388 results on '"vitaminen"'
Search Results
2. Topro Dry bolus in de praktijk
- Author
Oudenampsen, S.
- Subjects
Vitaminen ,Mineralen ,Melkvee ,Voedermiddelen - Abstract
De Topro Dry bolus biedt een langdurige afgifte (60 dagen) van sporenelementen en vitamines aan vee. In samenwerking met Van Hall Larenstein is er onderzoek gedaan naar de vreet- en herkauwactiviteit van melkkoeien. De resultaten staan in deze whitepaper. Het onderzoek is uitgevoerd door Simone Oudenampsen, studente Dier- en Veehouderij aan hogeschool Van Hall Larenstein in Leeuwarden.
- Published
- 2021
3. Topro Dry bolus in de praktijk
- Subjects
Vitaminen ,Mineralen ,Melkvee ,Voedermiddelen - Abstract
De Topro Dry bolus biedt een langdurige afgifte (60 dagen) van sporenelementen en vitamines aan vee. In samenwerking met Van Hall Larenstein is er onderzoek gedaan naar de vreet- en herkauwactiviteit van melkkoeien. De resultaten staan in deze whitepaper. Het onderzoek is uitgevoerd door Simone Oudenampsen, studente Dier- en Veehouderij aan hogeschool Van Hall Larenstein in Leeuwarden.
- Published
- 2021
4. Praktijkonderzoek laat zien dat het droogstand rantsoen voor melkvee sub-optimaal is
- Subjects
Vitaminen ,Mineralen ,Melkvee ,Voedermiddelen - Abstract
In het voorjaar van 2021 is er praktijkonderzoek uitgevoerd naar het effect van extra mineralen en vitamines in de droogstandsperiode door middel van de Topro Dry bolus. Deze bolus werd ingebracht bij het droogzetten en geeft over een periode van 60 dagen sporenelementen en vitamines af aan de koe en aan het ongeboren kalf. Dit praktijkonderzoek is uitgevoerd door een student van Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences in Leeuwarden.
- Published
- 2021
5. Vitamine D bij pijn van het bewegingsapparaat.
- Author
Schreuder, Ferdinand, Bernsen, Roos, and Wouden, Hans
- Abstract
Copyright of Huisarts En Wetenschap is the property of Springer Nature and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2013
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6. What are vitamins?
- Abstract
In this video we introduce you to vitamins and explain what they are exactly.
- Published
- 2019
7. Vitamine-D-gebrek bij allochtonen: ook bij mannen.
- Author
Schreuder, Ferdinand
- Abstract
Copyright of Huisarts En Wetenschap is the property of Springer Nature and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2006
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8. Zwangerschapsmisselijkheid en braken in het eerste trimester.
- Author
Millenaar, M, Neven, A, and Eekhof, J.
- Abstract
Copyright of Huisarts En Wetenschap is the property of Springer Nature and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2005
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9. Vitamine-D-deficiëntie, niet alleen bij migrantenvrouwen.
- Author
Ridder, Jankees
- Abstract
Copyright of Huisarts En Wetenschap is the property of Springer Nature and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2001
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10. Supplements for the elderly : An inventory of vitamins and minerals available for elderly in the Netherlands
- Subjects
supplements ,Upper Limit (UL) ,supplementen ,ouderen ,vitaminen ,mineralen ,Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) ,aanbevolen dagelijkse hoeveelheid (ADH) ,the elderly ,minerals ,vitamins ,maximaal aanvaardbare bovengrens (UL) - Abstract
De industrie heeft een veelheid aan supplementen ontwikkeld die specifiek voor ouderen zijn. Sommige van deze supplementen bevatten hoge doseringen van bepaalde vitaminen en mineralen. Deze doseringen blijven onder de 'maximaal aanvaardbare bovengrens' (Upper Limit), en zijn meestal niet hoger dan drie keer de aanbevolen dagelijkse hoeveelheid (ADH). Uit onderzoek van het RIVM blijkt dat deze supplementen niet schadelijk zijn voor de gezondheid. Verder zijn er in supplementen voor ouderen hoge doseringen gevonden van stoffen waarvoor geen UL bestaat: B-vitamines, vitamine C en ijzer. Daardoor kunnen voor deze stoffen geen conclusies worden getrokken over de veiligheid van de doseringen. In algemene zin is daarom voorzichtigheid geboden als deze producten langere tijd worden gebruikt. Er zijn algemene supplementen op de markt, niet specifiek gericht op ouderen, die een dosering bevatten boven de Upper Limit. Ook ouderen kunnen deze producten gebruiken. Het gaat om bepaalde preparaten die hoge gehalten bevatten van de vitaminen foliumzuur, B6, D en E, en de mineralen zink en selenium. Het is niet uitgesloten dat een te hoge inname van de vitaminen B6 en E op de lange termijn schadelijk kan zijn voor de gezondheid en het welzijn van ouderen. Te hoge doseringen van vitamine B6 kan neurologische klachten veroorzaken, het gebruik van te veel vitamine E kan bloedstollingen veroorzaken. Samenvattend, supplementen die specifiek voor ouderen ontwikkeld zijn, kunnen beschouwd worden als niet gevaarlijk. Er zijn echter een aantal producten verkrijgbaar die niet specifiek op ouderen gericht zijn maar die wel door ouderen gebruikt kunnen worden, die de Upper Limit van toxiciteit overschrijden. Dagelijks gebruik van deze producten gedurende langere perioden is mogelijk schadelijk voor de gezondheid van ouderen. Voor dit onderzoek zijn alle supplementen die ouderen kunnen gebruiken geïnventariseerd.
- Published
- 2017
11. Voedingsstatusonderzoek binnen het nieuwe Nederlandse voedingspeilingssysteem
- Subjects
nutritional status ,VOEDING ,adequate inneming ,vitaminen ,voedingsstatus ,mineralen ,voedselconsumptiepeiling ,adequate intake ,minerals ,vitamins ,dutch national food consumption survey - Abstract
Het is van belang om de werkelijke beschikbaarheid van bepaalde vitaminen en mineralen in het lichaam (de voorziening) van de Nederlandse bevolking vast te stellen. Dit kan aan de hand van onderzoek in bloed en urine, ook wel voedingsstatusonderzoek genoemd. Momenteel wordt de inneming van vitaminen en mineralen bepaald door middel van voedselconsumptiepeilingen. Hierbij wordt gewerkt met de navraag van de voedselconsumptie. Met behulp van voedingsstatusonderzoek kunnen signalen uit de voedselconsumptiepeiling van een mogelijk te lage inneming (vitamine B2, foliumzuur, vitamine B12, vitamine D, magnesium, ijzer, zink) of te hoge inneming (vitamine D, natrium, zink) worden getoetst. Voor enkele mineralen kan de inneming niet goed worden bepaald, dit is het geval voor jodium, natrium en seleen. Met statusonderzoek kan wel de beschikbaarheid in het lichaam worden bepaald voor deze mineralen. Voor allochtone bevolkingsgroepen wordt om praktische redenen aanbevolen om statusonderzoek uit te voeren voorafgaand aan voedselconsumptieonderzoek. De te bepalen parameters voor de vitaminen B2, B12, D en foliumzuur en voor de mineralen magnesium, natrium, ijzer, jodium, seleen en zink worden in het rapport besproken. Ook voor vitamine A, calcium en chroom zou voedingsstatusonderzoek gewenst zijn; echter voor deze voedingstoffen zijn momenteel geen goede parameters beschikbaar.
