81 results on '"varstvo narave"'
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- Author
Stefanovski, Sašo, Grk, Jaka, and Hočevar, Gal
- Subjects
GEODIVERSITY ,KARST ,NATURE conservation ,DIGITAL elevation models ,GEOMORPHOLOGY - Abstract
Copyright of Dela is the property of University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Philosophy / Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska Fakulteta and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
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3. Vrednotenje izobraževalnega potenciala geodiverzitete na primeru Cerkniškega polja
- Author
Uroš Stepišnik, Mojca Ilc Klun, and Blaž Repe
- Subjects
geodiverziteta ,varstvo narave ,izobraževanje ,ekskurzija ,cerkniško polje ,Geography (General) ,G1-922 - Abstract
Koncept geodiverzitete obstaja že več kot 20 let. Večina metod vrednotenja geodiverzitete se uporablja za ugotavljanje geokonzervatorskega ali geoturističnega potenciala. Metode, s katerimi bi lahko vrednotili izobraževalni potencial geodiverzitete, so zelo redke. Glavni cilj našega članka je podati novo metodo vrednotenja geodiverzitete za določanje izobraževalnega potenciala proučevanega območja. Metoda je uporabna za učne namene, ko učitelji načrtujejo organizacijo strokovnih ekskurzij ali terenskega dela.
- Published
- 2017
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4. Identifikacija vročih točk geodiverzitete na primeru krajinskega parka Rakov Škocjan
- Author
Uroš Stepišnik and Blaž Repe
- Subjects
geografija ,geomorfologija ,geodiverziteta ,geomorfološka dediščina ,varstvo narave ,rakov škocjan ,slovenija ,Geography (General) ,G1-922 - Abstract
Kljub številnim načinom vrednotenja geodiverzitete prevladujejo predvsem metode, ki temeljijo na subjektivno zasnovanih kriterijih, kar se kaže v kvaliteti in primerljivosti pridobljenih podatkov. Namen članka je predstaviti aplikacijo metode vrednotenja geodiverzitete, ki v veliki meri izloča subjektivne dejavnike. Metodo, s katero smo izračunali indeks geodiverzitete na podlagi hrapavosti površja in prostorsko razporeditev geodiverzitete, smo uporabili na območju Rakovega Škocjana.
- Published
- 2015
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5. Ekonomska analiza prilagajanja kmetijske rabe zahtevam biotske pestrosti na primeru govedorejskih kmetij Ljubljanskega barja
- Author
Makovec Beci, Andreja and Erjavec, Emil
- Subjects
kmetijstvo ,Slovenia ,nature conservation ,biotska pestrost ,economics ,farms ,kmetije ,cattle production ,ekonomika ,Slovenija ,varstvo narave ,govedoreja ,agriculture ,biodiversity - Abstract
Spreminjanje pridelovalnih virov in procesov zaradi ohranjanja biotske pestrosti ima lahko na ravni kmetijskega gospodarstva pomembne posledice na ekonomiko. Z interdisciplinarnim pristopom (kmetijske vede, ekonomika in ekologija) in s pomočjo simulacijskega Modela kmetijskih gospodarstev smo ovrednotili proizvodne in ekonomske spremembe naravovarstvenih praks na izbranih tipih kmetijskih gospodarstvih na Ljubljanskem barju. Pet tipičnih govedorejskih kmetij za območje smo analizirali s pomočjo dveh scenarijev, ki opisujeta obstoječe in z naravovarstvenega vidika želeno stanje. V ciljnem stanju so kmetije del površin namenile varstvu biotske pestrosti, kar se je odrazilo v zmanjšani proizvodnji in kakovosti voluminozne krme ter zmanjšanem staležu. Največje spremembe v bruto dodani vrednosti (BDV) se zgodijo pri obeh velikih in intenzivnejših kmetijskih gospodarstvih - velika kmetija s kravami dojiljami (BDV - 41 %) in velika kmetija z mladim pitanim govedom (BDV - 17 %). Negativen, a manj izrazit vpliv doživita srednje velika mlečna kmetija (BDV - 2 %) in srednje velika kmetija z mladim pitanim govedom (BDV - 5 %). Majhni govedorejski kmetiji pa se, sicer izjemno slab, ekonomsko rezultat nekoliko izboljša (BDV + 46 %). Vpeljava naravovarstvenih praks zahteva celovit pristop. Pri nekaterih to pomeni manjše spremembe v tehnologiji, predvsem na intenzivnih kmetijskih gospodarstvih, pa ima lahko resne ekonomske negativne učinke. Modifying cropping resources and practices to conserve biodiversity can have significant economic impacts at the farm level. Using an interdisciplinary approach (agronomy, economics and ecology) and the Farm Simulation Model, we studied production and economic changes due to conservation measures on selected farms in the Ljubljana marshes. Five typical cattle farms were analyzed using two scenario. The “Existing scenario” and the “Natura conservation scenario”. In the Natura scenario, the farms dedicated part of their land to biodiversity protection, which led to a reduction in production and quality of forage, as well as a reduction in herd size. The largest changes in gross margin (GM) occur in the two large and more intensive farms - the large farm with suckler cows (GM - 41%) and the large farm with beef cattle (GM - 17%). A medium-sized dairy farm (GM - 2%) and a medium-sized beef farm (GM - 5%) are negatively, but less affected. However, the small cattle farm, which has a barely positive GM in the Exsisting scenario, has slightly improved its economic outcome (GM + 46%). The implementation of conservation measuers requires a holistic approach. For some farms this leads to minor changes in technology, but for intensive farms, this can have serious negative impact on profitability economics.
- Published
- 2022
6. Animirani dokumentarni film o invazivnih tujerodnih rastlinskih vrstah v Sloveniji
- Author
Gabor, Marina and Nabernik, Marija
- Subjects
tujerodne rastline ,visual communication ,animation ,nature conservation ,animirani dokumentarni film ,vizualne komunikacije ,animacija ,invasive plant species ,znanstvena ilustracija ,magistrska naloga ,MA thesis ,scientific illustration ,non-native plant species ,animated documentary film ,varstvo narave ,invazivne rastline - Abstract
V praktičnem delu magistrske naloge se ukvarjam z izdelovanjem animiranega dokumentarnega filma o invazivnih rastlinskih vrstah v Sloveniji. Znotraj dokumentarnega filma se pojavijo elementi znanstvene ilustracije za razlago, kako in kje se ustalijo tujerodne invazivne vrste in kakšne so posledice za okolje in človeka. Predstavljen je tudi vidik strokovnjaka glede prihodnosti odnosa med človekom in naravo ter podobnimi temami. Hipoteza naše magistrske naloge trdi, da animacija lahko privabi večje število mlajših generacij kot katera druga oblika sporočanja in s tem pripomore k večji ozaveščenosti o problematiki tujerodnih invazivnih rastlin. V teoretičnem delu je raziskovan dokumentarni film, žanre dokumentarnega filma, kratki zgodovinski pregled animacije in animiranega dokumentarnega filma ter področje filma v primerjavi z dokumentarnim filmom. Raziskovano je stičišče med znanstveno ilustracijo in dokumentarno animacijo. Analizirani so različni animirani dokumentarni filmi ter izpostavljene skupne značilnosti. Prav tako je raziskovana problematika tujerodnih invazivnih rastlin in izvedeni so bili tudi intervjuji s tremi strokovnjaki na področju naravovarstva. In the master's degree project, an animated documentary about invasive plant species in Slovenia was developed. Elements from scientific illustration have been used to explain where and how invasive plant species settle, how they affect the environment and humans, and which plants actually are foreign species. Aspects of an expert, regarding the future of the relationship between man and nature and other topics delving with this theme are presented. Hypothesis of the master's degree project states that animation can bring attention to the issue of invasive foreign plants to younger generations, more likely than other forms of media in Slovenia, as it raises more awareness. In the theoretical part, research was done on a documentary film, its genre, a brief historical overview of animation and animated documentary film, the field of film compared to documentary film. Next, the juncture between scientific illustration and animated documentary was explored. In this regard, various animated documentaries and most prominent common features were analysed. We also researched the issue of invasive plants and conducted interviews with three experts working in the field of nature conservancy.
