126 results on '"vznik"'
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- Author
- Abstract
The purpose of the experiment was to determine the effect of fresh hop biomass on the emergence and growth of Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L. subsp. chinensis (L.) Hanelt) compared to mature hop biomass compost. The experiment was set up as a pot experiment with three treatments in 7 replications (pots with diameter of 11 cm). Treatments: K (control): 185 g substrate, SH (fresh hop biomass): 27 g fresh hop biomass + 148 g substrate and ZK (mature compost): 27 g mature compost + 148 g substrate. After 47 days, there were significantly fewer plants emerged in SH compared to ZK and K, but later there were no significant differences between the treatments in the number of emerged plants. The above ground biomass of the plants after 47 days, when we evaluated the experiment, was statistically significantly the highest in ZK, which leaves were the most intensely green at the same time. There was no significant difference in biomass weight between K and SH, but the leaves of K were of paler green colour. The content of nitrate in the leaves was significantly higher in ZK (130 mg/L) compared to K and SH (19 mg/L and 36 mg/L). The content of nitrate in the substrate was significantly higher in SH (3.8 mg/L) compared to ZK and K (<3 mg/L). The content of ammonium nitrogen was significantly lower in K (0.3 mg/L) compared to SH and ZK (0.7 mg/L). The density and branching of the root system was the highest in ZK and the worst in SH. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
3. Vznik, transformace a privatizace polské cukrovarnické skupiny Krajowa Spółka Cukrowa.
- Author
Kotyza, Pavel, Hornowski, Andrzej, Smutka, Luboš, Pawlak, Karolina, and Pulkrábek, Josef
- Subjects
SUGAR factories ,FOREIGN investments ,SUPPORT groups ,U.S. state budgets ,SUGAR - Abstract
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- Published
- 2020
4. Vysoce čisté křemité hmoty: vznik, vlastnosti a jejich možné zdroje v České republice
- Author
Tichý, Daniel, Přikryl, Richard, and Zachariáš, Jiří
- Subjects
vlastnosti ,zdroje ,vysoká čistota ,High-purity quartz ,genesis ,properties ,resources ,Vysoce čistý křemen ,silica ,high-purity ,křemité hmoty ,vznik - Abstract
Quartz and other siliceous materials are among the most widely used industrial raw materials. Demand for high-purity silica increased during past decades, specifically due to its growing use in the photovoltaic energy or electronic/electrical industries. Strict requirements on the purity of the feedstock, together with very complex processing technology, narrow down the choice of potential sources suitable for industrial extraction and use. This bachelor thesis provides an overview of the existing knowledge concerning the formation, properties, and processing of industrially exploitable deposits, and the market policy of high-purity quartz raw materials. This comprehensive overview is followed by a section that focuses on deposits and potential sources of high-purity quartz raw materials in the Czech Republic (Bohemian Massif). This part was elaborated on the basis of publicly available archival sources (final exploration reports or reserve calculations), available in the Czech Geological Survey - Geofond.
- Published
- 2023
5. The origin and development of Sokol in Prague-Scheiner region
- Author
Housková, Tereza, Kašpar, Ladislav, and Chvostek, Lukáš
- Subjects
development ,The Czech Sokol Organization ,Josef Scheiner ,Česká obec sokolská ,jednota ,union ,region ,vývoj ,historie ,Sokol movement in Prague ,župa ,Sokol ,Sokolská župa Pražská - Scheinerova ,history ,beginning ,vznik - Abstract
The introductory section of this diploma thesis discusses the general characteristics of Sokol and the Česká obec Sokolská. In the following section, the author introduces the most significant personalities that participated in the origins of Sokol in the Czech lands, as well as abroad. Subsequently, the author briefly introduces Josef Scheiner as an eminent mayor of Sokol. The main part of the thesis discusses the topic of Sokol in Prague - Scheiner region, which outlines the origin and development of the twenty-one sporting unions that are located in the current area of Prague. Keywords: origin, development, Sokol, Sokol in Prague - Scheiner region, history, union, region
- Published
- 2022
6. Ozvěny československé státnosti
- Author
Maršálek, Pavel and Jermanová, Helena
- Subjects
Czechoslovakia ,vznik ,formation ,Slovaks ,Československo ,Češi ,Československá státnost ,Slováci ,Czechs ,Czechoslovak statehood - Published
- 2022
7. Artefakty u perfuzní scintigrafie myokardu.
- Author
Kuníková, Ivana and Lang, Otto
- Abstract
Myocardial perfusion scintigraphy is one of the most frequent and, at the same time, the most technically complete nuclear medicine examination. Different types of artefacts can arise at any phase of examination and can cause erroneous interpretation. Artefacts are mostly divided into those related to patients (motion, attenuation, extracardiac radioactivity, gating and patient features), related to procedure (radiopharmaceutical injection, position during acquisition, gamma camera filed of view), related to processing (filtering, myocardial axis rotation, region of interest, quantification, endocardium, color scale, image registration) and related to gamma camera (homogenity, center of rotation). This text is a review of the most frequent artefacts. It explains briefly their causes, patterns and methods for their elimination or minimalization. It is neccessary for physicians and technologists to be aware of possible sources of artefacts, to employ all available ways to prevent them and to choose appropriate tools for their repair and to enclose their infulence into the study interpretation despite they appear. Artefact elimination increases specificity and sensitivity of the procedure and maintains its significant role in the examination of patients with cardiovascular diseases. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
8. Přínos studia neliterární řečtiny Koiné k řešení otázky vzniku evangelií
- Author
Pata, Jan and Pecha, Lukáš
- Subjects
evangelia ,vznik ,origin ,gospels ,neliterární řečtina Koiné ,non-literary Greek Koiné - Abstract
The contribution of the study of the non-literary Greek Koine to the solution of the question of the origin of the Gospels. The article deals with the question of the relation of the Greek canonical gospels to ordinary non-literary Greek at the time of their origin. He raises a question whether the absence of expressions in ordinary speech, which can be described in the Gospels as Semitisms, is not proof that the Gospel tradition originated in the Semitic language environment and was subsequently translated into Greek. The author of the study tries to verify this working hypothesis by partial language research with the help of comparing texts of papyri from everyday life available in electronic databases.
- Published
- 2020
9. Effects of sowing and type of cultivation on the seedling quality of valerian (Valeriana officinalis L.)
- Author
Lednik, Matija and Šušek, Andrej
- Subjects
generativno razmnoževanje ,Covering. Vermiculte ,Valerian ,germination ,baldrijan ,vznik ,zastiranje ,transplantation ,pikiranje ,Valeriana officinalis L ,vermikulit ,Generative propagation - Abstract
Namen diplomskega dela je bil preučiti optimalni čas setve baldrijana (Valeriana officinalis L.), vpliv zastiranja semen z vermikulitom na vznik in vpliv pikiranja sejancev na kvaliteto sadik. Uporabili smo dva semenska materiala, ki smo ju sejali v dveh terminih med julijem in avgustom v letu 2017. Na osnovi rezultatov poskusa lahko trdimo, da se je drugi termin setve izkazal za značilno boljšega, saj je bil vznik semen pri sorti 'Vojvođanski' večji za 29,7 %, pri semenskem materialu Austrosaat pa za 9,5 %. Ugotovili smo, da je zastiranje semen z vermikulitom negativno vplivalo na vznik semena. Pikiranje sadik je pri obeh semenskih materialih statistično značilno pozitivno vplivalo na kasnejšo kvaliteto sadik. Statistične razlike so se kazale predvsem v sveži in suhi masi nadzemnih ter podzemnih delov rastlin. Sveža masa nadzemnega dela sadike je bila po pikiranju pri semenskem materialu Austrosaat tudi do 60,7 % višja kot pri sadikah, ki jih nismo pikirali. Na število razvitih listov pikiranje ni imelo vpliva. The research in the bachelor's thesis was carried out on valerian (Valeriana officinalis L.) in 2017, between July and August. The purpose of the thesis was to examine the optimal sowing date, effect of covering the seed bed with vermiculite on germination of the seed and the effect of transplanting the seedlings on the seedling quality. In the experiment, two different seeding materials were used and each seeding material was sown in two dates. The research indicates that the second sowing date was significantly better for the growth of the plant. The variety 'Vojvođanski' had a 29,7% higher germination and the seeding material Austrosaat had a 9,5% higher germination. Covering the seeds with vermiculite effected the germination in a negative way. Transplantation had a positive effect on the seedling quality of both seeding materials. Significant differences were mostly in the fresh and dry mass of the underground and above ground parts of the plant. With the Austrosaat seeding material, the fresh mass of the above ground part of the plant was up to 60,7% higher after transplanting. Transplantation did not affect the number of mature leaves.