- Published
- 2017
12. Naar een toereikende inname van vitamine D.
- Author
Weggemans, Rianne, Schaafsma, Gertjan, and Kromhout, Daan
- Abstract
Copyright of Huisarts En Wetenschap is the property of Springer Nature and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2009
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13. Vitamine-D-advies Gezondheidsraad schiet tekort.
- Author
Schreuder, Ferdinand
- Abstract
Copyright of Huisarts En Wetenschap is the property of Springer Nature and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2009
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14. Schieten met vitaminen en mineralen : voor jongvee en droge koeien zijn mineralenbolussen praktisch en effectief
- Author
Booij, A. and Booij, A.
- Abstract
Bolussen maken opgang dankzij het gemak in gebruik en een complete samenstelling. Vooral voor jongvee en droge koeien bieden ze uitkomst. Melkvee verdient echter een dagelijkse portie vitaminen en mineralen door het voer gemengd, zo geven specialisten aan, afgestemd op de behoefte van de koe.
- Published
- 2016
15. Schieten met mineralen en vitaminen : onderzoek naar mogelijke tekorten gedegen basis voor keuze van de best passende bolussen
- Author
Booij, A. and Booij, A.
- Abstract
Steeds meer vleesveehouders gebruiken bolussen om de behoefte aan micromineralen en sporenelementen op orde te houden bij het vleesvee. Maar wat hebben de dieren nodig? Bloedonderzoek kan uitsluitsel geven om uit het grote assortiment aan bolussen de best passende te kiezen.
- Published
- 2016
16. Human nutrition : a crunchy bite
- Author
Kok, F.J. and Kok, F.J.
- Abstract
Farewell address upon retiring as Professor of Nutrition and Healthat Wageningen University on 15 October 2015
- Published
- 2015
17. Waar of niet waar
- Author
Mulder, W. and Mulder, W.
- Abstract
Ze zeggen dat een duif van gerst eten het geel krijgt. Ook wordt er beweerd dat gerst kropontstekingen veroorzaakt bij duiven. Dit artikel gaat over de zin en de onzin die in duivenland de ronde doet, kleine stukjes, waarover ik niet een groot artikel zou schrijven.
- Published
- 2015
18. Vitamines nodig of niet?
- Author
Mulder, W. and Mulder, W.
- Abstract
Het seizoen is al enkele weken van start en de duiven van de eigen combinatie (Snijder-Mulder) stonden voor het eerst op weduwschap. Dat was wel te merken, want ze kwamen al een stuk beter. De thermometer haalt nog geen 10 graden als de duiven vertrekken met nogal wat noord in de wind. Als de temperaturen zo tegenvallen dient het eten te worden aangepast voor de duiven. We brengen wat meer ‘warmte’ in het voer, dus wat extra mais erbij voor een betere verzadiging. Moeten de duiven nu ook extra vitamines hebben?
- Published
- 2015
19. Lekkere en gezondere aardbeien met extra blad- of vruchtbelichting : 12% meerproductie in het najaar
- Author
Arkesteijn, M. and Arkesteijn, M.
- Abstract
Bij Wageningen UR Glastuinbouw in Bleiswijk kijken onderzoekers in het Informatie Demonstratie Centrum (IDC) Smaak hoe ze met blad- en vruchtbelichting jaarrond kasaardbeien lekkerder en gezonder kunnen maken in combinatie met een goede houdbaarheid en hogere productie.
- Published
- 2015
20. Vitamines: vitaal voor functioneren : serie FIT door voeding
- Author
Counotte, G. and Counotte, G.
- Abstract
Van jongs af aan leren we dat vitamines goed voor ons zijn. Ons lichaam haalt ze uit voeding, maar ook uit de omgeving, zoals vitamine D uit daglicht. Met koeien en kalveren gaat het niet anders, ook zij hebben vitamines nodig om te functioneren. Wat ze precies zijn en waarom ze nodig zijn, bespreken we in dit eerste deel van een serie over voeding.
- Published
- 2015
21. Zinkgehalte geit niet altijd op peil
- Subjects
geiten ,goats ,begrazing ,zinc ,ruwvoer (forage) ,sporenelementen ,mineralen ,forage ,goat keeping ,trace elements ,biological production ,Soil Biology ,minerals ,vitamins ,pastures ,biologische landbouw ,weiden ,organic farming ,vitaminen ,grazing ,biologische productie ,geitenhouderij ,Wageningen Livestock Research ,Bodembiologie ,zink - Abstract
In de biologische geitenhouderij is weidegang verplicht en bevat het rantsoen ook in de stalperiode meer ruwvoer dan in de gangbare geitenhouderij. Ook wordt soms eigen graan gevoerd ter vervanging van commercieel krachtvoer. De voorziening met mineralen, spoorelementen en vitaminen moet daarbij bewuster gestuurd worden. Binnen het project Biogeit is op veertien biologische geitenbedrijven bloed onderzocht op gehalten aan mineralen en vitaminen. Ook is gekeken naar de gehalten in het rantsoen. In dit artikel staat zink centraal
- Published
- 2009
22. De bijdrage van tussendoortjes aan de dagelijkse vitaminen- en mineraleninneming van Culemborgse ouderen
- Subjects
meal patterns ,nutrient intake ,consumption patterns ,Humane Voeding & Gezondheid ,mineralen ,netherlands ,minerals ,vitamins ,maaltijdpatronen ,elderly ,nederland ,voedingsstoffenopname (mens en dier) ,food consumption ,ouderen ,vitaminen ,eating patterns ,voedselconsumptie ,eetpatronen ,snacks ,VLAG ,Human Nutrition & Health ,consumptiepatronen - Published
- 1999
23. Vitamine-D-deficiëntie, niet alleen bij migrantenvrouwen
- Author
de Ridder, Jankees
- Published
- 2001
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24. Supplements for the elderly : An inventory of vitamins and minerals available for elderly in the Netherlands
- Author
PRS, V&Z, Jansen EHJM, Kienhuis A, PRS, V&Z, Jansen EHJM, and Kienhuis A
- Abstract
RIVM rapport:De industrie heeft een veelheid aan supplementen ontwikkeld die specifiek voor ouderen zijn. Sommige van deze supplementen bevatten hoge doseringen van bepaalde vitaminen en mineralen. Deze doseringen blijven onder de 'maximaal aanvaardbare bovengrens' (Upper Limit), en zijn meestal niet hoger dan drie keer de aanbevolen dagelijkse hoeveelheid (ADH). Uit onderzoek van het RIVM blijkt dat deze supplementen niet schadelijk zijn voor de gezondheid. Verder zijn er in supplementen voor ouderen hoge doseringen gevonden van stoffen waarvoor geen UL bestaat: B-vitamines, vitamine C en ijzer. Daardoor kunnen voor deze stoffen geen conclusies worden getrokken over de veiligheid van de doseringen. In algemene zin is daarom voorzichtigheid geboden als deze producten langere tijd worden gebruikt. Er zijn algemene supplementen op de markt, niet specifiek gericht op ouderen, die een dosering bevatten boven de Upper Limit. Ook ouderen kunnen deze producten gebruiken. Het gaat om bepaalde preparaten die hoge gehalten bevatten van de vitaminen foliumzuur, B6, D en E, en de mineralen zink en selenium. Het is niet uitgesloten dat een te hoge inname van de vitaminen B6 en E op de lange termijn schadelijk kan zijn voor de gezondheid en het welzijn van ouderen. Te hoge doseringen van vitamine B6 kan neurologische klachten veroorzaken, het gebruik van te veel vitamine E kan bloedstollingen veroorzaken. Samenvattend, supplementen die specifiek voor ouderen ontwikkeld zijn, kunnen beschouwd worden als niet gevaarlijk. Er zijn echter een aantal producten verkrijgbaar die niet specifiek op ouderen gericht zijn maar die wel door ouderen gebruikt kunnen worden, die de Upper Limit van toxiciteit overschrijden. Dagelijks gebruik van deze producten gedurende langere perioden is mogelijk schadelijk voor de gezondheid van ouderen. Voor dit onderzoek zijn alle supplementen die ouderen kunnen gebruiken geïnventariseerd., On the consumer market, supplements are available that are specifically designed and targeted for the elderly. Some of these supplements contain high doses of certain vitamins and minerals. These doses remain below the Upper Limit (UL), and do usually not rise above the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA). RIVM research