- Published
- 2022
7. Vpliv športnega plezanja na rastlinstvo izbranih plezališč Gorenjske
- Author
Rogelj, Katarina and Strgulc Krajšek, Simona
- Subjects
flora ,plezališče ,Slovenia ,udc:581 ,športno plezanje ,ozaveščanje ,sport climbing ,nature conservation ,awareness ,Slovenija ,varstvo narave ,rock climbing site - Abstract
Priljubljenost športnega plezanja v Sloveniji zadnja leta močno narašča, s čimer se veča tudi obiskanost naravnih plezališč. Zato je ocenjevanje vpliva plezanja na plezališča kot ekosistem nujno. V Sloveniji vpliv na določene zavarovane vrste ptic že spremljajo, vpliva plezanja na vegetacijo pa ni raziskal še nihče. V naši raziskavi smo vpliv plezanja na vegetacijo v izbranih plezališčih na Gorenjskem preverili s pomočjo popisov višjih rastlin in mahov ter ekoloških značilnosti popisanih taksonov. Ugotovili smo, da vpliv plezanja na število in abundanco vrst višjih rastlin in mahov v izbranih plezališčih ni statistično pomemben. Vrstna sestava in ekološke značilnosti vrst se med plezanimi smermi in primerljivimi kontrolami niso pomembno razlikovale in tudi intenziteta plezanja na njihovo število in abundanco ni vplivala. Razlike smo našli le pri deležu lesnatih rastlin, ki je bil v kontrolah precej večji, v plezanih smereh pa je bil primerno večji delež eno- in dvoletnic ter zelnatih trajnic. Plezalci med plezanjem nekatere rastline izruvajo iz skalnih razčlemb in ker lesnate rastline rastejo počasneje, jih druge vrste lahko pri zaraščanju teh razčlemb v stenah prehitijo. Kljub temu da smo ugotovili, da je bil vpliv plezanja majhen, to velja le za izbrana in ne tudi za ostala plezališča. Zato so nadaljne raziskave v Sloveniji dobrodošle, skrb plezalcev za varovanje in ohranjanje narave pa obvezna. Ob naraščanju števila plezalcev je njihovo ozaveščanje še pomembnejše. Pri tem nam je lahko v pomoč tudi PowerPoint predstavitev o ohranjanju narave v plezališčih, ki je del magistrske naloge. Sport climbing in Slovenia has enormously increased in popularity over past decades leading to the high turnouts at the climbing cliffs. Therefore a climbing impact evaluation on cliff ecosystems is urgent. The impact on rare and threatened bird species has already been observed in Slovenia, but there is no data about the climbing effect on cliff vegetation. We examined the climbing impact on cliff vegetation in Gorenjska region, catalogued vascular plant and bryophyte species and described their ecological charasteristics. We acknowledged, that the climbing impact on species number and abundance of vascular plants and bryophytes in the selected climbing areas is not statistically significant. Also species composition and ecological charasteristics did not differ significantly between climbed and unclimbed sites and climbing intensity did not influence species number and abundance. The only difference was the percentage of woody plants, which was higher in unclimbed sites, whereas percentages of herbaceous perennials, annual and biennial plants were proportionaly higher in climbed sites. Woody plants grow slower thus other plants fill the gaps in microtopographic features after they were cleaned by climbers. Our study proved little climbing effect on cliffs, but it can not be generalized. In Slovenia, further research is welcome and climbers' care for nature conservation is still a must. An increasing number of climbers is an additional reason to make them aware of their impact. We created a PowerPoint presentation, which could be good tool to inform climbers in climbing and alpine courses and clubs.
- Published
- 2022
8. Gorništvo in ne več planinstvo.
- Author
Peršolja, Borut
- Subjects
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MOUNTAINEERING , *SUSTAINABLE development - Abstract
The path of organised mountaineering, one of the traditional Slovenian activities, during the last 125 years has been similar to the path of mountaineering all over the Alps. It played an important role in creating and establishing the Triglav National Park and still contributes to the sustainable development of the mountain areas with its ideational, even actual viability. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
9. Using genomic information for management planning of an endangered perennial, Viola uliginosa
- Author
Branko Vreš, Jarmo Saarikivi, Kyung Min Lee, Lado Kutnar, Maxim A. Dzhus, Laura Kvist, Pertti Ranta, Marko Mutanen, Zoology, Helsinki Institute of Urban and Regional Studies (Urbaria), Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS), Environmental Sciences, and Ecosystems and Environment Research Programme
- Subjects
0106 biological sciences ,demography ,EFFECTIVE POPULATION-SIZE ,Endangered species ,nature conservation ,SOFTWARE ,RAD sekvenciranje ,01 natural sciences ,genomic diversity ,Population genomics ,Monophyly ,Effective population size ,RARE ,Viola ,vijoličevke ,0303 health sciences ,education.field_of_study ,Ecology ,conservation ,Habitat ,EDGE ,1181 Ecology, evolutionary biology ,LOW GENETIC DIVERSITY ,Inbreeding ,population genomics ,udc:58 ,Population ,RANGE EXPANSION ,Biology ,RAD sequencing ,010603 evolutionary biology ,genska raznolikost ,03 medical and health sciences ,DNA-SEQUENCE ,lcsh:QH540-549.5 ,demografija ,education ,varstvo narave ,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics ,030304 developmental biology ,Nature and Landscape Conservation ,botanika ,15. Life on land ,VIABILITY ,barska vijolica ,Biological dispersal ,N-E ,lcsh:Ecology ,populacijska genetika - Abstract
Species occupying habitats subjected to frequent natural and/or anthropogenic changes are a challenge for conservation management. We studied one such species, Viola uliginosa, an endangered perennial wetland species typically inhabiting sporadically flooded meadows alongside rivers/lakes. In order to estimate genomic diversity, population structure, and history, we sampled five sites in Finland, three in Estonia, and one each in Slovenia, Belarus, and Poland using genomic SNP data with double-digest restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (ddRAD-seq). We found monophyletic populations, high levels of inbreeding (mean population F-SNP = 0.407-0.945), low effective population sizes (N-e = 0.8-50.9), indications of past demographic expansion, and rare long-distance dispersal. Our results are important in implementing conservation strategies for V. uliginosa, which should include founding of seed banks, ex situ cultivations, and reintroductions with individuals of proper origin, combined with continuous population monitoring and habitat management.
- Published
- 2020
10. Vrednote, vrednosti in razvojni potenciali območij varovanja
- Author
Barbara Lampič and Irena Mrak
- Subjects
območja varovanja ,varstvo narave ,vrednote in vrednosti prostora ,razvojni potenciali ,regionalni razvoj ,trajnostni razvoj ,slovenija ,Geography (General) ,G1-922 - Abstract
Prepoznavanje območij varovanja in njihovih vrednot ter ustrezna opredelitev njihove vrednosti lahko pomembno prispevajo k trajnostnemu regionalnemu razvoju. Območja varovanja z razvojnega vidika združujejo okoljske, kulturne, socialne in človeške potenciale, ki imajo v skladu z načinom varovanja določeno neposredno oziroma posredno uporabno vrednost in tudi vrednost neuporabe. Ta območja je potrebno razumeti ne le kot območja varovanja ampak kot območja velikih, v Sloveniji pretežno neprepoznanih in razvojno slabo aktiviranih potencialov.