- Published
- 2019
10. History and Developmentof the Middle School engineering school
- Author
Neradová, Andrea, Syřiště, Ivo, and Mojžíšová, Jarmila
- Subjects
development ,History ,education ,High school of engineering Most ,vývoj ,školství ,Střední škola technická Most ,high school ,Historie ,střední škola ,genesis ,vznik - Published
- 2019
11. Establishment and development of MMA combat sport in the Czech Republic and the USA
- Author
Pihávková, Natálie, Dlouhý, Martin, and Mojžíš, Otakar
- Subjects
development ,Česká republika ,USA ,establishment ,the UFC ,the USA ,rozvoj ,the Czech Republic ,MMA ,vznik - Published
- 2018
12. Junák - český skaut? K ideovým kořenům českého skautingu
- Author
Jan Jiráň, Šedivý, Ivan, and Randák, Jan
- Subjects
formativ ,scouting ,mládež ,skauting ,junák ,Robert Baden-Powell ,idea ,youth ,Sokol ,militarism ,militarismus ,Antonín Benjamin Svojsík ,vznik - Abstract
This master thesis focuses on founding and forming of czech scouting. The main source are printed documents because of lack preserved archive documents. The main method is textological and comparative analysis. At first the history of world and czech scouting is presentend. To find out the essential differences between english and czech scouting I compared two basic manuals: Scouting for Boys and Základy junáctví. In the following part of the thesis I determine three areas in which the reception of scouting in czech environment is investigated. These areas are scout value system, attitude to nation and state and relation to the Sokol organisation. In thesis are also analyzed the results of international research concerning the origin of scouting in other european countries. The results are then copared with the situation in czech lands. The thesis also includes three following attachments: set of short biographies of mentioned personalities, edition of scout laws and filled research questionnaires.
- Published
- 2018
13. Calligraphy as a picture
- Author
- Subjects
evolution ,kaligrafické pomůcky a podložky ,calligraphic tools and pads ,vývoj ,kompozice ,Kaligrafie ,emergence ,Calligraphy ,composition ,vznik - Abstract
This bachelor thesis "Calligraphy as a picture" consists of two parts the theoretical one and the practical one. The theoretical part deals with the emergence and evolution of the writing with the focus on Latin writing. The development of writing tools and pads s thoroughly mapped as an integral part of the calligraphy. The practical part of the bachelor thesis contains calligraphic compositions created from individual forms of Latin writing.
- Published
- 2017
- Author
Podkrajšek, Doroteja and Gselman, Anastazija
- Subjects
travno- deteljne mešanice ,globina setve ,forage legumes ,črna detelja ,germination ,grass- clover mixtures ,vznik ,krmne metuljnice ,red clover ,lucerna ,sowing depth - Abstract
Na kmetijskem zemljišču (ŽIPO d. o. o., Lenart) v naselju Zamarkova smo od aprila do septembra 2014 izvajali poljski mikroposkus, kjer smo ugotavljali vpliv globine setve na vznik in količino pridelka dveh krmnih metuljnic (lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) in črne detelje (Trifolium pratense L.)) in njunih travno-deteljnih mešanic (TDM). Zanimalo nas je tudi, katere od sejanih rastlinskih vrst so najprimernejše za setev na ekološko pomembnih in/ali obvodnih območjih. Poskus smo zasnovali po metodi naključnih blokov v štirih ponovitvah. Na glavnih parcelah smo obravnavali rastlinsko vrsto (lucerna, črna detelja, TDM z lucerno, TDM s črno deteljo), na podparcelah pa globino setve (0,5 cm in 2 cm). Setev smo opravili 11. 4. 2014. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da globina setve ni statistično značilno vplivala na število vzniklih sejanih in vzniklih samoniklih rastlinskih vrst. Obstajajo pa signifikantne razlike med sejanimi rastlinskimi vrstami v povprečnem pridelku zelene mase in suhe snovi. Izsledki raziskave nakazujejo, da sta na omenjenem območju za pridelovanje najprimernejši črna detelja in njena travno-deteljna mešanica. From August 2014 to September 2014 in the area of ŽIPO d. o. o., Lenart in a village Zamarkova field experiment was performed to determine the influence of sowing depth on growth and the yield production of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.), red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) and their grass-clover mixtures (GCM). Furthermore we were interested which sown plants species are most suitable for sowing in ecologically important and / or watersides areas. The experiment was designed as split-plot with four replications. On the main plots the plant species (lucerne, red clover, GCM with lucerne, GCM with red clover) were examined, while the sowing depth (0,5 cm in 2 cm) were observed on the sub-plots. Sowing was performed on 11th of April 2014. The results of the experiment had shown that the depth of sowing did not statistically significant influent on the number of emerged sown plant and wild plant species. However significant differences between the sown plant species in the average of green mass and dry matter were achieved. The results of research indicate that on the mentioned area are better sow red clover and its grass-clover mixtures.
- Published
- 2016
15. Structural, vibrational, and electrical study of compressed BiTeBr
- Author
Sans, J. A., Manjon, F. J., Pereira, A. L. J., Vilaplana, R., Gomis, O., Segura, A., Munoz, A., Rodriguez-Hernandez, P., Popescu, C., Drašar, Čestmír, Ruleová, Pavlína, Sans, J. A., Manjon, F. J., Pereira, A. L. J., Vilaplana, R., Gomis, O., Segura, A., Munoz, A., Rodriguez-Hernandez, P., Popescu, C., Drašar, Čestmír, and Ruleová, Pavlína
- Abstract
Compresed BiTeBr has been studied from a joint experimental and theoretical perspective. Room-temperature x-ray diffraction, Raman scattering, and transport measurements at high pressures have been performed in this layered semiconductor and interpreted with the help of ab initio calculations. A reversible first-order phase transition has been observed above 6-7 GPa, but changes in structural, vibrational, and electrical properties have also been noted near 2 GPa. Structural and vibrational changes are likely due to the hardening of interlayer forces rather than to a second-order isostructural phase transition while electrical changes are mainly attributed to changes in the electron mobility. The possibility of a pressure-induced electronic topological transition and of a pressure-induced quantum topological phase transition in BiTeBr and other bismuth tellurohalides, like BiTeI, is also discussed., BiTeBr za vysokých tlaků byl studován jak z hlediska experimentálního, tak teoretického. Experimentální výsledky rentgenové difrakce, Ramanova rozptylu a transportních vlastností při pokojové teplotě byly interpretovány v rámci ab-inicio výpočtů. Reversibilní přechod prvního řádu byl pozorován při 6-7 GPa, ale změny strukturních vibračních a elektrických vlastností byly pozorovány už při 2 GPa. Strukturní a vibrační změny jsou pravděpodobně spíš způsobeny zpevňováním vazby mezi vrstvami, než isostrukturním fázovým přechodem 2. řádu. Změny elektrických vlastností je možné vysvětlit především změnou elektronové mobility. Diskutujeme rovněž možnosti tlakem vyvolaného elektronového topologického přechodu a kvantového topologického přechodu v BiTeBr a dalších tellurohalidech bismutu.