shows that these supplements can be considered as nontoxic. Some supplements specifically targeted for the elderly contain high doses of vitamins and minerals for which no UL exists, namely, B vitamins, vitamin C, and iron. As a result, for these vitamins and minerals, no conclusions can be drawn about the safety of the doses. Therefore, caution should be exercised when these products are used long time. There are supplements on the market that are targeted for the general population, that contain doses of vitamins and/or minerals above the UL. The elderly can use these products as well. Some of these supplements contain high levels of the vitamins folate , B6 , D and E , and/or the minerals zinc and selenium. It is not excluded that a high and long-term intake of vitamin B6 and E may be harmful to the elderly. High doses of vitamin B6 can cause neurological symptoms, the use of too much vitamin E increases the risk of blood clotting. In conclusion, all available supplements advised for the elderly can be considered as non-toxic. There are, however, a number of products available, that or not specifically targeted to, but may be commonly used by the elderly, that exceed the UL. A daily consumption of these products during longer periods cannot exclude a possible occurrence of detrimental effects on health and wellbeing for elderly people. For this research, an inventory was made of all supplements that can be used by the elderly.
- Published
- 2014
25. Aanbevelingen voor vitamines, mineralen en spoorelementen : factsheet
- Author
Brink, E.J., Breedveld, B.C., Peters, J.A.C., Brink, E.J., Breedveld, B.C., and Peters, J.A.C.
- Abstract
Vitamines, mineralen en spoorelementen zijn microvoedingsstoffen die onmisbaar zijn voor de groei, het onderhoud en een goede werking van het lichaam. Ze leveren geen energie. Een voldoende inname ervan is essentieel voor het behoud van een goede gezondheid en voor het voorkomen van chronische ziekten.
- Published
- 2014
26. Functiebehoud van bot, brein en spieren
- Abstract
Op hoge leeftijd is voeding belangrijk voor het functiebehoud van bot, brein en spieren en daarmee voor de kwaliteit van leven. Dit stelde prof. dr. Lisette de Groot, hoogleraar Voeding van de oudere mens aan Wageningen Universiteit. De voedingsstoffen vitamine D, B12 en eiwit verdienen extra aandacht voor deze leeftijdsgroep.
- Published
- 2014
27. Voermaatregelen sorteerden geen positief effect bij vleeseenden
- Subjects
productivity ,dierhouderij ,growth ,enzymes ,mineralen ,enzymen ,beendervorming ,groei ,Praktijkonderzoek Pluimveehouderij "Het Spelderholt" ,diergeneeskunde ,productiviteit ,feeds ,vitaminen ,ducks ,profitability ,development ,bone formation ,carcass composition ,karkassamenstelling ,animal husbandry ,voer ,minerals ,vitamins ,rentabiliteit ,bone diseases ,composition ,veterinary science ,eenden ,botziekten ,ontwikkeling ,samenstelling - Abstract
In een Spelderholt-proef is gekeken naar mogelijkheden om via voermaatregelen het optreden van pootproblemen bij Peking-eenden te verminderen. Deze maatregelen betroffen de verschijningsvorm, beschikbaarheid en samenstelling van het voer. Tevens is het effect van deze aanpassingen op technische resultaten en slachtrendementen onderzocht.
- Published
- 1997
28. Socioeconomic differences in micronutrient intake and status in Europe
- Author
Novakovic, R.N., Wageningen University, Pieter van 't Veer, Lisette de Groot, Anouk Geelen, and M. Gurinovic
- Subjects
Global Nutrition ,Wereldvoeding ,nutritional state ,Nutrition and Disease ,nutrient intake ,sporenelementen ,trace elements ,sociale economie ,vitamins ,voedingstoestand ,socioeconomic status ,europa ,voedingsstoffenopname (mens en dier) ,socioeconomics ,Voeding en Ziekte ,vitaminen ,sociaal-economische positie ,europe ,VLAG - Abstract
The aim of this thesis was to evaluate micronutrient intake and status of socioeconomic disadvantaged populations, such as from Central and Eastern European (CEE) as compared to other European populations, and low socioeconomic status (SES) groups as compared to high SES groups within European countries. We addressed the micronutrients that have been prioritized because of their relevance for nutritional health by the EC-funded EURRECA Network of Excellence. Moreover, we assessed the association between folate intake and status which can be used in the process of setting folate DRVs. Micronutrient intake and status of CEE countries versus other European countries CEE countries have recently experienced rising income inequalities over a period of economic transition. There is some evidence that these reforms have been accompanied by health inequalities. Inadequacy in micronutrient intake and status may contribute to these inequalities. Because in more affluent Western European countries wide ranges in micronutrient intake and status are observed, we studied if low micronutrient intake and status levels are prevailing in CEE. The findings from this thesis signal no differences in micronutrient intake and status between CEE populations in comparison to those of other European regions with the exception of calcium intake in adults and iodine status in children that were lower in CEE than in other European regions. Since data from Western Europe indicate that inadequacies do exist among SES strata, more insight in the nutritional situation of lower SES populations in CEE and an understanding of both its determinants and consequences is needed. It is important to mention that evidence from grey literature added to that from open access sources. Fundamental to further studying of nutritional health in CEE, is suitable data. We underline the necessity for conducting nutritional surveillances on micronutrient intake and status in CEE as we have identified significant knowledge gaps for many life-stage groups. Differences in micronutrient intake between SES groups Considering that not enough studies have addressed the relationship between SES and micronutrient intake and status in their analyses of nutritional health, we performed a systematic review on this topic and we used data from the large European EPIC cohort to address that issue. To be able to conclude on socioeconomic, i.e. educational, occupational and income, inequalities associated with intake and status of prioritized micronutrients for all life stages in Europe, substantial knowledge gaps should be filled. Currently, data are mostly available for the intake of calcium, vitamin C and iron as collected from adults in Western European countries. When either of the above mentioned SES indicators was applied to estimate relative differences in micronutrient intake and status between the lowest and the highest SES category within one study, the results often, but not consistently, indicated a lower intake and/or status in low versus high SES groups. For example, in eight out of ten studies a lower intake for calcium intake was found with relative differences ranging from -2 to -14%. Similar patterns were found for vitamin C and iron: in eleven out of twelve studies relative differences ranged from -5 to -48% for vitamin C, whereas in nine of ten studies on iron relative differences went up to -14%. Studies on intake and/or status of folate, vitamin B12, zinc, iodine, and intake of vitamin D, selenium and copper were limited. Still, when differences were observed, it appeared that lower intake in low than in high SES groups was found except for vitamin B12 and zinc for which the findings were inconsistent. Furthermore, using education as a proxy for SES, we assessed differences in micronutrient intake between educational levels using the individual-participant data on European adults and elderly from