5 results on '"viri ogrožanja"'
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2. Port of koper as a critical infrastructure facility
- Author
Obštetar, Kaja and Dvojmoč, Miha
- Subjects
koprsko pristanišče ,threat sources ,critical infrastructure ,kritična infrastruktura ,ukrepi in pooblastila varnostnikov ,port of Koper ,diplomske naloge ,private security ,measures and powers of security guards ,udc:005.934:627.21(043.2) ,viri ogrožanja ,zasebno varovanje - Abstract
V diplomskem delu bomo predstavili kritično infrastrukturo s poudarkom na našem edinem pristanišču, kot enem izmed objektov kritične infrastrukture. Pojem kritične infrastrukture velja za kompleksnega in zahtevnega. Označuje tisto infrastrukturo, ki je bila na podlagi vseh sektorskih in medsektorskih kriterijev določena za kritično infrastrukturo. Njena pomembnost je tako velika, da bi v primeru prekinitve njenega delovanja ali celo uničenja močno ogrozili tako življenja ljudi kot tudi delovanje same države nasploh. Predstavili bomo pravno podlago, ki obravnava dotično področje. Na nacionalni ravni je to Zakon o kritični infrastrukturi, na nivoju Evropske unije pa Uredba o evropski kritični infrastrukturi ter ostale podzakonske akte. V nadaljevanju se bomo osredotočili na varovanje našega pristanišča, kot enega izmed objektov kritične infrastrukture, ki je mednarodno priznano in ki obenem predstavlja povezavo Srednje Evrope s preostalim delom sveta. Predstavili bomo pravno podlago, ki ureja varovanje, ukrepe in pooblastila varnostnikov s poudarkom na varovanju pristanišča, ki je specifično in se razlikuje od varovanja drugih objektov, in sicer trgovin, lokalov in drugih objektov. Ker je koprsko pristanišče objekt kritične infrastrukture, je vzpostavitev mehanizmov za samo zaščito ključnega pomena. Vključujoč zgolj pravno podlago, ki se nanaša na kritično infrastrukturo, na njeno varovanje in zaščito ne bi bilo dovolj za tako uspešno upravljanje koprskega pristanišča in varovanja le-tega. Zaradi navedenega so poleg zgoraj omenjene pravne podlage zasluženi še vsi interni akti, varnostno-tehnični sistem in ne nazadnje zaposleni v pristanišču z visoko pripadnostjo podjetju s Področjem pristaniške varnosti na čelu, ki se zavedajo pomembnosti in resnosti poklica, ki ga opravljajo v pristanišču. Diplomsko delo smo zaključili s potrditvijo prve zastavljene hipoteze: »V stalne ukrepe za zaščito kritične infrastrukture spadajo vsi ukrepi varnostnikov, ki jih določa Zakon o zasebnem varovanju«, in z zavrnitvijo druge, ki se glasi: »Država zagotavlja ustrezne podlage za učinkovito varovanje kritične infrastrukture«. Glede na to, da se temu področju šele v zadnjem času namenja več pozornosti imamo dobra izhodišča za nadaljnje urejanje varnosti kritične infrastrukture. In the herewith thesis we will talk about the critical infrastructure by focusing on just the only Port we do have in terms of being as one of the critical infrastructure facilities. The very concept of the critical infrastructure is considered to be both complex and challenging. It indicates the infrastructure that has been designated as critical on the basis of all sectoral and cross-sectoral criteria. Its importance is so great that in the event of an interruption of its own operation or even destruction, it would seriously endanger both the lives of the people and the general functioning of the country itself. Moreover, legal basis of the matter in question will be then introduced. On the national level it is to take into consideration the Critical Infrastructure Act and on the European Union level we should respect both the European Critical Infrastructure Regulation and all the other by-laws that may certainly prove helpful. As we proceed, particular attention will be placed on the protection of our port, being as one of the critical infrastructure facilities that is internationally recognized and at the same time represents the connection between Central Europe and the rest of the world. In addition, legal basis that regulates security, measures and powers delegated to the security officers, with emphasis placed upon port security which is no doubt quite specific and different from the security offered to other facilities, such as shops, outlets and other premises, will also be introduced. Given that the Port of Koper is in fact an object of critical infrastructure, establishing self-protection mechanisms is crucial. Including only the legal basis closely connected to the critical infrastructure, its security and protection would not be sufficient when it comes to successfully manage and protect the Port of Koper. What is more, to the aforementioned legal basis, all the internal acts, the security and technical system, and the employees working at the Port, being devoted and loyal to the company they work for, the merit should be attributed to. The fact is that they are the ones who are aware of the importance and seriousness of the profession they perform in the port. The diploma thesis was completed by confirming the first hypothesis stated: "Among the permanent measures implemented by the security guards to protect the critical infrastructure include all security measures stipulated by the Private Security Act". It is to underline that we had to reject the second hypothesis that was as follows: "The State provides adequate basis for an effective protection of the critical infrastructure". Considering the fact that more attention has only recently been devoted to this issue, we still have good starting points for further regulation of the critical infrastructure security.