- Published
- 2017
16. Origin and the Evolution of French Identity
- Author
Červenáková, Hana, Jančík, Jiří, and Klinka, Tomáš
- Subjects
origin ,evolution ,Identity ,language ,identita ,people ,kultura ,country ,jazyk ,history ,vývoj ,Francie ,culture ,národ ,historie ,stát ,religion ,France ,náboženství ,vznik - Published
- 2016
17. Structural, vibrational and electrical study of compressed BiTeBr
- Author
Oscar Gomis, Catalin Popescu, Alfredo Segura, Plácida Rodríguez-Hernández, Francisco Javier Manjón, A. L. J. Pereira, P. Ruleova, Alfonso Muñoz, Rosario Vilaplana, Juan Angel Sans, and Cestmir Drasar
- Subjects
Diffraction ,Electron mobility ,Phase transition ,Materials science ,polovodiče ,letadlo ,vznik ,chemistry.chemical_element ,Metoda rozšířené vlna ,semiconductors ,02 engineering and technology ,01 natural sciences ,Bismuth ,pressure ,Condensed Matter::Materials Science ,symbols.namesake ,initio molekulové dynamiky ,Ab initio quantum chemistry methods ,initio molecular-dynamics ,basis-set ,0103 physical sciences ,emergence ,Základem-set ,Topological order ,phase ,010306 general physics ,tlak ,Condensed matter physics ,business.industry ,transition ,přechod ,fáze ,021001 nanoscience & nanotechnology ,total-energy calculations ,Semiconductor ,chemistry ,FISICA APLICADA ,augmented-wave method ,symbols ,plane ,Celkové energetické výpočty ,0210 nano-technology ,business ,Raman scattering - Abstract
Compresed BiTeBr has been studied from a joint experimental and theoretical perspective. Room-temperature x-ray diffraction, Raman scattering, and transport measurements at high pressures have been performed in this layered semiconductor and interpreted with the help of ab initio calculations. A reversible first-order phase transition has been observed above 6–7 GPa, but changes in structural, vibrational, and electrical properties have also been noted near 2 GPa. Structural and vibrational changes are likely due to the hardening of interlayer forces rather than to a second-order isostructural phase transition while electrical changes are mainly attributed to changes in the electron mobility. The possibility of a pressure-induced electronic topological transition and of a pressure-induced quantum topological phase transition in BiTeBr and other bismuth tellurohalides, like BiTeI, is also discussed., This work has been performed under financial support from Spanish MINECO under Projects No. MAT2013-46649-C4-2/3-P and MAT2015-71070-REDC. This publication is the outcome of "Programa de Valoracion y Recursos Conjuntos de I+D+i VLC/CAMPUS" and has been financed by the Spanish Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte as part of "Programa Campus de Excelencia Internacional" through Projects No. SP20140701 and No. SP20140871. Supercomputer time has been provided by the Red Espanola de Supercomputacion (RES) and the MALTA cluster. J.A.S. acknowledges the "Juan de la Cierva" fellowship program for financial support.
- Published
- 2016
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18. Umetno opraševanje in viabilnost peloda črnega teloha (Helleborus niger L.)
- Author
GOLEC, ŠTEFKA and Šušek, Andrej
- Subjects
črni teloh ,opraševanje,semenitev,vznik,viabilnost peloda,črni teloh ,pollination ,vznik ,Christmas rose ,viabilnost peloda ,pollination,seed development,germination,pollen viability ,udc:582.6/.9:631.527.82:631.53.02(043.2)=863 ,opraševanje ,pollen viability ,Christmas rose,Helleborus niger ,germination ,Helleborus niger ,seed development ,semenitev - Abstract
Raziskava je bila narejena na črnem telohu (Helleborus niger L.) v letih 2006 in 2007. V naravni populaciji v kraju Doblatina smo proučevali možnost samooprašitve teloha in kaljivost semen samooprašenih rastlin. Analizirali smo semenitev samooprašenih in hibridiziranih rastlin. Z metodo barvanja z acetokarminom smo proučevali vitalnosti peloda glede na dolžino skladiščenja pri temperaturi -9 oC. Za analizo samooprašnosti smo v naravni populaciji izolirali 41 matičnih rastlin. Rastline, ki smo jih ročno samoopraševali, so semenile. Povprečna kaljivost je bila 9,17 %. Največje število semen je bilo 105, najmanjše pa 2 semeni na posamezno obravnavano rastlino. Pri primerjavi semenitve rastlin je bilo ugotovljeno, da hibridizirane rastline tvorijo povprečno težja semena kot samooprašene rastline. Z analizo je bilo ugotovljeno, da obstajajo statistično značilne razlike v viabilnosti peloda, ki smo ga različno dolgo skladiščili. The research work involved Christmas rose (Helleborus niger L.) plant material from naturally grown local population in Doblatina, during the years 2006 and 2007. We studied the possibilities of self-pollination and germination of seeds of self-pollinated plants. We compared seed development of self-pollinated and hybridized plants. With the method of colouring by aceto-carmine, we studied the pollen viability depending on the duration of storage at -9 oC. For the purposes of the self-pollination analysis, we isolated 41 parental plants in their natural populations. Plants that were manually self-pollinated frequently developed seeds. The average germination was 9.17 %. The highest number of seeds per individual plant, considered in the analysis, was 105, and the lowest number was 2. The comparison of seed development showed that, on average, hybridized plants formed heavier seeds than self-pollinated plants. The results of the analysis showed that there were statistically significant differences in viability of pollen with different duration of storage.
- Published
- 2015
19. Vpliv različnih načinov setve v strnišče na pridelek mnogocvetne ljuljke (Lolium multiflorum L.)
- Author
Vihar, Jure and Stajnko, Denis
- Subjects
mnogocvetna ljuljka ,vznik ,Ernte ,Bodenbearbeitung ,udc:633.263:631.53.04:631.331.8:631.559(043.2)=863 ,obdelava tal ,Italienisches Raygras ,Saatmethoden ,pridelek ,Sämaschine ,Keimung ,sejalnice ,načini setve - Published
- 2015
20. Enthalpy of dissolution and thermal dehydration of calcium oxalate hydrates
- Author
Sádovská Galina, Wolf Gert, Sádovská Galina, and Wolf Gert
- Abstract
The enthalpies of dissolution of calcium oxalate hydrates at 25 A degrees C were calculated from indirect calorimetric experiments requiring three easy measurable reactions. The first reaction was dissolution of calcium oxalate hydrates in hydrochloric acid, dissolution of sodium oxalate in hydrochloric acid was used as the second, and dissolution of sodium oxalate in tetramethylammonium chloride as the last one. The results Delta(diss) H = 21.1, 20.8 and 31.7 kJ mol(-1) correspond to mono-, di- and trihydrate form. Dehydration enthalpy of these hydrates was determined by DSC method in the temperature range of 20-300 A degrees C. Corresponding values of Delta(deh) H for dehydration of 1, 2 and 3 mol of water from calcium oxalates are 66.5, 83.6 and 143.9 kJ mol(-1). The estimation of enthalpy of formation from DSC experiments gives values -1,984 and -2,296 kJ mol(-1) for calcium oxalate dihydrate and trihydrate, respectively. The enthalpy contribution of the water in the calcium oxalate hydrates calculated from the determined values of the dehydration and dissolution enthalpy using two different calorimetric methods is compared., Rozpouštěcí entalpie hydrátů šťavelanu vápenatého při 25 °C byla vypočítána nepřímo z kalorimetrických měření tří jednoduchých reakcí. První reakcí bylo rozpouštění hydrátů šťavelanu vápenatého v kyselině chlorovodíkové, další pak rozpouštění šťavelanu sodného v kyselině chlorovodíkové a poslední pak rozpouštění šťavelanu sodného v chloridu tetramethylamonném. Výsledné hodnoty rozpouštěcí entalpie jsou delta H = 21,1; 20,8 a 31,7 kJ mol(-1) pro mono-, di- a trihydrát. Entalpie dehydratace těchto hydrátů byla určena měřením na DSC v rozmezí teplot 20-300 °C a byly získány hodnoty 66,5; 83,6 a 143,9 kJ mol(-1) pro mono-, di- a trihydrát.