- Published
- 2008
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- Author
Stepišnik, Uroš, Klun, Mojca Ilc, and Repe, Blaž
- Abstract
Copyright of Dela is the property of University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Philosophy / Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska Fakulteta and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
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- Author
Stepišnik, Uroš and Trenchovska, Aleksandra
- Published
- 2016
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- Author
GOLOBIČ, Mojca and LESTAN, Katarina Ana
- Subjects
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PRESERVATION of cultural landscapes , *NATURE conservation , *AGRICULTURAL policy , *AGRICULTURE - Abstract
Recent EU agriculture and nature conservation policies explicitly target cultural landscape preservation. In absence of a national policy on cultural landscapes, the measures of these policies are transposed to national legislation without much consideration of their impacts in local territories. A framework for impact assessment of these measures on cultural landscape diversity is presented and tested in six landscape units of Slovenian coastal landscapes. High landscape and bio-diversity of the observed landscapes is reflected in the existing (informal) guidelines for management. These are used as reference framework to evaluate the measures of EU policies. The approach is based on the territorial impact assessment concept using expert opinion and an anaylsis of data on land-use change. The expected impacts are positive in both units where either intensification or forest regrowing processes have already diminished landscape diversity. In other four units, the expected impacts are ambiguous and difficult to forecast, but may also involve negative consequences. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
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14. Slovenska in evropska pravna določila varstva in obnove rečnih koridorjev
- Author
Aleš Bizjak and Matjaž Mikoš
- Subjects
obnova vodotokov ,rečni koridorji ,upravni postopek ,varstvo narave ,vodna politika ,vodno pravo ,zakonska določila ,City planning ,HT165.5-169.9 - Abstract
Ob stanju hidromorfološke ohranjenosti rečnih koridorjev slovenske hidrografske mreže bo treba zaradi zahtev domače in evropske zakonodaje s področja vodarstva in varstva narave obnoviti nekatere odseke vodotokov, ki smo jih v preteklosti regulirali iz različnih razlogov. Za trajno reševanje takšnih problemov je treba poskrbeti za skrbno načrtovanje obnov rečnih koridorjev na za to primernih odsekih vodotokov, ustrezno umeščenost v prostorsko načrtovalske akte, prav tako pa tudi za utečen upravni postopek in urejeno vzdrževanje območij obnove. Ker gre za vračanje nekdaj odvzetih vodnih zemljišč nazaj v domeno vodnega ekosistema in dinamike hidromorfoloških procesov, posledično pa tudi vzdrževanje omenjenih zemljišč, se kot pomemben dejavnik uveljavlja tudi javnost, ki ji tu prav tako pripada mesto po črki domače in evropske zakonodaje. Ne nazadnje so poleg načrtovalskega in upravnega dela ter konsistentnega sodelovanja javnosti za uspešno izvedbo obnove rečnega koridorja pomembni tudi znanje in dobra praksa projektnega vodenja projektov ter tehnične izvedbe takšnih posegov.
- Published
- 2003
15. Mesto na robu krajinskega parka. Prevrednotenje odnosa do barjanskega dela mestne občine kot izhodišče za prenovo in razvoj južnega dela Ljubljane
- Author
Maja Simoneti, Karla Jankovič, and Darja Matjašec
- Subjects
Ljubljana ,barje ,Ljubljansko barje ,krajinski park ,mestni park ,prosti čas rekreacija ,varstvo narave ,City planning ,HT165.5-169.9 - Abstract
Prispevek odpira razpravo o razvoju mesta na stiku z Ljubljanskim barjem. Južna obvoznica je prekinila postopni prehod mesta v zaledje in južno preddverje je ostalo pozabljeno. Odgovori na vprašanja o prihodnosti razvoja tega dela so v prispevku podani na treh ravneh. Na prvi so opredeljena strateška izhodišča, ki naj bi vodila razvoj mesta v krajinskem parku. Izpostavljen je pomen sodelovanja z drugimi občinami kot pogoj za uravnotežen razvoj. Na drugi ravni so odprta vprašanja funkcionalnega in vsebinskega zaokroževanja južnega roba mesta. V zadnjem delu je predstavljen predlog za zasnovo novega mestnega rekreacijskega parka, ki je povezan s pobudo za prevrednotenje odnosa do barjanskega dela mestne občine. Vse ureditve se podredijo aktivni preobrazbi na podlagi dolgoročnega razvojnega scenarija z vgrajenimi varovalnimi in nadzornimi mehanizmi.
- Published
- 2002
- Author
Stepišnik, Uroš and Repe, Blaž
- Abstract
Copyright of Dela is the property of University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Philosophy / Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska Fakulteta and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
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17. Izbrana poglavja iz predmeta gojenje gozdov na podiplomskem študiju gozdarstva
- Author
Diaci, Jurij
- Subjects
gojenje gozda ,nega gozda ,udc:630 ,ekološki dejavnik ,biotska pestrost ,vpliv na gozd ,učbenik ,varstvo narave - Published
- 2021
18. Pomen izdelave presoje tveganja za naravo zaradi gojitve tujerodnih ptic na primeru sivega žakoja - Psittacus erithacus
- Author
Pšeničnik, Igor and Dovč, Alenka
- Subjects
gojitev ,magistrske naloge ,Psittacus erithacus ,biološka raznolikost ,Slovenija ,tujerodne ptice ,tveganje ,varstvo narave ,udc:636.6(043.2) ,sivi žako - Published
- 2020
19. Problematika izumiranja in varstva rastlinskih vrst v Sloveniji
- Author
Skoberne, Peter and Wraber, Tone
- Subjects
izumrle rastlinske vrste ,Slovenia ,udc:502.75:581.5(497.4)(043.3) ,nature conservation ,extinct plant species ,Slovenija ,ogrožene rastlinske vrste ,threatened plant species ,varstvo narave - Published
- 2020
20. Zavarovana območja v obalno-kraškem prostoru
- Author
Cankar, Sabina and Lipej, Lovrenc
- Subjects
Zakon o ohranjanju narave ,Slovenia ,zavarovana območja ,coastal-carsic area ,diplomska dela ,geography ,obalno-kraški prostor ,geografija ,Nature Conservation Act ,udc:502.1(497.4)(043.2) ,Natura 2000 ,Slovenija ,nature protection ,protected areas ,varstvo narave - Published
- 2020
21. Antropogene vegetacijske strukture v kulturni krajini - nastanek, pomen in ogroženost
- Author
Žerovnik Kovač, Renata and Kučan, Ana
- Subjects
cultural landscape ,vegetacijske strukture ,vegetation structures ,land use ,udc:711.14:712.41(043.2) ,kulturna krajina ,raba prostora ,varstvo narave ,nature preservation - Published
- 2020
22. Pomen krajinskega parka Goričko za razvoj hortikulture v severovzhodnem delu Slovenije
- Author
Zagorc, Sandra and Osterc, Gregor
- Subjects
sibirska perunika ,ohranjanje rastlinskih vrst ,Iris sibirica L ,endangered plants ,rumena maslenica ,udc:712.2(1-751.2):502.172:502.211:582(043.2) ,dišeči volčin ,habitat ,nature conservation ,plant conservation ,ogrožene rastline ,Daphne cneorum L ,Krajinski park Goričko ,Landscape Park Goričko ,Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus L ,varstvo narave - Published
- 2020
23. Perspektiva poklicnega profila in poklicnih kompetenc naravovarstvenega tehnika
- Author
Sajovic, Alenka and Vrhovšek, Danijel
- Subjects
nature conservation technian ,occupational competencies ,dissertations ,poklicno izobraževanje ,srednje šole ,Slovenia ,nature conservation ,vocational education ,udc:373.5:502(497.4)(043.3)=163.6 ,naravovarstveni tehnik ,poklicne kompetence ,metodika ,practical course ,employment ,družbene potrebe ,praktični pouk ,method ,zaposlovanje ,Slovenija ,varstvo narave ,disertacije ,high schools ,social needs - Abstract
V doktorski disertaciji ugotavljamo perspektivo novega srednje strokovnega izobraževalnega programa 'naravovarstveni tehnik' z vidika družbenih potreb kot tudi z vidika zaposlitvenih možnosti. Raziskovalno delo obsega tri dele. V prvem delu odgovarjamo na raziskovalna vprašanja - katere poklicne profile s področja varstva narave potrebujemo katere delovne naloge, aktivnosti naj bi dijaki, ki zaključijo program naravovarstveni tehnik izvajali ter katere so tiste generične in poklicno specifične kompetence, ki so nujno potrebne za uspešno usposobljenost za delo na področju varstva narave. V drugem delu ugotavljamo, katere izmed teh generičnih in poklicno specifičnih kompetenc so dijaki prve generacije (2008/09-2011/12) v programu naravovarstveni tehnik razvijali in urili pri praktičnem pouku in praktičnem usposabljanju z delom (PUD). V prvem delu kvalitativne raziskave ugotavljamo, da naravovarstvena stroka prepoznava družbene potrebe po poklicno strokovnih profilih s področja varstva narave, in sicer ugotavljamo, da se potrebe kažejo na področju naravovarstvenega nadzora, ki je trenutno v Sloveniji v nezadovoljivem položaju, po negovalcih in vzdrževalcih naravne in kulturne krajine ter parkovne infrastrukture in po interpretatorjih, informatorjih in naravovarstvenih vodnikih znotraj zavarovanih območij. Vendar naravovarstvena stroka izpostavlja, da je kljub družbenim potrebam po poklicnih profilih s področja varstva narave zaposlitvenih možnosti na tem področju malo. Model generičnih in poklicno specifičnih kompetenc obsega za poklicno strokovni profil znanja in veščine za spremljanje stanja neposredno na terenu in naravovarstveni nadzor ter obnovo, nego in vzdrževanje naravne in kulturne krajine ter parkovne infrastrukture. V kvantitativni raziskavi med dijaki prve generacije izobraževanja v programu naravovarstveni tehnik ugotavljamo, da dijaki niso razvijali in urili vrste generičnih in poklicno specifičnih kompetenc, ki jih je naravovarstvena stroka definirala za pomembne. V tretjem delu preučujemo uporabo različnih učnih metod med učitelji praktičnega pouka in ugotavljamo, da je spodbudno to, da učitelji praktičnega pouka uporabljajo raznovrstne učne metode in oblike dela, ki prispevajo k učinkovitejšemu razvijanju generičnih in poklicno specifičnih kompetenc. This doctoral dissertation discusses the prospects of a new vocational education programme, awarding the title "Nature Conservation Technician" (2008/09), in terms of societal needs for specific professional profiles in the field of nature conservation as well as in terms of employment opportunities. This research work includes three sets of empirical surveys. One set is designed to answer research questions, such as: Which professional profiles in the field of nature conservation do we need?, What kind of activities, tasks and processes should such professionals be able to perform? and Which generic and occupationally specific competencies are necessary for successful working the field of nature conservation? The other set answers the question, Which of such generic and professional competencies have students been developing and practising in the Nature Conservation programme? The qualitative research part finds that the profession recognizes the societal needs for vocational and professional profiles in the field of nature conservation. It further finds that such needs are apparent in the field of nature conservation supervision, which is currently underdeveloped in Slovenia, in the field of natural and cultural landscape and park infrastructure care and maintenance, and finally in the area of interpretation, provision of information and guidance in protected areas. However, experts also emphasize that despite the societal needs for professionals in the field of nature conservation there are few employment opportunities directly in this field. The model of occupationally specific competencies includes field monitoring and supervision, and restoration, care and maintenance of natural and cultural landscapes and park infrastructure. Quantitative research, which was carried out among the first generation of the Nature Conservation programme students (2008/09-2011/12), has shown insufficient training in and development of occupationally specific competencies which the experts have defined as important. The third part studies the usage of different teaching methods among practical instruction teachers. The encouraging finding, however, is that practical instruction teachers are using various teaching methods and forms of work, which contribute to more efficient development of generic and occupationally specific competencies.