the EPIC cohort. Based on data from 10 Western European countries it appeared that intake of calcium (except in France and a distinctive ‘health-conscious’ group in the UK), folate (except in Greece), and vitamin C was lower in the lowest than in the highest education groups: relative differences ranged up to 12, 13 and 23%, respectively. The intake of iron differed marginally, whereas the variation in intake of vitamins D and B12 was inconsistent. The observed association between educational level and intake of micronutrients was the same for men and women. Furthermore, differences in micronutrient intake were found to be larger between countries than between SES groups. With respect to SES differences in micronutrient intake and status, there are significant gaps in the open source literature for many life-stage groups in Europe, but particularly in CEE countries. There is a clear need for cross-country and within country comparative research and for the monitoring of trends in dietary intake across different SES groups and European countries. Relationship between folate intake and status to add complementary evidence for deriving folate dietary reference values (DRVs) DRVs are under continuous review and periodic revision as the cumulative evidence base and body of knowledge evolve. Folate is considered a public health priority micronutrient for which re-evaluation of DRVs is needed. For this micronutrient, a systematic review of observational studies on the relationship between intake and status was done followed by meta-analysis. The intake of folate was significantly associated with markers of folate status. The results of our meta-analysis showed that an average person with a folate intake of 100 µg/day has a serum/plasma folate status concentration that is 26% higher and a red blood cell folate status that is 21% higher than a person who has a folate intake of 50 µg/day; plasma homocysteine was found to be 16% lower. The difference between natural food folate and that from supplements and fortified foods (folic acid) significantly influenced the estimated relationship between folate intake and serum/plasma status. Associations were stronger when assessed as folate from the diet than as folate from diet and supplements. Dietary assessment method did not significantly influence the association, although pooled estimates were somewhat higher when FFQs were used as compared to 24-hour recalls combined with food records. To focus on the impact of poor intakes on related health outcomes, data modelling can be conducted to produce estimates for Average Nutrient Requirements. For this analysis datasets and statistical models developed within the EURRECA NoE are available and can be used. Overall, further research would benefit from methodologically comparable data on food intake in all age ranges, especially on so far understudied CEE populations. Both intakes obtained through diet and from supplements and fortified foods should be assessed. Monitoring of trends across SES strata should be done with standardized SES measurements that would also facilitate cross-country comparative research. The findings on the level and distribution of micronutrient intake and status could be used for development of food based dietary guidelines. To make them effective in meeting populations’ micronutrient needs, they should be created accounting for the country specific dietary patterns giving consideration to the socioeconomic context.
- Published
- 2013
29. Socioeconomic differences in micronutrient intake and status in Europe
- Subjects
Global Nutrition ,Wereldvoeding ,nutritional state ,Nutrition and Disease ,nutrient intake ,sporenelementen ,trace elements ,sociale economie ,vitamins ,voedingstoestand ,socioeconomic status ,europa ,voedingsstoffenopname (mens en dier) ,socioeconomics ,Voeding en Ziekte ,vitaminen ,sociaal-economische positie ,europe ,VLAG - Abstract
The aim of this thesis was to evaluate micronutrient intake and status of socioeconomic disadvantaged populations, such as from Central and Eastern European (CEE) as compared to other European populations, and low socioeconomic status (SES) groups as compared to high SES groups within European countries. We addressed the micronutrients that have been prioritized because of their relevance for nutritional health by the EC-funded EURRECA Network of Excellence. Moreover, we assessed the association between folate intake and status which can be used in the process of setting folate DRVs. Micronutrient intake and status of CEE countries versus other European countries CEE countries have recently experienced rising income inequalities over a period of economic transition. There is some evidence that these reforms have been accompanied by health inequalities. Inadequacy in micronutrient intake and status may contribute to these inequalities. Because in more affluent Western European countries wide ranges in micronutrient intake and status are observed, we studied if low micronutrient intake and status levels are prevailing in CEE. The findings from this thesis signal no differences in micronutrient intake and status between CEE populations in comparison to those of other European regions with the exception of calcium intake in adults and iodine status in children that were lower in CEE than in other European regions. Since data from Western Europe indicate that inadequacies do exist among SES strata, more insight in the nutritional situation of lower SES populations in CEE and an understanding of both its determinants and consequences is needed. It is important to mention that evidence from grey literature added to that from open access sources. Fundamental to further studying of nutritional health in CEE, is suitable data. We underline the necessity for conducting nutritional surveillances on micronutrient intake and status in CEE as we have identified significant knowledge gaps for many life-stage groups. Differences in micronutrient intake between SES groups Considering that not enough studies have addressed the relationship between SES and micronutrient intake and status in their analyses of nutritional health, we performed a systematic review on this topic and we used data from the large European EPIC cohort to address that issue. To be able to conclude on socioeconomic, i.e. educational, occupational and income, inequalities associated with intake and status of prioritized micronutrients for all life stages in Europe, substantial knowledge gaps should be filled. Currently, data are mostly available for the intake of calcium, vitamin C and iron as collected from adults in Western European countries. When either of the above mentioned SES indicators was applied to estimate relative differences in micronutrient intake and status between the lowest and the highest SES category within one study, the results often, but not consistently, indicated a lower intake and/or status in low versus high SES groups. For example, in eight out of ten studies a lower intake for calcium intake was found with relative differences ranging from -2 to -14%. Similar patterns were found for vitamin C and iron: in eleven out of twelve studies relative differences ranged from -5 to -48% for vitamin C, whereas in nine of ten studies on iron relative differences went up to -14%. Studies on intake and/or status of folate, vitamin B12, zinc, iodine, and intake of vitamin D, selenium and copper were limited. Still, when differences were observed, it appeared that lower intake in low than in high SES groups was found except for vitamin B12 and zinc for which the findings were inconsistent. Furthermore, using education as a proxy for SES, we assessed differences in micronutrient