter), and incidentally available K (K-HCl 0.1M) and Mg (Mg-NaCI 0.5M). Water supply index was estimated as available soil moisture in the rooted zone (pF 2.0/2.2 - pF 4.2) for soil profiles with a deep water table, and as available soil moisture (pF 1.7/2.0 - pF 4.2), to which is added water supplied by capillary rise, for soils with a shallow water table. Meteorological variables were derived from the Climate Atlas of the Netherlands (1972), and included mean temperature, precipitation and atmospheric moisture deficit (precipitation - 0.8 * Eo) for the months May up to and including September, mean January temperature, mean annual wind velocity, mean annual number of frost days, and mean number of annual sunshine hours (for 'Robusta' poplar only).Variables and factors which individually explained significantly the variance of the site index, were combined by multiple regression analyses to produce a simple prediction model for the site index, assuming that there were at least direct relationships ("causality") between variables/factors and site index. These models were compared with the results of other growth-site investigations, with literature data, and with regression models derived from soil survey data.Data from two periods (1959/60 and 1984-1991) were examined to establish growth site relationships for Douglas-fir. This enabled the impact of changing environmental conditions in the Netherlands during the sixties, seventies and early eighties to be assessed. The results demonstrated an important shift in the relationship between soil P supply and site index of Douglas-fir. The 1959/60 data revealed that P-total contributed significantly to the variance of the site index, but this effect was absent in the 1984-1991 data.Chemical and physical soil variables are often used to characterise forest soil properties, and to predict forest growth. There is a different method, which uses forest vegetation to indicate forest soil properties. Bannink, Leys & Zonneveld (1973) developed a variant of this method for Dutch conifer forests on sandy soils, calibrating it by applying the site index of Scots pine stands. Bannink and his collegues contended that their method reflected soil fertility levels, but they did not check this thoroughly. Chapter 8 describes the relationship between classes of this vegetation system and some forest site properties (water supply, soil chemical characteristics). The data were derived from growth-site studies performed during the period 1959-1990 in stands of Douglas-fir, Norway spruce, Japanese larch, Scots pine, beech, pedunculate and sessile oak, and 'Robusta' poplar. The vegetation of these stands was classified acoording to the system as developed by Bannink et al.Site properties for vegetation types in "dark" and in "light" forests were compared and tested for significance. A multivariate method (discriminant analysis) was used to relate vegetation classes to a combination of site properties. Vegetation types in "dark" forests (beech, Douglas-fir, Norway spruce) reflected differences in P-total and water supply, and between tree species themselves, but not in pH-KCI. In "light" forests, vegetation type differences were related to P-total, N org , water supply, and pH-KCI, but the relationship with pH-KCI was only significant if sites included both calcareous and non-calcareous soils. In stands of Scots pine and pedunculate oak on acid soils, vegetation types did not show significant differences in pH-KCI values. From this it is concluded that the system of vegetation types as developed by Bannink, Leys & Zonneveld (1973), currently applied in routine forest soil surveys, does indeed reflect differences in soil fertility (indicated by P-total and N org ) and in water supply to some extent, but not in pH-KCI, as far as acid soils (pH-KCl < 6.5) are concerned. The tree species itself also has some impact on the vegetation type on otherwise identical soils.Relationships between site properties and the growth of various tree species as derived from the results of growth-site research can be applied for qualitatively or quantitatively assessing the suitability of land for a specific land use type, in this context, various types of forestry. Chapter 9 presents an overview of the history of soil suitability assessment and land evaluation for forestry in the Netherlands, a description of the ALES automated land evaluation system (Rossiter & Van Wambeke 1993), and some of its applications for various forestry land use types (land evaluation for Scots pine based on soil requirements, suitability for poplar cultivation in short and in long rotation). The reason that interest has grown in land evaluation for forestry in the Netherlands is that EU agricultural policy is changing and, in response, land use is switching from agricultural production to, for example, forestry (in the Netherlands: biomass plantations in short- rotation, medium-rotation of poplar and Norway spruce) and nature conservancy. In the Netherlands, land evaluation for poplar in short rotation is based on relationships between dry matter production of fast growing poplar clones and site properties (soil and climate variables), established in field trials and growth-site investigations.On the basis of knowledge about growth-site relationships, and on the basic tenets of ALES, Chapter 9 assesses and discusses the practicability of ALES for Dutch forestry, given that the aim of the land evaluation may be national or stand level. If suitability for forestry must be assessed in qualitative terms, a system like ALES, which renders suitability in qualitative classes, must be capable of being used to assess land capability in a broad sense, i.e. to reject land that is unsuitable for a specific type of land use. ALES can also be used in a quantitative way if site class is a land quality, and the relationship between site class and land characteristics is known. However, it appears that ALES does not make optimal use of knowledge of growth-site relationships in forestry. The growth and yield of forest on land considered suitable for these land use types, can better be predicted by specifically quantitative methods.
