129 results on '"waterbergend vermogen"'
Search Results
2. Klimaatbestendig bouwen : Sturen met regels bij het hoogheemraadschap Van Rijnland : case studie
- Author
Groot, E. de and Groot, E. de
- Abstract
In het waterrijke gebied tussen IJmuiden, Amsterdam-West, Gouda en Wassenaar werken de medewerkers van Rijnland elke dag aan droge voeten en voldoende schoon water. Dat doen we samen met inwoners, bedrijven en andere partners én met aandacht voor de omgeving, de natuur en het landschap. Rijnland ligt voor 90% onder zeeniveau. Samen met klimaatverandering zorgt dat voor grote uitdagingen, zoals droogte en wateroverlast. Dit lijken problemen voor later, maar dat zijn ze niet. We moeten ze nu aanpakken. Daarom werken we voortdurend aan duurzame en vernieuwende oplossingen. Zodat we ook in de toekomst veilig met water kunnen blijven wonen, werken en recreëren in West-Nederland.
- Published
- 2023
3. Stedelijke Waterkwaliteit, Klimaat en Adaptatie : i-report
- Abstract
Stedelijke Waterkwaliteit, Klimaat en Adaptatie Klimaatverandering zorgt voor druk op het stedelijk watersysteem. Hitte, wateroverlast en droogte hebben effecten op de (ecologische) kwaliteit van het oppervlaktewater. Ook maatregelen die we nemen om de effecten van klimaatverandering op ons stedelijk gebied tegen te gaan (klimaatadaptatiemaatregelen), kunnen de kwaliteit van het water beïnvloeden. Met dit document krijgt u inzicht in deze effecten, en de maatregelen die genomen kunnen worden om negatieve effecten te beperken. Indicatoren aan de hand waarvan de stedelijke waterkwaliteit kan worden gekenmerkt betreffen verontreiniging, doorstroming, watertemperatuur, zuurstofgehalte, zoutgehalte en verontreiniging. Per indicator zijn onderliggende stuurvariabelen gedefinieerd en is de kwetsbaarheid van het stedelijk water aangeven. In deze handreiking zijn mogelijke effecten van klimaatverandering en klimaatadaptatiemaatregelen op de waterkwaliteit (via de stuurvariabelen) in beeld gebracht. Ten slotte zijn (clusters van) waterkwaliteitsmaatregelen benoemd, waarmee een negatief effect op de waterkwaliteit kan worden tegengegaan.
- Published
- 2022
4. Ontdek ClimateScan, de grootste groenblauwe database ter wereld
- Abstract
Van wadi’s tot drijvende zonneparken, groene muren en waterbergende wegen: op ClimateScan kun je inzoomen op ruim 8.000 klimaatadaptieve maatregelen, inclusief foto’s, video’s en onderzoek. Een mooi – en gestaag uitdijend - instrument om inspiratie op te doen en kennis te delen. Het ClimateCafé begin april in de BUCH-gemeenten had er alles mee te maken.
- Published
- 2022
5. Groenblauw dak vooral nuttig als waterbuffer : Winnaar Waternetwerk Bachelor en Master Scriptieprijzen 2021 Amber van Hamel
- Abstract
Amber van Hamel (TU Delft) won met haar onderzoek naar groenblauwe daken de MSc scriptieprijs 2021 van Koninklijk Nederlands Waternetwerk. Het onderzoek richt zich op het verkoelende effect van groenblauwe daken ten opzichte van een groen dak. “Er leeft een beeld dat een groenblauw dak extra verkoelend werkt. Dat wilde ik wel eens bewijzen”, aldus Van Hamel (27).
- Published
- 2022
6. 6.5 Berekenen waterbergingsopgave en maatregelen
- Author
Beld, E. van den, Snep, R., Beld, E. van den, and Snep, R.
- Abstract
Er zijn allerlei technische oplossingen voor waterbeheer en waterberging. Of ze helpen hangt af van de bodem, de afmetingen van tuin en gebouwen, en de maat van de oplossingen. Met deze rekentool kun je van tevoren nagaan welke combinatie van maatregelen gaat helpen.
- Published
- 2021
7. ideale bodem, onderzoeker Derk van Balen
- Abstract
Derk van Balen is bij Wageningen University & Research betrokken bij onderzoek naar hoe je het waterbergend vermogen van de bodem kunt verbeteren.
- Published
- 2020
8. Effecten van agroforestry : Leiden bomen in het veld tot een hoger waterbergend vermogen of tot watergebrek?
- Author
Reubens, B., Coussement, T., Verheyen, K., Coudron, W., Reubens, B., Coussement, T., Verheyen, K., and Coudron, W.
- Abstract
Een belangrijke voorwaarde voor een goed presterend agroforestry systeem is dat de bomen hoofdzakelijk bodemwater en voedingsstoffen aanspreken die niet door het landbouwgewas gebruikt worden. Veldonderzoek naar agroforestry systemen is recent aan een opmars bezig, maar de interactie tussen bomen en gewas op het vlak van wateropname is nog onvoldoende becijferd, zeker in gematigde klimaten.
- Published
- 2020
9. Handreiking Natuurdaken
- Author
van Heerewaarden, W., Zeegers, T., van Kuik, A.J., van Heerewaarden, W., Zeegers, T., and van Kuik, A.J.
- Abstract
In deze Handreiking Natuurdaken leggen wij uit wat natuurdaken kenmerkt door met een natuurlijke omgevingsbril naar je dak te kijken. We noemen de voordelen en leggen uit waarom een natuurdak belangrijk is voor haar -ecologische- omgeving en gebruikers. En we geven tips over hoe je een natuurdak kunt aanleggen en het optimaal inricht.
- Published
- 2019
10. Dossier nature based solutions : WURKS-project Groen Kennisnet
- Abstract
Het leefbaar houden van steden en dorpen is een belangrijke uitdaging van deze tijd. Daarnaast zorgt klimaatverandering voor een toenemende vraag naar slimme oplossingen om in te spelen op extremere weersomstandigheden. Het vergroenen van steden en dorpen biedt niet alleen een oplossing voor klimaat gerelateerde problemen, maar bevorderd ook het woonplezier en de gezondheid van haar bewoners. Dit dossier laat zien hoe slimme groene oplossingen kunnen helpen bij de inrichting en het beheer van woongebieden ter bevordering van de leefbaarheid en klimaat adaptatie. Thema's zoals biodiversiteit, adaptatie en mitigatie komen aan bod.
- Published
- 2019
11. 'Wetenschap is de basis voor beleidsnormen en incentives' : grote steden over groenbaten: maak alle partijen duidelijk hoe belangrijk en winstgevend groen is
- Author
Raats, S. and Raats, S.
- Abstract
Voor groen- en boombeheerders waren de baten van groen al jaren duidelijk, maar de rest van de maatschappij begint dit nu ook te beseffen. Vakblad Stad en Groen schuift aan tafel met bomenmensen van de gemeenten Den Haag en Rotterdam om te praten over die wind of change, wat er al gedaan is en wat er nog nodig is. 'We staan aan het begin van een verandering', aldus Leendert Koudstaal, boombeheerder van de gemeente Den Haag. 'Maar het duurt even voordat een mammoettanker zijn koers kan wijzigen. Voortdurend wetenschappelijk onderzoek blijft nodig om het stedelijk gebied toekomstbestendig, klimaatadaptief en leefbaar te maken.'
- Published
- 2019
12. Kunnen we de aandacht verschuiven van meststoffen naar water? : een groene stad vraagt om goede groeiplaatsen
- Author
Staak, H. van der, Moosdijk, L. van de, Staak, H. van der, and Moosdijk, L. van de
- Abstract
Een bodem met een hoge bodemvruchtbaarheid zorgt ervoor dat planten groeien zonder dat er iets aan toegevoegd hoeft te worden. Nu heeft een plant om te groeien vooral water en kooldioxide nodig. Dat laatste krijgt hij via de lucht en het is tegenwoordig voldoende aanwezig. Dit proces is bij de meesten van ons beter bekend als fotosynthese. Behalve voor fotosynthese heeft een plant ook water nodig voor verdamping, om af te koelen en voedingsstoffen te transporteren.