intake between educational levels using the individual-participant data on European adults and elderly from the EPIC cohort. Based on data from 10 Western European countries it appeared that intake of calcium (except in France and a distinctive ‘health-conscious’ group in the UK), folate (except in Greece), and vitamin C was lower in the lowest than in the highest education groups: relative differences ranged up to 12, 13 and 23%, respectively. The intake of iron differed marginally, whereas the variation in intake of vitamins D and B12 was inconsistent. The observed association between educational level and intake of micronutrients was the same for men and women. Furthermore, differences in micronutrient intake were found to be larger between countries than between SES groups. With respect to SES differences in micronutrient intake and status, there are significant gaps in the open source literature for many life-stage groups in Europe, but particularly in CEE countries. There is a clear need for cross-country and within country comparative research and for the monitoring of trends in dietary intake across different SES groups and European countries. Relationship between folate intake and status to add complementary evidence for deriving folate dietary reference values (DRVs) DRVs are under continuous review and periodic revision as the cumulative evidence base and body of knowledge evolve. Folate is considered a public health priority micronutrient for which re-evaluation of DRVs is needed. For this micronutrient, a systematic review of observational studies on the relationship between intake and status was done followed by meta-analysis. The intake of folate was significantly associated with markers of folate status. The results of our meta-analysis showed that an average person with a folate intake of 100 µg/day has a serum/plasma folate status concentration that is 26% higher and a red blood cell folate status that is 21% higher than a person who has a folate intake of 50 µg/day; plasma homocysteine was found to be 16% lower. The difference between natural food folate and that from supplements and fortified foods (folic acid) significantly influenced the estimated relationship between folate intake and serum/plasma status. Associations were stronger when assessed as folate from the diet than as folate from diet and supplements. Dietary assessment method did not significantly influence the association, although pooled estimates were somewhat higher when FFQs were used as compared to 24-hour recalls combined with food records. To focus on the impact of poor intakes on related health outcomes, data modelling can be conducted to produce estimates for Average Nutrient Requirements. For this analysis datasets and statistical models developed within the EURRECA NoE are available and can be used. Overall, further research would benefit from methodologically comparable data on food intake in all age ranges, especially on so far understudied CEE populations. Both intakes obtained through diet and from supplements and fortified foods should be assessed. Monitoring of trends across SES strata should be done with standardized SES measurements that would also facilitate cross-country comparative research. The findings on the level and distribution of micronutrient intake and status could be used for development of food based dietary guidelines. To make them effective in meeting populations’ micronutrient needs, they should be created accounting for the country specific dietary patterns giving consideration to the socioeconomic context.
- Published
- 2013
30. Mineralen-, sporenelementen- en vitaminenbehoeften van paarden
- Author
van den Top, A.M., Blok, M.C., and Everts, H.
- Subjects
mineral nutrition ,Animal Nutrition ,sporenelementen ,trace elements ,voedering ,vitamins ,Diervoeding ,voedingsstoffen ,nutrition ,nutrients ,animal nutrition ,mineralenvoeding ,vitaminen ,diervoeding ,voeding ,paarden ,feeding ,horses - Abstract
In deze publicatie wordt beschreven hoe de in CVB verband tot stand gekomen voedernormen voor deze voedingsstoffen tot stand zijn gekomen. De publicatie is het resultaat van een deskstudie waarbij allereerst de Duitse DLG normen en de Amerikaanse NRC normen zijn geëvalueerd. Daar waar nodig is gericht gekeken of er nieuwe studies beschikbaar zijn, of is teruggegrepen op de oorspronkelijke publicaties. Voor de macromineralen (calcium, fosfor, magnesium, natrium, kalium, chloor) zijn de voedernormen gebaseerd op de zgn. factoriële methode. Voor sporenelementen en de vitamines bleek deze benadering niet mogelijk. Het rapport bevat een groot aantal tabellen waarin de voedernormen voor de genoemde nutriënten voor alle relevante fysiologische stadia.
- Published
- 2012
31. Analytical standards for the measurement of nutrients in infant formula : vitamins, inositol and choline
- Author
Capuano, E., Alewijn, M., van Ruth, S.M., and Verkaik-Kloosterman, J.
- Subjects
myo-inositol ,food analysis ,Leerstoelgroep Productontwerpen en kwaliteitskunde ,Humane Voeding & Gezondheid ,RIKILT B&T Authenticiteit en Nutrienten ,Product Design and Quality Management Group ,vitamins ,analytische methoden ,voedingsstoffen ,analytical methods ,bepaling ,determination ,choline ,nutrients ,vitaminen ,voedselanalyse ,Human Nutrition & Health - Abstract
This report provides an overview of the available standardised analytical methods for the determination of nutrients in formula. This report focusses on the vitamins, inositol and choline compounds. In addition, several analytical method characteristics are provided i.e target compound(s) being actually measured, the matrixes wherein the methods have been validated and the method performance characteristics.
- Published
- 2012
32. Mineralen-, sporenelementen- en vitaminenbehoeften van paarden
- Subjects
mineral nutrition ,Animal Nutrition ,sporenelementen ,trace elements ,voedering ,vitamins ,Diervoeding ,voedingsstoffen ,nutrition ,nutrients ,mineralenvoeding ,vitaminen ,voeding ,paarden ,feeding ,horses - Abstract
In deze publicatie wordt beschreven hoe de in CVB verband tot stand gekomen voedernormen voor deze voedingsstoffen tot stand zijn gekomen. De publicatie is het resultaat van een deskstudie waarbij allereerst de Duitse DLG normen en de Amerikaanse NRC normen zijn geëvalueerd. Daar waar nodig is gericht gekeken of er nieuwe studies beschikbaar zijn, of is teruggegrepen op de oorspronkelijke publicaties. Voor de macromineralen (calcium, fosfor, magnesium, natrium, kalium, chloor) zijn de voedernormen gebaseerd op de zgn. factoriële methode. Voor sporenelementen en de vitamines bleek deze benadering niet mogelijk. Het rapport bevat een groot aantal tabellen waarin de voedernormen voor de genoemde nutriënten voor alle relevante fysiologische stadia.
- Published
- 2012
33. Analytical standards for the measurement of nutrients in infant formula : vitamins, inositol and choline
- Subjects
myo-inositol ,food analysis ,Leerstoelgroep Productontwerpen en kwaliteitskunde ,Humane Voeding & Gezondheid ,RIKILT B&T Authenticiteit en Nutrienten ,Product Design and Quality Management Group ,vitamins ,analytische methoden ,voedingsstoffen ,analytical methods ,bepaling ,determination ,choline ,nutrients ,vitaminen ,voedselanalyse ,Human Nutrition & Health - Abstract
This report provides an overview of the available standardised analytical methods for the determination of nutrients in formula. This report focusses on the vitamins, inositol and choline compounds. In addition, several analytical method characteristics are provided i.e target compound(s) being actually measured, the matrixes wherein the methods have been validated and the method performance characteristics.