- Published
- 1996
25. Monitoring photosynthesis in evergreen mediterranean forests in order to assess the scientific and operational potential of the LEAF instrument
- Subjects
roots ,photosynthesis ,luchtkarteringen ,applications ,toepassingen ,forestry ,waterrelaties ,Instituut voor Bos- en Natuuronderzoek ,bosbouw ,soil ,remote sensing ,bodem ,fotosynthese ,Institute for Forestry and Nature Research ,aerial surveys ,wortels ,middellandse-zeegebied ,water relations ,mediterranean region - Published
- 1996
26. Bomen een genot langs en voor de weg?
- Author
van den Akker, J.J.H. and van Putten, T.H.
- Subjects
green belts ,roots ,heggen ,roads ,bestrating ,Winand Staring Centre for Integrated Land, Soil and Water Research ,forestry ,waterrelaties ,oppervlakten ,surfaces ,bosbouw ,soil ,groene zones ,bodem ,pavements ,wegen ,Staring Centrum ,wortels ,hedges ,water relations - Abstract
Bomen kunnen nogal wat schade aan wegen berokkenen, doordat ze vocht aan de grond onttrekken. In dit artikel worden de resultaten besproken van een onderzoek naar de oorzaken ervan. In dit onderzoek zijn de condities bepaald waaronder bomen verantwoordelijk zijn voor schade. Tegelijkertijd zijn daarmee de mogelijkheden aangegeven waarmee schade te vermijden is. Het geheim schuilt in de keuze en de locatie van bomen en de combinatie van grondsoort en grondwaterstand. Er is een kaart samengesteld waarop globaal schaderisico's zijn aangegeven. Bovendien wordt een methode gepresenteerd om met enkele gegevens de risico's per locatie vast te stellen.
- Published
- 1995
27. De betekenis van bodem en klimaat voor het Nederlandse bos
- Author
Bouma, J., Vos, W., van den Burg, J., Bouma, J., Vos, W., and van den Burg, J.
- Abstract
This publication is largely based on growth-site studies carried out on important tree species in Dutch forests during the period 1950-1991. Two of the ways the data yielded by these studies can be used were investigated. The first aimed to identify important correlations between growth and site properties. The second used combinations of site properties in an attempt to predict site index; this is important for the proper choice of tree species, or if previously unforested land is to be afforested (but only if the site properties do not change intrinsically in response to changes in environmental conditions).The investigations centred on the Dutch forest as it has evolved since the mid- nineteenth century. The pioneer tree species was Scots pine, later partly replaced by other species. Chapter 1 presents a short description of the history of heathland afforestation and examines the background of growth-site research. In Chapter 2 a description is given of the character of growth-site research and the methods commonly applied. A critical discussion of methods and interpretation is included.Growth-site research in Northern America and in northwestern Europe is discussed in Chapter 3, in relation to the methods applied and relevance for the interpretation of relationships established for forest stands in the Netherlands. Attention is paid to the international literature on the study of growth-site relationships. Forestry in the Netherlands is distinctive, because it is a rather young type of land use, which occupies a small area and was until recently mainly restricted to poor soils. The range of meteorological variables in the Netherlands is small, and therefore the interpretation of results of growth-site studies must rely partly on studies in neighbouring countries. This chapter also describes the history of growth-site research from the nineteenth century to the present.Chapter 4 gives a comprehensive description of the field and laboratory methodology applied in
- Published
- 1996
28. De verdrogingstoestand en verdrogingsgevoeligheid van het Nederlandse bos
- Author
Hendriks, C.M.A.