- Published
- 2016
21. Klubová scéna amerického fotbalu v ČR
- Author
Dundáček, Jan, Janák, Vladimír, and Křížek, Tomáš
- Subjects
population characteristics ,development ,origin ,club ,Americký fotbal ,klub ,ČR ,historie ,American football ,CR ,history ,vznik ,human activities ,geographic locations - Abstract
Title: The club development of american football in the Czech Republic In the first part of this thesis American football is introduced, explaining basic game principles and describing the game so that the reader can imagine what the sport is all about. The second part then focuses on examining the emergence of particular American football clubs in the Czech Republic. The whole period is divided into several stages, with a strong focus on finding a common denominator of individual events. The aim is to map American football in the Czech Republic since the establishment of the first club up to the present with emphasis on main themes and key periods. Recording individual events from the perspective of history is an important element for any future research. Keywords: American football, development, club, origin, history, Czech Republic
- Published
- 2015
22. Formation, Incorporation and Invalidity of the Business Company
- Author
Bažant, David, Horáček, Tomáš, and Josková, Lucie
- Subjects
prohlášení neplatnosti ,založení ,Articles of Association ,Business Company ,obchodní společnost ,společenská smlouva ,annulment ,formation ,incorporation ,vznik - Abstract
The topic of the thesis "Formation, Incorporation and Invalidity of the Business Company" has been chosen by the author due to its permanent topicality. The goal is to analyse process of formation and incorporation of business companies according to the Czech legislation. The incorporation of new juridical person consists of two-stage process of establishment. This thesis is primarily based on the analysis of definitions of laws, expert publications and on examples of judicial decisions. It shows risk of insufficient or incorrect formulation in the Articles of Association. With the detection of serious drawbacks in founding legal action, the existing company is threatened with resolution of its invalidity. The thesis is divided into seven parts including introduction and conclusion. The second chapter, most comprehensive, deals with the essentials of form and content of Articles of Association. The part dealing with content essentials is furthermore divided into five subchapters depending on figures, which the Articles of Association must contain so that a company can be properly incorporated. The third chapter describes a process how to get an entrepreneurship authorization aimed on Trade Certificate. The fourth chapter analyses the form of power of attorney, which is required when an associate is...
- Published
- 2015
23. Origin and historical evolution of cycling discipline freestyle BMX
- Author
Čermák, Daniel, Vomáčko, Ladislav, and Šafránek, Jiří
- Subjects
the origin ,cycling discipline ,extreme sports ,freestyle BMX ,historical evolution ,historie ,bicycle motocross ,cyklistická disciplína ,BMX ,extremní sporty ,vznik - Abstract
Title: Origin and historical evolution of cycling discipline freestyle BMX Objectives: The aim of thesis is to devise comprehensive and structured work, which focused on the origin and historical evolution of cycling disciplines freestyle BMX. On the basis of available resources, particularly printed publications and internet resources involved in freestyle BMX, is created by a sequence of major events in the Czech Republic and in the world, which caused the origin and historical evolution of the discipline itself. Methods: At first will be used an analysis of all available information about cycling discipline freestyle BMX. It will be also used the methods used to process historical works. Results: It was found that first appearance of BMX was in the Netherlands in 1956. The official origin in the 60s of the 20th century is associated with the area of California in the USA. BMX has its roots in motocross, from which is also derived the name of BMX. The cycling sport BMX develops to independent cycling discipline freestyle BMX a few years later. Freestyle BMX belongs to extreme sports. Historical evolution of freestyle BMX is associated mainly with the California area. Freestyle BMX was expanding in the 80s of the 20th century to the Europe. Nowadays freestyle BMX is dynamically evolving worldwide....
- Published
- 2015
24. Political and geographical factors causing the rise and spread of Islamic state
- Author
Plešivčák, Peter, Tomeš, Jiří, and Boleček, Vít
- Subjects
šíření ,geographical factors ,politické ,political ,příčiny ,spread ,Islamic State ,Islámský stát ,geografické faktory ,emergence ,causes ,vznik - Abstract
This bachelors thesis focuses on establishment of the Islamic State, which led to the outbreak of armed conflict, humanitarian catastrophe and widespread population migrations. As the threat of destabilization of the entire Middle East, attracted the attention of many disciplines, including political geography. The aim of the work is the literature review and assess the geopolitical map sources, religious and social causes of the Islamic state and attempt to justify its geographic spreading based on these factors. The work is focused mainly on assessing the impact of religious, ethnic and socio-economic structure of Iraq and Syria and the importance of regional differentiation of these factors for the emergence and spread of Islamic State.
- Published
- 2015
25. Bádání o súfismu
- Author
Lisý, Štěpán, Machálek, Vít, Pikeš, Karel, Lisý, Štěpán, Machálek, Vít, and Pikeš, Karel
- Abstract
Práce bádání o súfismu se věnuje fenoménu súfismu a tím, jak je nahlížen z pohledu západních badatelů. V práci se autor zabývá tím, jaké byly první zmínky o súfismu na Západě a dále, jak moderní západní badatelé přistupují k mystice, neboť súfismus je považován za islámskou mystiku. Práce je též zaměřena, kde a kdy vybraní západní badatelé vidí vznik súfismu s ohledem na možné cizí (nemuslimské) vlivy. Významná část práce je věnována samotnému přístupu západních badatelů k súfismu, odkud možný termín súfismus pochází a také, jak k súfismu jako takovému tito badatelé přistupují., The thesis Research on Sufism pursue to phenomenom of Sufism and thereby how is inspect from the view of the West researchers. In thesis the author is dealing with the first mentions about Sufism at the West and than how modern West researchers approach to mysticism, for Sufism is considered like Islamic mysticism. The thesis is also concentrated where and when chosen West researchers see the origin of Sufism with the respect to possible foreigners (non-islamic) influences. The significant part of thesis is pursues to own approach of the West reserchers to Sufism, where the term of Sufism origins from and also how those reserchers approach to Sufism., Katedra religionistiky, 1) čtení posudků; 2) obhajoba studenta
- Published
- 2015
26. Establishment and Development of European Scheme for Greenhouse Gas Emission Allowance Trading
- Author
Ševčík, Jakub, Žákovská, Karolina, and Damohorský, Milan
- Subjects
development ,emisní obchodování ,emission trading ,Climate change ,Evropská unie ,vývoj ,establishment ,Změna klimatu ,skleníkové plyny ,povolenka ,allowance ,European Union ,vznik - Abstract
The aim of this thesis is to describe and subsequently analyze the establishment and the development of the European legal regime for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading. Methodology of the thesis is focused on capturing the processes of establishment and development of the emission trading regime as processes of rather dynamic nature, having their causes and consequences, and so is not only an isolated description of each of their respective stages. The dynamics of development is analyzed within each of the basic elements of the emission trading regime, taking due account of the relevant case law of the Court of Justice of the EU. Given the considerable complexity of the subject concerned, and therefore also the need for integration of the analysis into a certain perspective, a brief explanation of the phenomenon of climate change, including its economic implications, as well as of the international legal framework set up to tackle this issue forms a part of this thesis.
- Published
- 2014
27. Analysis of development of sports brands Adidas and Puma
- Author
Cajzl, Jan, Waic, Marek, and Voráček, Josef
- Subjects
origin ,evolution ,Puma ,Adidas ,brand ,vývoj ,značka ,historie ,history ,vznik - Abstract
Title: Analysis of development of sports brands Adidas and Puma Objectives: The main aim of this thesis is to compile, describe and analyze informations about history and development of sports brands Adidas and Puma. Methods: The main informations obout historical development of Adidas and Puma were processed by direct historical method, method of deduction and progressive method. Research through the comparative method was used marginally. Results: The results show the direction in which the development of brands Adidas and Puma has gone and help to understand what lies behind their success and what direction it will probably take their further development. Keywords: brand, history, origin, evolution, Adidas, Puma
- Published
- 2014
28. Figural painting in hanging picture
- Author
Kroutil, Jan, Hůla, Zdenek, and Velíšek, Martin
- Subjects
function ,figura ,figure ,budoucnost ,authorities ,autority ,human ,existence ,současnost ,reality ,člověk ,realita ,genesis ,development ,picture ,souvislosti ,význam ,meaning ,historie ,present day ,funkce ,obraz ,vývoj ,future ,context ,vznik ,history - Abstract
A content of the bachelor thesis is a theoretical reflection about possibilities of a painted depiction of a human figure and a phenomenon of a hanging picture. The theme of the figural painting is further applied to an educationally-therapeutic practice as an art activity subject for people with mental retardation. The work also contains a documentation of the author's own painting and its reflection. Key words: painting, human figure, stylization, expression, hanging picture, education, mental retardation Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
- Published
- 2014
29. The origin, development and working of the welfare system at the Company of the Emperor Ferdinand Nothern Railway in the period 1836-1907
- Author
Bek, Pavel, Hlavačka, Milan, Rychlík, Jan, and Krejčiřík, Mojmír
- Subjects
vývoj a fungování systému sociálního zabezpečení u společnosti Severní dráhy císaře Ferdinanda v období let 1836-1907 ,development and working of the welfare system at the Company of the Emperor Ferdinand Nothern Railway in the period 1836-1907 ,The origin ,Vznik - Abstract
The origin, development and working of the welfare system at the Company of the Emperor Ferdinand Northern Railway in the period 1836-1907 The objective of this thesis is The origin, development and working of the welfare system at the Company of the Emperor Ferdinand Northern Railway in the period 1836-1907. The research is focused on the origin and working of the Retirement Fund, the Sickness Fund from 1874, Sickness Fund from 1888 and the Childrens' shelter of the Emperor Ferdinand Northern Railway Company. The method of this research was the archival sources, printed sources and literature collection and analysis and then comparison the origin, development and working of Social Security systems at state railways, state administration, members of Habsburg monarchy armed forces and also at other private railway companies in the period of 1836 - 1907. The sources confirm that the Emperor Ferdinand Northern Railway provided some employees, their widows and orphans with comprehensive care of pension, sickness security and partly also accident insurance through its funds. The company also offered childrens' shelter service, that provided children and orphans with free of charge upbringing and education with the view to preparing them to work for the Northern Railway. The company was not the only that...