- Published
- 2012
34. 2e ronde leghennen: geexpandeerd voer en fytase bieden voordelen
- Subjects
phosphates ,productivity ,dierhouderij ,fosfaten ,animal manures ,enzymes ,vleeskuikens ,glycosidases ,vitaminetoevoegingen ,hens ,enzymen ,glycosidasen ,vitamin supplements ,Praktijkonderzoek Pluimveehouderij "Het Spelderholt" ,derivaten ,productiviteit ,feeds ,vitaminen ,profitability ,dierlijke meststoffen ,feed processing ,animal husbandry ,broilers ,heat treatment ,voer ,voedermiddelbewerking ,vitamins ,rentabiliteit ,drijfmest ,composition ,derivatives ,warmtebehandeling ,slurries ,phosphorus pentoxide ,fosforpentoxide ,hennen ,samenstelling - Abstract
Tijdens de tweede ronde met leghennen zijn o.a. geëxpandeerd voer en fytase onderwerpen van onderzoek. Met geëxpandeerd voer kunnen gunstige technische resultaten behaald worden. Door de toepassing van fytase kan een lager fosfaatgehalte in de mest worden bereikt, waarschijnlijk zonder dat de technische resultaten veranderen.
- Published
- 1994
35. Botsterkte van leghennen
- Subjects
bones ,gewervelde dieren ,enzymes ,voer ,vitaminetoevoegingen ,hens ,enzymen ,vitamins ,dierenwelzijn ,animal welfare ,vitamin supplements ,skelet ,Praktijkonderzoek Pluimveehouderij "Het Spelderholt" ,beenderen ,animal housing ,composition ,feeds ,vitaminen ,dieren ,skeleton ,huisvesting ,vertebrates ,hennen ,samenstelling - Abstract
De botsterkte van leghennen wordt door diverse factoren beonvloed. In dit artikel wordt ingegaan op de effecten van huisvesting, verlichting, diergewicht en voer met fytase op de botsterkte.
- Published
- 1994
36. De nutritionele waardering van Natuphos-fytase in pluimveevoeders
- Subjects
poultry ,voedingswaarde ,enzymes ,voer ,glycosidases ,vitaminetoevoegingen ,enzymen ,vitamins ,nutritive value ,glycosidasen ,vitamin supplements ,Praktijkonderzoek Pluimveehouderij "Het Spelderholt" ,fowls ,composition ,pluimvee ,feeds ,vitaminen ,kippen ,samenstelling - Abstract
Door fytase toe te voegen aan het voer, komt meer fosfor beschikbaar voor het dier. Bij vleeskuikens wordt door Gist-brocades geadviseerd dat 500 FTU overeenkomt met 1 g Monocalciumfosfaat (MCP-P). Voor leghennen is het advies dat 300 FTU overeenkomt met 1 g MCP-P.
- Published
- 1994
37. Effect fytase en fosforgehalten in het voer bij vleeskalkoenen
- Subjects
kalkoenen ,bones ,gewervelde dieren ,enzymes ,voer ,mineralen ,vleesproductie ,vitaminetoevoegingen ,enzymen ,minerals ,vitamins ,vitamin supplements ,skelet ,meat production ,Praktijkonderzoek Pluimveehouderij "Het Spelderholt" ,beenderen ,feeds ,vitaminen ,skeleton ,turkeys ,phosphorus ,vertebrates ,fosfor - Abstract
In april 1994 is in samenwerking met ID-DL0 een experiment uitgevoerd met vleeskalkoenen. Daarin is nagegaan hoeveel microbieel fytase nodig is om een hoeveelheid fosfor uit fytaat vrij te maken, die gelijkwaardig is aan 1 gram fosfor uit mononatriumfosfaat.
- Published
- 1994
38. Vitamine B12, D, foliumzuur en leeftijdgerelateerde aandoeningen
- Author
Brouwer, E.M. and van Wijngaarden, J.P.
- Subjects
Nutrition and Disease ,deficiëntie ,vitamine b12 ,foliumzuur ,botbreuken ,vitamin b12 ,elderly ,gezondheidsbescherming ,supplements ,folic acid ,health protection ,Voeding en Ziekte ,ouderen ,vitaminen ,VLAG ,Global Nutrition ,Wereldvoeding ,supplementen ,disease prevention ,vitamine d ,bone fractures ,vitamin d ,deficiency ,ziektepreventie ,vitamins ,voeding en gezondheid ,nutrition and health - Abstract
Dat vitaminen en mineralen een positieve invloed uit kunnen oefenen op specifieke lichaamsprocessen is bekend. Twee promovendi van Wageningen Universiteit richten zich op het mogelijke verband tussen vitamine B12, foliumzuur en vitamine D en verschillende leeftijdgerelateerde aandoeningen. De associatie tussen een verhoogd homocysteïnegehalte en een verhoogd risico op fracturen was aanleiding voor een groot trial onderzoek onder ouderen. Dit B-PROOF onderzoek loopt nog.
- Published
- 2011
39. Mitofood conference : bioactive food components, energy metabolism and human health, 13-15 April 2011, Wageningen, The Netherlands : celebrating 90 years of human and animal physiology at Wageningen University : final conference of COST Action FA0602: bioactive food components, mitochondrial function and health
- Subjects
voedselsamenstelling ,bioenergetics ,bio-energetica ,lipids ,nutrients ,food composition ,lipiden ,energy metabolism ,vitaminen ,verouderen ,polyphenols ,polyfenolen ,bioactive compounds ,hormones ,aging ,hormonen ,health ,bioactieve verbindingen ,vitamins ,energiemetabolisme ,voedingsstoffen ,mitochondria ,nutrition ,Human and Animal Physiology ,Fysiologie van Mens en Dier ,gezondheid ,voeding - Published
- 2011
40. Estimation of micronutrient intake distributions: development of methods to support food and nutrition policy making
- Author
Verkaik-Kloosterman, J., Wageningen University, Pieter van 't Veer, and M.C. Ocké
- Subjects
Nutrition and Disease ,nutrient intake ,volksgezondheid ,fortificatie ,public health ,dieet ,sporenelementen ,voedselsupplementen ,fortification ,trace elements ,vitamins ,beleid inzake voedsel ,food policy ,voedingsstoffenopname (mens en dier) ,food supplements ,Voeding en Ziekte ,vitaminen ,diet ,VLAG - Abstract
Introduction Adequate and safe micronutrient intake is important. Both insufficient and excessive intakes should be prevented as these can be associated with negative health effects. Therefore, the population intake distribution will ideally lay between insufficient and excessive intakes. For the development and evaluation of nutrition and food policy a good estimation of dietary micronutrient intake is of great importance. Aim Three challenges were addressed to improve the estimation of population micronutrient intake distributions: 1) how to estimate current habitual micronutrient intake when (detailed) data are lacking or data from different sources should be combined, 2) how to predict future intakes in order to support policy making, and 3) how to estimate a maximum safe fortification level per food item. The aim of this PhD-thesis is to further develop and apply statistical models which can cope with these challenges. Methods & Results Data from the Dutch National Food Consumption Surveys (DNFCSs) were used to develop and apply statistical models which can cope with the defined challenges. In addition, data from the Dutch food composition database (NEVO) and the Dutch dietary supplement database (NES) were used. Three main methodological improvements have been made. First, the combination of a deterministic approach with probabilistic approaches to be able to take into account uncertainty and variability were needed. This method was applied to estimate habitual iodine and salt intake distributions. From DNFCSs no detailed information was available on the discretionary use of (iodized) salt and no up to date information was available on the use of iodized salt in industrially processed foods. Estimates of the proportion of the population discretionarily using (iodized) salt and the proportion of industrially processed foods applying iodized salt were obtained from other data sources. The model accurately estimates habitual iodine and salt intake distributions when compared with studies measuring urinary iodine and sodium excretion. Additionally a framework was developed to simulate the habitual intake distribution for potential scenarios of future fortification strategies. Within this framework, deterministic and probabilistic approaches were combined when uncertainty or variability had to be taken into account. This framework was illustrated by the estimation of habitual folate-equivalent intake for different scenarios of mandatory or voluntary fortification with folic acid. Further this framework was applied to estimate the habitual iodine intake for several potential changes in the Dutch iodine policy and also for several scenarios of salt reduction strategies. A second methodological improvement was the development of a new statistical model to estimate habitual total micronutrient intake aggregated from food and dietary supplements. Within this 3-part model, habitual intake is estimated separately for a) intake from food for non-users of dietary supplements, b) intake from food for users of dietary supplements, and c) intake from dietary supplements for users only. Habitual total