- Subjects
roots ,maps ,Winand Staring Centre for Integrated Land, Soil and Water Research ,forestry ,waterrelaties ,netherlands ,grondwaterspiegel ,bosbouw ,forest damage ,soil ,nederland ,desiccation ,bodem ,bosschade ,kaarten ,Staring Centrum ,bodemeigenschappen ,soil properties ,wortels ,water relations ,bodemkarteringen ,verdroging ,soil surveys ,water table - Published
- 1994
29. De verdrogingstoestand en verdrogingsgevoeligheid van het Nederlandse bos
- Subjects
roots ,maps ,Soil and Water Research ,forestry ,waterrelaties ,netherlands ,grondwaterspiegel ,bosbouw ,forest damage ,soil ,nederland ,desiccation ,bodem ,bosschade ,kaarten ,Staring Centrum ,bodemeigenschappen ,soil properties ,Winand Staring Centre for Integrated Land ,wortels ,water relations ,bodemkarteringen ,verdroging ,soil surveys ,water table - Published
- 1994
30. Bosontwikkeling in de Lauwersmeer : de te verwachten gevolgen van veranderingen in de waterhuishouding voor de bosontwikkeling in het Ballastplaatbos, het Diepsterbos en het Zomerhuisbos
- Author
Siebel, H.N.
- Subjects
planting ,roots ,beplanten ,waterrelaties ,Instituut voor Bos- en Natuuronderzoek ,netherlands ,landgebruik ,landevaluatie ,soil ,nederland ,flooding ,Institute for Forestry and Nature Research ,land evaluation ,wortels ,stand establishment ,lauwersmeergebied ,forestry ,land use ,bosbouw ,inundatie ,polders ,bodem ,regional planning ,aanslaan van het gewasbestand ,planning ,water relations ,regionale planning - Published
- 1993
31. Bosontwikkeling in de Lauwersmeer : de te verwachten gevolgen van veranderingen in de waterhuishouding voor de bosontwikkeling in het Ballastplaatbos, het Diepsterbos en het Zomerhuisbos
- Subjects
planting ,roots ,beplanten ,waterrelaties ,Instituut voor Bos- en Natuuronderzoek ,netherlands ,landgebruik ,landevaluatie ,soil ,nederland ,flooding ,Institute for Forestry and Nature Research ,land evaluation ,wortels ,stand establishment ,lauwersmeergebied ,forestry ,land use ,bosbouw ,inundatie ,polders ,bodem ,regional planning ,aanslaan van het gewasbestand ,planning ,water relations ,regionale planning - Published
- 1993
32. Waterrelaties van bomen, en de rol van water bij de groei
- Author
Mohren, G.M.J. and Mohren, G.M.J.
- Published
- 1993
33. Invloed van de bodemvochtsamenstelling op de bosgroei : een manipulatie-experiment te Kootwijk
- Author
Visser, P.H.B. de and Visser, P.H.B. de
- Published
- 1993
34. Waterkwantiteit en bos
- Author
Burg, J. van den and Burg, J. van den
- Abstract
Samenvatting van wat bekend is over de betekenis van de watervoorziening voor de groei van bomen in Nederlandse bossen
- Published
- 1993
35. Een onderzoek naar verbanden tussen sterfte in zomereikenopstanden in Nederland en de grondwatertrap
- Author
Oosterbaan, A., Nabuurs, G.J., and Maas, G.J.