- Published
- 2019
13. Handreiking Natuurdaken
- Author
Heerewaarden, W. van, Zeegers, T., Heerewaarden, W. van, and Zeegers, T.
- Abstract
In deze Handreiking Natuurdaken leggen wij uit wat natuurdaken kenmerkt door met een natuurlijke omgevingsbril naar je dak te kijken. We noemen de voordelen en leggen uit waarom een natuurdak belangrijk is voor haar -ecologische- omgeving en gebruikers. En we geven tips over hoe je een natuurdak kunt aanleggen en het optimaal inricht.
- Published
- 2019
14. Tools for climate-adaptive and healthy urban design
- Author
Snep, R. and Snep, R.
- Published
- 2019
15. Handreiking Natuurdaken
- Subjects
flowers ,water holding capacity ,greening ,plants ,groene daken ,waterbergend vermogen ,pruning ,bloemen ,biodiversiteit ,snoeien ,OT Team Fruit-Bomen ,planten ,insecten ,vergroening ,green roofs ,maaien ,daken ,birds ,vogels ,insects ,mowing ,roofs ,biodiversity - Abstract
In deze Handreiking Natuurdaken leggen wij uit wat natuurdaken kenmerkt door met een natuurlijke omgevingsbril naar je dak te kijken. We noemen de voordelen en leggen uit waarom een natuurdak belangrijk is voor haar -ecologische- omgeving en gebruikers. En we geven tips over hoe je een natuurdak kunt aanleggen en het optimaal inricht.
- Published
- 2019
16. Waarom kiezen voor een groen(blauw) dak?
- Author
Bosma, D. and Bosma, D.
- Abstract
10 jaar geleden koste het bloed, zweed en tranen om een groendak te verkopen. Een dergelijk dak werd gezien als luxe. Er was geen verdienmodel aan gekoppeld en de voordelen leken vrij onbeduidend en indirect: “goed voor het milieu”. Inmiddels is het belang van blauwgroene daken wel doorgedrongen in de samenleving en worden we op allerlei manieren gestimuleerd om voor duurzaam te kiezen. Toch komt er nog regelmatig een streep door het plan voor een groendak, vanwege de portemonnee. Mede daarom heeft Green Deal Groene Daken de voordelen van groendaken in kaart gebracht in een overzichtelijke infographic.
- Published
- 2018
17. Slim stapelen op het dak
- Author
Ooms, M. and Ooms, M.
- Abstract
Sinds de totstandkoming van de Green Deal Groene Daken in september 2014 zijn er grote stappen voorwaarts gezet in de ontwikkeling van groene daken. Zo zijn de prestaties van een groen dak helder in kaart gebracht, is er meer variatie in de vegetatie, schrijdt de techniek voort, en worden groene daken steeds meer een instrument in de verduurzaming van onze planeet. Een update.
- Published
- 2018
18. boodschap van het groene dak
- Author
Ooms, M. and Ooms, M.
- Abstract
De markt voor groene daken zit in de lift. Wie leveren daarvoor producten en diensten en helpen daarmee de vergroening van Nederland verder? Een paar voorbeelden.
- Published
- 2018
19. Ontstening tuinen
- Author
Spijker, J. and Spijker, J.
- Abstract
Dit gastcollege gaat over het belang van groene tuinen in het licht van de uitdagingen van de stad.
- Published
- 2018
20. Samen werken aan een toekomstbestendige leefomgeving
- Author
Zeelt, E. and Zeelt, E.
- Abstract
De tijd dat groen vooral een mooi decor was, is voorbij. Steeds meer mensen realiseren zich dat méér groen en natuurlijke materialen onmisbaar zijn voor een gezonde leefomgeving, de biodiversiteit en de beheersing van water. Branchevereniging VHG en Tuinbranche Nederland informeren, met hun hoveniers en tuincentra, consumenten hierover.
- Published
- 2018
21. wijktypologie voor klimaatadaptatie
- Author
Kleerekoper, L., Koekoek, A., Kluck, J., Kleerekoper, L., Koekoek, A., and Kluck, J.
- Abstract
Een wijkaanduiding als ‘historische binnenstad’ of ‘naoorlogse tuinwijk’ bevat onverwacht veel relevante informatie over de mogelijkheden voor klimaatadaptatie. Het opstellen van een consistente, doordachte wijktypologie kan daarmee een belangrijk hulpmiddel zijn bij het voeren van effectief klimaatbeleid.
- Published
- 2018
22. Groen bouwen: groene wanden voor duurzame gebouwen en steden
- Author
Mechant, E., Goossens, P., Mechant, E., and Goossens, P.
- Abstract
In september 2015 ging het VLAIO VIS-traject ‘Groen bouwen: groene wanden voor duurzame gebouwen en steden’ van start. Dit project wil de huidige toepassing van groene wanden bestuderen en optimaliseren, zowel door de systemen te verbeteren als door gericht te adviseren over plaatsing en onderhoud. Hiervoor werkt het PCS samen met partners uit de bouw-, textielen groensector. Eind augustus is het project halfweg, tijd voor een stand van zaken!
- Published
- 2017
23. Gezond groen in en om de stad
- Abstract
Recreatie in het groen is belangrijk voor de volksgezondheid in Nederland. De afgelopen decennia zijn de mogelijkheden hiervoor in en om de steden echter achtergebleven bij de vraag van een groeiende bevolking. Een bevolking die bovendien vergrijst, en die daardoor meer tijd heeft om buiten te verpozen. De Gezondheidsraad beveelt in dit advies aan om de mogelijkheden voor ‘groene recreatie’ in de stedelijke omgeving uit te breiden. Daarbij wordt ´groen´ opgevat als natuur in brede zin, watercomponenten inbegrepen. De gezondheid van de Nederlandse bevolking is gediend met uitbreiding van de mogelijkheden voor vrijetijdsbesteding in de natuur in en om de steden. De Omgevingswet biedt gemeenten de gelegenheid om deze uitbreiding te verwerken in visies en plannen voor een gezonde, duurzame, klimaatbestendige en waterveilige stad.
- Published
- 2017
24. De Groene Agenda, topsectoronderzoek
- Author
Spijker, J.H. and Hiemstra, J.A.
- Subjects
toegepast onderzoek ,urban areas ,offices ,labour ,heat stress ,innovations ,stress ,well-being ,klimaat ,businesses ,participation ,climate ,participatie ,luchtkwaliteit ,water holding capacity ,regenwateropvang ,waterbergend vermogen ,kantoren ,public green areas ,health ,bedrijven ,warmtestress ,air quality ,sociaal welzijn ,arbeid (werk) ,stedelijke gebieden ,water harvesting ,applied research ,welzijn ,beplantingen ,gezondheid ,openbaar groen ,plantations ,innovaties ,social welfare - Abstract
Steeds meer mensen wonen in de stad. Dit is niet altijd een gezonde leefomgeving. Veel mensen ervaren stress, het ontbreekt aan sociale samenhang, de lucht is vervuild en het veranderende klimaat leidt tot toenemende hittestress en wateroverlast. Slim gebruik van groen is deel van de oplossing voor al deze uitdagingen.
- Published
- 2016
25. Groene daken in Tilburg : operationele handvatten voor ontwikkeling van gemeentelijk beleid
- Author
Hendriks, C.M.A., Snep, R.P.H., de Vries, E.A., and Brolsma, R.