intake for the whole population was obtained by combination of the three separate habitual intake distributions (‘first shrink then add’). This 3-part model was illustrated by vitamin D intake for young children. With a more simple ‘first add then shrink’ approach the estimation of habitual total vitamin D intake distribution may give inconsistent results for the distribution of intake from foods and dietary supplements combined as compared to the intake from food only. In addition, this more simple approach may not be able to cope with multi modal distributions. With the newly developed model this inconsistency problem was solved and the multi-modal shape of the distribution as observed in the ‘raw’ data was preserved. Third, a model calculating the maximum safe fortification level per 100 kcal of a food was developed for the Dutch situation. By considering the tolerable upper intake level and reasonable high micronutrient intakes from food and dietary supplements, the ‘free space’ for voluntary fortification was calculated. This amount was divided over the amount of energy intake that can and may be fortified. The model was applied to derive safe maximum fortification levels for vitamin A, D, and folic acid. Based on these results the risk manager decided to legally allow voluntary fortification with vitamin D and folic acid up to a maximum level of 4.5 and 100 μg/100 kcal respectively. Conclusion The methodological improvements have resulted in higher accuracy for estimations of habitual intake distributions, which are essential for nutritional and food policy making. Furthermore, scenario analyses provide (under specific conditions) quantitative insight into proposed changes or areas such as maximum safe fortification levels. Several results and methods described are currently being used in research to assist Dutch and European food and nutrition policy making, which shows these methodologies are of immediate value to the practice of policy development and support.
- Published
- 2011
41. Mitofood conference : bioactive food components, energy metabolism and human health, 13-15 April 2011, Wageningen, The Netherlands : celebrating 90 years of human and animal physiology at Wageningen University : final conference of COST Action FA0602: bioactive food components, mitochondrial function and health
- Author
Keijer, J.
- Subjects
voedselsamenstelling ,bioenergetics ,bio-energetica ,lipids ,nutrients ,food composition ,lipiden ,energy metabolism ,vitaminen ,verouderen ,polyphenols ,polyfenolen ,bioactive compounds ,hormones ,aging ,hormonen ,health ,bioactieve verbindingen ,vitamins ,energiemetabolisme ,voedingsstoffen ,mitochondria ,nutrition ,Human and Animal Physiology ,Fysiologie van Mens en Dier ,gezondheid ,voeding - Published
- 2011
42. Estimation of micronutrient intake distributions: development of methods to support food and nutrition policy making
- Subjects
Nutrition and Disease ,nutrient intake ,volksgezondheid ,fortificatie ,public health ,dieet ,sporenelementen ,voedselsupplementen ,fortification ,trace elements ,vitamins ,beleid inzake voedsel ,food policy ,voedingsstoffenopname (mens en dier) ,food supplements ,Voeding en Ziekte ,vitaminen ,diet ,VLAG - Abstract
Introduction Adequate and safe micronutrient intake is important. Both insufficient and excessive intakes should be prevented as these can be associated with negative health effects. Therefore, the population intake distribution will ideally lay between insufficient and excessive intakes. For the development and evaluation of nutrition and food policy a good estimation of dietary micronutrient intake is of great importance. Aim Three challenges were addressed to improve the estimation of population micronutrient intake distributions: 1) how to estimate current habitual micronutrient intake when (detailed) data are lacking or data from different sources should be combined, 2) how to predict future intakes in order to support policy making, and 3) how to estimate a maximum safe fortification level per food item. The aim of this PhD-thesis is to further develop and apply statistical models which can cope with these challenges. Methods & Results Data from the Dutch National Food Consumption Surveys (DNFCSs) were used to develop and apply statistical models which can cope with the defined challenges. In addition, data from the Dutch food composition database (NEVO) and the Dutch dietary supplement database (NES) were used. Three main methodological improvements have been made. First, the combination of a deterministic approach with probabilistic approaches to be able to take into account uncertainty and variability were needed. This method was applied to estimate habitual iodine and salt intake distributions. From DNFCSs no detailed information was available on the discretionary use of (iodized) salt and no up to date information was available on the use of iodized salt in industrially processed foods. Estimates of the proportion of the population discretionarily using (iodized) salt and the proportion of industrially processed foods applying iodized salt were obtained from other data sources. The model accurately estimates habitual iodine and salt intake distributions when compared with studies measuring urinary iodine and sodium excretion. Additionally a framework was developed to simulate the habitual intake distribution for potential scenarios of future fortification strategies. Within this framework, deterministic and probabilistic approaches were combined when uncertainty or variability had to be taken into account. This framework was illustrated by the estimation of habitual folate-equivalent intake for different scenarios of mandatory or voluntary fortification with folic acid. Further this framework was applied to estimate the habitual iodine intake for several potential changes in the Dutch iodine policy and also for several scenarios of salt reduction strategies. A second methodological improvement was the development of a new statistical model to estimate habitual total micronutrient intake aggregated from food and dietary supplements. Within this 3-part model, habitual intake is estimated separately for a) intake from food for non-users of dietary supplements, b) intake from food for users of dietary supplements, and c) intake from dietary supplements for users only. Habitual total intake for the whole population was obtained by combination of the three separate habitual intake distributions (‘first shrink then add’). This 3-part model was illustrated by vitamin D intake for young children. With a more simple ‘first add then shrink’ approach the estimation of habitual total vitamin D intake distribution may give inconsistent results for the distribution of intake from foods and dietary supplements combined as compared to the intake from food only. In addition, this more simple approach may not be able to cope with multi modal distributions. With the newly developed model this inconsistency problem was solved and the multi-modal shape of the distribution as observed in the ‘raw’ data was preserved. Third, a model calculating the maximum safe fortification level per 100 kcal of a food was developed for the Dutch situation. By considering the tolerable upper intake level and reasonable high micronutrient intakes from food and dietary supplements, the ‘free space’ for voluntary fortification was calculated. This amount was divided over the amount of energy intake that can and may be fortified. The model was applied to derive safe maximum fortification levels for vitamin A, D, and folic acid. Based on these results the risk manager decided to legally allow voluntary fortification with vitamin D and folic acid up to a maximum level of 4.5 and 100 μg/100 kcal respectively. Conclusion The methodological improvements have resulted in higher accuracy for estimations of habitual intake distributions, which are essential for nutritional and food policy making. Furthermore, scenario analyses provide (under specific conditions) quantitative insight into proposed changes or areas such as maximum safe fortification levels. Several results and methods described are currently being used in research to assist Dutch and European food and nutrition policy making, which shows these methodologies are of immediate value to the practice of policy development and support.
