Names of small dumplings, resp. dumpling soup, form a rather wide dialectal vocabulary group comprising ca. 80 attested derivatives (incl. variant names). For their designation in Standard Latvian, resp. cookery literature, they commonly word-group names are used with the standard word klimpa, the superordinate concept name, as the independent component and an explanatory word (including a reference to the preparation method of a dish) as the dependent component, e. g. sīkas klimpiņas, b rztās klimpiņas. Small dumplings, resp. dumpling soup, were initially made of tight dough from barley-meal of fine grinding, but in the 2nd half of the 19th century they began to cook quickly preparable dumplings from wheat-meal as well, and these became a more favourite dish. Small dunpling soup is cooked also by pouring thin dough from wheat-meal and eggs into milk. Many names for small dumplings, resp. their soup, are of verbal origin and comprise a reference to an activity related to the preparation of this dish. They are derived, for instance, from the verbs berzt 'to grind', birzt 'to crumble', burzīt 'to crinkle', drupt 'to crumble', knaibīt 'to pinch', laistīt 'to sprinkle', liet 'to pour'. Semantically formed names for dumplings are usually based on the component 'small, also round(ish)', e. g. drupačas, drumstaliņas, pinkuči, kunkulīši. From the angle of word-formation one may conclude that the most productive suffixes in this thematic vocabulary group are -en-, e. g. berzenis, burzenis, drupeņi, laistenes, -ul-, e. g. birzuļi, birzules, burzuļi, -um-, e. g. b rzumi, birzumi, biržumi, suffixes with the consonant cluster -kn-, e. g. berzekņi, birzeknis, burzeknis, burzīknis, suffixes with the consonant cluster -kl-, e. g. burzeklis, laistekļi. To denote small dumplings, resp. dumpling soup, in regional subdialects have been attested also many word-group names with a passive past participle as the first component, e. g. b rztās klimpas, lietās klimpas, laistītie kunkulīši, laistītie ķiļķēnīši, birzināta putra, as well as containing a derivative of verbal origin spread in the subdialect, e. g. birzumu klimpas, also putra, birzuļu putra. Many names recorded in the subdialects embrace larger or smaller areas, e. g. b rzum(iņ)i, birzum(iņ)i, drunči, koņčiņi. Some names have been attested sporadically, e. g. brauceklīši, druoztalas, palseņi. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]