- Published
- 2020
3. Zaznava deklarativnih virov ogrožanja nacionalne varnosti v slovenski družbi.
- Author
Sotlar, Andrej and Tominc, Bernarda
- Subjects
NATIONAL security ,THREATS of violence ,RECESSIONS ,FINANCIAL crises ,UNEMPLOYMENT ,PUBLIC welfare - Abstract
Copyright of Varstvoslovje: Journal of Criminal Justice & Security is the property of University of Maribor, Faculty of Criminal Justice & Security and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2012
4. Residents' satisfaction with realization of roles and responsibilities of municipality of nova gorica in the area of safety and security provision
- Author
Grmek, Magdalena and Prislan, Kaja
- Subjects
security threats ,security organizations ,The municipality of Nova Gorica ,diplomske naloge ,subjekti zagotavljanja varnosti ,udc:351.78(043.2) ,local government ,Mestna občina Nova Gorica ,lokalna varnost ,viri ogrožanja ,local safety ,samoupravna lokalna skupnost - Abstract
Na področje zagotavljanja varnosti v lokalnih skupnostih sodijo različni deležniki, primarno pa sta to policija, ki je glavni subjekt zagotavljanja varnosti, in pa občina oziroma tako imenovana samoupravna lokalna skupnost. Vsaka lokalna skupnost se sooča s specifičnimi dejavniki ogrožanja varnosti, ki determinirajo varnostno politiko občine. Naloga lokalnih skupnosti (in organizacij za zagotavljanje varnosti) je, da ocenijo, kaj posameznika in skupnost dejansko in kaj potencialno ogroža, to upoštevajo in temu primerno ukrepajo. Zagotavljanje varnosti na lokalni ravni in v tem kontekstu uspešnost uresničevanja nalog in pristojnosti občin z vidika percepcij prebivalcev smo z raziskavo analizirali na primeru Mestne občine Nova Gorica. Ugotovili smo, da po mnenju prebivalcev občina naloge na področju zagotavljanja varnosti opravlja v zadovoljivi meri. Anketiranci iz Mestne občine Nova Gorica se v lokalnih skupnostih počutijo varno, vendar zaznavajo različne dejavnike in grožnje, ki predstavljajo varnostni problem v občini. Največji problem v občini glede na raziskavo predstavljajo preprodaja drog, kršitve v prometu, uživanje nedovoljenih substanc na javnih mestih, vlomi v stanovanjske objekte in pa klasična kriminaliteta (tatvine/ropi). Po mnenju anketirancev so za nastanek tovrstnih varnostnih problemov odgovorni kar prebivalci sami. Anketiranci na splošno kot zadovoljivo ocenjujejo tudi delo občinskega redarstva, inšpekcijskega redarstva in policije na področju zagotavljanja varnosti. Večina anketirancev sicer ni seznanjena z obstojem »Sosveta za zagotavljanje večje varnosti občanov Nova Gorica – MO Nova Gorica«, tisti, ki so z njim seznanjeni, pa delo sosveta ocenjujejo kot ustrezno. When it comes to security provision at the local level, different organizations are involved, primarily the police, which is the main organization responsible for safety and security in the municipality, followed by the local government. Each local community faces specific security threats which determine the security policy of the municipality. The task of local communities (and security organizations) is to assess the actual and the potential threats to the individuals and the community and, with the threats considered, to take appropriate action. Using the Municipality of Nova Gorica as an example, we analyzed the security provision at the local level, and in this context, the realisation of roles and responsibilities of municipalities from the perception of the citizens. We have learnt that the municipality performs tasks in the area of safety and security to a satisfactory extent. The respondents from the Municipality of Nova Gorica feel safe in the local communities, but they are aware of various factors and threats representing a security problem in the municipality. The results have shown that the biggest problems in the municipality are related to drug trafficking, traffic violations, consumption of illicit substances in public places, burglaries in residential buildings, and classic criminal acts (thefts/robberies). According to the respondents, the residents themselves are responsible for the emergence of such security issues. Respondents generally assess the work of the municipal warden service, inspection, and police in the area of security provision as satisfactory. Most of the respondents are not aware of the existence of the "Council for Ensuring Greater Security to Citizens of Nova Gorica - MO Nova Gorica", but those who are acquainted with it, assess its work as appropriate.
- Published
- 2018
5. Threats that affect Slovenian national army and it's external collaborators
- Author
Virtič, Timotej and Podbregar, Iztok
- Subjects
threat sources ,outsourcing ,Slovenska vojska ,»outsourcing« ,viri ogrožanja ,udc:355/359 ,Slovenian Armed Forces - Abstract
Vojska je organizacija, ki je v veliki meri odvisna sama od sebe in od obstoječe hierarhije, preko katere se vzpostavljata red in skrb za opravljeno delo. Vendar pripadniki vojske za vse ne morejo skrbeti sami zaradi velike količine nalog, ki jih je potrebno izpolniti. Zato bomo v nalogi raziskali, katere so tiste storitve vojske, ki jih vojaki opravljajo sami, in katere zaupajo zunanjim izvajalcem. Poiskali bomo probleme, ki nastanejo med povezovanjem dveh organizacij, prav tako nas bo zanimalo, kateri so razlogi za povezovanje in katere storitve zunanji izvajalci opravljajo za Slovensko vojsko. Opisali bomo tudi grožnje po Resoluciji o strategiji nacionalne varnosti ter pregledali, kako bi opisane grožnje lahko vplivale na nemoteno delovanje Slovenske vojske in njenih zunanjih izvajalcev. Armed forces constitute a self-dependent organization for the most part but still adhere to the existent hierarchy for the purposes of achieving discipline and taking charge of the tasks executed. Due to a large number of tasks, however, the members of the armed forces find themselves in need of assistance. The paper at hand will show which services the members of the armed forces perform themselves and which services are relayed to independent contractors. It will also explore the issues that arise when linking two organisations, the reasons for such linking and services that independent contractors perform for the Slovenian Armed Forces. The paper also addresses threats according to the Resolution on the National Security Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia and examines the effect of given threats to the unhindered operation of the Slovenian Armed Forces and their independent contractors.
- Published
- 2014
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