- Published
- 2020
24. Študijski krožki kot vir zaposlitvenih možnosti v sistemu zelenih delovnih mest
- Author
Gabrovšek, Marko and Drnovšek, Mateja
- Subjects
unemployment ,motivation ,brezposelnost ,zelena delovna mesta ,nature conservation ,study circles ,green jobs ,motivacija ,udc:502/504:005.963.1:005.953(043)=163.6 ,študijski koržki ,varstvo narave - Abstract
V magistrski nalogi sem želel podrobneje raziskati slovenski model študijskih krožkov, ki jih koordinira Andragoški center Slovenije. Da bi bolje razumel odgovore na raziskovalna vprašanja, kombiniram kvalitativni in kvantitativni metodološki pristop. Med udeleženci in med mentorji študijskih krožkov sem izvedel spletno anketo in z obojimi izpeljal tudi poglobljene intervjuje. Rezultati spletne ankete ne kažejo povezanosti med udeležbo v študijskih krožkih in preostalimi spremenljivkami (brezposelnost, ogroženost zaposlitve, trajanje brezposelnosti, delovna aktivnost). Število enot v vzorcu je premajhno, da bi lahko iz vzorca sklepali na celotno populacijo. Bistveni poudarek v raziskovalnem delu je na poglobljenih intervjujih. V pogovorih sem prišel do spoznanja, da je mentor ključen za delovanje študijskega krožka. Motivacija med udeleženci zavzema visoko mesto. Prostorska razpršenost študijskih krožkov bistveno dopolnjuje in nadgrajuje ponudbo storitev vseživljenjske karierne orientacije v Sloveniji. Brezplačnost sodelovanja je drugi ključni element, ki učenje približuje tudi najbolj ranljivim skupinam prebivalstva v Sloveniji. Razvoj sistema zelenih delovnih mest ima v študijskih krožkih podlago, ki je vredna upoštevanja in umeščanja v različne sisteme celotnega slovenskega prostora. Dostojna zelena delovna mesta lahko pomagajo ohranjati dostojanstvo človeka in pomagajo ohranjati naravo. The aim of this Master's thesis was to research the Slovenian model of study circles organised by the Slovenian Institute for Adult Education in more depth. In order to understand the answers of research questions a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods were used an online survey in addition to thorough interviews with study circle participants and mentors were carried out. The quantitative method of the online survey enabled me access to more in depth research in the form of interviews. The online survey results do not show any correlation between the participation in study circles and the other variables (unemployment, threat to work, duration of unemployment, working activity). The number of units in the sample is too small to be inferred onto the entire population. The key focus of the research work is on the in-depth interviews. The discussions revealed that the mentor is key for the operation of the study circle. The motivation of participants is ranked highly in such a case. I believe that the spatial dispersion of study circles significantly complements and upgrades the offer of lifelong career orientation services in Slovenia. In my opinion, free of charge co-operation is the second key element which also brings learning closer to the most vulnerable groups within the Slovenian population. The development of a green jobs system has a basis in study circles, which is worth taking into account and placing into various systems throughout Slovenia. Respectable green jobs can help preserve human dignity and conserve nature.
- Published
- 2020
25. Upravljanje travišč na posebnih varstvenih območjih Natura 2000 v Slovenski Istri
- Author
Medved, Andrej and Hladnik, David
- Subjects
upravljavske smernice ,trajno travinje ,reja govedi ,modelne ekonomske kalkulacije ,grasslands ,nature conservation ,varstvena območja ,cattle breeding ,goveda ,ekološko kmetovanje ,travišča ,udc:502.17:633.2.03:636.2(497.4)(043)=163.6 ,Slovenian Istria ,organic farming ,management guidelines ,cattle ,protected area ,Natura 2000 ,production economics modelling ,Slovenska Istra ,varstvo narave - Abstract
V magistrski nalogi so obravnavana suha travišca v Slovenski Istri, z vidika doseganja ciljev varstva vrst in habitatnih tipov, dolocenih v okviru posebnih varstvenih obmocij Natura 2000. Sooceni so naravovarstveni in kmetijski vidiki s ciljem ovrednotiti stanje in spremembe v površini trajnega travinja od 19. stoletja dalje, ekonomicnost kmetijske proizvodnje ter možnosti ucinkovitejšega spodbujanja upravljanja travišc Natura 2000. Na raziskovanem obmocju smo prica nazadovanju travniških površin, predvsem zaradiopušcanja rabe travinja, zato je pricakovati tudi slabšanje ugodnega stanja varovanih živalskih in rastlinskih vrst. Uporabljeni pristop podaja dobre možnosti usklajevanja ekoloških zahtev ogroženih vrst metuljev in varovanih habitatnih tipov z zahtevami ekološke proste reje govedi v okviru postavljenega kmetijsko naravovarstvenega modela. Ekonomska kalkulacija z upoštevanjem vseh dejanskih prihodkov in odhodkov dokazuje, da je prag pokritja dosežen s sprejemljivo plansko lastno ceno in kjer spodbude iz naslova Skupne kmetijske politike predstavljajo pomemben del vseh ustvarjenih prihodkov na kmetiji. To dokazuje, da je možno že z obstojecimi oblikami spodbud zagotoviti pozitivne ucinke na varstvo varovanih vrst in habitatnih tipov na raziskovanem obmocju. Kljub temu je potrebno predvideti nove tipe spodbud, ki bodo temeljile na intenzivnejšem med sektorskem sodelovanju in izmenjavi znanj na ravni identificiranih prednostnih obmocjih varstva ter s poudarkom na upravljavsko-ekoloških posebnostih posamezne individualne kmetije. The Master thesis explores the specifics of dry grasslands in Slovenian Istria with the main focus on achieving Natura 2000 targets related to endangered species and habitats conservation. Nature conservation and agriculture aspects are confronted to evaluate the status of grasslands in Pregara village wider area from 19th century up to the current days. Optimal dimension of grasslands and economic parameters of agriculture production are defined within the thesis as well as the opportunities for more efficient Natura 2000 site management. The results demonstrate an evident regression of grasslands in the research area due to land abandonment. Consequently, an evident decline of favourable status of protected species and habitats is expected. The model shows great opportunities for harmonizing ecosystem demands of endangered butterfly species and habitat types in Natura 2000 site with organic free range cattle breeding. Additionally, the economic analysis show the eligibility of agri-nature conservation model with Common Agriculture Policy subsidies representing a great proportion of the total farmʼs yearly income. This proves that positive impacts on the protected species and habitats in the research area could be generated already following existing subsidies. However, new innovative measures should be developed especially based on more intensive interdisciplinary cooperation and knowledge exchange in priority areas as well as with regard to management and ecosystem specifics of individual farm.