- Published
- 2014
30. Emergent urban strategies: rules of city reconfiguration
- Author
Buš, Peter
- Subjects
kolektivní návrh ,rekonfigurace ,reconfiguration ,vznik ,multi-agent modelling ,emergence ,strategii bottom-up ,modelování multi-agent ,bottom-up strategy ,collective design - Abstract
A city as a complex phenomenon and an entirety of events, its communication flows (information and data telecommunication networks and their access points), energy, goods and materials distribution and movement of users themselves and their spatial interactions with the environment nowadays no doubt has been creating new conditions and demands on the city's spatial organization, infrastructure, its growth and its thickening. Urban space today is an aggregate of complex dynamic processes which contribute to its configuration and mutually influence each other. Thus, urban environment shows emergent qualities and contains multi-layer scenarios of its own development and reconfiguration in time. This stratification is impossible to be comprehended by a linear model of a single predicted concept (top-down strategy). Architects and urban planners may, however, cover these specifics by a prediction of space development with a multi-layer result that would take into account the requirements of users at the lower level (bottom-up strategy). The aim of the research is therefore a spatial simulation of environment development, which would simulate its complexity, growth and reconfiguration. This spatial simulation would serve as a decision-making tool for architects when applying various scenarios of environment development and thereby it would create a basis for spatial planning decisions in subsequent stages of zoning proceedings. The final result of this research shall be a visualized algorithm in a model of spatial environment reconfiguration that could be serviceable also in the internet environment. This result implemented in a software tool can also serve as a creative platform for designing urban structure based on simple rules of a lower level that would, however, consequently simulate the complex urban entirety. Príspevok prezentuje dielčí výskum v oblasti návrhu procesov a spôsobov tvorby priestorovej a sociálnej interakcie multi-agentového systému s jeho prostredí v existujúcej mestskej urbánnej štruktúre. Podľa logiky definovaných vnútorných pravidiel nižšieho stupňa v simulačnom modeli vybraného územia je možné overovať a testovať komplexné nelineárne emergentné javy, ktoré majú za následok zmeny v konfiguráciách urbanistických štruktúr.
- Published
- 2013
31. Establish of dancing school
- Author
Gaudník, Tomáš, Hájková, Jana, and Mojžíš, Otakar
- Subjects
založení ,zřízení ,taneční škola ,nezisková organizace ,zisková organizace ,vznik - Abstract
In my whole dissertation on the theme "The establishment of a dancing school", I solve the problems of suitable selection of legal form and his consequences during the establishment of a dancing school. Firstly, In my theoretic part I mostly focus on an analysis of legal forms of profitable and even unprofitable organisations, their functioning and generally the relation to finances. Then, secondly in my practical part I devote to a research in a form of questionnaire survey in dancing schools along all The Czech Republic, which shows a current situation, which means that it permits to get through the stated issue more intensively. On the basis of theese pieces of knowledges and information, I will find out, what legal form is suitable for the establishment of a dancing school in dependence on surrounding factors, for example a size of regions, a rate of competition, a main focus of a dancing school etc.
- Published
- 2013
32. Přehled vývoje Nemocnice Na Bulovce od svého založení do současnosti
- Author
Erbenová, Helena, Pavlíková, Pavla, and Podaná, Jana
- Subjects
development ,atentát ,creation ,plans ,nemocnice ,hospital ,assassination ,pražské zdravotnictví ,vývoj ,occupation ,Prague health care system ,plány ,department ,okupace ,oddělení ,vznik ,humanities - Abstract
v anglickém jazyce This thesis provides an overview of the development of the Hospital Na Bulovce from its foundation to the present day. The aim of this thesis is to map and describe the development of the Hospital Na Bulovce in time. The work is conceived as historical. The thesis is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is dedicated to the state of health care in Prague during the 18th and 19th centuries and the reasons for the foundation of the Old Libeň hospital. The second chapter explains the naming of the hospital and describes plans to create, firstly, the Jubilee Municipal Hospital for Infectious Diseases and, then, the general public Hospital Na Bulovce. The third chapter deals with the origin and development of each of the departments during the first five years after its grand opening. The fourth chapter describes Hospital Na Bulovce during the period of occupation. It begins with the assassination of Reich Protector Heydrich, explains the work of nurses, illegal activities and resistance and finally leads through the history of the lung diseases department together with the construction of the centre of infectious diseases. The fifth chapter draws the attention to the status of the hospital during the post-war period and the development of its departments in the second half of...
- Published
- 2013
33. Origin and evolution of modern mountainbike disciplines
- Author
Dytrych, Lukáš, Waic, Marek, and Valjent, Zdeněk
- Subjects
origin ,evolution ,freeride ,mountainbiking ,horské kolo ,sjezd ,vývoj ,history ,historie ,mountain cycle ,enduro ,downhill ,vznik - Abstract
Title: Origin and evolution of modern mountainbike disciplines Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to compile of history of modern mountainbike disciplines. Next aim is to describe of this disciplines' beginnings in their birthplace in Canada and California. The development of freestyle and freeride and evolution of bike issues trends was delineated too. Some consideration was put to evolution of bike obstacles and to evolution of bike community as such. The next regard was put to pioneers of modern disciplines of this sport, especially to freeride and downhill. Trends in endure issues was said too. Methods: The main information from MTB region and its modern disciplines was processed bz direct historical method and methods of induction and deduction. Research through the retrospective, quantitative and comparison methods was used marginally. Results: The results of this thesis will help to understand where the MTB phenomena is being taken nowadays and will help to understand of influence of extreme MTB disciplines on its community in the local regions and in the world. Keywords: mountainbiking, mountain cycle, history, origin, evolution, downhill, freeride, enduro
- Published
- 2013
34. The influence of different ways of soil cultivation on fuel consumption and the growth of buckwheat
- Author
Brodnjak, Matjaž and Stajnko, Denis
- Subjects
ajda ,poraba goriva ,fuel consumption ,soil tillage ,vznik ,growth ,obdelava tal ,setev ,udc:621.182.3:631.51:633.12:631.53.04(043.2)=863 ,ajda,vznik ,buckwheat - Abstract
Obdelava tal je največji porabnik pogonskega goriva pri pridelovanju poljščin. Danes zaradi visokih cen goriva veliko kmetij opušča konvencionalno obdelavo z oranjem in jo nadomešča s konzervirajočimi obdelavami. V diplomskem delu smo ugotavljali, kolikšna je poraba goriva pri različnih načinih obdelave tal in setvi ajde. Prav tako smo ugotavljali vpliv obdelave tal na vznik ajde, število plevelov in kaljenje predposevka. Za obdelavo tal smo uporabili standardni poljedelski traktor New Holland T6020 DELTA, 4-brazdni obračalni plug Lemken VariOpal 6 in rahljalnik Lemken Smaragd 9. Setev smo opravili s traktorjem New Holland TN75D ter sejalnico Lemken SAPHIR 7 Autoload. Povprečna poraba goriva pri rahljanju je bila 11,26 l/ha, pri oranju pa 31,05 l/ha. Vznik ajde je bil na oranih tleh 90,1 % , rahljanih 72,3 % in pri direktni setvi 68,4 %. Prav tako so bile rastline na oranih tleh višje kot na rahljanih. Ugotovili smo, da je za pridelavo ajde najbolj primeren konvencionalni način obdelave tal. Soil tillage is the largest consumer of fuel in the arable land production. Today, because of the high prices of fuel, many farms are giving up the conventional tillage with ploughing and are replacing it with conservation cultivation. In this diploma paper, we investigated the influence of different ways of soil tillage and sowing of buckwheat on the fuel consumption. In addition, we investigated the influence of tillage on the germination of buckwheat, the number of weed and the germination of the crop. For soil tillage, we used the standard New Holland T6020 DELTA tractor, the 4-furrow Lemken VariOpal 6 plough and Lemken Smaragd 9 chisel. We did the sowing with New Holland TN75D tractor and Lemken SAPHIR 7 Autoload seeder machine. The average fuel consumption when chisel the soil with chisel was 11. 26 l/h and 31.05 l/ha when ploughed. The buckwheat emergence on ploughed soil was 90.1 %, on chiselled soil 72.3 % and 68.4 % in direct sowing. The plant grew higher on ploughed soil than on chiselled soil. We found out that the conventional way of soil tillage is the most appropriate for growing buckwheat.