- Subjects
roots ,houtaanwas ,soil chemistry ,achteruitgang, bossen ,hygroscopicity ,bomen ,waterrelaties ,soil water ,hygroscopiciteit ,netherlands ,soil ,nederland ,girth ,acidification ,bodemchemie ,increment boring ,verzuring ,forest decline ,wortels ,diameter ,increment ,jaarringonderzoek m.b.v. boorspanen ,viability ,forestry ,soil acidity ,trees ,absorptie ,anorganische verbindingen ,bodemwater ,levensvatbaarheid ,bosbouw ,Rijksinstituut voor Onderzoek in de Bos- en Landschapsbouw "De Dorschkamp" ,permeabiliteit ,soil ph ,bodem ,bodemaciditeit ,permeability ,water relations ,inorganic compounds ,omtrek ,absorption ,quercus robur ,bodem ph - Published
- 1990
36. Literatuurstudie naar voorraden en verblijftijden van elementen in bosecosystemen
- Author
de Vries, W., Hol, A., and Tjalma, S.
- Subjects
plant composition ,roots ,houtaanwas ,soil chemistry ,chemie ,biomassa ,Winand Staring Centre for Integrated Land, Soil and Water Research ,waterrelaties ,litter (plant) ,netherlands ,stand development ,chemistry ,strooisel ,soil ,nederland ,plantensamenstelling ,bodemchemie ,Staring Centrum ,opstandsstructuur ,wetenschap ,wortels ,stand structure ,increment ,science ,research ,biomass ,literature ,forestry ,humus ,opstandsontwikkeling ,bosbouw ,onderzoek ,bodem ,bibliographies ,literatuur ,water relations ,bibliografieën - Published
- 1990
37. Onderzoek naar de conditie van de lindenbeplanting (Tilia americana) langs de Van Alkemadelaan (gedeelte Willem Witsenplein - Wassenaarse weg) in de gemeente 's-Gravenhage
- Author
Kopinga, J. and Peeters, J.P.
- Subjects
roots ,zuid-holland ,forestry ,bomen ,waterrelaties ,tilia americana ,health ,netherlands ,trees ,bosbouw ,Rijksinstituut voor Onderzoek in de Bos- en Landschapsbouw "De Dorschkamp" ,soil ,nederland ,bodem ,wortels ,gezondheid ,water relations - Published
- 1990
38. De jeugdgroei van enkele inheemse loofboomsoorten in relatie tot de groeiplaats
- Subjects
roots ,heggen ,soil chemistry ,forestry practices ,growth ,hoogte ,bomen ,waterrelaties ,netherlands ,nederland ,groei ,bodemchemie ,environmental factors ,nutrients ,afforestation ,bosbouwkundige handelingen ,wortels ,bebossing ,diameter ,green belts ,volume ,forestry ,silviculture ,trees ,site class assessment ,bosbouw ,houtteelt ,Rijksinstituut voor Onderzoek in de Bos- en Landschapsbouw "De Dorschkamp" ,voedingsstoffen ,groene zones ,bepaling van groeiplaatshoedanigheden ,milieufactoren ,bodemeigenschappen ,soil properties ,hedges ,water relations ,height - Published
- 1990
39. Een onderzoek naar de minerale - voedingstoestand van opstanden in de Koninklijke Houtvesterij Het Loo : Boswachterijen Uddel en Gortel
- Author
van den Burg, J.