- Published
- 2020
26. Stakeholders’ Social Network in the Participatory Process of Formulation of Natura 2000 Management Programme in Slovenia
- Author
Aleš Žiberna, Tina Kogovšek, Špela Pezdevšek Malovrh, and Tomislav Laktić
- Subjects
010504 meteorology & atmospheric sciences ,bločno modeliranje ,Slovenia ,nature conservation ,družbena omrežja ,stakeholders’ involvement ,010501 environmental sciences ,Public administration ,natura 2000 management programme ,udc:303:502.171(497.4) ,01 natural sciences ,deležniki ,Betweenness centrality ,Natura 2000 management programme ,participatory process ,social network analysis (sna) ,Stakeholder analysis ,Natura 2000 ,participacija ,Slovenija ,Social network analysis ,cooperation and conflict networks ,Spatial planning ,varstvo narave ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences ,blockmodeling ,Social network ,business.industry ,social network analysis (SNA) ,Stakeholder ,Forestry ,lcsh:QK900-989 ,lcsh:Plant ecology ,Business ,analiza omrežij ,Centrality ,upravljanje - Abstract
Stakeholder participation has become an important driving force in policy decision-making and implementation, particularly in the nature conservation sector, where complex interactions and conflict of interest between stakeholders are common. A stakeholder analysis, which was complemented with a social network analysis, was used to examine the cooperation and conflict network between stakeholders, their institutions, and sectors in the case of the formulation of the Natura 2000 Management programme in Slovenia for the period 2015&ndash, 2020 (PUN). Using data from a web survey (n = 167), cooperation and conflict networks were analysed while using degree centrality, indegree centrality, betweenness centrality, and blockmodeling. The results of the stakeholder analysis showed that the highest number of stakeholders that are involved in the participatory process of PUN was from the forestry and hunting sector, followed by the agriculture and nature conservation sector. The results of the cooperation network showed that the network is highly centralized, with only few institutions taking a central position in the PUN process (Institute for Nature Conservation, Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, and the Slovenian Forest Service). Moreover, the nature conservation sector was, on average, a sector with the highest concentration of power. In addition, in the cooperation network, which was fragmented across sectors, there were institutions that belonged to the same sector, which tended to cooperate with each other. The analysis of the conflict network showed that institutions with a central position in the cooperation network also had a central role in the conflict network. In addition, conflicts between institutions more frequently appeared among institutions from different sectors. The exceptions were institutions from the fishery and water sector, as this sector seemed to have many conflicts within it. Based on a blockmodeling, four groups of institutions were identified according to their cooperation network (core institutions, semi-core institutions, semi-periphery institutions, and periphery institutions). Our finding suggested that the participatory process of formulating PUN needs to be improved in such a way that in the future various stakeholders, especially excluded local ones, are more actively involved and a balance of the power between the stakeholders involved achieved.
- Published
- 2020
27. Pooblastila naravovarstvenih nadzornikov v Triglavskem narodnem parku – med teorijo, zakonodajo in prakso
- Author
Boštjan Podgornik
- Subjects
varstvo narave ,javni interes ,upravni postopek ,prekrškovni postopek ,Triglavski narodni park ,Political institutions and public administration (General) ,JF20-2112 - Abstract
V Triglavskem narodnem parku (TNP) kot največjem zavarovanem območju v Republiki Sloveniji se naravovarstveni nadzor izvaja že od leta 1981. Njegova učinkovitost na ravni regulacije in izvajanja predpisov doslej še ni bila raziskana, zato je bila v letu 2011 opravljena poglobljena normativna, empirična, historična in primerjalnopravna analiza pooblastil nadzornikov, zlasti njihovega cilja, pravne narave, obsega in zahtevnosti. V raziskavi je bilo ugotovljeno, da so pooblastila predvsem prekrškovna in ne upravna, pogosto nejasna in le delno smiselno umeščena v kontekst javne službe in TNP kot javnega zavoda. Vendar se po novem zakonu o TNP iz leta 2010 ta pooblastila še povečujejo. Razkorak med zakonodajo in teoretičnimi spoznanji upravnopravne znanosti pa nujno vodi v (pre)nizko stopnjo učinkovitosti varstva področne javne koristi v praksi. V okviru raziskave je bil zato oblikovan predlog modela pooblastil nadzornikov de lege ferenda, ki naj bi omogočil optimalno zaščito ohranitve narave v zavarovanem območju, zlasti definiranje ukrepov v zakonu iz prekrškovnih v primarno upravno-ureditvene ukrepe ter redefinicijo naravovarstvenega nadzora kot dela državne inšpekcijske službe.
- Published
- 2012
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28. Filozofija, metodologija in vizija razvoja podeželja
- Author
Vilibald Premzl
- Subjects
ekologija ,krajina ,naravna dediščina ,nega prostora ,odprti prostor gospodarsko planiranje ,varstvo narave ,slovenija ,Geography (General) ,G1-922 - Abstract
V članku so prikazani osnovni elementi planiranja s posebnim ozirom na podeželski prostor Izpostavljena je potreba po izvajanju politike razvoja podeželskega prostora, ki mu je tudi v Sloveniji na vseh ravneh posvečene premalo pozornosti.
- Published
- 1993
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29. Mlake -- a hotspot of butterfly diversity in Slovenia.
- Author
Verovnik, Rudi, Kosmač, Marko, and Valič, Peter
- Subjects
Copyright of Natura Sloveniae: Revija za Terensko Biologijo / Journal of Field Biology is the property of Natura Sloveniae and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2011
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30. Vrednotenje izobraževalnega potenciala geodiverzitete na primeru Cerkniškega polja
- Author
Blaž Repe, Uroš Stepišnik, and Mojca Ilc Klun
- Subjects
Geography, Planning and Development ,lcsh:G1-922 ,Plan (drawing) ,010501 environmental sciences ,Cerkniško polje ,010502 geochemistry & geophysics ,01 natural sciences ,geodiverziteta ,izobraževanje ,ekskurzija ,Geography ,Geodiversity ,Environmental planning ,varstvo narave ,lcsh:Geography (General) ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences - Abstract
The concept of geodiversity has been present for more than 20 years. The majority of methods for valuing geodiversity is applied for evaluation of geoconservation or geotouristic potential. There is a deficiency of methods that could be used for evaluation of geodiversity and its educational potential. The aim of the paper is to propose a new method for valuing geodiversity for determining the educational potential of an area. The method can be utilized for teaching purposes at the stage when educators plan to organise excursions or fieldworks.