- Subjects
WIMEK ,climatic change ,water holding capacity ,gemeenten ,groene daken ,waterbergend vermogen ,municipalities ,biodiversiteit ,Nature and society ,water storage ,klimaatverandering ,plaatselijk bestuur ,wateropslag ,noord-brabant ,green roofs ,beleid ,local government ,Vegetatie, Bos- en Landschapsecologie ,Vegetation, Forest and Landscape Ecology ,biodiversity ,policy ,Natuur en samenleving - Abstract
In opdracht van Rijkswaterstaat is voor de gemeente Tilburg nagegaan welke meerwaarde groene daken kunnen leveren aan het gemeentelijk beleid. De omgevingsvisie 2040 van Tilburg is doorgenomen op relevante ambities waaraan groene daken kunnen worden gekoppeld. Belangrijke aanknopingspunten zijn beleving, duurzaamheid en leefbaarheid. Het rapport geeft een aantal praktische handvatten waarmee de gemeente beleid kan formuleren en kan bepalen of zij groene daken wil stimuleren, welke doelen zij daarmee zou willen nastreven en welke locaties in de stad potentieel in aanmerking komen. Inzet voor klimaatadaptatie lijkt daarbij een perspectiefvolle benadering voor Tilburg. Door in een vervolgstap de handvatten te combineren met specifieke lokale informatie kunnen gericht maatregelen en locaties worden gekozen. In dit rapport worden daarvoor enkele suggesties gedaan.
- Published
- 2016
26. Nowcasten actuele vullingsgraad bodem (met behulp van een model en remote sensing data)
- Subjects
Climate Resilience ,remote sensing ,water holding capacity ,Klimaatbestendigheid ,waterbergend vermogen ,water management ,groundwater level ,waterbeheer ,water storage ,grondwaterstand ,underground storage ,wateropslag ,ondergrondse opslag - Abstract
Een belangrijke opgave van de waterschappen is het voorkomen van wateroverlast en droogte. In deze studie is onderzocht of het haalbaar is om een instrument te ontwikkelen waarmee de hoeveelheid water die in de bodem kan worden geborgen, inzichtelijk kan worden gemaakt. Het gaat hierbij om een combinatie van data van satellieten (over verdamping en bodemvocht), aangevuld met data uit het veld en data van hydrologische modellen. Het zo verkregen inzicht in de ‘vullingsgraad’ van de bodem biedt veel potentie voor het operationele waterbeheer, waaronder peilbeheer. De informatie kan als inhoudelijke basis worden gebruikt om projecten als Slim Watermanagement vorm te geven.
- Published
- 2016
27. Nowcasten actuele vullingsgraad bodem (met behulp van een model en remote sensing data)
- Author
Toorn, Linda, Klutman, W.A.J., Hanhart-van den Brink, M., Heijkers, J., van Bakel, J., Bastiaanssen, M., Spijker, Maarten, and Veldhuizen, A.A.
- Subjects
water holding capacity ,waterbergend vermogen ,groundwater level ,waterbeheer ,water storage ,grondwaterstand ,wateropslag ,Climate Resilience ,remote sensing ,Klimaatbestendigheid ,water management ,underground storage ,ondergrondse opslag - Abstract
Een belangrijke opgave van de waterschappen is het voorkomen van wateroverlast en droogte. In deze studie is onderzocht of het haalbaar is om een instrument te ontwikkelen waarmee de hoeveelheid water die in de bodem kan worden geborgen, inzichtelijk kan worden gemaakt. Het gaat hierbij om een combinatie van data van satellieten (over verdamping en bodemvocht), aangevuld met data uit het veld en data van hydrologische modellen. Het zo verkregen inzicht in de ‘vullingsgraad’ van de bodem biedt veel potentie voor het operationele waterbeheer, waaronder peilbeheer. De informatie kan als inhoudelijke basis worden gebruikt om projecten als Slim Watermanagement vorm te geven.
- Published
- 2016
28. Groene daken in Tilburg : operationele handvatten voor ontwikkeling van gemeentelijk beleid
- Subjects
WIMEK ,Vegetation ,climatic change ,water holding capacity ,gemeenten ,groene daken ,waterbergend vermogen ,municipalities ,Bos- en Landschapsecologie ,biodiversiteit ,Nature and society ,water storage ,klimaatverandering ,plaatselijk bestuur ,wateropslag ,noord-brabant ,green roofs ,beleid ,local government ,Forest and Landscape Ecology ,Vegetatie ,biodiversity ,policy ,Natuur en samenleving - Abstract
In opdracht van Rijkswaterstaat is voor de gemeente Tilburg nagegaan welke meerwaarde groene daken kunnen leveren aan het gemeentelijk beleid. De omgevingsvisie 2040 van Tilburg is doorgenomen op relevante ambities waaraan groene daken kunnen worden gekoppeld. Belangrijke aanknopingspunten zijn beleving, duurzaamheid en leefbaarheid. Het rapport geeft een aantal praktische handvatten waarmee de gemeente beleid kan formuleren en kan bepalen of zij groene daken wil stimuleren, welke doelen zij daarmee zou willen nastreven en welke locaties in de stad potentieel in aanmerking komen. Inzet voor klimaatadaptatie lijkt daarbij een perspectiefvolle benadering voor Tilburg. Door in een vervolgstap de handvatten te combineren met specifieke lokale informatie kunnen gericht maatregelen en locaties worden gekozen. In dit rapport worden daarvoor enkele suggesties gedaan.
- Published
- 2016
29. Groene Agenda, topsectoronderzoek
- Author
Spijker, J., Hiemstra, J., Spijker, J., and Hiemstra, J.
- Abstract
Steeds meer mensen wonen in de stad. Dit is niet altijd een gezonde leefomgeving. Veel mensen ervaren stress, het ontbreekt aan sociale samenhang, de lucht is vervuild en het veranderende klimaat leidt tot toenemende hittestress en wateroverlast. Slim gebruik van groen is deel van de oplossing voor al deze uitdagingen.
- Published
- 2016
30. waterlabel
- Author
Goedbloed, D., Jacobs, J., Tirion, M., Goedbloed, D., Jacobs, J., and Tirion, M.
- Abstract
Bij een extreme clusterbui moet het water tijdelijk geborgen worden. Als we niets doen, lopen vanzelf de laagste plekken onder en dat zijn lang niet altijd de plekken waar je het water het liefst wil bergen. Het waterlabel maakt inzichtelijk in welke mate een woning bijdraagt aan waterberging.
- Published
- 2016
31. Innovatieve oplossing voor klimaatverandering : de klimaatboom
- Author
Aalbers, F., Klein Overmeen, M., Aalbers, F., and Klein Overmeen, M.
- Abstract
Klimaatverandering heeft negatieve effecten op de leefbaarheid van de stad. O m deze effecten tegen te gaan, is het concept klimaatboom ontwikkeld. Dit biedt één oplossing voor hittestress en langdurige droogte enerzijds, en wateroverlast anderzijds.
- Published
- 2016
32. klimaatbestendige stad : hoe de diepere ondergrond bijdraagt in Rotterdam
- Author
Doelder, B. de, Rodenburg, K.A., Zuurbier, K.G., Doelder, B. de, Rodenburg, K.A., and Zuurbier, K.G.
- Abstract
Om een gebied klimaatbestendig te maken heeft het lokaal bergen en nuttig toepassen van regenwater de voorkeur. In steden met een intensief ruimtegebruik is dit niet eenvoudig. Maar er zijn mogelijkheden door bijvoorbeeld regenwater op grotere diepte te bufferen. Dit kan met ondergrondse waterberging, in het Engels aangeduid als ‘aquifer storage en recovery’. Zelfs in een drukke stad als Rotterdam, zo blijkt.
- Published
- 2016
33. Klimaatverandering, verdroging en wateroverlast, zijn ze onvermijdelijk ?
- Author
Willems, P. and Willems, P.
- Abstract
De nu optredende klimaatverandering vergroot de kans op perioden met hevige neerslag maar ook van langdurende droogte. Dit wordt voorspeld door modellen, en is al te merken in de praktijk. Kunnen betere infiltratie en waterberging stroomopwaarts de nadelige gevolgen hiervan tegengaan?