- Subjects
roots ,mineraalgehalte ,mineral content ,mineralen ,waterrelaties ,netherlands ,planten ,handbooks ,soil ,nederland ,nutrients ,bosopstanden ,wortels ,handboeken ,plants ,forestry ,ash ,minerals ,bosbouw ,Rijksinstituut voor Onderzoek in de Bos- en Landschapsbouw "De Dorschkamp" ,voedingsstoffen ,forest stands ,bodem ,veluwe ,water relations ,as ,gelderland - Published
- 1990
40. Onderzoek naar de groeiplaatsomstandigheden en de inpassingsmogelijkheden van de leilinden (Tilia x vulgaris) in de toekomstige reconstructie van de Burgemeester van der Schansstraat in Andel, najaar 1989
- Subjects
roots ,soil salinity ,roads ,mineraalgehalte ,mineral content ,bomen ,mineralen ,waterrelaties ,netherlands ,planten ,tilia europaea ,soil ,nederland ,noord-brabant ,soil compaction ,street trees ,straatbomen ,bodemzoutgehalte ,beschadigingen door zout ,wortels ,wegenbouw ,ornamental woody plants ,plants ,forestry ,ash ,soil air ,bodemlucht ,steunmuren ,health ,soil density ,road construction ,trees ,minerals ,bodemverdichting ,bosbouw ,Rijksinstituut voor Onderzoek in de Bos- en Landschapsbouw "De Dorschkamp" ,forest damage ,houtachtige planten als sierplanten ,bodem ,bosschade ,wegen ,bodemdichtheid ,plantenontwikkeling ,gezondheid ,salt injury ,plant development ,water relations ,revetments ,as - Published
- 1990
41. Een onderzoek naar verbanden tussen sterfte in zomereikenopstanden in Nederland en de grondwatertrap
- Subjects
roots ,houtaanwas ,soil chemistry ,hygroscopicity ,bomen ,waterrelaties ,soil water ,hygroscopiciteit ,netherlands ,achteruitgang ,soil ,nederland ,girth ,acidification ,bodemchemie ,increment boring ,verzuring ,forest decline ,wortels ,diameter ,increment ,jaarringonderzoek m.b.v. boorspanen ,viability ,forestry ,soil acidity ,trees ,absorptie ,anorganische verbindingen ,bodemwater ,levensvatbaarheid ,bosbouw ,Rijksinstituut voor Onderzoek in de Bos- en Landschapsbouw "De Dorschkamp" ,permeabiliteit ,soil ph ,bodem ,bodemaciditeit ,permeability ,water relations ,bossen ,inorganic compounds ,omtrek ,absorption ,quercus robur ,bodem ph - Published
- 1990
42. Literatuurstudie naar voorraden en verblijftijden van elementen in bosecosystemen
- Subjects
plant composition ,roots ,houtaanwas ,soil chemistry ,chemie ,biomassa ,Soil and Water Research ,waterrelaties ,litter (plant) ,netherlands ,stand development ,chemistry ,strooisel ,soil ,nederland ,plantensamenstelling ,bodemchemie ,Staring Centrum ,opstandsstructuur ,wetenschap ,wortels ,stand structure ,increment ,science ,research ,biomass ,literature ,forestry ,humus ,opstandsontwikkeling ,bosbouw ,onderzoek ,bodem ,bibliographies ,Winand Staring Centre for Integrated Land ,literatuur ,water relations ,bibliografieën - Published
- 1990
43. Onderzoek naar de groeiplaatsomstandigheden en de inpassingsmogelijkheden van de leilinden (Tilia x vulgaris) in de toekomstige reconstructie van de Burgemeester van der Schansstraat in Andel, najaar 1989
- Author
Peeters, J.P. and van den Burg, J.
- Subjects
mineraalgehalte ,waterrelaties ,netherlands ,soil compaction ,wortels ,wegenbouw ,ornamental woody plants ,plants ,forestry ,bodemlucht ,health ,soil density ,road construction ,trees ,minerals ,forest damage ,houtachtige planten als sierplanten ,bodem ,gezondheid ,plant development ,revetments ,roots ,soil salinity ,roads ,mineral content ,bomen ,mineralen ,planten ,tilia europaea ,soil ,nederland ,noord-brabant ,street trees ,straatbomen ,bodemzoutgehalte ,beschadigingen door zout ,ash ,soil air ,steunmuren ,bodemverdichting ,bosbouw ,Rijksinstituut voor Onderzoek in de Bos- en Landschapsbouw "De Dorschkamp" ,bosschade ,wegen ,bodemdichtheid ,plantenontwikkeling ,salt injury ,water relations ,as - Published
- 1990
44. Onderzoek naar de conditie van de lindenbeplanting (Tilia americana) langs de Van Alkemadelaan (gedeelte Willem Witsenplein - Wassenaarse weg) in de gemeente 's-Gravenhage
- Subjects
roots ,zuid-holland ,forestry ,bomen ,waterrelaties ,tilia americana ,health ,netherlands ,trees ,bosbouw ,Rijksinstituut voor Onderzoek in de Bos- en Landschapsbouw "De Dorschkamp" ,soil ,nederland ,bodem ,wortels ,gezondheid ,water relations - Published
- 1990
45. Water en natuur : inzet gevraagd van waterschappen
- Author
Zeeman, J. and Zeeman, J.