- Published
- 2017
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31. Etični vidiki upravljanja z invazivnimi tujerodnimi vrstami
- Author
Kovač, Sebastjan and Jogan, Jernej
- Subjects
ecological ethics ,invasive alien species ,opinions ,nature conservation ,invazivne tujerodne vrste ,ekološka etika ,upravljanje ,varstvo narave ,management ,mnenja - Abstract
Za učinkovito upravljanje z invazivnimi tujerodnimi vrstami je pomembna vključenost tako stroke, različnih interesnih skupin, kot tudi splošne javnosti, kar vodi do nasprotujočih si mnenj, saj se skupine med seboj lahko razlikujejo v znanju, odnosu do metod upravljanja in etičnih prepričanjih. V tem magistrskem delu smo zato s pomočjo vprašalnika, v katerem smo naslovili osebe s področja varstva narave, skušali pridobiti informacije o njihovem znanju glede invazivnih tujerodnih vrst, njihove poglede na metode upravljanja in stopnjo njihovega sprejemanja. V raziskavo, ki je potekala preko spletnega vprašalnika, smo tako zaobjeli odgovore 114, ki delujejo na področju varstva narave v Sloveniji. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da med odločevalci in ostalimi deležniki s področja varstva narave ni večjih razlik v odgovorih. Znanje o invazivnih tujerodnih vrstah je bilo med anketiranci visoko. Med metodami odstranjevanja je bila največje podpore deležna pri rastlinah metoda izkopavanja ter pri živalih metoda streljanja odraslih osebkov in sterilizacija ali uporaba kontracepcije. Kljub razmeroma dobremu poznavanje problematike se pri odgovorih na nekatera vprašanja ni pokazalo enotno mnenje, kar nakazuje na različna si mnenja, ki ne slonijo na znanstvenih dognanjih, temveč vzgibih vodenih s strani čustev in etičnih vrednot. Raziskava tako ponuja izhodišče za izboljšanje upravljanja z invazivnimi tujerodnimi vrstami, ki temelji na znanstvenih dejstvih in ne čustvih. The effective management of invasive alien species is possible when it involves a community of the scientists, stakeholders, and the general public, leading to conflicting opinions, as groups may differ in knowledge, attitude to management methods and ethical beliefs. This master's thesis soughts to obtain information about knowledge of invasive non-native species, opinions on management methods and the level of their acceptance through a questionnaire addressed to nature conservation practitioners. The survey, which was conducted through an online questionnaire, thus coveres the responses of 114 persons working within the field of nature conservation in Slovenia. The results of the survey showcases no major differences in responses between decision makers and other stakeholders in the field of nature conservation. Knowledge about invasive alien species is high among the respondents, which is also reflected by the consistency of the answers with official definitions. Among the methods of disposal, the greatest support was given to the method of excavation for plants, the method of shooting adult specimens and sterilization or contraception for animals. Despite the relatively high knowledge, the answers to some of the questions did not lead to a consensus opinion, which points to different opinions that are not based on scientific knowledge but on the motives of emotions and ethical values. The research thus provides a starting point for further improving the management of invasive alien species based on scientific objectives rather than emotional attachments.
- Published
- 2019
32. Naravovarstveno vrednotenje Radenskega polja pri Grosupljem na podlagi inventarizacije favne dnevnih metuljev (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera)
- Author
Franc Rebeušek and Rudi Verovnik
- Subjects
Radensko polje ,dnevni metulji (Rhopalocera) ,razširjenost ,ogroženost ,varstvo narave ,Ecology ,QH540-549.5 - Abstract
Radensko polje je eno večjih območij ekstenzivno rabljenih vlažnih travnikov v osrednji Sloveniji. V letu 2000 sva opravila naravovarstveno vrednotenje širšega območja Radenskega polja na podlagi favne dnevnih metuljev. Naravovarstveno so gotovo najpomembnejše velike populacije vrst Maculinea alcon, Euphydryas aurinia in Pyrgus armoricanus, medtem ko se zelo ogrožena vrsta Carcharodus flocciferus pojavlja bolj lokalno v severnem delu polja. Na podlagi ugotovljenega števila vrst in razširjenosti ogroženih vrst predlagava dve območji varstva dnevnih metuljev na nivoju naravnih rezervatov, za celotno Radensko polje pa razglasitev za širše zavarovano območje kot krajinski park.
- Published
- 2001
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33. Methodological approach to evaluate the management efficiency of protected areas in Slovenia based on the IUCN Protected and Conserved Area Green List model
- Author
Zen, Niki and Sovinc, Andrej
- Subjects
RAPPAM metodologija ,IUCN ,biodiverziteta ,zavarovana območja ,nature conservation ,GLPCA ,protected areas ,udc:639.1.055.3(043.2) ,green list ,GLPA ,varstvo narave ,biodiversity ,RAPPAM methodology - Published
- 2018
34. Occurrence of invasive alien plant species in the floodplain forests along the Mura River in Slovenia
- Author
Lado Kutnar and Aleksander Marinšek
- Subjects
010504 meteorology & atmospheric sciences ,habitatni tipi ,habitat types ,Ulmus laevis ,riparian vegetation ,Fraxinus angustifolia ,010501 environmental sciences ,Fraxinus ,01 natural sciences ,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology ,Invasive species ,non-native plants, riparian vegetation, habitat types, conservation management, forest management ,udc:630*4:630*18+630*26 ,Fallopia japonica ,forest management ,non-native plants ,varstvo narave ,udc:630*4 ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences ,obvodna vegetacija ,biology ,tujerodne rastline ,tujerodne rastline, obvodna vegetacija, habitatni tipi, varstvo narave, gospodarjenje z gozdom ,Forestry ,General Medicine ,biology.organism_classification ,Impatiens glandulifera ,conservation management ,Alnus glutinosa ,gospodarjenje z gozdom ,Amorpha fruticosa ,General Agricultural and Biological Sciences ,habitat type ,habitat loss ,canopy closure - Abstract
Background and purpose: The objectives of our study were to identify invasive alien plant species (IAS) in the main Natura 2000 forest habitat types (FHT) along the Mura River in Slovenia, and to estimate their abundance and cover. The aim of our study was to find out a) Which IAS appear in the research forests? b) What is their frequency and cover percentage? c) Whether individual IAS prosper better in some FHT than others? d) What is the correlation between the cover of IAS and the tree layer cover? Materials and methods: We analysed the fidelity of invasive plant species to individual FHT. The studied FHTs along the Mura River were the following: 91E0* (Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior), 91F0 (Riparian mixed forests of Quercus robur, Ulmus laevis and Ulmus minor, Fraxinus excelsior or Fraxinus angustifolia, along the great rivers) and 91L0 (Illyrian oak-hornbeam forests). Two forest areas of about 600 ha were studied in total. With the intention to calculate number and cover of IAS some statistical analysis was made. In addition, correlations between the abundances of the most present IAS and cover of upper tree layer were carried out. Results: In total, 15 IAS were recorded in studied FHTs. Some species, like Robinia pseudoacacia, Impatiens glandulifera, I. parviflora, Fallopia japonica (incl. F. x bohemica), Erigeron annuus, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Amorpha fruticosa, Conyza canadensis and Juncus tenuis occur only in one or two FHTs, while some species can be found in all studied FHTs (e.g. Solidago sp.). We found out that the most threatened forests are those with prevailing Salix alba, Alnus glutinosa, Fraxinus angustifolia and Ulmus laevis tree species. Those are the forests of FHT 91E0 which have less dense tree canopies, grow closest to the river and on the wettest sites. We found a statistically significant higher number and cover of IAS in the FHT 91E0 and the lowest number and cover in FHT 91L0. Conclusions: Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (FHT 91E0) along the Mura River are most prone to invasion of IAS. The increasing presence of IAS in the study areas seriously affects natural regeneration, stability, and continuity of floodplain forests in all other FHTs in the study area. At the same time the amount of IAS in these forests also depends on management measures and their intensities which accelerate light availability. Some measures and guidelines for managing of these forests with the purpose of reducing IAS impacts are suggested in this study. Bibliografija: str. 258-260. Abstract.
- Published
- 2018
35. Sociological survey of the current status and nature conservation in relation to the development of tourism in the cadastral of Tatranská Lomnica
- Author
Ližbetinová, Michaela
- Subjects
Slovakia ,national parks ,Slovaška ,turizem ,Tatra ,tourism ,regionalni razvoj ,nature protection ,regional development ,Tatre ,narodni parki ,udc:332.1:502.1(437.6-17) ,varstvo narave - Abstract
The main part of the cadastral of Tatranská Lomnica belongs to the Tatra National Park. The activity of humans is limited there because nature is protected by law. This is the first time there will be building of new accommodation and sport facilities, especially after November 2004 when was severe wind damage in the Tatra region. In this thesis we focus on the opinions of respondents on the current state of the environment and its protection in the municipalities of the cadastral Tatranská Lomnica in relation to the present tourist business development.