- Published
- 2016
34. Anatomy of extraordinary rainfall and flash flood in a Dutch lowland catchment
- Author
Claudia Brauer, P.M.M. Warmerdam, Y. van der Velde, Pieter Hazenberg, Adriaan J. Teuling, Aart Overeem, Remko Uijlenhoet, and Earth and Climate
- Subjects
Return period ,010504 meteorology & atmospheric sciences ,02 engineering and technology ,Hydrology and Quantitative Water Management ,lcsh:Technology ,01 natural sciences ,water management ,groundwater ,Leerstoelgroep Bodemnatuurkunde ,lcsh:Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering ,020701 environmental engineering ,lcsh:Environmental sciences ,lcsh:GE1-350 ,lowland areas ,Water storage ,lcsh:Geography. Anthropology. Recreation ,water level ,waterbeheer ,water storage ,Leerstoelgroep Bodemnatuurkunde, ecohydrologie en grondwaterbeheer ,Soil Physics ,SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities ,ecohydrologie en grondwaterbeheer ,regen ,SDG 6 - Clean Water and Sanitation ,france ,Hydrologie en Kwantitatief Waterbeheer ,Watershed ,event ,0207 environmental engineering ,precipitation ,wateropslag ,lcsh:TD1-1066 ,soil ,south ,route contributions ,waterstand ,Flash flood ,Hydrometeorology ,Precipitation ,rain ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences ,Hydrology ,WIMEK ,water holding capacity ,lcsh:T ,waterbergend vermogen ,waterverzadiging ,Water level ,waterlogging ,neerslag ,lcsh:G ,13. Climate action ,Ecohydrology and Groundwater Management ,Soil Physics, Ecohydrology and Groundwater Management ,Environmental science ,laaglandgebieden ,Surface runoff - Abstract
On 26 August 2010 the eastern part of The Netherlands and the bordering part of Germany were struck by a series of rainfall events lasting for more than a day. Over an area of 740 km2 more than 120 mm of rainfall were observed in 24 h. This extreme event resulted in local flooding of city centres, highways and agricultural fields, and considerable financial loss. In this paper we report on the unprecedented flash flood triggered by this exceptionally heavy rainfall event in the 6.5 km2 Hupsel Brook catchment, which has been the experimental watershed employed by Wageningen University since the 1960s. This study aims to improve our understanding of the dynamics of such lowland flash floods. We present a detailed hydrometeorological analysis of this extreme event, focusing on its synoptic meteorological characteristics, its space-time rainfall dynamics as observed with rain gauges, weather radar and a microwave link, as well as the measured soil moisture, groundwater and discharge response of the catchment. At the Hupsel Brook catchment 160 mm of rainfall was observed in 24 h, corresponding to an estimated return period of well over 1000 years. As a result, discharge at the catchment outlet increased from 4.4 × 10−3 to nearly 5 m3 s−1. Within 7 h discharge rose from 5 × 10−2 to 4.5 m3 s−1. The catchment response can be divided into four phases: (1) soil moisture reservoir filling, (2) groundwater response, (3) surface depression filling and surface runoff and (4) backwater feedback. The first 35 mm of rainfall were stored in the soil without a significant increase in discharge. Relatively dry initial conditions (in comparison to those for past discharge extremes) prevented an even faster and more extreme hydrological response.
- Published
- 2011
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35. Water holding of protein gels
- Author
Urbonaite, V., Wageningen University, Erik van der Linden, Laurice Pouvreau, and H.H.J. de Jongh
- Subjects
centrifugation ,Physics and Physical Chemistry of Foods ,water holding capacity ,structuur ,waterbergend vermogen ,gelation ,ovalbumin ,whey protein ,sojaeiwit ,morfologie ,permeabiliteit ,ovalbumine ,reologie ,wei-eiwit ,morphology ,soya protein ,centrifugeren ,rheology ,structure ,permeability ,VLAG ,gelering - Abstract
Food products are typically multicomponent systems, where often the spatial volume is set by a protein continuous network. The ability of protein-based food products to entrap water and to prevent its exudation upon mechanical deformation is important for the texture and thus sensory perception of food products. Understanding of structural origins that determine gel water holding is therefore essential, and would allow designing foods with controlled sensory perception. Water removal from the gel (quantity, kinetics and mechanism) is related to the coarseness and deformation of the network. An understanding of the interplay between the effect of coarseness and stiffness on WH in fine and coarse gels allows one to take a better control and tune juiciness and the release of tastants from food products.
- Published
- 2015
36. Water holding of protein gels
- Subjects
centrifugation ,Physics and Physical Chemistry of Foods ,water holding capacity ,structuur ,waterbergend vermogen ,gelation ,ovalbumin ,whey protein ,sojaeiwit ,morfologie ,permeabiliteit ,ovalbumine ,reologie ,wei-eiwit ,morphology ,soya protein ,centrifugeren ,rheology ,structure ,permeability ,VLAG ,gelering - Abstract
Food products are typically multicomponent systems, where often the spatial volume is set by a protein continuous network. The ability of protein-based food products to entrap water and to prevent its exudation upon mechanical deformation is important for the texture and thus sensory perception of food products. Understanding of structural origins that determine gel water holding is therefore essential, and would allow designing foods with controlled sensory perception. Water removal from the gel (quantity, kinetics and mechanism) is related to the coarseness and deformation of the network. An understanding of the interplay between the effect of coarseness and stiffness on WH in fine and coarse gels allows one to take a better control and tune juiciness and the release of tastants from food products.
- Published
- 2015
37. Water retention in mushroom during sustainable processing
- Author
Paudel, E., Wageningen University, Remko Boom, and Ruud van der Sman
- Subjects
water holding capacity ,heat treatment ,waterbergend vermogen ,fungi ,sustainability ,paddestoelen ,mushrooms ,physical properties ,fysische eigenschappen ,chemische samenstelling ,duurzaamheid (sustainability) ,process optimization ,inblikken ,hydratatie ,warmtebehandeling ,chemical composition ,canning ,Food Process Engineering ,hydration ,VLAG ,procesoptimalisatie - Abstract
This thesis deals with the understanding of the water holding capacity of mushroom, in the context of a redesign of their industrial processing. For designing food process the retention of food quality is of the utmost importance. Water holding capacity is an important quality aspect of mushrooms. A convenient process design methodology which accounts also for product quality is Conceptual Process Design (CPD). An approach to follow CPD methodology is first to explore, the material properties of the products to find optimal processing conditions. In this stage the constraints of (existing) processing equipment are not considered. Later in the second stage, suboptimal processing conditions are determined considering the constrains of equipment. In mushroom canning, temperature induced loss of water holding capacity (WHC) of tissue manifests as a lower product yield. This loss of water is accompanied with the loss of nutrients, dissolved in the water. In addition to the loss of product quality like water holding capacity, mushroom canning (with alternating heating and cooling steps) also induces losses of useful resources as (potable) water. In terms of water use, water is added at several steps, and is discarded at other places. This shows that there is opportunity to improve the sustainability of the production system, but with the constraint that product quality is not impaired, or evenly improved. The WHC is an important property that determines several aspects of foods. For example, it determines the juiciness of fruits, vegetables and meat products; the freshness (firmness, or crispiness) of green-leafy vegetables; and the calorie intake per serving for high calorie containing foods such as cheese. Despite being a widely used term in food science, there is no clear definition of water holding capacity and its thermodynamic nature is not fully acknowledged. The understanding of the WHC is even poorer in structured cellular foods such as mushroom, where different water fractions are present in various compartments. In a cellular system water is present as 1) a solution in the vacuoles, 2) water