- Published
- 2012
35. Unqualified Change in Aristotle's Natural Philosophy
- Author
Roreitner, Robert, Karfíková, Lenka, and Thein, Karel
- Subjects
generation ,matter ,dynamis ,látka ,vznik - Abstract
We start with the question, whether and in how far the distinction between "unqualified" and "qualified" predication of change (i.e. predication of "coming to be" and of "becoming") provides a sound clue for understanding of reality. Firstly, we focus on methodological assumptions of Aristotle's natural philosophy and science, namely on their relation to everyday language. In the next step we ask, whether and how the general conclusions about the character of any change made in Physics are valid also for any change (i.e. for "qualified" and "unqualified" change) separately. Last two chapters, then, are concerned with some consequences of Aristotle's endeavor to make justice to everyday distinction of "unqualified" and "qualified" changes for his conception of nature, namely with the character of matter and the circularity of change.
- Published
- 2012
36. The threat of terrorism
- Author
Raichl, Slavomír, Fiala, Miloš, and Vilášek, Josef
- Subjects
skupiny ,povědomí ,creation ,preparedness ,historie ,groups ,terrorism ,vznik ,připravenost ,awareness ,History - Abstract
3 Abstract Title of a document: The threat of terrorism Aim of a document: 1) Brief history of terrorism in the close historical overview of key periods in terms of negotiations, who bearing signs of terrorist acts. 2) Clearly classify most famous terrorist groups. 3) To map and analyse the awareness members of the Police of the Czech Republic about possible threats arising from terrorism. 4) Map their awareness possibility of eliminating any consequences arising in this context. Method: In the first part of this work will be used to study historical procedures will be interpreted and assessed the effect of the present (HENDL J, 1997)-zoom the timeline the most important leaders of the terrorist acts. Exploring method and theoretical studies (HENDL J, 1997) will be described in other parts of the current state of most terrorist groups and threats resulting from this. In the second part will be carried out with use of the operational methods of empirical collection and subsequent evaluation of the quantitative data in a standardized questionnaire drawn up by the appropriate anonymous a logical sequence, to clarify the set of hypotheses and objectives. Results: 1) Short and fairly summarise to history of terrorism with the aspects relevant to the present. 2) Create a comprehensive overview about the most...
- Published
- 2012
37. Formation, incorporation and invalidity of business company
- Author
Habáňová, Eva, Horáček, Tomáš, and Černá, Stanislava
- Subjects
založení ,neplatnost ,Business company ,Obchodní společnost ,formation ,invalidity ,incorporation ,vznik - Abstract
The title of this master thesis is "Formation, incorporation and invalidity of business company". The study is based on the Czech law contained mainly in the Commercial Code. The first part of the thesis describes the entire constitution process of a new business company. The second part focuses on issues related to invalidity of a business company. The Czech Commercial Code distinguishes six forms of business companies - general commercial partnership (unlimited partnership), limited partnership company, limited liability company, joint-stock company, European company and European economic interest grouping. Constitution process of a new business company can be divided into two phases - establishment of a business company and creation of a business company. Each of these phases contains specific issues that are analysed in particular chapters of the study. The thesis is composed of seven chapters. Chapter One provides general characteristics of a business company including its legal regulation. Chapter Two deals with establishment of a business company. It describes business company's founder and focuses on issues related to the founder's deed including its substantial requirements. Chapter Three examines legal position of a business company prior to its creation. It addresses issues related to...
- Published
- 2012
38. Establishment and formation of private limited company
- Author
Doležal, Michal, Žák, Květoslav, and Spirit, Michal
- Subjects
zrušení ,založení ,private limited company ,company ,disestablishment ,formation ,demise ,zánik ,společnost s ručením omezeným ,establishment ,obchodní společnost ,vznik - Abstract
The bachelor thesis "Establishment and formation of private limited company" deals with the characteristics of companies, points out the main characteristics of private limited companies and first of all describes establishment and formation and disestablishment and demise of private limited company. The thesis is devided into three chapters. The first one deals with the terms of companies and private limited companies. The second chapter describes establishment and formation of private limited company and the last one characterizes disestablishment and demise of private limited company.
- Published
- 2011
39. Analysis of the formation of small and medium enterprises in the Czech Republic and Moldova
- Author
Pavel, Alina, Hartman, Ladislav, and Pomahač, Lukáš
- Subjects
Česká republika ,Czech Republic ,limited liability company ,společnost s ručením omezeným ,vznik ,kroky založení ,Moldova ,Moldavsko ,formation ,podmínky ,enterprise ,steps of establishment ,conditions ,podnik - Abstract
This thesis deals with the comparison of the requirements for the formation of small and medium enterprises in the Czech Republic and Moldova. The thesis consists of two parts. The first part comprises an explanation of the main business concepts and a description of the general characteristics of both countries. The second part deals with the detailed description of the required steps for the establishment of an enterprise in the Czech Republic and Moldova on the example of the limited liability company. The goal of the bachelor thesis is the comparison of the conditions of formation of small and medium enterprises in two economically different countries.
- Published
- 2011
40. Právní proces vzniku nové školské právnické osoby
- Author
Landsfeld, Ladislav, Koberová, Eva, and Marková, Jana
- Subjects
school board legal persons ,founder ,rejstřík škol a školských zařízení ,rejstřík školských právnických osob ,zřízení ,educational legal entity ,the legal process ,zřizovatel ,rada školské právnické osoby ,head teacher ,právní proces ,formation ,an index of schools and school facilities ,school register of legal entities ,establishment ,ředitel školy ,školská právnická osoba ,vznik ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION ,ComputingMilieux_LEGALASPECTSOFCOMPUTING - Abstract
This bachelor paper deals with the emergence of a school legal entity from the theoretical and practical point of view. The main benefit would be to create a guide for the creation of a school legal entity. The work is based on legislation for the creation of new schools and school facilities, technical articles and personal experiences. Survey provides information on the use of a school legal entity in the establishment of new schools and provides an overview of the use of a school legal entity religious schools. The work also describes the emergence of a particular school legal entity.
- Published
- 2011
41. Management of a small housing cooperative and owners associations
- Author
Svobodová, Lucie, Müllerová, Libuše, and Černý, Václav
- Subjects
History ,Management ,Founding ,Hospodaření ,Společenství vlastníků bytových jednotek ,Owners associations ,Historie ,Bytová družstva ,Vznik ,Housing cooperatives - Abstract
This thesis focuses on the analysis of a small housing cooperative and owners associations. First part is about housing cooperatives , there are described the general aspects of their founding, management and display of selected financial operations. Subsequently, these aspects are compared with the owners associations and the differences between them are illustrated . The practical part is focused on the analysis of specific housing cooperative.