- Published
- 2018
36. Nature protection in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Author
Đug, Samir and Drešković, Nusret
- Subjects
Bosnia and Herzegovina ,naravna dediščina ,zaščita ,biodiversity management ,Bosna in Hercegovina ,protected areas ,varstvo narave ,udc:502.1(497.6) - Abstract
Bosnia and Herzegovina is distinguished by a very unique mosaic of high biodiversity level. However, current development activities and initiatives for construction of new dams, together with activities in the forestry sector throughout the country, emphasizes the need for establishment of new protected areas in all major ecosystem types that should be ecologically viable and effectively managed. A review of the history of protected areas and administration developments in Bosnia and Herzegovina provide useful input for analysis. However, the data on the current state and size of protected areas in the country are obsolate and inaccurate. The results of the analysis have shown that in spite of a very high biodiversity level, Bosnia and Herzegovina managed to designate only 2.6% of its territory as protected areas, which is far below regional and European level. Lack of protected areas system is one of the main direct threats to biodiversity conservation. The primary objective of establishment of protected area network (PAN) in Bosnia and Herzegovina is to ensure conservation of valuable natural areas, which contain representatives of all main ecosystem types that could be found in the country. Only in this way, sustainable conservation of biodiversity could be achieved.
- Published
- 2018
37. Environmental biomonitoring plants for sustainable nature protection
- Author
Paradiž, Jasna
- Subjects
citogenetska ogroženost ,mokrišča ,plant population dynamics ,nature protection ,populacijska dinamika rastlin ,cytogenetic risks ,udc:502/504 ,varstvo narave ,wetlands - Abstract
Tekom desetletnega biomonitoringa rastlin na Ljubljanskem barju smo preučili populacijsko dinamiko pri vrsti Fritillaria meleagris in Solidago canadensis. Izvedli smo tudi bioteste za oceno ogroženosti mokriščnih rastlin zaradi onesnaževanja okolja. Podatki s topografskih kart so pokazali zmanjšanje gostote populacij ogrožene vrste F. meleagris na opazovanih mestih, medtem ko se je razširjenost S. canadensis povečala na celem območju. Na osnovi rezultatov citogenetske analize različnih vrst je ugotovljena povečana stopnja genotoksične ogroženosti rastlin na Ljubljanskem barju v primerjavi z drugimi lokalitetami. Biomonitoring rastlin se priporoča za zgodnje odkrivanje škodljivih učinkov onesnaževanja, in ob ekoremediacijah služi za trajnostno izvajanje varstva rastlin v naravnih habitatih. In the past 10 years of biomonitoring on the Ljubljana moor, population status and distribution changes of Fritillaria meleagris and Solidago canadensis were investigated. Plant bioassays were also performed for the environmental hazard assessment in wetlands. Spatial distribution maps showed decreased population densities of F. meleagris at observed sites but increased distribution size of S. canadensis through the area. Cytogenetic analyses of different species indicated an elevated genotoxic hazard for plants inhabiting the nearby surrounding moor of Ljubljana in comparison to other localities. Monitoring plants for early signalling of harmful pollution effects and ecosystem ecoremediations as the most sustainable protection measure for plants in natural environments could be suggested.
- Published
- 2018
38. Nature Conservation in Slovenia and a man in the view of the prison game dilemma in the Criminal Justice and Security (Triglav National Park – Double Lake)
- Author
Žižek, Mateja and Eman, Katja
- Subjects
varstvo okolja ,criminal justice and security ,okolje ,diplomske naloge ,udc:502/504(043.2) ,nature conservation ,pravna ureditev ,security ,narodni parki ,prisoner's dilemma ,narava ,varstvo narave ,kazenskopravna ureditev - Abstract
V opisani problematiki je torej ključno združevanje varstvoslovja z naravovarstvom, ki se v prvi vrsti ukvarja z varovanjem narave same, zaradi česar je predstavljena tudi kratka razvojna pot varstva narave v Sloveniji. Danes je varstvo narave in z njim življenjskega okolja v katerem živimo postalo družbena norma, urejena s pravnimi pravili in državno prisilo, z namenom zagotovitve pravic in dolžnosti, zato svoje mesto v diplomskem delu najdeta tudi zakonodaja in kazenskopravni sistem. Since the antiquity, security has been an essential element of human existence and development. Until recently, its idea was closely linked to traditional structures of war, defence and military assumptions. Nowadays, the overall character of modern security comprising all kinds of manifestations of social life is attributed to the level of social development, which was achieved in the 1990s. The Post-World War II period was particularly characterised by industrialisation and urbanisation, which expanded quickly. The following thesis is the result of modern civilisation discovery: fast development, fast population growth and universal production are causing horrific problems in the long term and hardly predictable consequences of environmental intervention. In the thesis, we tried to explain that the nature conservation scope is important for the conservation of endangered plant, animal species and beautiful landscapes it also concerns the measures that protect man and his health from the consequences of environmental intervention, which is frequently caused by man's recklessness. The thesis features man and nature as the subjects of »prisoner's dilemma« which is a game theory used in social science as a metaphor of rational decision-making in conflict situations between the two subjects. This theory shows the man who depends on nature and his activities in nature when the latter chooses between short-term needs and wishes and long-term consequences of his deeds. The introduction of arctic char in Double Lake is an illustrative example of this. The crucial element of the problem mentioned above is the integration of criminal justice and security with nature conservation of which primary concern is conservation of nature itself only. Hence, the thesis features a brief outline of nature conservation in Slovenia. Nowadays, nature and living environment conservation has become the legal norm imposed by the state the purpose of which is to ensure the rights and duties in the legislation and criminal law system.
- Published
- 2017
39. Ohranjanje in primerno povečevanje biotske pestrosti v slovenskih gozdovih : oblikovanje in analiza kazalnikov : (študija)
- Subjects
gospodarjenje z gozdom ,smernice razvoja ,udc:630 ,ohranitev pestrosti ,biotska pestrost ,večnamenska vloga gozda ,Slovenija ,varstvo narave - Published
- 2017
40. Ovrednotenje vegetacijske primernosti habitata ruševca (Tetrao tetrix L.) na Pohorju
- Author
Gulič, Jurij, Kotar, Marijan, Čas, Miran, and Adamič, Miha
- Subjects
Centralne Alpe ,Pohorje ,zaraščanje planj ,udc:630 ,habitatske zahteve ,vegetacijski popisi ,ruševec ,rastiščne značilnosti ,Tetrao tetrix L ,varstvo narave ,gozdna meja - Abstract
Ruševec se na Pohorju (severno-vzhodna Slovenija) pojavlja na grebenskih legahv zahodnem delu pogorja. V rastitvenih sezonah 2000 in 2001 smo napravilipopis aktivnosti sub-populacij na šestih znanih rastiščih in tako izločili ploskve potencialnega habitata. Na njih smo raziskovali odločilne vegetacijske strukture. V primerjavo sta vključeni tudi dve opuščeni rastišči.Vse popisne ploskve (400x400m) so bile razdeljene na 256 osnovnih ploskvic. Ugotavljamo, da so štiri aktivna rastišča. med seboj relativno homogena, od njih pa se jasno ločita obe opuščeni rastišči. Razlike med srednjimi vrednostmi ocenjevanih značilnosti vegetacijskih tipov (pokrovnost borovnice, brusnice, jesenske vrese, zeliščne plasti, delež travišč in traviščv zaraščanju, grmovne plasti, sklep krošenj smreke in jerebike v drevesni plasti ter mravljišč) so statistično značilne. Trend upadanja abundance ocenjevanih značilnosti habitata je opazen od zahoda do opuščenih rastišč na vzhodu, od zaledja stabilne alpske populacije proti robu ob subpanonskem fitogeografskem območju. Pokrovnost borovnice na aktivnih rastiščih je 19%, na opuščenih 5%, pokrovnost zeliščne plasti ocenjevanih vrstje 38%, na opuščenih 11%, število mravljišč je 13,7/ha, na opuščenih rastiščih 8/ha. Primerjava med vegetacijskimi tipi je pokazala, da so najprimernejši habitati na mestih, kjer se prepletajo barjanski ekosistemi (12%), travišča (15%), zaraščajoča travišča (41 %), gozd (31 %) in vodne površine (1 %), vendar ob pogoju, da območje ni v nadaljnjem zaraščanju in ni preveč obljudeno. The Black Grouse inhabits mountain ridges in the western part of the Pohorje Mts (1543 m a.s.l., NE Slovenia). In the mating periods (2000, 2001), we carried out a survey of six known pairing areas and thus separated plots of potential habitat. In comparison, two abandoned display grounds were also incorporated. The base sampling areas (400 x 400 m) were divided into 256 square planes. It was discovered that the four active display grounds were relatively homogenous, while the two abandoned grounds clearly differed from them. The differences of the observed vegetation type characteristics (cover of blueberry, cranberry, autumn heather, herb layer, share of pastures including those now being overgrown, the abundance of bush layer, crown density of Norway spruce, mountain ash and anthills) are statistically significant. This declining tendency was noticeable from the display grounds in the west to the abandoned display grounds in the east, from the hinterland of a stable Alpine population towards the edge of the sub-Pannonian phytogeographic region. Cover value of blueberry on active display grounds is 19%, abandoned display grounds 5 %, herb layer 38% (11%), the number of anthills is 13.7/ha (8/ha). A comparison between vegetation types and richness of herbal and shrub layer has shown that the most suitable habitats for the Black Grouse are places with interchanging swampland ecosystems (12%),pastures (15%), partially overgrown pastures (41%), forest (31%) and water areas (1%), although on preliminary condition that the area is not beingfurther overgrown and overpopulated, by human.