osmotically bound to the cytoplasmic and the cell wall materials and 3) capillary water in pores, which might be filled during processing. Because they have a distinct capillary phase, the mushroom is a good system to study the contributions of various water fraction on the total water retention. The main aim of the current work is to provide insight for the development of canned mushroom processing where: 1) the resources of energy and water are efficiently used, and 2) the quality of mushroom is maintained. These two aims are related to the efficient use of raw materials and maintenance of full weight of mushroom during processing. The WHC is an important quality indicator of mushrooms. The analysis related to water retention of mushroom has been carried out at microscale where molecular and structural interactions in relation to water retention are studied. The micro scale analysis is discussed in chapter 2, chapter 3 and chapter 4. The sustainability analysis is carried out at mesoscale where analysis is carried out at the unit operation level which is described in chapter 5. In chapter 2, the heat-induced change in water holding capacity of particular the gel phase of the mushroom is interpreted with the Flory-Rehner theory, commonly applied to polymer gels. As done earlier for meat, we have first assumed that WHC loss in mushroom can also be attributed to the protein denaturation. This assumption is based on the experimental observation that, like meat, mushroom also follows a typical sigmoid relation with change in temperature. In the theory, we have regarded mushroom as a homogeneous biopolymer hydrogel, in which salt and sugar are dissolved. The water holding capacity is then understood as the swelling capacity of the biopolymer gel. The thermodynamic state of this simplified system is characterized by the so-called swelling pressure, which is decomposed into three independent contributions: 1) the mixing pressure induced by sugars and polymers, 2) the ionic pressure induced by the salt, and 3) the elastic pressure induced by the polymers. An assumption was made that the heat treatment denatures mushroom protein, which is reflected in the change of the Flory Huggins interaction for protein. It follows the same temperature dependency as the WHC loss by mushroom under zero mechanical load. The assumption of the temperature dependency of the interaction parameter is tested with an independent sorption measurement. With the assumption, the sorption curve for mushroom sample which were preheated previously at 30, 60 and 90 °C could accurately be predicted. Curve fitting of WHC under various mechanical loads has shown that model parameters that are associated with the elastic pressure, the crosslink density and fraction of the polymer in the relaxed state, are temperature dependant. The values of increased in contrast to the decrease of upon heating of mushroom tissue up to temperature of 70°C. The result indicates that heat treatment increases the polymer chain length between the cross links as original conformation of mushroom is lost. At the same time, more crosslinks are formed by a polymer because of aggregation of polymers. However, in our fitting procedure, we have excluded WHC data at low external pressure values, as water is present in both gel phase as in in the capillaries. This is done as the pores in this range are not fully collapsed and the Flory Rehner theory is valid only for the gel phase In chapter 2 mushroom is simplified in the sense that only compositional contribution is considered in WHC but not the structural contributions. In subsequent chapters we have acknowledged that mushroom has a cellular structure with a distinct pore phase. The pores are intentionally filled during processing via vacuum impregnation. The contribution of water present in the capillaries due to vacuum impregnation of mushroom has been discussed in chapter 3. Both the temperature of heat treatment and the initial porosity of mushroom contribute independently to water holding capacity of heat treated mushroom. The hydration of heat treated mushroom increases linearly with the initial porosity of mushroom for all the temperatures from 30 to 90 °C. The porosity of mushroom can also largely explain the increase in hydration of heat treated mushroom with storage as both porosity and the hydration increase simultaneously with the storage days. The fluid that filled in the capillaries acts against collapse of the hyphae which have inherent elastic force that works in the other direction. The initial porosity of mushroom is an important aspect that determines the hydration of the heat treated mushroom and therefore, cannot be ignored. In addition, the Flory-Rehner theory alone cannot capture the contribution of the capillary water. Hence an addition is needed in the theory to capture this effect. The cellular phase in mushroom tissue is even more complicated because water is present in this phase in two other forms, as gel water and the intracellular water. Chapter 4 takes into account the role of structure in the WHC. The role of cell membrane integrity and the cell-wall structural components is investigated for retention of the water fraction. The cell membrane integrity is calculated from the conductivity measurement of the fluid that leaches out from the vacuole that has salts in it. The loss of the cell membrane integrity largely explains the water loss from heat treated mushroom sample. The loss of cell membrane integrity is also related with the water loss from frozen mushroom, but additional losses occur during freezing due to novel crosslinks formed during the growth of ice crystals compressing the unfrozen cell wall material. The enzymatic hydrolysis of mushroom cellular components shows that chitin and mushroom protein both contribute to the water holding capacity either via osmotic binding or by their role to provide the mechanical strength to the mushroom hyphae. In addition, proteins have additional contributions to water retention by mushroom because of their electrostatic interaction as polyelectrolyte. This is evident as the hydration of the mushroom increases with pH of mushroom. In chapter 5, the efficiency of the use of the resources (raw materials, energy water) is investigated. The mass and exergy flow in the current production system is visualized with the Sankey diagrams. The sustainability of unit operations involved in the current production system of canned are analysed with the second law efficiency using exergy. Using ideas from Process Intensification three alternative routes are proposed for the production of canned mushrooms namely: 1). Slicing before vacuum hydration, and 2) Using hot water for vacuum hydration and 3) Using blanch water for vacuum hydration. Using hot water for vacuum hydration is not seen as a feasible option, since it consumed more resources. Slicing mushroom before their vacuum hydration and using blanch water for hydration of mushroom lowers the resources requirement for production. In addition, using blanch water for hydration also increases the final product yield. Finally, the main findings of this thesis are summarized in the general discussion in chapter 6. The findings from previous chapters are combined to an overall description of water loss from heat treated mushroom. The overall description of water holding capacity in mushrooms is given in terms of the thermodynamic conditions for equilibrium between the different compartments holding water. The two dimensions of the thesis, the higher water retention of processed mushroom and more sustainable operation are discussed in the light of conceptual process design, using a micro/mesoscale approach. At the microscale material properties of mushroom are discussed. The biggest effect comes from cell membrane integrity loss. The porosity of fresh mushroom and the ionic interactions of polymers are the other effects that influence the WHC. Mesoscale analysis shows that shifting the sequence of unit operations and reusing the blanch water that is discarded in the current production process can improve the sustainability. Finally based on outcome of current work, future perspective of current work is discussed briefly. Overall, this thesis demonstrated that there is substantial scope in improving the efficiency in the use of resources in producing preserved mushroom. Also scope in retention of water in the mushroom tissue is demonstrated. Thus this thesis shows that both aspects, product and process efficiency, can be improved at the same time.