- Published
- 2011
43. Fytase geeft gelijke resultaten Geexpandeerd voer wederom positieve voerconversie
- Subjects
heat treatment ,animal manures ,voedingswaarde ,enzymes ,voer ,hens ,enzymen ,vitamins ,nutritive value ,Praktijkonderzoek Pluimveehouderij "Het Spelderholt" ,drijfmest ,composition ,feeds ,vitaminen ,warmtebehandeling ,slurries ,dierlijke meststoffen ,hennen ,samenstelling - Abstract
In dit artikel worden de resultaten weergegeven van de tweede ronde in de opfok stal voor leghennen. Bekeken zijn de effecten van fytase voeding en geëxpandeerd voer.
- Published
- 1993
44. Socioeconomic differences in micronutrient intake and status in Europe
- Author
van 't Veer, Pieter, de Groot, Lisette, Geelen, Anouk, Gurinovic, M., Novakovic, R.N., van 't Veer, Pieter, de Groot, Lisette, Geelen, Anouk, Gurinovic, M., and Novakovic, R.N.
- Abstract
The aim of this thesis was to evaluate micronutrient intake and status of socioeconomic disadvantaged populations, such as from Central and Eastern European (CEE) as compared to other European populations, and low socioeconomic status (SES) groups as compared to high SES groups within European countries. We addressed the micronutrients that have been prioritized because of their relevance for nutritional health by the EC-funded EURRECA Network of Excellence. Moreover, we assessed the association between folate intake and status which can be used in the process of setting folate DRVs. Micronutrient intake and status of CEE countries versus other European countries CEE countries have recently experienced rising income inequalities over a period of economic transition. There is some evidence that these reforms have been accompanied by health inequalities. Inadequacy in micronutrient intake and status may contribute to these inequalities. Because in more affluent Western European countries wide ranges in micronutrient intake and status are observed, we studied if low micronutrient intake and status levels are prevailing in CEE. The findings from this thesis signal no differences in micronutrient intake and status between CEE populations in comparison to those of other European regions with the exception of calcium intake in adults and iodine status in children that were lower in CEE than in other European regions. Since data from Western Europe indicate that inadequacies do exist among SES strata, more insight in the nutritional situation of lower SES populations in CEE and an understanding of both its determinants and consequences is needed. It is important to mention that evidence from grey literature added to that from open access sources. Fundamental to further studying of nutritional health in CEE, is suitable data. We underline the necessity for conducting nutritional surveillances on micronutrient intake and status in CEE as we have identified significant knowled
- Published
- 2013
45. Beter inspelen op mineralenbehoeften
- Author
Van Dijck, L. and Van Dijck, L.
- Abstract
Aveve Veevoeding brengt een vernieuwd gamma vitaminen en mineralenkernen ‘Essentia’ op de markt. Dit gamma is nog beter afgestemd op de actuele behoeften van de hoogproductieve koe. Wij spraken daarover met Luc De Vreese, verkoopsleider rundvee en met nutritioniste rundvee Sabien Vermaut.
- Published
- 2013
46. Nieuwe productielocatie Vitablend in Azië : productieproces gekloond, verbeterd en opgezet in Singapore
- Author
Bol, J. and Bol, J.
- Abstract
Vitablend uit Wolvega levert wereldwijd premixen van vitaminen en mineralen aan de voedingsmiddelenindustrie. Hun basisgrondstoffen zijn afkomstig vanuit de hele wereld. Azië is een groeimarkt. Vanuit Singapore is deze markt beter te bestrijken. Een kopie van de productielijn in Friesland werd daarom in containers verscheept naar deze internationale hub en werd daar in korte tijd weer opgebouwd.
- Published
- 2013
47. Voeding van ouderen in Nederland
- Abstract
Het RIVM heeft onderzoek gedaan naar de eetgewoontes van zelfstandig-wonende ouderen. Tussen oktober 2010 en februari 2012 is de voedselconsumptie van 70-plussers gemeten. Ruim 700 ouderen uit 15 gemeenten verdeeld over het land deden mee aan dit onderzoek. De uitkomsten van deze voedselconsumptiepeiling zijn beschreven in het rapport Diet of community-dwelling older adults. Deze factsheet geeft een overzicht van de belangrijkste resultaten.
- Published
- 2013
48. Nieuw wetenschappelijk onderzoek: groen daadwerkelijk gerelateerd aan gezondheid
- Author
Elsinger, D. and Elsinger, D.
- Abstract
Zowel nationaal als internationaal wordt de relatie tussen een groene leefomgeving en gezondheid al jarenlang onderzocht. In Nederland is onderzoekster Jolanda Maas, bekend van haar promotieonderzoek Vitamine G, een autoriteit op dit gebied. Op dit moment is zij betrokken bij de nieuwe internationale studie Phenotype. Wat heeft Vitamine G in praktisch opzicht opgeleverd, wat voegt het nieuwe onderzoek Phenotype toe en welke relevante onderzoeken op dit gebied lopen er nog meer?
- Published
- 2013
49. Mineralenvoorziening van geiten
- Subjects
feed additives ,voersamenstelling ,mineralen ,goat keeping ,Soil Biology ,feed formulation ,minerals ,voedertoevoegingen ,vitamins ,biologische landbouw ,organic farming ,vitaminen ,geitenhouderij ,Wageningen Livestock Research ,Bodembiologie - Abstract
Biologische geitenhouders vragen zich af of een gezonde geitenhouderij mogelijk is zonder synthetische vitaminen. De afgelopen jaren zijn van verschillende groepen geiten bloedmonsters genomen voor bepaling van mineralen, spoorelementen en vitaminen. Ze zijn, waar mogelijk, vergeleken met bestaande referentiewaarden in Nederland en buitenlandse literatuur. Voor die bepalingen waarvoor referentiewaarde beschikbaar is, worden streefwaarden voorgesteld op basis van de bepalingen. Per element is gekeken of er tekorten (kunnen) ontstaan.
- Published
- 2010
50. Mineralenvoorziening van geiten
- Author
Smolders, E.A.A., van Eekeren, N.J.M., and Govaerts, W.
- Subjects
feed additives ,voersamenstelling ,mineralen ,goat keeping ,Soil Biology ,feed formulation ,minerals ,voedertoevoegingen ,vitamins ,biologische landbouw ,organic farming ,vitaminen ,geitenhouderij ,Wageningen Livestock Research ,Bodembiologie - Abstract
Biologische geitenhouders vragen zich af of een gezonde geitenhouderij mogelijk is zonder synthetische vitaminen. De afgelopen jaren zijn van verschillende groepen geiten bloedmonsters genomen voor bepaling van mineralen, spoorelementen en vitaminen. Ze zijn, waar mogelijk, vergeleken met bestaande referentiewaarden in Nederland en buitenlandse literatuur. Voor die bepalingen waarvoor referentiewaarde beschikbaar is, worden streefwaarden voorgesteld op basis van de bepalingen. Per element is gekeken of er tekorten (kunnen) ontstaan.
- Published
- 2010
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