- Published
- 1991
46. De Haarlemmerhout : Dl 1. Stressfactoren in een oud stadsbos en mogelijkheden tot herstel
- Author
Dopheide, J.C.R., Verstraten, J.M., Dopheide, J.C.R., and Verstraten, J.M.
- Published
- 1991
47. Vernattingsonderzoek in bossen: 1998 ideaal jaar
- Subjects
roots ,herstel ,groundwater level ,bomen ,waterrelaties ,nature conservation ,plant water relations ,Instituut voor Bos- en Natuuronderzoek ,achteruitgang ,grondwaterspiegel ,rehabilitation ,soil ,desiccation ,onderzoeksprojecten ,flooding ,Institute for Forestry and Nature Research ,forest decline ,groundwater ,wortels ,stagnatie ,drying ,verdroging ,forests ,research ,viability ,stagnation ,forestry ,health ,grondwaterstand ,trees ,levensvatbaarheid ,schade ,bosbouw ,onderzoek ,drogen ,inundatie ,bodem ,natuurbescherming ,grondwater ,research projects ,gezondheid ,plant-water relaties ,water relations ,bossen ,damage ,water table - Abstract
Effect van grondwaterstandverhoging op de vitaliteit van boomsoorten. Opzet van het vernattingsonderzoek op hydrologisch proefveld Geestmerambacht en drie locaties in volwassen bos verspreid over Nederland, en een eerste indruk van de resultaten
- Published
- 1999
48. Bodemeisen en minerale voeding van de zomereik. Dl. 1
- Author
Burg, J. van den, Oosterbaan, A., Burg, J. van den, and Oosterbaan, A.
- Published
- 1990
49. Bodemeisen en minerale voeding van de zomereik. Dl. 2
- Author
Burg, J. van den, Oosterbaan, A., Burg, J. van den, and Oosterbaan, A.
- Published
- 1990
50. Soils, water and nutrients in a forest ecosystem in Suriname
- Author
van der Molen, W.H., Pons, L.J., Poels, R.L.H., van der Molen, W.H., Pons, L.J., and Poels, R.L.H.
- Abstract
Water and nutrient flows were measured in catchments on strongly weathered loamy sediments of the Zanderij formation in Suriname under undisturbed forest and forest silviculturally treated whereby 40 % of the biomass was killed. The topography of the two catchment areas studied (each of about 150 ha) is gently undulating. The main soil is a well drained loamy Ultic Haplorthox which covers most of the plateaus and upper slopes while sandy soils occur on lower slopes and in valley bottoms.Measured data on rainfall, discharge, evaporation, groundwater levels and hydraulic conductivity were used in computer simulation of water flows. It was found that large amounts of water were available to the forest and that transpiration reduction in the dry seasons was only small. The average effective rooting depth was calculated to be 450 cm. The contribution of transpiration, interception and soil evaporation to total water use (1640 mm/y) was calculated, annual rainfall being 2140 mm.Nutrient amounts and flows were determined in both the organic matter cycle and the hydrological cycle for the treated and untreated catchments. A computer simulation of organic matter flows showed that large amounts of nutrients were liberated during the 3 years after treatment. Only a very small proportion of these nutrients left the catchment area with the discharge water. The higher nutrient influx in rainwater than nutrient losses in drainage water indicates that there was a small accumulation of nutrients in both the untreated and treated catchments. Thus it is concluded that the forest treatment did not result in unacceptable losses of nutrients from the ecosystem.
- Published
- 1987
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