- Published
- 2015
38. Water retention in mushroom during sustainable processing
- Subjects
water holding capacity ,heat treatment ,waterbergend vermogen ,fungi ,sustainability ,paddestoelen ,mushrooms ,physical properties ,fysische eigenschappen ,chemische samenstelling ,duurzaamheid (sustainability) ,process optimization ,inblikken ,hydratatie ,warmtebehandeling ,chemical composition ,canning ,Food Process Engineering ,hydration ,VLAG ,procesoptimalisatie - Abstract
This thesis deals with the understanding of the water holding capacity of mushroom, in the context of a redesign of their industrial processing. For designing food process the retention of food quality is of the utmost importance. Water holding capacity is an important quality aspect of mushrooms. A convenient process design methodology which accounts also for product quality is Conceptual Process Design (CPD). An approach to follow CPD methodology is first to explore, the material properties of the products to find optimal processing conditions. In this stage the constraints of (existing) processing equipment are not considered. Later in the second stage, suboptimal processing conditions are determined considering the constrains of equipment. In mushroom canning, temperature induced loss of water holding capacity (WHC) of tissue manifests as a lower product yield. This loss of water is accompanied with the loss of nutrients, dissolved in the water. In addition to the loss of product quality like water holding capacity, mushroom canning (with alternating heating and cooling steps) also induces losses of useful resources as (potable) water. In terms of water use, water is added at several steps, and is discarded at other places. This shows that there is opportunity to improve the sustainability of the production system, but with the constraint that product quality is not impaired, or evenly improved. The WHC is an important property that determines several aspects of foods. For example, it determines the juiciness of fruits, vegetables and meat products; the freshness (firmness, or crispiness) of green-leafy vegetables; and the calorie intake per serving for high calorie containing foods such as cheese. Despite being a widely used term in food science, there is no clear definition of water holding capacity and its thermodynamic nature is not fully acknowledged. The understanding of the WHC is even poorer in structured cellular foods such as mushroom, where different water fractions are present in various compartments. In a cellular system water is present as 1) a solution in the vacuoles, 2) water osmotically bound to the cytoplasmic and the cell wall materials and 3) capillary water in pores, which might be filled during processing. Because they have a distinct capillary phase, the mushroom is a good system to study the contributions of various water fraction on the total water retention. The main aim of the current work is to provide insight for the development of canned mushroom processing where: 1) the resources of energy and water are efficiently used, and 2) the quality of mushroom is maintained. These two aims are related to the efficient use of raw materials and maintenance of full weight of mushroom during processing. The WHC is an important quality indicator of mushrooms. The analysis related to water retention of mushroom has been carried out at microscale where molecular and structural interactions in relation to water retention are studied. The micro scale analysis is discussed in chapter 2, chapter 3 and chapter 4. The sustainability analysis is carried out at mesoscale where analysis is carried out at the unit operation level which is described in chapter 5. In chapter 2, the heat-induced change in water holding capacity of particular the gel phase of the mushroom is interpreted with the Flory-Rehner theory, commonly applied to polymer gels. As done earlier for meat, we have first assumed that WHC loss in mushroom can also be attributed to the protein denaturation. This assumption is based on the experimental observation that, like meat, mushroom also follows a typical sigmoid relation with change in temperature. In the theory, we have regarded mushroom as a homogeneous biopolymer hydrogel, in which salt and sugar are dissolved. The water holding capacity is then understood as the swelling capacity of the biopolymer gel. The thermodynamic state of this simplified system is characterized by the so-called swelling pressure, which is decomposed into three independent contributions: 1) the mixing pressure induced by sugars and polymers, 2) the ionic pressure induced by the salt, and 3) the elastic pressure induced by the polymers. An assumption was made that the heat treatment denatures mushroom protein, which is reflected in the change of the Flory Huggins interaction for protein. It follows the same temperature dependency as the WHC loss by mushroom under zero mechanical load. The assumption of the temperature dependency of the interaction parameter is tested with an independent sorption measurement. With the assumption, the sorption curve for mushroom sample which were preheated previously at 30, 60 and 90 °C could accurately be predicted. Curve fitting of WHC under various mechanical loads has shown that model parameters that are associated with the elastic pressure, the crosslink density and fraction of the polymer in the relaxed state, are temperature dependant. The values of increased in contrast to the decrease of upon heating of mushroom tissue up to temperature of 70°C. The result indicates that heat treatment increases the polymer chain length between the cross links as original conformation of mushroom is lost. At the same time, more crosslinks are formed by a polymer because of aggregation of polymers. However, in our fitting procedure, we have excluded WHC data at low external pressure values, as water is present in both gel phase as in in the capillaries. This is done as the pores in this range are not fully collapsed and the Flory Rehner theory is valid only for the gel phase In chapter 2 mushroom is simplified in the sense that only compositional contribution is considered in WHC but not the structural contributions. In subsequent chapters we have acknowledged that mushroom has a cellular structure with a distinct pore phase. The pores are intentionally filled during processing via vacuum impregnation. The contribution of water present in the capillaries due to vacuum impregnation of mushroom has been discussed in chapter 3. Both the temperature of heat treatment and the initial porosity of mushroom contribute independently to water holding capacity of heat treated mushroom. The hydration of heat treated mushroom increases linearly with the initial porosity of mushroom for all the temperatures from 30 to 90 °C. The porosity of mushroom can also largely explain the increase in hydration of heat treated mushroom with storage as both porosity and the hydration increase simultaneously with the storage days. The fluid that filled in the capillaries acts against collapse of the hyphae which have inherent elastic force that works in the other direction. The initial porosity of mushroom is an important aspect that determines the hydration of the heat treated mushroom and therefore, cannot be ignored. In addition, the Flory-Rehner theory alone cannot capture the contribution of the capillary water. Hence an addition is needed in the theory to capture this effect. The cellular phase in mushroom tissue is even more complicated because water is present in this phase in two other forms, as gel water and the intracellular water. Chapter 4 takes into account the role of structure in the WHC. The role of cell membrane integrity and the cell-wall structural components is investigated for retention of the water fraction. The cell membrane integrity is calculated from the conductivity measurement of the fluid that leaches out from the vacuole that has salts in it. The loss of the cell membrane integrity largely explains the water loss from heat treated mushroom sample. The loss of cell membrane integrity is also related with the water loss from frozen mushroom, but additional losses occur during freezing due to novel crosslinks formed during the growth of ice crystals compressing the unfrozen cell wall material. The enzymatic hydrolysis of mushroom cellular components shows that chitin and mushroom protein both contribute to the water holding capacity either via osmotic binding or by their role to provide the mechanical strength to the mushroom hyphae. In addition, proteins have additional contributions to water retention by mushroom because of their electrostatic interaction as polyelectrolyte. This is evident as the hydration of the mushroom increases with pH of mushroom. In chapter 5, the efficiency of the use of the resources (raw materials, energy water) is investigated. The mass and exergy flow in the current production system is visualized with the Sankey diagrams. The sustainability of unit operations involved in the current production system of canned are analysed with the second law efficiency using exergy. Using ideas from Process Intensification three alternative routes are proposed for the production of canned mushrooms namely: 1). Slicing before vacuum hydration, and 2) Using hot water for vacuum hydration and 3) Using blanch water for vacuum hydration. Using hot water for vacuum hydration is not seen as a feasible option, since it consumed more resources. Slicing mushroom before their vacuum hydration and using blanch water for hydration of mushroom lowers the resources requirement for production. In addition, using blanch water for hydration also increases the final product yield. Finally, the main findings of this thesis are summarized in the general discussion in chapter 6. The findings from previous chapters are combined to an overall description of water loss from heat treated mushroom. The overall description of water holding capacity in mushrooms is given in terms of the thermodynamic conditions for equilibrium between the different compartments holding water. The two dimensions of the thesis, the higher water retention of processed mushroom and more sustainable operation are discussed in the light of conceptual process design, using a micro/mesoscale approach. At the microscale material properties of mushroom are discussed. The biggest effect comes from cell membrane integrity loss. The porosity of fresh mushroom and the ionic interactions of polymers are the other effects that influence the WHC. Mesoscale analysis shows that shifting the sequence of unit operations and reusing the blanch water that is discarded in the current production process can improve the sustainability. Finally based on outcome of current work, future perspective of current work is discussed briefly. Overall, this thesis demonstrated that there is substantial scope in improving the efficiency in the use of resources in producing preserved mushroom. Also scope in retention of water in the mushroom tissue is demonstrated. Thus this thesis shows that both aspects, product and process efficiency, can be improved at the same time.
- Published
- 2015
39. Water holding of protein gels
- Author
van der Linden, Erik, Pouvreau, Laurice, de Jongh, H.H.J., Urbonaite, V., van der Linden, Erik, Pouvreau, Laurice, de Jongh, H.H.J., and Urbonaite, V.
- Abstract
Food products are typically multicomponent systems, where often the spatial volume is set by a protein continuous network. The ability of protein-based food products to entrap water and to prevent its exudation upon mechanical deformation is important for the texture and thus sensory perception of food products. Understanding of structural origins that determine gel water holding is therefore essential, and would allow designing foods with controlled sensory perception. Water removal from the gel (quantity, kinetics and mechanism) is related to the coarseness and deformation of the network. An understanding of the interplay between the effect of coarseness and stiffness on WH in fine and coarse gels allows one to take a better control and tune juiciness and the release of tastants from food products.
- Published
- 2015
40. Water retention in mushroom during sustainable processing
- Author
Boom, Remko, van der Sman, Ruud, Paudel, E., Boom, Remko, van der Sman, Ruud, and Paudel, E.