- Published
- 2011
42. Development of American Football in Czech Republic
- Author
Dundáček, Jan, Janák, Vladimír, and Procházka, Jan
- Subjects
development ,origin ,Česká republika ,Czech Republic ,Americký fotbal ,vývoj ,historie ,history ,Amarican football ,vznik - Abstract
Title: The development of football in the Czech Republic This work is focused on the development of football in the Czech Republic. Maps twenty years of history since the founding of the first Czech club, Prague Lions until 2011. The aim is to introduce the layman the game American football, with its brief history in the U.S. and developments in the world with a focus on Europe. Development in the Czech Republic is followed by formation of clubs and it is compared with neighboring countries. Key words: football, development, origin, history, Czech Republic
- Published
- 2011
43. The effect of climatic and agricultural factors on germination and emergence of oil pumpkins
- Author
Mihelič, Matjaž and Bavec, Franc
- Subjects
oljna buča ,germination ,vznik ,klimatski dejavniki ,oljne buče ,udc:633.85:631.547.1:551.58(043.2)=863 ,oil pumpkin ,emergence ,temperature ,oil pumpkins ,kalitev - Abstract
Toplota, svetloba, vlaga in tip tal so ključni dejavniki za kalitev in vznik rastlinic. Z namenom, da bi preverili vpliv teh dejavnikov na kalitev oljnih buč v primerjavi z jedilnimi, sta bila postavljena dva eksperimenta v rastni komori in eden v rastlinjaku. Proučen je vpliv toplotnega režima (12, 14, 16 °C), svetlobe (temno 0 ur, pol svetlo 12 ur ter svetlo 24 ur), vlage (40 % PK in 100 % PK) in tal (glinena ilovica in peščena ilovica) oz. substrat na odstotek živokalečih semen in maso rastlinic. Rezultati kažejo, da bučevkam odgovarjajo topla tla (vsaj 18 °C), kalitev v temi in 100 % PK. Zaradi omejene kalitve pri nižjih temperaturah je obvezno sejati več semen na setveno mesto in kasneje redčiti, substratu pa dodati glinene delce. Pri zasnovi je potrebno upoštevati tudi specifične zahteve vrste semena. Temperature, light, humidity and soil type are key factors for germination and emergence of seedlings. In order to examine the influence of these factors on the germination of oil pumpkins in comparison with garden pumpkins, two experiments were placed in a growth room and one in a greenhouse. The factors examined were the impact of the temperature regime (12, 14, 16°C), light (dark 0, half-light 12 and light 24), moisture (40% field capacity and 100% field capacity (FC)) and soil type (clay loam and sandy loam) and the substrate on the percentage of live seed emergence (PLSE) and seedlings mass, respectively. The results show that cucurbits like warm soil (at least 18°C), germination in darkness and 100% FC. Due to limited germination at lower temperatures it is required to sow more seeds on planting site, thin the plants later on and add clay particles to the substrate. When designing, specific requirements of seed species should also be taken into consideration.
- Published
- 2010
44. Der Einfluß der verschiedenen Einsaatweisen auf die Ernte des Italienischen Raygrases (Lolium multiflorum L.)
- Author
Vihar, Jure and Stajnko, Denis
- Subjects
mnogocvetna ljuljka ,vznik ,Ernte ,Bodenbearbeitung ,obdelava tal ,Italienisches Raygras ,Saatmethoden ,sejalnica ,pridelek ,Sämaschine ,Keimung ,načini setve - Abstract
Na Štajerskem, v bližini Maribora, smo leta 2008 in 2009 v poljskem poskusu proučevali vpliv različnih načinov obdelovanja strniščnih tal na število vzniklih rastlin mnogocvetne ljuljke, število plevelov, pridelek sveže mase, pridelek suhe snovi, vsebnost suhe snovi v pridelku ter vpliv valjanja na število vzniklih rastlin. Poskus je bil zasnovan kot naključni blok sistem z osmimi obravnavanji in štirimi ponavljanji, od tega sta bili dve ponavljanji valjani. Mnogocvetno ljuljko smo sejali na različne načine: (V1) obdelava s plugom in nato setev s sejalnico Pöttinger Terrasem 3000 T, (V2) konvencionalna obdelava s plugom in nato vrtavkasta brana ter setev s sejalnico Lemken Saphir 7, (V3) obdelava tal z vrtavkasto brano in setev s sejalnico Lemken Saphir 7, (V4) enako kot pri obravnavanju (V3), le da smo strnišče zmulčli, (V5) direktna setev s sejalnico Lemken Saphir 7, (V6) mulčenje in direktna setev s sejalnico Lemken Saphir 7, (V7) direktna setev s sejalnico Pöttinger Terrasem 3000 T, (V8) mulčenje in direktna setev s sejalnico Pöttinger Terrasem 3000 T. Največje število vzniklih rastlin mnogocvetne ljuljke je bilo pri konvencionalni obdelavi V2 (405 rastlin m-2), najmanjše pa pri obravnavanju V5 (153 rastlin m-2). Največje število plevelov je bilo pri obravnavanju V5 (564 plevelov m-2), najmanjše pa v obravnavanju V1 (37 plevelov m-2). Pridelek sveže mase je bil največji v obravnavanju V1 (53.716 kg ha-1), ki pa se statistično značilno ni razlikoval le od V2. Sledila so obravnavanja V8 in V7. Najmanjši pridelek sveže mase pa je bil pri obravnavanju V5 (33.681,5 kg ha-1). Največji pridelek suhe snovi je bil pri obravnavanju V2 (7.144 kg ha-1), sledila so obravnavanja V1, V7 in V8. Najmanjši pridelek suhe snovi je bil pri V6 (5.798,5 kg ha-1). Po vsebnosti suhe snovi so se obravnavanja močno razlikovala. Najnižji odstotek suhe snovi je bil pri obravnavanju V1 (12,37 %), najvišji pa pri obravnavanju V6 (20,01 %). Valjanje je vplivalo na število vzniklih rastlin le pri obravnavanju V5, pri vseh ostalih obravnavanjih razlik ni bilo. In der Steiermark in der nähe von Maribor haben wir in Jahren 2008 in 2009 im Feldversuch den Einfluß der verschidenen Bewirtschaftung des Stoppelbodens und die Zahl der auskeimenen Pflanzen des Italienischen Raygrasses, die Zahl der Unkrauter, die Ernte der Frischmasse, die Ernte der Trockenmasse, den Gehalt der Trockenmasse in der Ernte und den Einfluss des Walzens auf die Zahl der keimenden Pflanzen erforscht. Der Versuch war konzipiert als zufälliges Blocksystem mit 8 Behandlungen und 4 Wiederholungen, davon waren zwei Wiederholungen mit dem Walzen behandelt. Das Italienischen Raygras haben wir auf verschiede Weisen gesät: (V1) - die Bearbeitung mit dem Pflug und danach die Einsaat mit der Sämaschine Pottinger Terrasem 3000 T, (V2) - die konventionelle Bewirtschaftung mit dem Pflug und danach die Kreiselegge und die Einsaat mit der Sämaschine Lemken Saphir 7, (V3) - die Bewirtschaftung mit der Kreiselegge und die Einsaat mit der Sämaschine Lemken Saphir 7, genauso bei der Behandlung (V4), nur das wir das Stoppelfeld gemulcht hatten, (V5) - direkte Einsaat mit der Sämaschine Lemken Saphir 7, (V6) - das Mulchen und direkte Einsaat mit der Sämaschine Lemken Saphir 7, (V7) - direkte Einsaat mit der Sämaschine Pöttinger Terrasem 3000 T, (V8) - das Mulchen und direkte Einsaat mit der Sämaschine Pöttinger Terrasem 3000 T. Die größte Zahl der keimenden Pflanzen des Italienischen Raygrases war bei der konventionellen Bewirtschaftung V2 (405 Pflanzen m-2) und die niedrigste bei der Behandlung V5 (153 Pflanzen m-2) festgestellt. Die größte Zahl der Unkrauten war bei der Behandlung V5 (564 Unkrauten m-2). Die niedrigste Zahl der Unkrauten war bei der Behandlung V1 (37 Unkrauten m-2). Die größte Ernte der Frischmasse war bei der Behandlung V1 (53.716 kg ha-1) gemessen, die sich aber statistisch nicht nur von V2 unterschieden hat. Gefolgt haben die Behandlungen V8 und V7. Die niedrigste Ernte der Frischmasse war bei der Behandlung V5 (33.681,5 kg ha -1) erfinden. Die größte Ernte der Trockenmasse war bei der Behandlung V2 (7.144 kg ha-1), gefolgt haben die Behandlungen V1, V7 und V8. Die niedrigste Ernte der Trochenmasse war bei der Behandlung V6 (5.789,5 kg ha-1). Nach den Gehalt der Trockenmasse haben sich die Behandlungen sehr unterscheiden. Das niedrigste Prozent der Trockenmasse war bei der Behandlung V1 (12,37 %), das größte Prozent aber bei der Behandlung V6 (20,01 %). Die Walzung hat den Einfluss auf die Zahl der auskleimenen Pflanzen nur bei der Behandlung V5 gehabt, bei allen anderen gab es aber keine Unterschiede.