- Published
- 2017
41. Gozd in gozdarstvo v Baški grapi
- Author
Smolej, Igor
- Subjects
naravna dediščina ,kulturna dediščina ,gospodarjenje z gozdom ,udc:630*9 ,Baška grapa ,varstvo narave - Published
- 2017
42. Toploljubni listnati gozdovi v Sloveniji : toploljubni gozdovi kraškega gabra, puhastega hrasta, gradna, črnega gabra in malega jesena v submediteranskem fitogeografskem območju in ponekod v notranjosti države
- Author
Dakskobler, Igor, Lado Kutnar, and Zupančič, Mitja
- Subjects
fitogeografija ,listnati gozdovi ,udc:630*17(497.4) ,gozdna rastišča ,gozdne združbe ,forest botany ,sintaksonomija ,forest ecology ,FORESTRY ,varstvo narave ,albumi ,gospodarjenje z gozdovi - Published
- 2017
43. Vrednotenje prisotnosti damjaka (Dama dama) na ugrezninskem območju velenjskega premogovnika
- Author
Pokorny, Boštjan
- Subjects
ugrezninsko območje ,Dama dama ,ekologija divjadi ,damjak ,krajinski park Škale ,forest ecology ,udc:630*1 ,Velenje ,FORESTRY ,premogovnik ,varstvo narave - Abstract
Na območju predvidenega Krajinskega parka Škale živi relativno stabilna populacija damjakov (Dama dama), zato smo skušali ovrednotiti vpliv neavtohtone vrste na cilje varstva območja. Ugotavljali smo vpliv damjakov na fitocenozo (priljubljenost rastlinskih taksonov v prehrani vrste), na zoocenozo (terenska opazovanja medvrstnih odnosov, vpliv damjakov na vitalnost srnjadi, ocena tveganja za višje člene prehranjevalne verige zaradi akumulacije težkih kovin) in vzgojno-rekreacijski pomen vrste (anketiranje obiskovalcev TRC). Zaradi nevtralnega do zmerno pospeševalnega (+0,417) vpliva vrste na sistem varstvenih ciljev (le-tega smo skušali kvantificirati z oceno vpliva na posamezen cilj in določitvijo relativnega pomena ciljev) je prisotnost damjakov v območju sprejemljiva, vendar je ohranitev zgradbe krajine (habitatske heterogenosti) celotnega ugrezninskega obmo~ja velenjskegapremogovnika osnovni pogoj za obstoj populacije damjakov in za ohranitev visoke stopnje biotske raznovrstnosti v [ale{ki dolini. A relative viable population of fallow deer (Dama dama) lives in the area around the planned [kale Landscape Park, thus the influence of the introduced species over the conservation goals is evaluated in the article. An impact on the phytocenosis (study of favourite plant taxa in the species nutrition) and zoocenosis (field observations of interspecific relationships, fallow deer influence over the roe deer vitality, a risk assessment for the higher levels of the food web due to heavy metal accumulation) as well as an educational anda recreational value of the species (inquiry of visitors in the nearby recreational area) were studied. The influence over the aggregate of goals, quantified by the assessment of the influence on one particular goal and considering the relative importance of that goal, is slightly positive (+0.417). Accordingly, the presence of fallow deer in the area of interest is acceptable. However, the preservation of habitat heterogeneity and the conservation of landscape structure in the entire Velenje coal-mine subsidencearea are perquisites for the fallow deer's existence as well as for the conservation of biodiversity in the [alek Valley.
- Published
- 2017
44. Varstvo zemljišča v luči komunalne zemljiške politke
- Author
Klemenčič, Tone
- Subjects
raba tal ,varstvo narave ,udc:71 - Published
- 2017
45. Natura 2000 in gradnja cestne infrastrukture
- Author
Mori, Mojca and Lukšič, Andrej
- Subjects
Graduate theses ,Public interest ,Javna politika ,Nature conservation ,Public policy ,udc:32.019.5:502(043.2) ,Varstvo narave ,Diplomska dela ,Javni interes - Published
- 2016
46. Instrumenti varovanja obalnega območja v Sloveniji
- Author
Prem, Marko and Gosar, Anton
- Subjects
instrumenti varovanja ,Slovenia ,celovito upravljanje obalnih območij ,doktorske disertacije ,Delphi method ,GIS ,coastal areas ,setback zone ,udc:502/504(497.4)(043.3) ,geography ,geografija ,protection instruments ,metoda Delfi ,Slovenija ,nature protection ,priobalni pas ,obalna območja ,varstvo narave ,integrated coastal zone management - Published
- 2016
47. Prostovoljstvo v zavarovanih območjih narave
- Author
Knez, Brina and Rus, Andrej
- Subjects
Zavarovana območja ,Volunteers ,Master's theses ,udc:005.966.2:502(497.4 Strunjan) (043) ,Nadzor ,Upravljanje ,Supervision ,Magistrske naloge ,Prostovoljci ,Protected areas ,Management ,Landscape parks ,Nature conservation ,Varstvo narave ,Krajinski parki - Published
- 2016
48. Pohodništvo in kolesarstvo
- Author
Humar, Petra and Burnik, Stojan
- Subjects
razvoj ,kolesarstvo ,turizem ,izletništvo ,Kobarid ,etika ,športna rekreacija ,pohodništvo ,Tolmin ,udc:338.48:796 ,Triglavski narodni park ,varstvo narave ,zgodovina - Published
- 2016
49. Bivaki nekoč in danes
- Author
Rajgelj, Timotej and Burnik, Stojan
- Subjects
društva ,razvoj ,oprema ,turizem ,zavetišča ,udc:796.52:685.532 ,lastništvo ,bivaki ,alpinizem ,planinstvo ,upravljanje ,varstvo narave ,zgodovina - Published
- 2016
50. Vocational profiles and competences in nature conservation for development of sustainable society
- Author
Sajovic, Alenka and Kolnik, Karmen
- Subjects
professional prifile ,competences ,sustainable development ,kompetence ,trajnostni razvoj ,udc:331.54:502 ,poklicni profil ,nature conservation ,varstvo narave - Abstract
Paradigma trajnostnega razvoja strmi k dinamičnemu ravnovesju med človekom in naravo in zahteva premišljeno ravnanje človeka z naravnimi viri in danostmi našega planeta. Za reševanje naravovarstvenih problemov (izguba biotske raznovrstnosti zaradi intenzivnega kmetijstva, nepremišljenih posegov v ekosisteme vnos tujerodnih vrst itd.) je potrebno razvijati tista znanja in kompetence, ki omogočajo razumevanje narave in njenih procesov ter hkrati tudi znanja s področja sociologije, psihologije, ekonomije, prava itd. V prispevku bo na kratko predstavljen družbeni pogled na pomen varstva narave ter smernice za oblikovanje ključnih znanj in generičnih poklicnih kompetenc za učinkovito delovanje na področju varstva narave. The paradigm of sustainable development steeps dynamic balance between man and nature since it requires well considered management of natural resources of our planet. To address the nature conservation problems (loss of biodiversity due to intensive agriculture, thoughtless interventions into ecosystems, introduction of alien species, etc.), is important to develop the knowledge and skills to enable understanding of nature and its processes as well as to understand legality of sociology, psychology, economy, law etc. This paper will briefly present the importance of the nature conservation for sustainable society and will give guidance to develop the key skills and professional competencies to function effectively in the field of nature conservation.
- Published
- 2015
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