- Abstract
This thesis deals with the understanding of the water holding capacity of mushroom, in the context of a redesign of their industrial processing. For designing food process the retention of food quality is of the utmost importance. Water holding capacity is an important quality aspect of mushrooms. A convenient process design methodology which accounts also for product quality is Conceptual Process Design (CPD). An approach to follow CPD methodology is first to explore, the material properties of the products to find optimal processing conditions. In this stage the constraints of (existing) processing equipment are not considered. Later in the second stage, suboptimal processing conditions are determined considering the constrains of equipment. In mushroom canning, temperature induced loss of water holding capacity (WHC) of tissue manifests as a lower product yield. This loss of water is accompanied with the loss of nutrients, dissolved in the water. In addition to the loss of product quality like water holding capacity, mushroom canning (with alternating heating and cooling steps) also induces losses of useful resources as (potable) water. In terms of water use, water is added at several steps, and is discarded at other places. This shows that there is opportunity to improve the sustainability of the production system, but with the constraint that product quality is not impaired, or evenly improved. The WHC is an important property that determines several aspects of foods. For example, it determines the juiciness of fruits, vegetables and meat products; the freshness (firmness, or crispiness) of green-leafy vegetables; and the calorie intake per serving for high calorie containing foods such as cheese. Despite being a widely used term in food science, there is no clear definition of water holding capacity and its thermodynamic nature is not fully acknowledged. The understanding of the WHC is even poorer in structured cellular foods such as mushroom, where different
- Published
- 2015
41. Hoe krijgen we meer groene daken van de grond... en op gebouwen? : VHG Vakgroep Dak- en Gevelbegroeners
- Author
Bos, A. and Bos, A.
- Abstract
Als er een kans is om de meerwaarde van groene daken voor het voetlicht te brengen bij beleidsmakers of politici, dan grijpt VHG Vakgroep Dak- en Gevelbegroeners die met beide haden aan. Zo'n gelegenheid deed zich voor tijdens Water in de Openbare Ruimte in oktober 2015. Dit is een nieuwe Nederlandse vakbeurs voor waterprofessionals over alle problemen en oplossingen rond klimaatbestendige steden. Op verzoek van de vakgroep hield onderzoeker Heleen Mees een lezing over hoe gemeenten en andere overheden zoals waterschappen, groene daken kunnen stimuleren.
- Published
- 2015
42. Hoe wordt een groen dak een groenblauw dak?
- Author
B.J., Weeren van and B.J., Weeren van
- Abstract
Groene daken hebben toegevoegde waarde voor de stedelijke omgeving. Ze vangen fijnstof in, reguleren de temperatuur van de onderliggende gebouwen, verkoelen de stad en zien er mooi uit. Ook houden groene daken een deel van het regenwater vast en kunnen zij zorgen voor vertraging van de piekafvoer. De vraag is wanneer een groen dak een zogenaamd groen-blauw dak wordt, waarvan de hydrologische prestaties een relevante bijdrage leveren aan het stedelijk waterbeheer, ook onder extreme omstandigheden. Bij welk ontwerp of welke functionele eisen die bijdrage relevant wordt, kan verschillen. Al snel zal enige reductie van hemelwaterafvoer naar de riolering en de rwzi optreden. Om extreme buien te verwerken is echter een veel ruimer gedimensioneerde waterberging en/of een slimmere sturing van de piekafvoeren nodig. Met de brochure 'Groene Daken nader beschouwd' en deze film zetten STOWA en Stichting RIONED een stap naar het eenduidig omschrijven van de functionele eisen vanuit het waterbeheer aan groen-blauwe daken. Mede door de waterbelangen expliciet te maken kunnen groen-blauwe daken een volwaardige positie in de stedelijke inrichting krijgen en onderdeel zijn van klimaatadaptieve maatregelen die de stad weerbaar maken tegen extreme buien en lange periodes van droogte.
- Published
- 2015
43. Blues in the Marshes : Grootschalige graafwerkzaamheden in Honderdmorgen en Vlijmens Ven van start
- Author
Vrielink, A. and Vrielink, A.
- Abstract
In tijdschrift Bodem 2014-6 stond een artikel over waterbergen op blauwgraslanden. Inmiddels is aannemer Martens en Van Oord gestart met de grootschalige graafwerkzaamheden in de Honderd Morgen en het Vlijmens Ven. Hierbij een korte beschrijving van de uitvoering van dit project.
- Published
- 2015
44. De Groene Agenda, topsectoronderzoek
- Subjects
toegepast onderzoek ,urban areas ,offices ,labour ,heat stress ,innovations ,stress ,well-being ,klimaat ,businesses ,participation ,climate ,participatie ,Natuur en samenleving ,luchtkwaliteit ,water holding capacity ,regenwateropvang ,waterbergend vermogen ,kantoren ,Nature and society ,public green areas ,health ,bedrijven ,warmtestress ,air quality ,sociaal welzijn ,arbeid (werk) ,stedelijke gebieden ,water harvesting ,applied research ,welzijn ,beplantingen ,gezondheid ,openbaar groen ,plantations ,innovaties ,social welfare ,BBF Team Randwijk - Abstract
Steeds meer mensen wonen in de stad. Dit is niet altijd een gezonde leefomgeving. Veel mensen ervaren stress, het ontbreekt aan sociale samenhang, de lucht is vervuild en het veranderende klimaat leidt tot toenemende hittestress en wateroverlast. Slim gebruik van groen is deel van de oplossing voor al deze uitdagingen.
- Published
- 2016
45. Water holding capacity and enzymatic modification of pressed potato fibres
- Author
Ramasamy, U., Wageningen University, Harry Gruppen, and Mirjam Kabel
- Subjects
polysacchariden ,Food Chemistry ,water holding capacity ,aardappelen ,waterbergend vermogen ,enzymes ,polysaccharides ,enzymen ,cell wall components ,fibres ,aardappelpulp ,vezels ,hydrolysis ,celwandstoffen ,hydrolyse ,Levensmiddelenchemie ,potatoes ,potato pulp ,VLAG - Abstract
Cell wall polysaccharides (CWPs) contribute to the water holding capacity (WHC) of fibre rich feeds, such as pressed potato fibres (PPF). However, the role of CWPs on the WHC of PPF was unidentified so far. PPF was characterized to be abundant in arabinogalactan (AG) linked rhamnogalacturonan-I (RG-I), homogalacturonan (HG) and cellulose, next to which xyloglucan (XG) contributed the most of the hemicellulosic CWPs. The CWP network in potatoes was loosened upon starch extraction of potatoes and solubilized HG-RG-I-AG. Analyses of the WHCs upon enzyme treatments indicated that the WHC of PPF was mainly caused by a network of insoluble, non-cellulosic CWPs such as pectic CWPs (HG-RG-I-AG) and XG. Findings in this thesis showed that AGs were better degraded than xyloglucans (XGs). Since XGs were found to be equally important in contributing to the WHC as AGs, the substantial removal of AGs, as well as XGs, should be advantageous to lower the WHC. Other than lowering the WHC, the use of a pectinase-rich preparation improved the recovery of starch from potatoes by the degradation of mainly pectic CWPs, in particular pectic AG side chains and HG. The degradation of arabinan was observed to be inhibited by components in potato juice (PJ).
- Published
- 2014
46. Water holding capacity and enzymatic modification of pressed potato fibres
- Subjects
polysacchariden ,Food Chemistry ,water holding capacity ,aardappelen ,waterbergend vermogen ,enzymes ,polysaccharides ,enzymen ,cell wall components ,fibres ,aardappelpulp ,vezels ,hydrolysis ,celwandstoffen ,hydrolyse ,Levensmiddelenchemie ,potatoes ,potato pulp ,VLAG - Abstract
Cell wall polysaccharides (CWPs) contribute to the water holding capacity (WHC) of fibre rich feeds, such as pressed potato fibres (PPF). However, the role of CWPs on the WHC of PPF was unidentified so far. PPF was characterized to be abundant in arabinogalactan (AG) linked rhamnogalacturonan-I (RG-I), homogalacturonan (HG) and cellulose, next to which xyloglucan (XG) contributed the most of the hemicellulosic CWPs. The CWP network in potatoes was loosened upon starch extraction of potatoes and solubilized HG-RG-I-AG. Analyses of the WHCs upon enzyme treatments indicated that the WHC of PPF was mainly caused by a network of insoluble, non-cellulosic CWPs such as pectic CWPs (HG-RG-I-AG) and XG. Findings in this thesis showed that AGs were better degraded than xyloglucans (XGs). Since XGs were found to be equally important in contributing to the WHC as AGs, the substantial removal of AGs, as well as XGs, should be advantageous to lower the WHC. Other than lowering the WHC, the use of a pectinase-rich preparation improved the recovery of starch from potatoes by the degradation of mainly pectic CWPs, in particular pectic AG side chains and HG. The degradation of arabinan was observed to be inhibited by components in potato juice (PJ).