- Published
- 2010
45. The establishment and creation of private limited company
- Author
Hesová, Zuzana, Kříž, Radim, and Kotoučová, Jiřina
- Subjects
založení ,commercial register ,společnost s ručením omezeným ,private limited company ,obchodní rejstřík ,creation ,společenská smlouva ,memorandum of asociation ,establishment ,vznik - Abstract
The thesis describes the whole process of establishment and creation of private limited company with emphasis on practice. One of the part of thesis is statistical survey of 105 private limited companies.
- Published
- 2010
46. The partnership
- Author
Kotěšovcová, Ilona, Hajdíková, Taťána, and Stejskalová, Irena
- Subjects
a partnership ,daně ,založení ,účetnictví ,rise ,a private company ,taxes ,osobní obchodní společnost ,veřejná obchodní společnost ,accounting ,establishment ,vznik - Abstract
My master's thesis deals with the complex problems of a partnership in the Czech Republic from the establishment to the extinction. The problematic and different sections of the accounting, taxation, distribution of the profits and payment of loss of the partnership with the other companies, especially from a private limited company are compiled also. The subject of the practical part is application of the accounting, taxable and legislative regulations related to the type of company. The aim of the thesis is creating a complete overview of the problems of the partnership. This theme isn't elaborated in available literature and next part deals with the application of the investigate sections into the concrete examples of the practice. The thesis can also serves as a basic guide for begin businessmen.
- Published
- 2010
47. Influence of sowing methods upon seeding emergence of oaks (Quercus L.)
- Author
Ojsteršek, Cvetka and Šušek, Andrej
- Subjects
hrast ,dormancy ,udc:582.632:581.6:631.53.04+631.532/.535(043.2)86 ,vznik ,oak ,propagation ,način setve ,sowing emergence ,razmnoževanje ,dormantnost - Published
- 2009
48. Emergentné urbánne stratégie: Pravidlá rekonfigurácie města
- Author
Buš, Peter and Buš, Peter
- Abstract
A city as a complex phenomenon and an entirety of events, its communication flows (information and data telecommunication networks and their access points), energy, goods and materials distribution and movement of users themselves and their spatial interactions with the environment nowadays no doubt has been creating new conditions and demands on the city's spatial organization, infrastructure, its growth and its thickening. Urban space today is an aggregate of complex dynamic processes which contribute to its configuration and mutually influence each other. Thus, urban environment shows emergent qualities and contains multi-layer scenarios of its own development and reconfiguration in time. This stratification is impossible to be comprehended by a linear model of a single predicted concept (top-down strategy). Architects and urban planners may, however, cover these specifics by a prediction of space development with a multi-layer result that would take into account the requirements of users at the lower level (bottom-up strategy). The aim of the research is therefore a spatial simulation of environment development, which would simulate its complexity, growth and reconfiguration. This spatial simulation would serve as a decision-making tool for architects when applying various scenarios of environment development and thereby it would create a basis for spatial planning decisions in subsequent stages of zoning proceedings. The final result of this research shall be a visualized algorithm in a model of spatial environment reconfiguration that could be serviceable also in the internet environment. This result implemented in a software tool can also serve as a creative platform for designing urban structure based on simple rules of a lower level that would, however, consequently simulate the complex urban entirety., Príspevok prezentuje dielčí výskum v oblasti návrhu procesov a spôsobov tvorby priestorovej a sociálnej interakcie multi-agentového systému s jeho prostredí v existujúcej mestskej urbánnej štruktúre. Podľa logiky definovaných vnútorných pravidiel nižšieho stupňa v simulačnom modeli vybraného územia je možné overovať a testovať komplexné nelineárne emergentné javy, ktoré majú za následok zmeny v konfiguráciách urbanistických štruktúr.
- Published
- 2013
49. Emergentné urbánne stratégie: Pravidlá rekonfigurácie města
- Abstract
A city as a complex phenomenon and an entirety of events, its communication flows (information and data telecommunication networks and their access points), energy, goods and materials distribution and movement of users themselves and their spatial interactions with the environment nowadays no doubt has been creating new conditions and demands on the city's spatial organization, infrastructure, its growth and its thickening. Urban space today is an aggregate of complex dynamic processes which contribute to its configuration and mutually influence each other. Thus, urban environment shows emergent qualities and contains multi-layer scenarios of its own development and reconfiguration in time. This stratification is impossible to be comprehended by a linear model of a single predicted concept (top-down strategy). Architects and urban planners may, however, cover these specifics by a prediction of space development with a multi-layer result that would take into account the requirements of users at the lower level (bottom-up strategy). The aim of the research is therefore a spatial simulation of environment development, which would simulate its complexity, growth and reconfiguration. This spatial simulation would serve as a decision-making tool for architects when applying various scenarios of environment development and thereby it would create a basis for spatial planning decisions in subsequent stages of zoning proceedings. The final result of this research shall be a visualized algorithm in a model of spatial environment reconfiguration that could be serviceable also in the internet environment. This result implemented in a software tool can also serve as a creative platform for designing urban structure based on simple rules of a lower level that would, however, consequently simulate the complex urban entirety., Príspevok prezentuje dielčí výskum v oblasti návrhu procesov a spôsobov tvorby priestorovej a sociálnej interakcie multi-agentového systému s jeho prostredí v existujúcej mestskej urbánnej štruktúre. Podľa logiky definovaných vnútorných pravidiel nižšieho stupňa v simulačnom modeli vybraného územia je možné overovať a testovať komplexné nelineárne emergentné javy, ktoré majú za následok zmeny v konfiguráciách urbanistických štruktúr.
- Published
- 2013
50. Emergentné urbánne stratégie: Pravidlá rekonfigurácie města
- Abstract
A city as a complex phenomenon and an entirety of events, its communication flows (information and data telecommunication networks and their access points), energy, goods and materials distribution and movement of users themselves and their spatial interactions with the environment nowadays no doubt has been creating new conditions and demands on the city's spatial organization, infrastructure, its growth and its thickening. Urban space today is an aggregate of complex dynamic processes which contribute to its configuration and mutually influence each other. Thus, urban environment shows emergent qualities and contains multi-layer scenarios of its own development and reconfiguration in time. This stratification is impossible to be comprehended by a linear model of a single predicted concept (top-down strategy). Architects and urban planners may, however, cover these specifics by a prediction of space development with a multi-layer result that would take into account the requirements of users at the lower level (bottom-up strategy). The aim of the research is therefore a spatial simulation of environment development, which would simulate its complexity, growth and reconfiguration. This spatial simulation would serve as a decision-making tool for architects when applying various scenarios of environment development and thereby it would create a basis for spatial planning decisions in subsequent stages of zoning proceedings. The final result of this research shall be a visualized algorithm in a model of spatial environment reconfiguration that could be serviceable also in the internet environment. This result implemented in a software tool can also serve as a creative platform for designing urban structure based on simple rules of a lower level that would, however, consequently simulate the complex urban entirety., Príspevok prezentuje dielčí výskum v oblasti návrhu procesov a spôsobov tvorby priestorovej a sociálnej interakcie multi-agentového systému s jeho prostredí v existujúcej mestskej urbánnej štruktúre. Podľa logiky definovaných vnútorných pravidiel nižšieho stupňa v simulačnom modeli vybraného územia je možné overovať a testovať komplexné nelineárne emergentné javy, ktoré majú za následok zmeny v konfiguráciách urbanistických štruktúr.
- Published
- 2013
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