- Published
- 2014
47. Water holding capacity and enzymatic modification of pressed potato fibres
- Author
Gruppen, Harry, Kabel, Mirjam, Ramasamy, U., Gruppen, Harry, Kabel, Mirjam, and Ramasamy, U.
- Abstract
Cell wall polysaccharides (CWPs) contribute to the water holding capacity (WHC) of fibre rich feeds, such as pressed potato fibres (PPF). However, the role of CWPs on the WHC of PPF was unidentified so far. PPF was characterized to be abundant in arabinogalactan (AG) linked rhamnogalacturonan-I (RG-I), homogalacturonan (HG) and cellulose, next to which xyloglucan (XG) contributed the most of the hemicellulosic CWPs. The CWP network in potatoes was loosened upon starch extraction of potatoes and solubilized HG-RG-I-AG. Analyses of the WHCs upon enzyme treatments indicated that the WHC of PPF was mainly caused by a network of insoluble, non-cellulosic CWPs such as pectic CWPs (HG-RG-I-AG) and XG. Findings in this thesis showed that AGs were better degraded than xyloglucans (XGs). Since XGs were found to be equally important in contributing to the WHC as AGs, the substantial removal of AGs, as well as XGs, should be advantageous to lower the WHC. Other than lowering the WHC, the use of a pectinase-rich preparation improved the recovery of starch from potatoes by the degradation of mainly pectic CWPs, in particular pectic AG side chains and HG. The degradation of arabinan was observed to be inhibited by components in potato juice (PJ).
- Published
- 2014
48. Rapid prediction of pork quality : correlation of fresh meat measurements to pork water holding capacity and its technological quality
- Subjects
voedselverwerking ,Animal Nutrition ,water holding capacity ,vleeskwaliteit ,waterbergend vermogen ,WIAS ,food processing ,pigmeat ,kwaliteit voor voedselverwerking ,food processing quality ,Diervoeding ,varkensvlees ,meat quality - Abstract
Water holding capacity (WHC) of pork defines the sensory appreciation and processing yields of meat. Pork varies in WHC and is mainly generated by differences in post mortem muscle metabolism of carcasses. Nowadays, the pork processing industry performs sorting of carcasses and primal cuts on the basis of weight and lean characteristics. Additional sorting by WHC can further optimize processing yields of pork products. The aim of this thesis was to validate rapid prediction of pork WHC. The first objective of this thesis was to investigate the possibilities of a rapid prediction of pork WHC by measuring parameters such as pH, colour L*, drip loss%, water absorption, and by NIRS at laboratory scale and at pig processing plant scale. Results revealed that NIRS prediction equations could be developed to predict drip loss% and colour L* of pork samples. Equations for colour a*, b*, and pHu were not applicable for prediction of WHC. The positive results of NIRS to predict WHC and colour L* at laboratory scale led to further research to study NIRS prediction of pork quality (pH, colour L*, and WHC) under pig processing plant conditions. It was concluded that NIRS prediction equations can be used for screening WHC at pig processing plants. Also, characterization of moisture loss from muscle early post mortem and whether these losses are useful in predicting WHC of fresh pork was investigated. Results revealed moisture losses from muscle tissue early post mortem which suggested that select time periods correspond to culmination of biochemical and physical events facilitating moisture release, which can be used for early drip prediction. Results suggested an approach for capturing moisture release early post mortem which may be used to predict WHC in pork. The second objective was to investigate if predictions of pork WHC could be used to optimize processing of pork. Technological yields could not be predicted (R2< 0.21 and RPD < 1.1) by NIRS. Pre-selection of back bacons by NIRS predicted WHC values, did result in significant different average pHu and colour L* between both groups. It was concluded that NIRS can be used to predict rapid fresh ham quality for sorting and optimization of the cooked ham process. The overall conclusion of this thesis is that NIRS prediction equations for WHC can be developed for pork loin samples measured at pig processing plants and that these prediction equations can be used to optimize processing of pork.
- Published
- 2012
49. Rapid prediction of pork quality : correlation of fresh meat measurements to pork water holding capacity and its technological quality
- Author
Kapper, C., Wageningen University, Bert Urlings, R.E. Klont, and J.M.A.J. Verdonk
- Subjects
voedselverwerking ,Animal Nutrition ,water holding capacity ,waterbergend vermogen ,pigmeat ,Diervoeding ,meat quality ,vleeskwaliteit ,WIAS ,food processing ,kwaliteit voor voedselverwerking ,food processing quality ,varkensvlees - Abstract
Water holding capacity (WHC) of pork defines the sensory appreciation and processing yields of meat. Pork varies in WHC and is mainly generated by differences in post mortem muscle metabolism of carcasses. Nowadays, the pork processing industry performs sorting of carcasses and primal cuts on the basis of weight and lean characteristics. Additional sorting by WHC can further optimize processing yields of pork products. The aim of this thesis was to validate rapid prediction of pork WHC. The first objective of this thesis was to investigate the possibilities of a rapid prediction of pork WHC by measuring parameters such as pH, colour L*, drip loss%, water absorption, and by NIRS at laboratory scale and at pig processing plant scale. Results revealed that NIRS prediction equations could be developed to predict drip loss% and colour L* of pork samples. Equations for colour a*, b*, and pHu were not applicable for prediction of WHC. The positive results of NIRS to predict WHC and colour L* at laboratory scale led to further research to study NIRS prediction of pork quality (pH, colour L*, and WHC) under pig processing plant conditions. It was concluded that NIRS prediction equations can be used for screening WHC at pig processing plants. Also, characterization of moisture loss from muscle early post mortem and whether these losses are useful in predicting WHC of fresh pork was investigated. Results revealed moisture losses from muscle tissue early post mortem which suggested that select time periods correspond to culmination of biochemical and physical events facilitating moisture release, which can be used for early drip prediction. Results suggested an approach for capturing moisture release early post mortem which may be used to predict WHC in pork. The second objective was to investigate if predictions of pork WHC could be used to optimize processing of pork. Technological yields could not be predicted (R2< 0.21 and RPD < 1.1) by NIRS. Pre-selection of back bacons by NIRS predicted WHC values, did result in significant different average pHu and colour L* between both groups. It was concluded that NIRS can be used to predict rapid fresh ham quality for sorting and optimization of the cooked ham process. The overall conclusion of this thesis is that NIRS prediction equations for WHC can be developed for pork loin samples measured at pig processing plants and that these prediction equations can be used to optimize processing of pork.
- Published
- 2012
50. Anticiperen op extreme neerslag in de stad : wat betekent dat nu?
- Author
Straatman, A., Kluck, J., Molen, J. van der, Dijk, E. van, Straatman, A., Kluck, J., Molen, J. van der, and Dijk, E. van
- Abstract
Door de voorziene klimaatverandering en menselijke ingrepen in bebouwd gebied neemt de kans op schade en overlast als gevolg van extreme neerslag toe. Aangezien in die situaties het water gewoonweg niet meer in het riool past, is het voor gemeenten aan te raden om - naast de ondergrondse afvoercapaciteit - ook de afvoer via (en berging op) het maaiveld te beoordelen en te evalueren wat er in zo'n geval gebeurt. En of maatregelen in zo'n geval gewenst zijn.
- Published
- 2013
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